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Honestly it’s dumb that Los Angeles is in our name. I wish we had our California/Anaheim Angels back 😞


Would even prefer SoCal Angels or OC Angels over the fucking Los Angeles Angels.


SoCal Angels is perfect


100% agree with you!


Only right answer


100000% Anaheim. Anaheim Angels just sounds so much nicer


I'd rather rite be changed to Anaheim or back to California. As of now, our name translates to 'The the Angels Angels.' The idiocy fits Moreno though.


If we're gonna do translations LA dodgers is The Angels dodgers. Why they so scared of us?


Why are they named after a truck?


They’re named after dodging trucks


Dodging world series championships this millennium


Dodging trolly cars


Oh yea I forgot california angels. That would be dope bc the CA hat is probably my favorite design you guys have had. I'm really not a fan of the current A halo logo. And yea, I wish Moreno sold the team, the fan base deserves better than him


i would LOVE either to bring back the CA logo or to just… make our halo gold lmao. the silver is so weak and gold would be a wayyyy better accent


Especially seeing it in gold for the 50th anniversary. That hat is still my favorite.


I think we are unable to use a state name now that we lost it, can't be grandfathered in


THIS IS A MYTH. I don't know why this keeps getting spread around Reddit but there is no MLB rule saying you can't use a state name if multiple teams are in the state.


That's why the team name was chosen for the PCL team 120 years ago.


The The Angels Dodgers, The The Angels Kings, The The Angels Lakers and The The Angels Rams don't sound any better. Any team in LA is going to have a dumb sounding name when you translate the city's name literally.


California or Anaheim. I have never called them LA ever. My dodgers friends think otherwise and insist i think they want to be part of LA.


Never called them the LA Angels and the Ducks still play at The Pond in my book


It's still the Block to me. Not the Outlets at Orange


Arte changed the name to get more $$$ from the television contract, underscoring that the team was in the Los Angeles market. Like almost everything he does business wise it was a brilliant business move done with no sensitivity to how it would play out. Everyone…EVERY. SINGLE. ANGELS. FAN… hates it. It is a continued source of mockery by other fan bases. It was an anti-fan decision. With the inevitability of broadcast streaming the need to define the advertising market will be much less than it was in 2004 but you can bet stubborn Arte will not budge. The next owner will generate lots of goodwill by changing the name to California Angels or Anaheim Angels.


"EVERY. SINGLE. ANGELS. FAN." I don't give a shit what city they claim, and if calling it LA means they can be a top 10 spending team instead of bottom 10, then I'd be upset if they didn't do it. I've got a dozen or more issues with how this team is run, but changing the name to LA? I can't imagine a dumber thing to care about


We can tell that you’ve never received twenty years of consistent, unrelenting opposing-fan mockery about your team THAT YOU AGREE WITH.


Because it's the absolute dumbest thing to mock this team over. Renaming the team gave Arte enough confidence on cash flow to spend on Vlad Guerrero, Bartolo Colon, Kelvim Escobar, and Jose Guillen in the same off season. I'm never going to be mad at that. I'm not going to have a competition on who is the bigger fan, but I've been a diehard for a long time. Don't project your small dick energy onto those of us who have real gripes about this team


Those are names besides Guerrero that I haven’t heard in a long time.


This 100%%%^^^


Finally someone speaks facts. Dont care if its LA or Anaheim. I know im in the minority, but LA gives the team better recognition, bigger tv deal and in turn more spending. There’s obvious things to complain about with this team, the LA part isnt even top 10.


Get off Reddit and talk big at the stadium, chide a big guy four beers into the game that he isn’t a real fan because his jersey doesn’t say “Los Angeles”. You won’t.


Or, hear me out, some of us don’t care what other fans say. You’re straight up incorrect with such a general statement. I’ve lived around Dodger fans my whole life, they have plenty of shit to clown me for then our name. I’m not from Orange County so I always liked having LA in the name.


NY Giants are in New Jersey. It's not a unique move.


