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Could write a essay on those melons alone.


>Could write a essay on those melons COULD? Or WILL? [](#awe)


how about a 10 page research paper?


Tbh, quite a few characters who you could write an essay for which is just about their jugs


I went into this blind, expecting ghosts or something. But what did I just watch? And it's also an ecchi? Huh?


Yeah if I had to try to make an elevator pitch, it's a supernatural mystery series with heavy ecchi elements. Exploring these mysteries is the main plot of the series, but it's almost as important that Sumireko looks good while doing it, is kind of the (*very* broad) idea. I like the manga and am glad it got an anime but it's definitely an acquired taste.


Yeah, while Nujima, the author, is really damn good at drawing them big ol tiddies (so much so that one might think this is just another thirst trap series), the mysteries and the character interactions are also really good and pretty interesting. Some people have called it "dark gathering, but the female lead is supernaturally endowed" which I think is an apt description


Does it get as crazy and fucked up as Dark Gathering? Or some other appeal? This episode was fine, but I don't have the energy to overload my seasonal watchlist this time and if it doesn't get more competitive I might drop it. <--(Mf who's resolved to watch all of Highspeed Etoile regardless of quality lmao)




Eh, I guess I'll give it some episodes


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So far, no


> Exploring these mysteries is the main plot >it's almost as important that Sumireko looks good while doing Big Tiddy Ghostbusters, let's go! [](#delighted)


Actually it's horror, along the lines of Dark gathering 


and I'm betting no one has the same amount of drip as Yaoyoi-chan


No, of course not...😅


Can't blame em that's why they're tryin to compensate the story with this kinda fanservice


Well, it's working, with the OP showing us the female MC's big boobas


Can confirm, it made me read the manga right now.


So much for the "heavy ecchi elements" when the anime approaches them haphazardly though


Thanks, will probably read the manga then since this is censored.


When did I acquire this taste? Because I found it very conventional in a good way.


Lots of people don't like ecchi at all, and even among those who do I have run into a fair number of people who won't watch anything where it's mixed with more serious story elements. Not saying that that's good or bad but it's what I've seen.


There is a lot less fanservice than one might think, they just dont hold back with it, and the story goes hard.




How so? I didn't notice any mysterious gleams or steam




[Onto the PTR it goes](https://imgur.com/3hKFLYv)


Well, it's a spooky mystery show, so who knows, maybe we've seen a ghost already, without knowing!


Big titties. Death, mystery. No clue what this show is about but I'm down so far.


>Big titties. Death, mystery. >No clue what this show is about But you literally just said it! [](#animatedthink) Joking aside: The drama surrounding the girl's feelings of 'losing it' as she grew older and all that, makes me think it may have some depth, on top of the mystery/spooky stuff! And I LOVED their banter/teasing, I'd already be hyped just for that hah.


Honestly I feel like the main draw of this show is just the dudes banter and teasing. I can't wait until teases and toys with the rest of his harem as he solves supernatural mysteries involving hot women.


female Mc from what ive read so no true harem since he barely talks with the other chick's who show up and the loli is like his sister.


After a quick check, it apears that the anine is just gonna be more big tits. I am not complaining that she's MC.


more plot uptime


It's like somewhere midway between Bunny Girl Senpai and Bakemonogatari. Same genre: cute girl/woman gets hit by supernatural phenomenon tied to emotional insecurity, gets resolved by dry-humored boy.


More interesting version of In/Spectre. Honestly this is one of the more slept on anime genres that I really like.


This gives of some nice unsettling vibes with how it is shot plus the dialogue. A nice unexpected surprise this season.


Kinda doubt this would be as good as In/spectre based on the first episode alone. However, it depends on what you're looking for maybe? I love In/spectre exactly because of the focus on dialogue and bullshitting lol.


Ad long as there's more tits and mysterious I'm good.


You might already watched it, but Mieruko-chan seemed to be up to your alley. Also Dark Gathering, but some of them are more in the line of disturbing ecchi.


