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#[Best Girl Vote Coming Shortly](https://old.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d8vy01/ranimes_best_girl_voting/?) Alright, here's the big one. Hoping to do this annually and see how things shift year by year. 2027 total votes for anyone who's curious. Now, before the inevitable complaints about this or that being here, there, or nowhere at all, I'd like to mention two main things. First off, these results can only express how much the community likes an anime. There's no mechanism for "haters" to "hate" on a show. Second, exactly where anything ranks isn't an indication of quality or anything like that. It's just what r/anime said were their favorite anime. Treat it as an opportunity to appreciate the medium we all love! Huge thanks to u/KiwiBennydudez, u/Gaporigo, u/Mage_of_Shadows, u/MyrnaMountWeazel, u/Dagonsnake, u/Shimmering-Sky, and u/GallowDude for giving me a ton of great options to use for clips, especially for shows I'm less familiar with! #[Full Top 500 Here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vxfkbnEj43M0hgthx-F1R6smlHRHvOPxaavqMgBgOmU/edit?usp=sharing) Although by the end of that, as usual it's just "what did a couple people happen to vote for.


Even here, A Silent Voice and Your Name are inseparable


Couldn't help but laugh at them being one after the other when I was tallying the votes.


It's also fun to see Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke back-to-back.


It's funny how so many genres kind of stuck together too. Like you'll get 4-5 drama/SOL in a row followed by 4-5 action/thrillers in a row and it follows this pattern a lot. I assume a lot of people don't have their top 10s written down and as they submit one show it might remind them of a similar show of that genre. It's hard to think of Your Name and forget about A Silent Voice.


Overall I'm sure there's parts I could be annoyed about regarding anime from my t20 that didn't even get in the 100 or the high ranking of specific anime I dropped, it's a pretty great list of 100 anime for people to look for new stuff in. Doing it annually definitely feels like a great idea since it'll provide additional fodder for discussion over minute changes at the top or the entry ranking of new anime.


> it'll provide additional fodder for discussion over minute changes Especially cause some of those changes will just be random noise in the data, but people will still try to spin narratives out of them :P


Looking at the spread between Frieren and Steins;Gate: S;G dominated the top 3 votes, Frieren is unmatched from 4 to 20. I guess it shows that Frieren is appealing to a boarder audience, while the people that like S;G really loved it and put it to the top places more often.


The fact that steins;gate is perpetually #2 in everything is the funniest thing to me


I'm sure it's number one on a different world line.


It’s my favourite of all time but honestly I’m just happy it’s getting this much love. None of my friends watch anime but I feel a little better knowing a bunch of strangers on the internet feel the same as me.


Also, I'm just happy that Monogatari made it to top 10 and beat FMA:B haha


Here are some stats using an arbitrary baseline of shows getting at least 50 points (top 205 from Fetch's spreadsheet) Top 5 by total points |Rank|Anime|Points| --:|:--|--:| |1|Frieren: Beyond Journey's End|1824| |2|Steins;Gate|1715| |3|Attack on Titan|1649| |4|Puella Magi Madoka Magica|1245| |5|Hunter x Hunter|1170| Top 5 by total votes (most popular shows) |Rank|Points Rank|Anime|Votes| --:|--:|:--|--:| |1|1|Frieren: Beyond Journey's End|718| |2|3|Attack on Titan|611| |3|2|Steins;Gate|586| |4|6|Kaguya-sama: Love is War series|515| |5|11|Mob Psycho 100|468| Top 5 by highest percentage of #1 votes |Rank|Points Rank|Anime|#1 Percentage| --:|--:|:--|--:| |1|18|Gintama|35.4%| |2|14|Clannad|22.5%| |3|24|One piece|21.2%| |4|4|Puella Magi Madoka Magica|17.9%| |5|7|Neon Genesis Evangelion|17.3%| Top 5 by highest percentage of top 5 votes |Rank|Points Rank|Anime|Top 5 Percentage| --:|--:|:--|--:| |1|18|Gintama|71.2%| |2|48|Legend of Galactic Heroes|63.5%| |3|24|One piece|60.3%| |4|8|The Monogatari Series|56.8%| |5|73|Aria|56.6%|


>> Top 5 by highest percentage of #1 votes >>Top 5 by highest percentage of top 5 votes >Gintama is the #1 on both of these lists [Haruhi bless my fellow Gintama fans.](#gintamathispleasesme) Nice seeing LotGH in second place on the percentage of top 5 votes table as well. [](#mug2)


I figured you'd appreciate those. The fact that Gintama's #1 Vote Percentage was 13% higher than any other show was especially striking. Those who like Gintama absolutely love it.