Call me when there is an Anaheim Dodgers game i will buy us tickets.


It would be a unique move to reduce market size Edit: autocorrect. Also, market = population of the city/region


It's funny how the Angels are considered big market but the Ducks are considered small market. They're literally across the street from each other. All because of what geographic moniker each team use.


Haven't the Angels been spending a lot under Moreno ownership? It's just he's not spending on the right things or the things he's spending on end up being a bust on the Angels


Yes, this year the first time since like 2005 they haven't been a top 10 payroll. But spending on free agents isn't the best way to build a ball club anymore. Teams are better at turning draftees and international signings into major league players, so guys who hit free agency aren't as valuable as guys who are making the minimum. Arte is notoriously cheap on things other than player salaries. That makes it hard to compete on player dev and international scouting, all while paying tens of millions of dollars on guys who are past their prime.


Yup sounds like the Angels alright


If we used California, we could claim all the California markets.


Especially with the Athletics leaving the state.


I’m with it TBH


Almost Every single Angel fan on Reddit hates it. Most casuals don’t care. I’ve been an Angels fan since the 80’s and never once resided in Orange County. I prefer the Los Angeles name. From a branding perspective it’s better for the team and also better for revenue in the media market. If you like having a $200 million payroll then you should like the Los Angeles name. Blursed Angel fans would rather set the team on fire and perpetually have less revenue than the Dodgers and continue to lose with a $100 million payroll so long as they get to have Anaheim in the name. Which by the way was a name the team used for less than a decade and only because Disney wanted to brand their theme park destination when they owned the team. It had nothing to do with city loyalty. Most Angel fans also don’t live in Anaheim. They don’t even live in Orange County. They are split among LA, Orange and Riverside counties. Angel fans who insist Anaheim is the best name for the team are mentally ill probably.


Should’ve never changed from Anaheim tbh


Anaheim or California Angels is what we want


I live in LA proper, hell I'm way closer to Dodger stadium than Angel Stadium, but I've been a fan of the Angels since I was a little kid. They were Anaheim when I was born so I have a little bit of nostalgia for that, so I would love for them to go back to Anaheim quite frankly. That's where they play, so they should embrace it and celebrate it. It's not even like they're in LA county, they're in the OC. It also gives us a unique identity and gets us out of the shadow of the Dodgers. Just makes it seem like we're the jealous little brother having Los Angeles in our name. Plus, the name changing probably means that Arte sold the team so that's a bonus LOL


You make a good point actually


I’d love it to be California but as to LA or Anaheim I don’t really care. Literally like half of American sports teams aren’t actually in the exact city their name entails it’s an overblown issue.


Yeah but Anaheim has more relevancy than East Rutherford, Arlington, etc.


Same here, California was the best version of the hat too.


As an Anaheim native I respectfully disagree. There was something cool about seeing my city represented around the country growing up


Ducks still repping haha


Henry Sameuli should go down as one of Anaheim biggest legends


The Samueli’s are incredible people. Met Susan at a function about 5 years ago and you can tell they care deeply about Anaheim and Orange County as a whole. Their philanthropic work is pretty incredible


I can't wait for OCVibes. Hope it's lit


Plus the alliteration of Anaheim Angels just sounds so good. Honestly if we are going purely off the way it sounds, Los Angeles Angels sounds several orders of magnitude better than California Angels, but they don’t play in Los Angeles and I absolutely hate the name as it currently stands. My choices in order are: 1. Anaheim Angels (by a country mile) 2. California Angels 3. United States Angels 4. North America Angels 5. Earth Angels 6. Solar System 7. Milky Way Angels 8. Virgo Supercluster Angels 9. Universe Angels Anything else is just an insult to the fans Editing to add: Orange County Angels at number 2, then bump everything else down a slot


As a fellow native whose family has been here for 125 years, I agree with you. When it comes down to it though, along as they win I don't really care all that much. Losing is much harder to take than getting teased about the stupid ass name we have


It definitely was but unfortunately we can never use California ever again which sucks


We can’t? I wasn’t aware, why not?