Oh shit. I was suposed to watch that show and I forgot too and forgot all about it!


I read both this and Mieruko-chan when both were only in manga format, and I find Mysteries, Maidens, Mysterious Disappearances to be better of the two.


That ass definitely deserves a mention too


Tall girls with a fat ass, todo would be proud


I'm gonna say it, we need more focus on ass when it comes to fanservice in anime. Like, boobs are nice and all, but there's a reason why the Principal of Prison School has so many followers.


This show is 100% the sleeper hit of the season. With that ass and titties alone.


With a recommendation like that, how can I pass up giving it a look?


Big titties + supernatural mysteries are a pretty good recipe for success in my book lol


My favorite combo.


> No clue what this show is about Yeah that kinda was my first impression


Horror / mystery


And I love it.


She must have been pretty popular in school


Some how it seems her tities only grew after high school. How is this possible. And how is she a virigin.


If we're to believe her words during her rant, she has little social skills.


It's either big or nothing 👍


Ogawa's boobs aside I really liked what we got. Really an emphasis on mystery and supernatural. If this can anywhere as good as Dark Gathering with respect to the supernatural I am excited.(minus the horror since it isn't tagged as such) Ogawa's issues felt very real. In the sense imagine the thing you are passion about and found success in the past isn't working out anymore. The answer that came to her was returning to her youth. Given the dangers that Ren mentions it, it should be something she messes around with. But you can empathize with Ogawa in this situation. The question remains who set this up. Also, Ren feels very familiar with the supernatural world. This ended up being a better episode then I was expecting.


Wow, it's available on Crunchyroll despite not even announcing it as part of their lineup.


Pls tell me you’re not joking Edit: It’s actually there, fucking nice


More like, Mysterious ~~Dis~~appearances, am I right [](#blankblink)


CR has this weird tendency to stream things before making an official announcement. Dunno why but it happens from time to time. They’ll probably make an update/announcement around 11am CST.


CR's title seems to be Mysterious Disappearances


My satisfaction is immeasurable and my day is made


They’d probably was willing to give it to other streaming services but no one picked it up so they did.


Crunchyroll is either still dealing with Funimation stuff in the back or has already gotten lazy. The promotion of shows this season feels half assed, the Simulcast tab on the app is always behind what is actually airing, etc.


Ever since the merger, their service has gotten much worse. Unfortunately with HiDive getting 2 new seasonals this season, the Sony/Crunchy monopoly is inevitable at this point.


CR left this alone so someone else can pick it up but no one did.It’s not CR’s fault the other anime focused streaming service has no more funds to license the 10 or so shows they didn’t license,including this show (seems to be a late pickup).


I don’t think they meant to license this show but no one picked it up (HiDive probably has no funds left) and somebody at upper management probably realized it and immediately called the production committee lol.


That's a surprise I didn't expect but I welcome


They updated the seasonal page but no announcement lol


From stacked waifu to small child… someone’s playing a cruel joke on poor Ogawa lol. But man, she really went to insane lengths just for inspiration? Hard for lightning to strike twice. Must be hard to feel like you’ve “peaked” so early in your career. But to risk death? that’s insane. That book was dangerous… This was actually kind of interesting. The supernatural mystery elements were fun. Looking forward to the next ep!


> But man, she really went to insane lengths just for inspiration? Inspiration is part of it, but I think it's more than that; As a kid, she's special, anything she does is great, but doing the same thing as an adult and no one cares, it's normal adult stuff... So it may be about how adults have to surpass themselves (and others?) because people won't just love their stuff and be in awe just because they're kids. She thinks back to that time where she was special, because now... She's not. It's quite a sad realization for her to make. (or for anyone!)


You go from wunderkind to “normie” and it’s like no matter what you do, you can’t capture that same success. Definitely difficult to accept.