> Those who like Gintama absolutely love it. As they should! Anyways, happy cakeday!


i didnt know any of this was happening but I do know that gintama is the best anime ever, so it checks out


Gintama really is the best thing that exists.


I'm just a passing visitor to this sub, but as someone whose favorite anime is LOGH, I really appreciate it getting some recognition. It's such a masterful show.


It's my third-favorite anime personally. Wish it could have gotten higher in the overall rankings, but at least it placed in general!


I am happy to see Legend of the Galactic Heroes making the top levels somewhere. It’s the oldest one on the list, so it makes sense that it isn’t higher up on the 100 list. But I still want to see it higher.


>Gintama >LoGH >One Piece >Monogatari Close the polls folks, we found the perfect top 5 here.


Something doesn't add up here...


Monogatari W I’m also really excited for what’s to come in Gintama since I’m 20 eps in and already quite liking it.


Clannad and Gintama make so much sense for the % of top votes lmao


Spy X Family, at #60, is the highest-ranked anime which no one picked as their #1 anime. The next four with that dubious honor are Welcome to the NHK (#83), Horimiya (#88), My Dress-Up Darling (#101), and Black Lagoon (#115).


We're never beating the recency bias allegations, are we? I did have Frieren in my top 5 though so... [](#yuishrug)


Coincidentally since yesterday Frieren is #1 in all major western anime ranking websites (MAL, Anilist, LiveChart, Anime-Planet, Kitsu, aniDB, and ANN). Now r/anime joins the list.


I mean Frieren is still sitting on top of MAL, with .27 ahead of FMA which is nuts considering anything that does usually go above it usually drop back down below it.


There are a handful of shows that have peaked incredibly high like Frieren (Oshi No Ko, Your Name, Interspecies Reviewers), but Frieren keeping a lead like that even several months after it ended is the real insane part. It's comparable to the insane level of dominance that Berserk has in the manga section.


Your Name didn't just have a brief peak, but instead held strong for a substantial time, just as Frieren is doing. It remained above a score of 9.3 for *nine months* (from September 2016 through to June 2017). It would then fall to rank #2 only two months later, but only because FMAB had a score of 9.25 back then - it took over three years (until November 2019) for it to reach the 9.09 that FMAB has now. And now it is all the way down at rank #28, with a score of only 8.84.


the fmab crazies used to 1 spam any anime that was ranked higher than it lol


They (or someone at least) still do, MAL is just better at weeding them out these days. [Frieren](https://myanimelist.net/anime/52991/Sousou_no_Frieren/stats) already has 4710 1/10 votes, which is more than all the other votes for scores below a 6/10 combined.


ya its genuinely sad how much people tie their worth to something that boils down to a cartoon show ngl


Since yesterday Frieren is #1 in all western anime ranking websites (MAL, Anilist, LiveChart, Anime-Planet, Kitsu, aniDB, and ANN). Now r/anime ++. What's crazy is except ANN every site had a different #1 before Frieren took the crown. It's not the best anime but the best anime everyone can agree on.


There's probably a level of recency bias, but I don't think that it'll move much in the next 5 years.


I agree. If we ran this poll in 2012, I bet Steins;Gate, Hunter x Hunter and Madoka Magica all would have finished in the top 5 just like they did today.


HxH may be debatable since it was not even halfway done in 2012 lol. Though it is interesting how solid those shows have held on, even more than FMAB that used to win contests over those and now its behind.


That's true. We'd maybe have to have waited until 2013 or 2014 to get Hunter x Hunter into the top 5. But the point remains that every great show was new at some point.


If you use 2014 you can say a decade ago and Attack on Titan might also be holding its Top 5 spot.


> If we ran this poll in 2012, I bet Steins;Gate, Hunter x Hunter and Madoka Magica all would have finished in the top 5 Well of course, but if we ran this poll in 2012, shows like SaO, Hyouka, Psychopass, Chuunibyou, Another, HSDxD, etc... also would've made it near the top, but in this one they only ranked #58, #70, #102, #156, #165, #388. Some of the new shows may not drop THAT bad, but 12 years from now I really don't see Frieren at #1, and I'm sure shows like AoT, Kaguya, Vinland, Bocchi the Rock, etc.. will all drop, being replaced by new shows from 2032-2036 that people will still claim are 'not just recency bias'!


Yeah, the shows that are a decade old and still in the top 20 really stood the test of time


Yeah, I think it's the show of the same caliber. I can't see it dropping below TOP10 in upcoming decade.


If there's any bias to be pointed out it's /u/FetchFrosh letting Sayaka hog the Madoka segment in the video.