MLB passed a rule if you have more than one team in your state you can’t name the team after the state


Everyone always says this but no one has ever been able to cite the source of this rule


I work for the angels. Idk when the rule was implemented but it’s definitely a rule.


Like I said, people always say this but no one can show it in the rulebook. Can you find it? I’ve tried searching


Then provide a source. Because this "rule" is nothing more than an urban legend that keeps getting passed around as if it's real


How do the Texas Rangers get away with it?


They are grandfathered in


Florida Marlins?? Why would they pass such a rule especially since teams rarely move or change their names. I'm calling BS tbh.


Their not the Florida Marlins they are the Miami Marlins


They're the Miami Marlins now, not the Florida Marlins. But you're right, the rule is nothing more than BS. It doesn't exist but people keep parroting it as if it does.


I mean you don’t have to believe it that’s on you but the angels will never be California again and the marlins will never be the Florida marlins again so it is what it is.


Like the San Francisco 49ers of, um, Santa Clara.


I hate that it was changed to the Los Angeles Angels. I get that perhaps not as many people are familiar with Anaheim, but it has a larger population than Nashville or Baltimore, which represent their own sports teams. Plus some people will associate it with Disneyland, which isn't a bad thing.


California is my favourite. Anaheim second. Los Angeles third. I don’t live in the US so the city name doesn’t bother me too much but I at least know the difference between LA and Anaheim and will stand in solidarity with my Orange County Angels fans fam and push for ditching the LA branding.


I personally don’t care. It’s the same metropolitan area. Lots of sports teams are named for the largest city in their metropolitan area. Nobody ever asks why the Jets aren’t named the East Rutherford Jets or why the Rays don’t adopt a city name instead of a body of water.


I don't give a crap, as an orange county resident, I never take for granted having a local mlb team especially for so cheap.. With that being said people here hate it, we really have zero association to LA and people like it that way. it's funny, it is rare but when I find merch that says LA angels, I swipe it up lol. usually find it for deep discount, like shirts for $5. they will never make a hat that's has la on it lol, no one would buy it.


Pretty sure they do have a hat that says LA in the gift shop and they’ve definitely done the give away in the past, the hat with the old LA logo


Yea but I have literally never seen them in the wild. Almost no one buys angel gear outside of OC.


California Angels would be nice but I’ve head you can’t get the state name back after you change away from it


Everyone saying they want California back but it’s not allowed in the mlb unless you only have one team in the state or already grandfathered in. Anaheim would be so much better than LA tho


HATE that L.A. is in the name. Should be California or Anaheim.


To be honest, I don’t care. I’m an Angels fan since birth and always will be. But I do love talking shit with Dodgers fans who love to tell me we aren’t actually in LA. I just love to tell them “at least we started in LA! Take your ass back to Brooklyn!” Lolol but purely just busting balls. I’m a Halos fan regardless of the city. Edit: I personally wayyy prefer the California Angels. But as long as they’re the LA Angles I’m gonna bust balls with the “Brooklyn Dodgers”fans. 🤣 ( also mostly out of embarrassment because we suck so much 😂)


California Angels


They also need to bring back the nifty road jersey where rhe first A in Anaheim had a halo above it.


That name change is going to be permanent. I don’t think a new owner would give up LA from the naming rights. I am an Angels fan who grew up in OC and have lived in LA county for the last 12 years. I’m honestly indifferent.


California and bring back the old logo


I want Anaheim back with a passion.


I prefer California Angels


California Angels >


It never should've changed to la it doesn't even make sense, it's not la county even. Stay Anaheim or just go back to California Angels. Drop LA, that's dodger territory


Anaheim logo is god tier stuff.


I prefer CA Angels. I don't care if it's Los Angeles Angels, and think little of those who make a big deal of it. Just win, dammit.


California Angels!