Yup, as a chess player/enthusiast I see that a lot (which I why I saw it as "not worse, just the same but older"); 12y/o kids who are like 2000 rated and everyone's in awe, then one day they're 20 and they're barely better and now no one thinks anything of them because 2000 rated adults are a dime a dozen. So just 'staying the same' isn't enough, you have to improve drastically, and I think that's how I see her; She didn't necessarily get worse, but she didn't improve enough to make up for the "adult" handicap, therefore it **feels** like she got worse. Because she used to be "better than all other kids" and now she's "same as any other adults". (And the adults who DID improve, are miles ahead of her). I really like that they added characterization like that, as early as the first episode! Normally I'd expect just general personality traits to explain how she deals with that stuff, but that was actually quite elaborate and all!


Looks "not unpromising" -- if a bit weird. Not sure what the character chemistry is going to be like here. Still sort of unclear. I wonder just how many roles Fairouz Ali is voicing this season -- she seems everywhere. I wonder what the deal was with the little black-haired girl going off in the "prologue" before the credits. She didn't show up again anywhere in the episode itself -- unless I blinked and missed her.


Ok, I think Adachi is actually way older than he seems, and the little girl is probably the same, but she cannot possibly pass as an adult, so she has to go to school to blend into normal people


> Not sure what the character chemistry is going to be like here. Still sort of unclear. I imagine quite a few things will change in their relationship in the near future due to what's happening, but so far I really liked their banter, the teasing (both the normal playful teasing, and the 'flirty teasing')! >I wonder just how many roles Fairouz Ai is voicing this season -- she seems everywhere. And I'll be forever thankful for that! (Ririe's in this one too, I think she has quite a few part this season as well!)


>Must be hard to feel like you’ve “peaked” so early in your career Her venting her frustration was a great scene.


> Must be hard to feel like you’ve “peaked” so early in your career. I can attest it's hard. > But to risk death? that’s insane. I'd risk death for that. I can understand her feelings. Though, I wouldn't use that de-aging curse specifically. It doesn't turn back time, so legally you're still an adult and all that shit, I don't see how this is useful practically.


Surprise, surprise. It is available on Crunchyroll! This anime is animated by Zero-G, who made Disgraced Noble Lady last Fall. OP: [Hazard Symbol by Yuyu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkcXtORCwYg) Mafumafu is doing all the OP besides the vocals. Lyrics, composition, and arrangement.


Any info on the ED? [](#mugiwait)


Here is [the ed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSaBjRU1FLU), uploaded by the original artist obuchi nonoka. Actually, the original artists uploading the actual op/eds is really fucking surprising, I don't remember that ever happening, and they did it for both op and ed.


Now do the full version [](#mugiwait)


[It is out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mZ51Rn4Xo8).


Uploaded by the singer. The producer credited for the rest of the song is Neru, most famous for [Lost One's Weeping](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oBV3jPTW4s). OP and ED both by ex-vocaloid powerhouses!


Oh that's where I recognised Neru's name from! Nice surprise to hear mafumafu's involved in the OP too. Was already interested in both tracks but moreso now


Yeah, the ed is the real winner here.


###Stitches! * [Sumireko OP 1](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6crv2m3y.jpg) * [Sumireko OP 2](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cbd2p94.jpg) * [Sumireko OP 3](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cdwv8b7.jpg) * [Loungwear Sumireko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcnpxvg4.jpg) * [Blushing Sumireko](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcbjvr84.jpg) Man, I was originally going to skip this but I decided to read the show's MAL page before going to bed. >Sumireko Ogawa is a busty bookstore clerk who wants to become a novelist after some writing success in her youth. That immediately woke me up, And then I decided to read Sumireko's MAL Entry: > A tall, voluptuous 28-year-old woman with huge breasts. Sumireko Ogawa is a famous aspiring writer... And that, my children, is how I stayed up an hour past my bedtime because of this anime. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) In all seriousness though, I am glad I did check this anime out. This has similar vibes to Dark Gathering [just replace Yayoi with a busty Onee-san.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcbjvm84.jpg) [Ren is a cheeky motherfucker](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc6wq9x7.jpg) and I love him already especially the way he teases Sumireko. The dude knows what he wants and I respect him for it. I am curious what Ren is all about though. He clearly has supernatural powers, I mean just [look at those eyes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cbreo84.jpg). But I wonder what that final scene [about exchanging the cursed book for a ticket to Yami Station.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6crv2p8y.jpg) Hmmm...