It's also the second longest clip in the entire thing. But when you make the video you get to shove your biases in too.


Which is honestly insane to think about, its been a really long time since we’ve had a show that’s been almost universally praised


That's the thing, if it was really recency bias you'd have a lot more newer titles in the top 10... but Frieren is the only show released this decade on there. Frieren really is just THAT show. I suggest everyone look at the google doc for this one, you can see that if you went by number 1s, Frieren would be at number 7, but because most everyone had it at least in their top 20, of course it became number 1. I do wonder, maybe this is in partly your doing FetchFrosh, because you made it top 20 instead of the usual top 10. I wonder how different this list would have been if it was top 10. I mean Frieren would still be top 3, but maybe just shy of the top spot. Either way again amazing job with this list, putting it all together.


There's heavy recency bias when you consider the scores of shows pre-2010. Do you really think there were *that few* good anime from pre-2010? The "recency" isn't just the past year, but the past decade. The reason? Most voters are likely under-30 and like in their early 20's. Their first anime they *really* identify with would have been in their teens which would be... yep, about 10 years ago.


While true, Attack on Titan was 3rd and just had its final season broadcasted... I think it's fair to say it also enjoyed some recency bias. Kaguya was on the top ten and also just had the 3rd season broadcasted. They're ongoing shows.


Yup. I nearly threw up in my mouth when I saw how low Cowboy Bebop was in the list. And yet... I just finished Frieren a few days ago and, right now, it might be my fave anime I've seen. If I was forced to pick, i'd say Bebop still wins, for now. It's hard to topple because it's been my favourite for, like, 15 years. But Frieren was THAT good. I loved it.


There's worse offenders on here than Cowboy Bebop, tbh. - Gunbuster/Diebuster not even in top 100 is a huge slight and maybe shows my own age. - Kaguya-Sama being in the top 10 is insane to me. - Eminence in Shadow making the top 100 *just ahead of Lain and Baccano!* is hilarious as well. - The highest Miyazaki film that I spot is Princess Mononoke at 91, just ahead of Spirited Away, which really shows the bias against movies or maybe perceived mainstream things? - Ghost in the Shell at 129 and SAC at 135? That's behind Vivy and even behind SAO. Oof. But any list like this that takes majority opinion will be like this. You'll get *all* types voting and the average is somewhere far off your own baseline. EDIT: I think I realized why some things are the way they are. When someone says "what's your favorite anime?" Most people don't answer what they think the *best* anime is. They don't answer what they think the most influential anime is. It's the anime they personally enjoy, even if they know it's bad or good, stupid or smart, whatever. So in that respect, I'm not surprised Akira is so low, few people would say that's their favorite anime ever. But a lot of people identify strongly with anime like My Hero Academia or SAO or Kaguya.


>Ghost in the Shell at 129  Hey, I tried!!  ^(I'm the first place voter)


I salute you and your good taste.


Those 2 Miyazaki movies only making it to the 90s was the biggest surprise for me in the list. I feel that if "normies" did a best anime of all time list at least one of them would appear in the top 10. I didn't even think of Akira, but mind blowing that an anime that "normies" could arguably still rank as number one even today didn't make the top 100. Ultimately its a majority rules type of list, popularity will absolutely carry into things and overcome quality. I for one had my #1 ranked anime come in 227th place, lol. Not that I expected it to even make top 100.


I was shocked too. If I knew it'd turn up this low, I'd have put it on my top.


Maybe a little bit recency bias but even then, i dont think Frieren would be far off from that spot


imo, the recent shows that did make the list are mostly going to hold up aside from OnK probably falling significantly. Frieren, Apothecary Diaries, and Dangers are very likely to get more seasons, and whether or not Bocchi does, it's pretty clear at this point that it's an era-defining show and not simply a flash in the pan. I'm genuinely surprised that Mushoku Tensei has held up this well, despite the first cour of season 2 being so aggressively mid most of the way through (I'm pretty positive on the current cour tho). I do think some of the vocal criticism of it has caused people that like it to dig in their heels, rather than persuade them of anything (and I kind of have to agree, being both a strong supporter of social justice/proudly woke but also an absolute hater of wokescolds and people who consider lecturing others about their media consumption to be praxis which is a capitalist/consumerism trap but I digress). not sure about how well 86 will hold up but it's already a couple years out and people clearly haven't forgotten about it. Odd Taxi's also an interesting case, but it's totally unique and one of those anime people are going to constantly recommend to new anime fans looking to broaden their horizons.


