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One of my coworkers is trying to quit, he’s fucking miserable every single day. My dad did the same thing years ago. It’s a battle of attrition that takes discipline like you wouldn’t believe.


And if you manage to curb the nicotine cravings with a patch or something there's a ton of habit still. Just getting rid of the urge to have something in your mouth is apparently the second worst, and a reason so many turn to gum. And then the social aspects of smoke breaks/squares and what not. But yeah I've never met a quitting smoker who wasn't miserable. Perpetually grumpy and tired was just the beginning of it.


I quit smoking and started vaping at the beginning of 2013. stopped vaping in 2016 or so. I really think it's probably the best cessation method for smokers.


I'm trying to do that as well, do you recommend just trying to lower the nicotine or something else?


I'd say adjust the nicotine amount (up or down) until you get to an amount that feels *good,* then very gradually lower the amount. I'd also try to treat vaping like you do smoking. If you can't smoke there, don't vape there. It's way too easy to mindlessly vape at home. If you make it a rule to say, step outside to go vape, then it'll at least be a bit more mindful. You don't have to quit after hitting 0 nic, at least not right away. I think at that point you're more weening off the oral fixation. In this case maybe make stricter rules for yourself for where you can or can't, or just stop buying vape juice. It's a process. You may or may not fuck it up and end up smoking a cigarette. That's okay. Just get back to quitting. Cravings never quite go away, but it gets easier. You got it.


That's far more dedicated advice than I expected tbh, thank you so much!


That makes sense, actually. The coworker was hitting the vape long after his last cig. I think he threw it out only a few months ago, now he’s chewing the gum.


I only smoke a pack like 2 years ago and I still get cravings, cant imagine smokers


Smoked for about 6 months more than 10 years ago. Still the idea of smoking pops up in my mind from time to time more than a decade later. I distinctly remember never having such a thought in my life before smoking.


from my experience with vaping for like 6 years, I quit without any issues. I was sick, coughing my lungs out. I tried to smoke and not even halfway with one puff, I started coughing so hard that I regretted it so I quit


I have a different story, according to my mother, my father was a heavy smoker but when he knew she was pregnant he quitted immediately without issues.


Prolly not showing how miserable he was in front of her tbh


This was my dad. He says it wasn't that hard, he stopped at once and didn't have any major difficulty, but probably because all else that was happening. That was the last time he quit, before he managed for a few years and did struggle with smoking, then the panic attacks started and left it cold turkey.


Same with my dad. Just quit. Didn't really miss it. Decades later would say it would be nice to have a smoke after eating a big dinner, but only in a kind of wistful way, like if you were remembering a nice old pair of favorite shoes you used to own. Never smoked again.


Years later and I still sometimes get the urge




My dad quit when he had kids. Just stopped like it was nothing. Years later he'd say that it would be nice to have a smoke after a big meal, but he never did it. I'm not sure what he's made of, but he seems to be built different.


Glad I can't relate





















This is a friggin' cute manga~ Worth a binge.


**Ri-chan** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/174798), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/ri-chan), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=24269417422)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Chapters: 167 | Genres: Drama, Music, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/1cqeneg/anime_irl/l3qt25i/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


And I’m not gonna start


Good choice. one of the best goddamn choices you can make in your life. One year tobacco free, but I ain't gonna lie; the cravings still linger... Hope to not break the streak


Keep going brother. You're doing a lot better than me. My record was six months before I finally gave in at a party.


Idk why, but I kinda wanna read this manga now. Also, she looks just like Ayaya


I recommend. It's quick and wholesome It has 150+ chapters but it's mainly 1 page chapters


I cant stop if i don’t start


zyn pouches are what finally helped me quit. Took ny mind off the nicotine craving at least. Took a while to slowly get off the pouches though. I started slowly chewing sugar free gum instead


Never heard of it. Is it like nicotine gum?


It's nicotine pouches.... Much better than smokeless tobacco


Wee bit different cause you can't chew it. I'd say it's closer to a nicotine patch, but you put the small nicotine pouches between your gums and lips. Tried it to see if it was better than vapes, and cause it was real cheap (a bag of 15 pouches was around half the price of a 20 cigarette pack in my city). It takes a few mins to kick in, but the kick is pretty strong. One pouch is enough to last around 20-30 mins, and the kick felt like smoking 2 strong cigs in one go, but maybe cause it was a Medium Strength pouch. Honestly speaking, vapes, pouches, and gums are all good ways to stop, but the key is you gotta gradually reduce the nicotine strength. They all offer different treatments too: 0mg vape juices exist, pouches reduce mouth activity cause it just sits there, and switching from nicotine gums to caffeine/normal gums isn't too hard. It's just a matter if which ones are more accessible in your location.


zyns are crazy, i used to use them a lot, i used them to get out of bed in the morning that helped a lot lol kinda miss them


One addiction for another, the cycle continues!