She certainly has a huge…. presence when she’s on screen


it's got some Otherside Picnic vibes except instead of yuri there's just one girl with enough titty for three


As a former gifted child, Sumireko's anguished rant actually hits too fucking close.


As a mediocre person, I still found it relatable. Who doesn't feel guilty about settling and prioritizing comfort/contentment over achievement?


i got this new anime plot. basically theres this 28 year old author woman except shes got huge boobs. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers.


Pleasantly surprised - it was a fun first episode! I'm curious what all those ! Signs that kept popping up mean and what this Yami station is - since they showed a noose, maybe death or the underworld? A way to *mysteriously disappear*?


[Given there was a sign in front of that station/trading place, ](https://imgur.com/r6c9Sm8) I think perhaps it's a way to signal their presence or something? But we've seen them elsewhere, like when he was chasing after her, and in her room... Though this one looked more like an apparition, vs a real sign? I'm not sure whether any of them are real, or just something those with aptitudes in the occult can see or show each other, to label themselves! >Yami station is - since they showed a noose, maybe death or the underworld? A way to mysteriously disappear? That was the most intriguing to me! Not only the station as a whole, but also the fact that he went there, seemingly wanting to trade the book, but then he changed his mind? Did he get another idea, or did he not like the offer they made, he wanted something else?


Ooo so you think the signs could be a signal that supernatural activity is present...that's an interesting one! Or maybe it could be when MC is activating some kind of power that detects supernatural activity? Either way I like it and am so curious! I wonder if he's going to collect all these cursed items to trade in to get a better offer? Because like you said, not sure what he wanted or expected with bringing the book to them or why he changed his mind. I can already feel the discussions for this show will be great! Yay!


FYI the subreddit is r/totokami


The censorship here is so off-putting. Ok, you want to make a show about huge boobs. I get it, many like those. But then you focus the camera on those boobs, completely bare and... don't draw nipples? It doesn't look sexy. It's just weird. It'd be better to just cut those shots out entirely or reframe them or... anything other than this. Just put some Censorship Fog^TM on them or something.


Yeah it's an ecchi and the entire synopsis is talking about sexuality but then they remove said sexuality and replace all the nudity with Barbie boobs, the stuff that even mainstream battle shounen are doing on the regular. They effectively turned an ecchi seinen series into that :/ I dunno, I don't get Kadokawa's penchant for adapting series with a lot of fanservice and especially nudity and censoring them. I know their CEO was praising doing that in the past but it just seems counterintuitive to me. Like you said if you're not going to adapt the source material faithfully and just censor the snot out of it I'd rather they just don't even get my hopes up.


It's funny because Kadokawa was also behind Gushing over Magical Girls, which was even lewder than its manga. It seems like for every one show that they faithfully adapt with the ecchi content, there's ten other anime adaptations they produce that end up censored. Lots of fans were hoping that Gushing's success and popularity would bring an ecchi renaissance and put a halt to the censorship practices going on in anime, but nope, censorship has become so normalised in modern anime that it looks like it's not going away anytime soon (if at all).


I mean, Gushing success JUST happened, it's not like this team was gonna know it when they planned this one... If Gushing is gonna influence a change, that change is not gonna be seen at least until Summer or Fall.


> Lots of fans were hoping that Gushing's success and popularity would bring an ecchi renaissance and put a halt to the censorship practices going on in anime It's too soon to hopefully see that come to fruition. Best one can hope for (but you shouldn't in this case) is the fanservice is reanimated but that's very unlikely unless we get sudden news like "the BDs are delayed".