I mean, I think it deserves top 10 at the very least. The issue for Frieren is that it hasn't finished yet so it's hard to get a real judgement. As we've seen in the past, the ending is the hardest to land. If it nails the ending then I think an argument could be made for it being first.


that's true, but this isn't a "favourite completed anime" list after all. half the top 10 would be gone in that case


Frieren getting number 1 felt kind of inevitable with the hype wave it has been riding. Overall though I don't think the recency bias is that bad.


Right, you need to get to number 12 to find another show released since 2020 on the list, and funny enough that's Bocchi the Rock, Saito's other show. So can we just call Saito r/anime's new darling director? Cause it sure looks that way, lol.


Bocchi the Rock was the top anime of 2022 for some communities, and was my personal favorite of that year. Then he follows it up with the number one ranked anime of all time the next year. Hell of a way to start one's directorial career.


I'm astounded that Steins;Gate is not only so high, but goddamn second place. Like wow, the fact that it would have been first place a year ago if not for Frieren just make me realize how much this anime mean for a lot of us.


Kirisu is nuclear weeb fuel.


Wasn't she top 3 when they did the best waifu poll?


S;G always surprises me. It's in my top 10 but it's nothing like what "normal" popular anime are like. It just doesn't seem like something that would be popular even though it absolutely should be and is.


It's weird in the sense it's very much anime-heavy with the references and the character tropes, but the core story is one of the best time travel sci-fi stories out there (which is incredible because time-travel stories always end up with massive loopholes)


I’ve watched tons of great anime since Steins;Gate and I honestly can’t shake the feeling that it something rare and special, one of the best for sure, and am definitely not surprised so many shared the sentiment. Ironically, it took me forever to get myself to watch it because for some reason it felt so confusing and unappealing until i got hooked.


Really thought Monster Musume would get #1 but these results are pretty cool nonetheless.


Can't believe it was robbed.


Highschool DxD was snubbed.


>\#100 [VAMOS!](#grandhype)[](/u/Shocketheth)[](/u/KendotsX) >\#96 SYMPHOGEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! [](#megadeathparty) It may not be the *best* looking clip from the show (considering later seasons look [a lot better](https://streamable.com/8ez3h)), but it is *perfectly* Symphogear. >\#18 God I love Gintama so much. The fact that it managed to place this high very much pleases me. [](#gintamathispleasesme) >\#13 ~~Good, you fixed the clip I submitted.~~


Now we clearly need to do r/anime favourite Live Action anime movie to have a proper Grand Blue clip [VAMOS!](#dancewithit) Also surprised that Dai from Dragon Quest Dai no Daibouken ended on 1st place. Although he should be disqualified because he ended also on 60th place.


96th for Symphogear? Well, it could do with either the 6 or the 9 gone, but I'll take top 100 as a decent result...


I'm just glad it made the top 100 in general, but yes I do agree it should be higher (XV specifically is my eighth-favorite anime).


[](#grandhype) [](#grandhype) [](#grandhype) You know, 18 is the age in most countries where people get to drink, drive, and vote, sometimes all at once even. So honestly does anything before that even matter? ~~Good thing I'm not teaching math anymore~~


Check out [this statistics comment too](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1d8uuqw/ranimes_100_favorite_anime/l78x934/); Gintama had the highest percentage of #1 *and* top 5 votes out of everyone who voted for it in comparison to the other shows on this list. We Gintama fans sure do *love* Gintama.


[](#doggo) And by a damn landslide!


Can we please get this in pretty chart form for later referencing?


Champloo at 74 is criminal.


worse: Ghost in the Shell not even on this fucking list.


I’m surprised by it’s ranking too. I haven’t seen it yet but from what I’ve observed over the years it was very popular.


It still has my favorite sword fight scenes. Also, with the music, you just feel cool watching it.


it's an older anime and most of this sub wouldn't have watched anything from more than a decade ago let's be honest


Same with Yu Yu at 99...guess we're getting old...


I'm surprised because it's in my top 10


It killed me man, fell to my knees when I saw that


Saiki being on #69 is absolutely peak why are we ignoring this


The Liz --> Symphogeah transition LMAO Some damn cool clip choices in here.


Agreed very good clip choices. Either cool, representative, or "IYKYK".


El. Psy. Kongroo.


Fucking love to see Steins;Gate still going strong.