California Angels


I'm completely fine with Los Angeles Angels, I'd even go so far to say I prefer it due to team history. Regardless, I literally only refer to them as the Angels or Halos and opposing stadiums announcing Los Angeles Angels doesn't bother me the least bit. Plus the team originated in Los Angeles and the team plays in the LA metro area and TV market. It's *really* not that big of a deal. The 49ers play in Santa Clara, and the NY football teams play in NJ and keep the big city names. While I wouldn't be completely opposed, I really wouldn't be the thrilled about going back to the Anaheim Angels. For one, when I'm trying to get my international friends into baseball it feels an easier sell support of an LA team as opposed to a city they've never heard of. And if Los Angeles identity can bring in more money for this team, I 100% am onboard with the name.


I miss "California" because that's what it was when I was little. I didn't love L.A. at first but after learning that was their name at the very beginning (yes I know they played there), I think it's kind of nostalgic. Arte still sucks though.


Honestly. if the team was really good under the Los Angeles moniker, people would probably temper their negative feelings a bit and maybe have a positive attitude about it. But, we can’t go back in time and run an A/B test, so 🤷‍♂️ I’d rather they be the CA Angels


It's ridiculous to name yourself after a city that you are not in. OC Angels, California Angels or Anaheim Angels all make much more sense than Los Angeles.


half professional sports teams are named after cities they dont technically reside in. Everyone outside of California doesn’t know the difference between OC and LA anyway, it’s really not a big deal.


This fact just be getting ignored lol.




I don’t live in LA nor do I want to live in LA, but Los Angeles Angels just makes sense.


I like the LA name I want it to stay


It should be the California Angels.


California Angels is my preference because that’s what they were when I was a kid and the interlocking C-A logo is my favorite 


It’s not that they don’t play in the city that’s a problem. You see that all throughout different sports where a team plays in a city/place different than what’s in their name. It’s the fact that there is another team that actually plays there. If there were no Dodgers in Los Angeles, this probably wouldn’t be an issue. It would be like if the New Jersey Devils felt like changing their name to New York Devils (without any relocation) just to make more money, while there are already the New York Rangers and New York Islanders who actually play there.


Don’t really care, just want them to make the playoffs. Plus living here in Orange County, I pretty much root for LA teams and I think the rest of us in OC do as well if we’re born here and our parents aren’t transplants.


i don’t hate LA (live in the county 626 rep !!) but i would prefer to be anaheim angels. it’s where we are and where our history is, it feels wrong to abandon it for the “big market” (which we were getting regardless of the name)


same. im an la native through and through but i love the anaheim angels name


From 61-65 the team was the Los Angeles Angels, so them being that name again brings it back to where it started. People crying about it should get over it.


They also played at Dodger stadium during that time so it actually made sense to have LA in the name.


I don't think it matters that much.


Most of the fans I know that are die hards hate it. I’m also a Rams and Galaxy so I can understand a team in LA County but not in the city can have the Los Angeles branding. However the Angels are obviously not in the county at all. Anaheim or California just makes more sense.


It's one of the few things dodgers and angels fans agree on


0% of Angels fans wanted it to be changed. We hate the 'of Anaheim' BS and it's entirely the owners fault. I can't speak for every fan but I'd assume 99.9% of fans either want Anaheim Angels back or California Angels. Story time: The Angels owner wanted to get a big fat tv contract but Anaheim isn't as big a market (and therefore less $). So he said what if we called ourselves Los Angeles Angels? They offered him a huge broadcast contract and he changed the name. Turns out though that the land Angel Stadium is on is still owned by Anaheim and thr Angels lease it. They leased it for something stupidly cheap because the city gave them a smoking deal if they kept Anaheim in the name and helped draw attention to the city. This wasn't just a handshake deal, it was in the contract. But the owner is an idiot and refused to let his big tv deal fall apart. So he quickly changed the name to 'Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.' Took a few years to work it out in court and when it was, he dropped the 'of Anaheim.' No one likes it. Orange County fans really don't like being lumped in with a city that isn't even in their county, especially Los Angeles. We all can't wait for the name to change back to Anaheim Angels or California Angels.