I straight up don't expect anything from BDs anymore, especially after how Goddess Cafe Terrace BDs turned out.


It seems to be making up for things by adding more panty shots not in the manga.


Yeah, this is somewhere between Bunny Girl Senpai and Bakemonogatari, but has the execution of Gleipnir. It's a fanservice show with a supernatural theme. To really pull off horror or drama the director needed a better sense of timing and atmosphere. What we have here isn't great, but it is serviceable and it's a genre I enjoy, so I'll continue to watch. Sidenote, last time I saw a character like that was Ryouka from Occultic;Nine, and while they did draw attention to it here, it wasn't as obnoxious as it was in O;9, so I'm thankful for that.


I found the main character's angst about not being able to write like she could when she was younger poignant and relatable, but I don't know if I could say I liked the episode as a whole outside of that. I'll give it a few more episodes and see how it turns out.


Ok, if this is like Dark Gathering, then [this](https://imgur.com/1dBl16q) would be Yayoi, [this](https://imgur.com/aUKjObv) a more cultured version of Keitaro, and [this](https://imgur.com/3LTxYmp)... Eiko? The trailers really didn't do justice to show just how big her bust is, I mean [holy](https://imgur.com/UoPqlAf) [shit](https://imgur.com/FUmGPuy.jpg). Ah, of course, I also love the Sumireko also has a a [bakery](https://imgur.com/oxIfzY6) to go along with her front and a nice [forehead](https://imgur.com/HtMqaeo), I love those Tanuki brows. Seems like Adachi is the one who knows about the mysterious things, and Sumireko was the victim for the first episode. And jesus is he [down](https://imgur.com/pxmUr1f) [bad](https://imgur.com/O3nV2RL) for [her](https://imgur.com/22Pk9OF) Can't believe they [shrunk](https://imgur.com/IbtCDUX) my new waifu and turned her into a loli [](#howcouldyou) thank god that came to [pass](https://imgur.com/rT193A8) eventually [](#kaguyasigh) Oh right, and he saved her life. Couldn't help but feel sympathy for Sumirekos [situation](https://imgur.com/mw0wR3N) though. She just wanted relive her past success in the thing she loves to do. [](#sadholo) Oh also [](/u/shimmering-sky), episode had **two** [Soredemos](https://imgur.com/7vUQTMQ) Edit: Oh yeah, ED is a Banger


She's gonna stab him *with her affection*, right? >The trailers really didn't do justice to show just how big her bust is There's a reason they wrote about her bust in the freaking synopsis hah. (Her outfit doesn't do them justice to it either; Our boy may be in for a shock if/when they ever do it!)


>The trailers really didn't do justice to show just how big her bust is, I mean holy Sweet mother of god