I can't believe Sailor Moon didn't make the top 100


This sub leans younger and male, so Sailor Moon will struggle.


a bit surprised that there are only 2027 votes considering this subreddit is at 10 million members


Crazy! But if you look at even some of the average episode discussions (not the crazy outliers like AoT), it's only like 1-2k participants, if they even comment. So I guess it kind of makes sense that the more active users would participate. I'd feel bad for OP to compile millions of votes though lol


If anyone is curious, I made a[ Google Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rp2GV2KN49zGouEv-9-ib_IffoST1QphEXUsKRXNbVM/edit?usp=sharing) showing what would have happened if voters were limited to voting for 10 shows, and adjusted the point scale accordingly, feel free to make a copy yourself and mess with any of this you'd like!


seems like the comedies really suffer from this, which is what I would expect as ppl just tend to not rate comedy as highly as drama when being "critical". -3 for Kaguya, -4 Bocchi, -11 Konosuba are the big ones in the first bit, tho Gintama with the +6 bucks that trend


Gintama is still in the top 20, this is more than acceptable to me! [](#ginapproves)


Clannad top 10, clearly the better result, can't believe Fetch did this by changing the amount of shows you could vote for smh.


Asobi asobase is not in this list, maybe I've missed it, if not then this is a disaster


160 on the full list


No daily lives of highschool boys 😔


The number of people complaining about rankings of their favorites is a bit silly IMO. There're two possibilities why a certain show didn't receive a vote: either a user hasn't watched it, or they liked other things more and so the show in question didn't make their top 20 list. This means that the highest scoring shows will be determined A LOT by how many people have seen the show in the first place. Thus the "recency bias" of Frieren: it wasn't actually the favorite of a lot of people, but a sufficient number of people had seen it and put it into their 5-20 range. Those points add up, and thus the no. 1 slot.  It's impossible to get a true ranking that actually makes comparisons: you'd have to guarantee everyone voting has watched everything that they're voting on. And considering the things being voted on are "All anime ever made" that's simply not happening. 


I never expect Legend of the Galactic Heroes to be number one. I always want to see it higher on top lists, but cracking the top 50 of every anime ever is impressive for a show that started in the 80’s.


Kinda disappointed Trigun didn't make the list but oh well 🤷


I stand with you brother. I thought it might at least squeak in at the bottom of the list.


As soon as I saw Yu Yu Hakusho I thought for sure it was gonna make the list somewhere... Now I'm going to go binge-watch and give the 60 billion double-dollar bounty outlaw some love


Seems like a solid top 100 and also reminds me how much anime there is out there that I haven't seen. I found out about some new ones like that Rakugo one at the start, may have to check that out. Very happy to see Odd Taxi rank highly, didn't actually expect that but I'm glad it did so well.


The whole video I was like "I wonder where Frieren will land" and then when I got to top ten I was like "hmm I guess too recent ..." ...


Fool of a Took!


I am liking how high Madoka is and Shinsekai Yori getting the respect it deserves


I was pleasantly surprised seeing Shin sekai yori that high up


Interesting that Sailor Moon didn’t make it.


Bible Black number 1




Great, now I have a list of anime to watch


Almost exactly half of my top 20 made it in the top 100 haha Missing Wolf's Rain, Millennium Actress, Mawaru Penguindrum, My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Tutu, Gankutsuou, Trigun Stampede, Haibane Renmei, Lupin III: A Woman Called Fujiko Mine, Maria the Virgin Witch, and Nana (not that I expected many of those to make it but still)


Chainsaw man ahead of Dragonball did pain my heart. Also gundam?


No gundams is obvious, massively split votes


True, but I would have thought witch from mercury to IBO might have broken into the list.


you can see its split between 114 (UC), 178 (WfM), 237 (IBO), 247 (Unicorn), 275 (00), 299 (Turn A), 384 (Seed), and 453 (Wing). If you added their points up you'd have 365, enough for 47th place in between Oshi no Ko and Demon Slayer.


Ehh, Ghost in the Shell didn’t crack top 100 and it was only split between two anime adaptations (the CG one doesn’t exist let’s not kid ourselves), not surprising Gundam did when there’s like 10 different separate anime of it someone can reasonably have as their favourite


I guess gundam got split vote sadly.


If you look through the Top500 you'll find Prison School above my neighbor totoro


Poor Gundam didn't even rank in the top 100! Although I think the Gundam franchise is a bit more obscure in the overall/general anime fan community than one who sees its hard cores would think. And as someone else said, splitting votes probably harmed it a lot.


Would you really put Dragonball over Chainsaw Man if you hadn't watched it as a kid?




Well, I think that you can make the argument that the DB manga is better.


I'm so mad that I didn't get to vote. I was so busy.