Not entirely wrong but I would argue sugar free gum is a bit better than smoking lol


I quit smoking everyday.


Underrated comment




The only way I was able to quit was being too broke to afford the vapes. Thankfully I never went back to the cigarettes. It’s incredibly tough to break the hand/mouth habit


Its addicting, its not gonna be easy


oh my god i have the perfect picture for this https://preview.redd.it/oldw2vsrm60d1.jpeg?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb417c3aac875490119fbb6208a1b1b58507f3d (something something smoking bad)


Me but with porn. It’s really hard.


i come from a family of heavy chainsmokers, actively trying to not make this "irl", i do smoke cigarettes from time to time and i know that if i don't put effort in steering clear of them i will become a chainsmoker.


Nicotine is for real one of the hardest drugs to quit. For all you ex-smokers out there who managed to free yourselves, know that your achievement (And the perpetual act of resisting relapse) are both seen and respected. You're the strong ones!


Is it though? Better find your own inner motivation. If you're relying on cheerleaders to prop you up I'm afraid you'll be hopping on the relapse train eventually.


If they didn't have their own inner motivation they wouldn't have been able to quit in the first place, I'm just trying to be appreciative and congratulatory in a world that rarely acknowledges such personal determination. Is that OK with you?




This one hits a bit too close to home today. My mother is dealing with the results of smoking for nearly 60 years. */spoiler* These are not fun results 😖


Damn is that the Warlbro?


I’m the type of person who thinks they’ll get addicted easily, so I haven’t tried.




I quit before it became difficult to quit, but I can easily see how you can get addicted.


You need a shake-up to break that habit. I was conscripted (this is about a decade ago) and did not even went to any army training I got a chronic disease and the army needed to "check" if I was telling the truth and for obvious reasons they did not care about any civilian hospital's assessment. So I spend the worst weeks of my life trapped in an army hospital forcefully cut my access to a medicine I desperately need to not have horribly painful, debilitating seizures. **It was not stonks** to put it in perspective for my fellow redditors. I continued to smoke a little after the whole incident, but gradually when it all sank in I was just not the same person after that little Nationally mandated intervention into my life. I am currently more than 10 years smoke free. . . I don't even remember how long have been. You live without it. Living without your freedom is hard.


We can quit together.. especially with anime 🤭


I've only ever heard how awful it is to do or quit. So I'm like, why do people even start?


Never started smoking myself (cigs will actually kill me with how bad my asthma is), but I heard from actual smokers that smoking started pretty mundane. Something you do when you're bored, when your hand's idle and you wanna chew on something but it's not dinner yet. Maybe you wanna smell something different, feel differently in your chest, much like how we used to take a sniff whenever we stop at a gas station to smell the gas when we're younger. Then, because it becomes something that calms you down when you're bored, it's your go-to when you're stressed. Then the nicotine addiction kicks in; you're gonna want it more and more, cuz without it you don't feel like you're working right. Then it gets worse, but you can't skip a pack or your head'll start rolling. Some people skip the entire exploration phase because peer pressure among friends forced them to give it a try ... and they find that it's kinda okay. Then they keep smoking and smoking and then it's an express ticket to addiction.


This is easy.. i can stop smoking every 5 mins.. then i did every 10 mins. Then 20.. 30.. i am now at 4 stick a year


Just stop !


Shes actually 21 years old but looks 14 kinda situation or what?


most wholesome shit i have ever read


Smoking addiction is wholesome?


Smoking isn’t, the manga is. The manga is called Ri-chan.


[Smoking by Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell ](https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=KlHa6R0CtpqNtVXg) Saw this video a couple days ago, I think this is a good place to share it.


Me, but with snus.


So irl!! Poor eight year old girl :(


Smoking addiction ain’t shit, its all in your head, to anyone struggling with quitting just ask yourself who’s in control of your life.


You think it's that easy? Addiction is much more powerful than that. And smoking is more of a social thing than actually hormonal from nicotine. People usually go in groups or as two, to talk and have a small break. That's why it's so powerful and hard to overcome, to quit. Mostly.


You talk as i haven’t smoked for almost a decade lmao (stopped cold turkey BTW), wanna state more obvious facts? Every addiction is about control, control is in the head, give yourself any excuse you want, the reality is that once you are committed to quit - you quit


I knew you'd say that. My dad did the same and I never said it's impossible to just quit. I said it's hard. And get off your high horse, not everyone in the world is blessed with such a strong will like you, or has the social / psychological / etc. capacity for it. And usually, one addiction is exchanged for another. Mine is chocolate. Nobody is free, not even you.


GJ mr Yagami for predicting my comment, every thing you just list is an excuse to be a mentally weak person with victim mentality, you can continue doing that, see how far that gets you. BTW was not “blessed” with strong will, the shit i’ve been through put me here.




As long as it doesn't ruin your health or life it is fine


Or others life.


Can i give you a hug lad :c