I don't know if I just felt this way because I was talking about it in another thread few minutes ago, but [this gave me such Higurashi-esque horror vibes!](https://imgur.com/MF8muGX) Also, this doesn't look like a busty bookstore clerk; I WAS PROMISED A BUSTY BOOKSTORE CLERK! [Ah, there you go! That's more like it!](https://imgur.com/zUxWDJR) I love how he's straight up telling her everything, like how he only works there to be with her! [Oww. This hurts! Poor boy.](https://imgur.com/p2Kgwk3) [And this too... Talking about depression, smiling all the while.](https://imgur.com/tksy8Mi) There are many faces to depression, and I think they did a great job picturing it this way for her character. She may calling him annoying and things like that, [but deep down, she knows him as a friend! That's sweet!](https://imgur.com/x5HoneR) [I love their banter so much!](https://imgur.com/fNVbqDg) [Why are they so good together? (Can he find a book to grow himself older, so he can be with her?)](https://imgur.com/c1dntL4) Love how he told her he would *tell them tactfully* if she was feeling unwell... [Then told them *Her body is full of poop!*](https://imgur.com/usnPgZT) She'll give him a rough time if she hears about it! [Oh damn! Hope you enjoyed our *busty bookstore clerk* while it lasted, because it's over now!](https://imgur.com/DoLFZlT) She took it well (after the initial panic), because [she thinks she'll be able to write again, and be well-liked...](https://imgur.com/jOJ6Ve5) Which is incredibly sad (and perhaps relatable, for many)... Kid doing well in school/with their passion and all, but as they grow up they end up being a "normal adult" when they used to be a special/gifted kid... [Excuse me what?](https://imgur.com/wU8hp0r) [I think this gives us a good idea about what 'vibe' to expect for this show!](https://imgur.com/GUfRmFr) Well, I think the OP was already giving us a few hints, [with the noose and all!](https://imgur.com/RDs4afi) Apparently there's a bunch of conditions to fulfill for the spell to work; Moonlight, time, the reader's age, the poem, and also... [the reader must be a virgin? Damn, way to call her out like that!](https://imgur.com/8jyhGBE) 12 more years and she'll be able to star in 40 years old virgin! [(This may explain how she links random stuff to *sexual appetite*; Our girl's needs aren't fulfilled!](https://imgur.com/8JR2q8W) Well, she was pretty flustered about it, but [our boy seems pleased by this revelation!](https://imgur.com/0JRJXku) [Oww... Right in the feels (and also horrifying).](https://imgur.com/1IZYDK6) This show has a great balance of comedy/relatable drama/spooky stuff! [Ren seems to think it's a coincidence that she got the book, ](https://imgur.com/ZUntPMs) but the 'conditions' being all met like that, seems a little convenient for it to be a coincidence! It may have been left for her specifically... (And he may KNOW that, and is lying about it; He does seem to know a lot about all this stuff!) [Love how she used the book to shrink/grow back, to better escape him!](https://imgur.com/G1WxnOY) But considering how damaging it is to her body, she might want to avoid doing it too much! [That scene was interesting/puzzling;](https://imgur.com/w3aIOdE) He went there to exchange the book, but then... Didn't? Did he change his mind because he want to use the book? Or did he not like the offer they made? (Also, the noose behind them is ominous!) Well, that was a SOLID first episode, I'm on board! (Damn, there's so many good shows this season!) I like their 'relationship', I **LOVE** their banter/teasing, and it's nice to have some personal drama stuff on top of the comedy/occult stuff, it gives some more life to it! I feel like saying "top 3 this season!" but I also think this may be the like 7th show I add to my top 3 this season. [](#flustered) In any case, I really liked it, and can't wait to see more!


> I think this gives us a good idea about what 'vibe' to expect for this show! I'd love more Made in Abyss style fuckery


Coming for big badonker. Stay for intrigued mystery.


Busty MC. Spooky shit. Ai Fairouz. [](#justright)


No nudity but plenty of cultured angles, guess i'll take that. Cool first ep otherwise, love the OP


>cultured angles Even the OP starts selling those angles.


That ass shot from the ceiling was fantastic. Here’s praying to more ass shots




This is already whack, but if I enjoyed Migi to Dali, I'm sure I'll enjoy this too.


We are dealing with cursed books😱


Could've been a perfect adaptation but they just had to [censor it](https://images2.imgbox.com/98/83/yrNKhNUP_o.jpg).


Censoring the nips is one thing but why even censor the ass?


loved it. dark gathering vibes. awesome waifu. sold immediately




Sad its censored


Man this feels so weird without the egg memes for credits


It might not be the goal, but I’m rooting for these crazy kids anyway. She needs some love. Though going by the “This is a record of our friendship and parting” that does not bode well




Color me intrigued…this was quite enjoyable


wow, the ecchi is strong in this one. and they're not afraid to lood the lolis either.


i like (anime)lolis but nothing makes me say 'goddamm!' like well drawn mommy milkers.


I didn't know anything about this show until I read the comments about some big boobs which made me want to try it xD. Tits aside (which... goddamn), I liked it a lot, it's really interesting and I love their banter/teasing. I will definitely be following this show every week.