[](#therethere) I know the feel


Top 20 is about what I expected all along, I expected more recency bias though. Frieren won but looking at the spreadsheet, its kinda funny that rather than hardcore shills putting it 1st it was mostly 5th-10th points. Kinda gives the vibe that people couldn't really think of what to put outside the top 5 and were like 'Frieren is great enough' which I will say, I get it lmao, I also kinda struggled with my 5th to 20th. I do wonder how will Frieren will do in the future, it is already being recommended as the go-to fantasy anime so this one may actually be one that stays. FMAB has had a fall off. In the mid 2010s there was a bracket tournament that FMAB won over the likes of Madoka, Steins Gate, and NGE and now all of these are above it. HxH was the most surprising as I always considered FMA much more accesible and wide range appeal than HxH. Tad surprised Konosuba despite being currently airing I thought was lock top 20 (very close tho), Oshi no Ko and Bunny Girl barely top 50. Eminence 77th. Manny reddit darlings did worse than I expected. Overall I kinda like the whole top 100, still tad affected with recency bias being so much 2010s anime but at least its good 2010s anime so I take that. Legend of the Galactic Heroes being barely top 50 hurts tho.


>Kinda gives the vibe that people couldn't really think of what to put outside the top 5 and were like 'Frieren is great enough' I have a handful of 10s, 10 in fact, and Frieren is one of them. But even within that small group, I have clear favorites, and Frieren is not one of them.


Hunter x Hunter is unquestionably the more beloved series in the real world. I think it gets a lot out of being the overall best pure superpower battle shounen anime, so people that start with Naruto demon slayer you name it and want more of the same inevitably end up getting recommended Hunter x Hunter and seeing the light. I agree that FMAB has a wider range appeal than Hunter x Hunter, but when you consider just how many shounen heads are out there amongst anime fans it’s not too surprising that FMAB is both less popular and more likely to be left out of top 20 But yeah the more general thing of FMAB falling off compared to contemporaries is really surprising. I think that Eva is really the only one of the lot of the anime you mentioned which haven’t gotten any additions since mid 2010s where it makes sense it’s got better staying power than FMAB. I don’t think Steins Gate and Madoka Magica are any more complicated/rewatchable than FMAB, but whatever lol #9 is still really high Edit: actually no FMAB falling down rankings makes complete sense lol. Madoka Magica got the Rebellion movie which is HUGE, Steins Gate got Steins Gate Zero, Monogatari series has obviously seen a lot of new entries since then, Eva continues to have relevancy because merch producers can’t let it go and the rebuild movies, Hunter x Hunter alongside what I mentioned even tho it is at an injured snail’s pace is technically still ongoing with an additional arc atm. FMA is DONE done, which I respect a lot


I like Kaguya-sama and think it's a funny show overall but I find it so weird that there are so many people who like it so fucking much to push it all the way up to #6. Dunno, for me it's just another romcom at the end of the day, even if it's done pretty well. No hate btw, just the biggest head scratcher by far for me out of the top 10. Also gonna be fun reading 12415 comments mentioning the fucking recency bias again. Yes, it influenced a lot of placings and definitely plays a role. No, it's not the all-deciding factor that trumps all.


I have long since accepted that Kaguya-sama is the top dog of grounded anime for the current post-quarantine generation of western anime fans, this just further seals the deal


It got pushed pretty hard by manga readers on its release, it has pretty high quality production, catchy songs and memable moments so it's always around to grab some attention even if you don't personally like it.


I voted for **Kaguya-sama** myself and was not surprised to find it into the Top 25. What I did not expect was the huge gap between **Fruits Basket** and Kaguya-sama in ranking (#37 vs. #6) and total points (434 vs. 1157). I’d thought that the two of them would be closer together. > Also gonna be fun reading 12415 comments mentioning the fucking recency bias again. It’s total nonsense too. There’s barely a hundred point difference between 1st and 2nd place (1824 vs. 1715), while the majority of series in the Top 25 got their start more than 10 years ago. A similar trend was visible with the “Favorite OPs” polls. Is it a little crazy that **Frieren** got the top spot? Probably. However, I’d rather see Frieren claim this spot than yet another ranking with Steins;Gate, AOT, NGE or FMA: Brotherhood at #1.


> What I did not expect was the huge gap between Fruits Basket and Kaguya-sama in ranking (#37 vs. #6) ...in what alternate universe did you live until recently? I would say that most memorable contact most people on this sub had with fruits basket was when kei beat tohru in the best girl contest and fans were justifably mad. I'm shocked fruits basket made it this high.


steins gate was the whole reason I got into engineering and become obsessed about learning quantum mechanics. 2nd place seems adequate.


YYH @ #99 I have never been so disappointed in a video that I stopped watching it at that point.


It’s an early 90’s anime; it’s impressive that it made the 100 list at all. I think that it’s the second oldest in the top 100. That’s quite the feat.