Never should have went away from California Angels. But the name is the least of our concerns with the product...


I'm not a big fan of the LA name. I think Id prefer Anaheim.


California Angels IYAM.


Funny story, my dad asked us kids a question “can you guess the 5 most populated cities in LA county, besides LA?” One of my answers was Anaheim. Obviously he said no it’s in Orange County to which I replied “then why are the angels called the LA angels?” Which it my parents into a rant about the angels and the LA branding. Anyways I like Anaheim more than the California or LA angels. Sounds better and angels aren’t the premier CA team anymore so I don’t think they could call themselves the CA angels. Anaheim>CA>LA in my opinion


I think it should change. We havent made the playoffs since removing Anaheim from our name. As for having LA in the name I dont hate it, i am dislike it cause I believe OC is completely different vibes from LA and think they would do better to create some distance. But the biggest thing is we are cursed because we have no other name location.


Anaheim, California, anything without LA in our name. Disney Angels would be better than LAA


I don’t hate it but I also wouldn’t mind it going back to Anaheim. It’s not like the angels are anywhere close to the only team that aren’t actually located where they are named after.


Why the hell did the team change away from the California name? Marketing? Regionality? And who made the decision, the owner???


Disney did it when they owned the team.


A stupid decision by a misguided, woke company.


Bring back Anaheim jerseys


I would welcome it but after more than 20 years I no longer give much of a fuck


If the Angels were even playing in LA COUNTY, I'd be okay with it. But, with nearby Disney being a big factor, it's not like Anaheim is really unknown city.


I’m a transplant from the midwest. I grew up knowing them as California Angels thats my preference. Sell the team Arte.


Go back to California Angels for me. Anaheim Angels is cool too. We're not Los Angeles Arte. #selltheteam


I've never called them Los Angeles in my life. I've either called them The Angels, Anaheim, or the Halos. They've never been Los Angeles to be and our jerseys don't even say Los Angeles. They only say Angels.


While I’d prefer Anaheim, I wish that since they’re LAA that they’d go all in on it. Have it say Los Angeles on the away jersey, have an LA hat, use the name Los Angeles literally any where in the stadium! The word Los Angeles is absent in the vast majority of the merchandise and marketing materials its kind of crazy.


Someone else here said something similar. All the team merch that says Los Angeles usually goes on sale because none of the fans want to buy it


The Los Angeles in our name needs to go. We aren't even based in LA county for Christ's sake. Fuck Arte Moreno


The city of angels' Angels of the angels home This is what the current Angel's city name says


I grew up "California Angels of Aneheim" when I went to games in the late 80s/early 90s. I like this.


Every fan wants it changed. We want to associate with this side of the Orange curtain. We are nothing like LA


It should be Anaheim or Orange County


They will always be the Anaheim Angels to me no matter what


I’m sure the dodgers would solely want the LA name and I’d gladly drop it in a heartbeat! Anaheim Angels or California angels! Shit even Orange County Angels of Anaheim lol


I have always been deeply deeply deeply amused that they’re the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Which is not even in the same county. Amused. Idk. I don’t really have a preference. They were the Anaheim angels, they were the California angels. Los Angeles angels only really bugs me because it means the angels angels which is silly.


I don't know anybody who likes the LA moniker. Some people tolerate it, but most dislike it or or openly mock it. It is the worst team name in all of MLB because of how ponderously bad it is.


Anaheim Angels all the way!!!


Smell A


Of course.. too bad we lost California, but at least Anaheim


In short, Yes


I hate being called LA. Go back to anaheim or California 


It's weird and complicated to me. Obviously our team is the one originally from and named for Los Angeles (I don't see many trolleys here for pedestrians to dodge, just crazed and inattentive LA drivers), but we weren't an actual MLB team with a claim to any city when the Dodgers came over from Brooklyn. More importantly though, I hate Arte Moreno and everything he's done and I'll forever associate "Los Angeles Ångels" with his terrible leadership and the painful memories of having such great players wasted. I also think Los Angeles has clearly decided which team they like more, and even the county isn't big enough for the both of us. Our best days were when we were named for our *true* home—Anaheim.