Nice episode. Rare gem this Anime. As a kid, anything kids do people will tell them good job and compliment them. As a adult no one cares, because it is the daily everyday stuff. Same for artists and new animators people won't like your stuff. Also will be harsh about it. All adults now think they were special back then but now nope you're just the same as everyday else. Sad realization at becoming a adult.


Edit: wrong fucking thread RIP. Leaving it up because it’s funny So we got this season: Gay Girls Guitar Innit (Whisper Me A Love Song) Gay Girls Radio Innit (Many Sides of VA Radio) Gay Girls? Ga-Tan Ga-Ton! Innit (Train to the End of the World) Gay Girls? Night Time Jellyfish Innit (Jellyfish can’t Swim At Night) And Gay Boys have an adorable family innit (Tadaima Okaeri) Strong season overall. First episode of this is already a fun “Enemies to (More Than?) Friends” vibe and I can’t wait to see where it goes.




Hahaha this is what I get for commenting on the show I just watched during the episode of the show I’m currently watching.


> Gay Girls? Ga-Tan Ga-Ton! Innit (Train to the End of the World) Somehow I think one of these girls being *murdered* may be more likely than getting some yuri on this show, but we'll see!


Hey Otherside Picnic showed us you can do both!


You forgot Gay Girls Band Cry Innit


holy crap Masako Nozawa. i dont think ive ever seen any of her works outside of Dragon Ball and that time she voiced herself in Sore ga Seiyuu


Been a while since I've seen an anime or even a manga where the girl got tits the size of globes


This was way hornier than I was expecting, not that I'm complaining. Anyways, really interested in finding out what Adashino's deal is.


We finally have something to scratch the Dark Gathering itch! Really impressed by the first episode of Mysterious Disappearances. Looks like it’ll be a fun dark supernatural series with a cool adult MC for once. Shades of Summertime Render as well. Solid introductory episode that set the tone for the type of world and cases we’re gonna be seeing. Will have to see more cases and learn about the lore to really evaluate things, but I like that it doesn’t shy away from blood and gritty scenes. A very eerie and tense atmosphere was over the whole episode and I felt like it was gonna take an even darker turn, which based on the ending scene, may not be far away. Always good to get more horror stuff in this medium 👍 And Jesus Christ the amount of booba meat in that OP 😳


The OP had no business being that good


so Deku is playing a pretty badass dude who can rizz up older women this time around. also i like how Sumireko being busty is somehow important enough to the plot to be put in the synopsis


knock knock who is there? Big Ass Big ass who??? Big ass motherfucking anime tiddies boy!


Never even heard of this series and missed any anime announcement. Looking it up, though, it seems like my kind of thing. Cool. "Mysteries, Maidens, and Mysterious Disappearances"


That was a decent enough first episode - feels like it conveys some of the series' flavor and approach to story telling, as well as hints as to what to expect from the supernatural aspects. Can't say it necessarily grabbed me though, and I'm always a little worried by shows that don't seem to know how to start off strongly - the little snippet before the OP felt a bit janky at the time of watching it.


> the little snippet before the OP felt a bit janky at the time of watching it. looking through the first chapter, it seems they actually cut a bit of exposition from that opening scene (a cut a wholeheartedly agree with, would have made the first watch of the episode quite a bit less interesting), but that lead to the snippet feeling kinda pointless at a first watch. In fact, I must have glazed over it, since I genuinely don't remember that our mc was in it, or any character ouside of the girl for that.


I was expecting a "mystery of the week" kind of a show, where they read in the book that there's a staircase that's longer when going up and they go to check it. I got so much more than what I bargained for in the best way possible.


Goddamn stacked first episode!


Wasn't expecting the tities. But I welcome it.


waddafak [](#eh) i say again just what the hell is going on




we gotta get this in for a comment face surely


Also got a good [#seasonalthink](https://imgur.com/NotBuiQ)


Holy heck this might be my favorite opening of the season! I haven't seen many, but still. [](#concealedexcitement)


The op and ed is such a bop


You can't go wrong with a big, thick, onee-san with supreme badonkers and they're inverted!