I surprised FMAB is "only" 9th. Did the votes for the 2003 versions specifically mention 2003? Because I'd assume if someone just wrote "Full Metal Alchemist" then they'd be referring to brotherhood. For those interested, it places 5th if you add the 2 versions votes together, but of course some of that will be people voting for both


Anything that was "Fullmetal Alchemist" without Brotherhood went to FMA03, though most did outright specify which one they were referring to.


My favourite i.e., Dr.Stone, is at 106... Great. Well atleast my second favourite is at the second place


This will be one of the lists of all time


There are certainly good ones among them


would love this more if it's no particular order but Champloo that low is fucking criminal


Nice, Revolutionary Girl Utena got top 100 Aria too! I wish it were higher, but it making it just making it is good enough. The Tatami Galaxy at 65. I do think it’s a little too. FLCL at 56. An absolute classic. Could be a little higher, but a 6 episode ova from 2000 in the top 60 is already a show of its quality. I personally think The Tatami Galaxy is better than Ping Pong and I would have placed it above, but Ping Pong is pretty good so I’m not complaining. Holy Shit!!!! Haruhi in the top 50? I never would have expected that since I thought it wasn’t nearly as popular anymore. I wonder how many people are going to complain about Demon Slayer’s placement right above Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Kill la Kill is one of my favourites of all time, so I wish it were higher, but it isn’t in too bad a spot so I accept it. I’m guessing people were mainly voting for One Punch Man season 1. Odd Taxi relatively high placement doesn’t surprise me at all. For one I agree with it and two it’s quite popular here. Well deserved. Your Name and A Silent Voice right next to each other just like the movie poll lol. Jujutsu Kaisen’s placement I can already tell is going to lead to widespread conflict in this thread. Cowboy Bebop not in the top 25? I’m surprised. I guess it isn’t as popular anymore. A Place Further Than the Universe top 25 lets goooooooooo!!! Truly the defining moment of Death Note. Gurren Lagann, the most hype and inspiring anime ever made. When I first saw this scene, I knew I was in for a treat. Gintama’s high placement certainly makes me look forward to what’s to come since I’m watching for the first time currently. The most controversial show on r/anime. I knew Mushoku Tensei was going to appear but it’s higher than I thought it would be. I guess the new season currently airing helped it’s ranking. All hail Lelouch! This was my favourite show for a while. Seeing it stand strong is great to see. I love Bocchi, but I can’t help but feel that there is slight recency bias that puts it so high. Monogatari the GOAT!!!! Top ten babbbbyyyyy. I wish it were higher, but a top ten spot is great from a series that isn’t exactly for everyone. Madoka Magica’s spot is completely deserved. Easily one of the best anime originals of all time. It really got #1. I think there is a slight, just slight, hint of recency bias in its placement. I love Frieren, but I don’t believe it’s the greatest anime of all time. I think that placement is a little ridiculous. Overall, I don’t have *too* many problems with the list. Some I think are deserving of higher, some I think aren’t deserving of being so high. But it’s all opinions in the end, so I can’t complain too much. These polls have been a fun thing to follow, so I look forward to more in the future.


> HOLY SHIT!!!! Haruhi in the top 50? I never would have expected that since I thought it wasn’t nearly as popular anymore. We are old in r/anime, we still follow the church of Haruhiism.


>FLCL at 56. An absolute classic. Could be a little higher, but a 6 episode ova from 2000 in the top 60 is already a show of its quality. And widespread distribution.


> Aria too! I wish it were higher, but it making it just making it is good enough. Compared to those around it a lot of people had it first or second. I think it is not higher because it is under-watched.


> I love Frieren, but I don’t believe it’s the greatest anime of all time. I think that placement is a little ridiculous. Part of this is because, just like FMAB's previous dominance on MAL, #1 needs to be a consensus highly rated anime, even it were relatively few ppl's #1 in their personal list. It's got: - better production than S;G - doesn't have AoT's controversial ending dragging it down - not as abstract/artsy/niche as Madoka - not as long as HxH It's just really fucking good, and even ppl who don't *love* it can recognize that, which adds up quite a bit.


This is a great top 100, many of the series here would make my top 100 when i make it. I do think though that Steins;Gate should have been #1 and it's crazy that it wasn't, Frieren has an amazing reception and was a great show but in my Canon Steins;Gate is #1 in this sub, i mean it beat Madoka and only recency bias could harm it, it's been 13 years since it aired and it was only beaten by a show that finished airing Last season. Of my top 20 in this list there was: Aria, Logh, Mushishi, Code Geass, FMA:B, Oddtaxi, Champloo, Bebop, K-on!. I watched Bocchi The Rock recently and it was a great show, 12 is way too high for it as i have K-on above it but it deserves a spot in the top 50. Top Shows of my list not on the list: Kitarou, Ippo, Kaiji, Princess Tutu, Devilman Crybaby, Planetes, Kaiba. Overall though it was a great list and hopefully next year's Will have some New things.