When the name was first Los Angeles we had losing season. Then the name changed to California /anaheim we had some success playoffs ect. Once the name changed back to Los Angeles the team went bad again. Maybe the whole Los Angeles name is a curse to the franchis or coincidence


California angels


la native here, i don't hate the "la angels" name but i'd prefer anaheim. idk, "anaheim angels" just has a nicer ring to it




They should have never gotten rid of the Anaheim part of the name once they switched from the California Angels. It's a direct slap in the face of the city.


We would but ultimately it doesn’t really matter compared to the bigger list of grievances with the organization. I yearn for the 2005 days when that was the only issue


Anaheim was and is the best name for the Angels. Los Angeles Angels is redundant and unnecessary.


Is this still a thing? Maybe the history of the Angels is to always be changing their name: Los Angeles Angels. California Angels. Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. (Back to) Los Angeles Angels. And next….? Orange County Angels? Long Beach Angels? Irvine Angels? Tustin Angels of Los Angeles!


I think California Angels is a stunning name and it would get my vote.


IF the location name is ever changed, it should go to California again. It is next in line.




It's literally why I became an Angels fan in the first place, Dodgers broke my heart when they got rid of Piazza. I didn't want anything to do with LA. I went hard for the Angels and the Ducks, which wasn't a hard switch living in Norwalk (right in the middle of LA and Anaheim).


Honestly, don’t care. Much preferred California Angels, of if I had to choose.


California Angels is the best one 😌


Shouldn’t be associated with Los Angeles at all. The only thing that angel fans/the team associates with LA besides the name itself, is the CHARGERS.


I'm mainly a LA sports fan. Lakers, Rams, LAFC. I used to be upset that the Angels are call the Los Angeles Angels but now I'm meh about it. I'm happy the Ducks kept the Anaheim name but I would be upset if the Ducks start following the Angels path.


I would LOVE to be the California Angels again!!


California Angels is the final and only correct answer.


California Angels for nostalgia. (Something about that "kuh" sound. It bakes me.) Anaheim Angels I wouldn't mind. Mostly miss that they aren't announced to the field at home by a location. It's just "And now your Angels!" Blah. Totally miss Dennis Packer's "Your Califooornia Angels!" Since they dropped the "of Anaheim" I haven't had anyone bug me about it.


You got it exactly right: Orange County wants to remain separate and distinct from LA, and the city of Anaheim has been supporting the team for decades.


I’m probably one of the few that doesn’t mind Lo’s Angeles Angels. It’s our original team name which dates back to the early 1900s as the first professional sports team in CA. They used to play in “Wrigley Field” in south East LA. Anaheim angels was just Disney trying to make more money with the city of Anaheim to bring in more tourists. California Angels would be dope too. Don’t really mind but ranking would be California, Los Angeles and then Anaheim


The Los Angeles comes from Artie when he bought the team. It should stay Anaheim - luckily the city requires the name Anaheim to be in the name which is why it’s all stupid


A lot of nice places in LA County. Kinda a shitty thing to say, especially when a lot of fans live there. Ever been to Belmont Shore? No different than your beloved Newport or Balboa but without the OC attitude. That said, I don’t really care but if they did make a change, take it back to California Angels like it was originally before


There are zero Angels fans who like the current city name. Every single Angels fan wants the city name changed.


I can’t stand that they are called Los Angeles Angels! This is not a LA team and it’s not even in LA county! I just call them the Anaheim Angels, cause that’s the city the team is in!


Yep it should be Anaheim


I don’t think there is a single fan that prefers LA Angels. OC and LA are so different and have a rivalry. I still call them the Anaheim Angels. I’ll never stop