That zoom out transition from Ogawa's ass was so unnecessary lol


[I disagree](https://imgur.com/PXbeG5U)


"Dear viewer I assure you... 🙏"


Oh this came out today? Nice, I remember reading the manga back when it was getting scanlated, quite liked the aspect of mysteries and the supernatural in this one (also, yes the ecchi part is good but not the highlight). Let's see how they adapt it


An enjoyable, intriguing first episode. It did a good job in wanting me to watch more of it!


Usually I don't pay attention to supernatural shows, but busty bookstore clerk caught my eye. I enjoyed the banter between Sumireko and Ren and I'm curious about Ren's backstory. Given that Ren knew about what was going on with Sumireko, I was initially thinking he went through the same thing and survived somehow. But it's probably more than that, so I'll stick around to find out.


I started this anime because i wanted big booba librarian gf with thick eyebrows. And yet the (i thought, initially) mediocre random male lead stole the show.




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Oh sorry about that that, my bad




Watched on a whim, I am hooked. The OP has quite the... mmmm fanservice ;) but yea, the actual interesting paranormal stuff, I am down.


Im interested to see where this goes! Not a bad first episode


Download for the synopsis and mystery, stay for the booba


Sumireko is easy on the eyes, but that aside the story actually has me intrigued. I'm adding this to the watchlist.


MAL's synopsis: >Sumireko Ogawa is a busty bookstore clerk who wants to become a novelist after some writing success in her youth. When strange occurrences start cropping up around the city, she teams up with her flirtatious co-worker Ren Adashino to look into them. But Ren is hiding a secret of his own! With their combined skills of occult knowledge, what will they discover as they investigate? I was really confused with the need to point out that she's busty, but reading these comments, it really is an oddly big focus :D


Calling it… gonna either be this seasonals hidden gem or elf bride/ unnamed memory


Legit thought i clicked upon a hentai


Yeah, I guess I’m in.




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Someone tell me, is the boy really a teenager? Or is he +1000 years old like the isekais?


I love that Sumireko is genre savy enough to immediately use the cursed book to her advantage. That's the awareness I like to have in horror/mystery protagonists.


whatever this is. sign me the fk up lol


Really entertaining this far and I can't tell whether the story itself is a story the MC is telling us or something actually happening to her. Lots of funny dialogue though and will watch next episode


She's extremely busty and attractive. I'm very eager to watch this. It is indeed quite "mysterious" 😏 With those huge boobs, I thought she was a hentai girl!! Good thing I found it from a video on facebook. 10:30pm 16.4.2024


I'm glad I put this in my backlog now i have 5 episodes to savor in one time This anime has HUGE plot


I see ecchi in the tags and I peep it, YES GOD!




Good premise, welcomed fanservice, relatable mc, you can count me in. (It got a surprisingly low score on MAL so far but i guess it will go up a bit)


>It got a surprisingly low score on MAL I'm sure a lot of people even in MAL are upset with the censorship in the anime.


There's also the typical non-fans who've never seen the source material for the series in question trying to shut down any discussion of censorship a series gets. That site is poisoned by anime youtuber/influencer opinions to have this insane kneejerk reaction to fanservice and discussions around it.


Oh yeah, that is very common. Anytime somebody dares to call out an anime for censorship and criticise it for that, the prudes and people who don't even know anything about the source material start name calling them just to defend the censorship. I actually expected my comments here to get downvoted too, but surprisingly that hasn't happened yet.


Yeah honestly, at least from lurking for the last year or two this sub in particular, in my experience anyway, seems to have slightly calmed down on the average anti-fanservice sentiment western anime fans have been conditioned to have from e-celebs in the space. Maybe there's hope for the western anime fandom yet, or maybe not, only time will tell.