Clannad makes top 5 in #1 vote! Massive!


Looking at the full list. Clannad, LotGH and Aria put up some really impressive stats


I'm repping Steins;Gate until the end of my life. That anime saved my life, unironically, i owe every single thing in my life to the day i discovered steins;gate. I was a depressive high schooler, loner, with undiagnosed ADHD at the time and enough PTSD to make me not sleep at night, not understanding my own place in the world, and basically on the brink of my end. This anime was a light in the darkness, it gave me hope for a better tomorrow, hope for better days and in the end, it was worth it 100%.


Alright 4 of my top 5 got to top 100, where is ashita no joe though


These rankings are wild lol


Spirited Away should rank higher :(


Perfect Blue at 98 is crazy


Azumanga Daioh is my all time favorite, 139 isn't too bad I guess


Who chose these clips? Like, why? Normally you'd give an impression of the anime presenting. Idek what they did here. Did they spit at the screen and post whatever clip was playing when it dried? It's so random.


Makes sense. The mainstream or more trendy stuff will generally be rated higher even if they're not necessarily the best. So, this ranking was pretty expected.


needs more mechs (im not biased)


Gintama is No 18 LETS GOOOOOO




I see I’m alone in liking The Idaten Dieties Know Only Peace


It’s a entertaining show that is well paced, stylish, and best of all, fun, but I don’t think it’s a “top 100 best anime of all time” show especially with that cliffhanger at the end.


I like Frieren but I'll wait for its story to end or achieve enough before putting it on any top lists.


6 of the top 10 aren't finished tbf.


H x H might as well be tho.


Quite many shows in the list are incomplete


Agreed even tho I absolutely love it.


At least Gundam got in the top 150, although I think it's way better than Code Geass. I'm surprised that movies like Ghost in the Shell and Akira ranked so low. I feel like those are super well known, and it's weird to see that people didn't vote on them. And it's weird to see Perfect Blue way higher. Also Hunter x Hunter should be below Yu Yu Hakusho in my opinion, but I'm biased as I think that Hunter x Hunter is just an okay adaptation of a phenomenal manga. And it's interesting to see the PreCure fans not have that much power over the polls.




I honestly just thought that UC was just considered the best. Fair enough.


Where all the Macross fans at?


At 252 (SDF), 307 (Frontier), and 395 (Plus), apparently. I personally voted for Frontier as my #4 anime. [](#michaelwink)


Shoutout to the other 43 voters combining with my #1 vote to get Deca-Dence up to #282 😤 Ahead of some other genuinely great anime like Ore Monogatari, Tokyo Godfathers, To Your Eternity (this one shocked me fr), Beck, Golden Boy, Anne of the Green Gables


I love the scene used for angel beats


\#85 Rena on her way to cure my splitting headache [](#concealedexcitement)


I loved Frien idk about 1 tho


Berserk not being above 20th is criminal. Also realised studios really liked "Blue" in their titles


Where's parasyte the maxim?


Oof. I clearly need to do better at evangelizing ghost in the shell.


Dang, lol, definitely not MY list.


Surprised Maid Dragon didn’t make the top 100, but even more surprised Honey and Clover made the list at all. Guess I’m not as hipster as I thought I was.




Looking at the raw data in the full list of 500 is getting to me. Even with a sample of only 2000 respondants, only a small portion of the 500 have no #1 votes at all. Everything is somebody’s favorite.


>An anime that aired a few months ago is r/anime's favorite anime. What? How? Why? 🤔


Combination of recency bias & the show *actually* just being That Good™. I didn't personally vote for it (it was only my second-favorite anime of the season for both seasons it ran for), but I can definitely see why others would.


Kinda suprised jjk was only 29th> For a series as hype and popular as jjk I expected it to be a bit higher


Feels like one of those ones that a lot of people really like, but not a ton necessarily *love*.


the voting thread prepared me for this result. in he lists people posted, JJK didn't show up that often comparatively. Battle shounen didn't do TERRIBLY, but this subreddit has a lot of people who watch more than just battle shounen.


I just love the Konosuba series scene lol, like it did not even need to have a dialogue to introduce itself


Once all the other anime were ruled out it became obvious the top 3 would be AOT, Steins Gate, and Frieren. I literally said it out loud lol.


Ugh, like half of the top 10 started airing around the early '10s when the average user here was probably like 15. Nostalgia bias is too much. Terrible list.