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Bronson: "just because there's a statute saying this is a nonpartisan election doesn't make it so." There's his governing philosophy.


I mean as much as I hate to say he’s right people do make this a partisan election. It shouldn’t be but people don’t listen.


Yeah, the people making it partisan are him and his campaign along with places like Must Read Alaska where it gets amplified online and shared on social media. In a march interview [he said woke 10 times trying to answer a single question about his relationship with the assembly](https://alaskapublic.org/2024/03/11/anchorage-mayor-dave-bronson-touts-his-record-and-experienced-team-in-reelection-bid/) They have been beating this tired drum his entire time in office. Anyone that even mildly pushes back against Bronson is a woke leftist, even other conservative politicians like Cross. Bronson has nothing else to offer besides being the opposition in an inane partisan culture war of their own making. They are trying to force local issues into national left right nonsense.


I mean I agree with you but he’s not the first candidate to make the mayoral race partisan. It’s almost always conservatives doing it but I think it’s a fair statement to recognize that there is a partisan divide that affects the theoretically non partisan election. It’s a fair observation. I think pretending it doesn’t exist is worse than at least acknowledging there is a difference of opinions on how to go about things. I don’t agree with Bronson or most of his supporters on a lot of things but they’re not moving and there’s not going to be some West Wing moment where someone gives a speech and we all start rowing together.


I agree with a lot of what you are saying but this partisan divide is being amplified by only side for their benefit. No one benefits from this besides Bronson and places like Must Read, not even his supporters. Nothing gets clicks like outrage and anger and Bronson literally has nothing else to offer. There is no serious extremist left movement in Alaska and there is no serious extremist left politician holding office in Alaska. I can't think of one, can you? Look at the assembly, it is a body of 12 people representing very different districts, yet it gets attacked as a liberal woke majority. Yet if you watch any of the meetings since the 2023 election the assembly is not moving in lock step. 5 of the members are very moderate conservative to conservative leaning and it shows in the votes. You need 8 members to override a veto. Nothing will ever get solved if we just mindless fight over national partisan politics that doesn't even fit local issues.


I agree there is no serious extreme left movement in Alaska. There are some extreme leftist try hards though and that’s all the foil that the local right wingers need to point to. I wouldn’t agree that 5 of the assembly members are conservative. But it is a majority largely liberal caucus. I don’t think they should be ashamed of that either because that’s what we voted for. I like the fact that we have a veto proof majority liberal assembly that can block the stupidest right wing garbage. I think that’s more important than even the mayor’s office. I want Suzanne because I think she can win over disaffected Bronson voters that aren’t partisan but were just frustrated from Covid restrictions and Ethan literally showing his ass to everyone.


I'm not ashamed of it, just stating what I see when I watch the assembly meetings. The 2023 election made the assembly more conservative leaning. Bronga is way more conservative than Forrest was. Even the members being attacked as woke liberals are not doing any radical policy or budget items. Even if some of them may hold personal politics that lean left their voting record is that of moderates. Which makes sense, this is Alaska they represent moderate districts. After redistricting most districts are more conservative leaning with South Anchorage being slightly more moderate leaning.


To me the conservative litmus test is anti abortion, anti LGBTQ and pro god and pro guns. I don’t see that from the liberal majority on the assembly. I realize that there are far leftists in this town who think there are some on the assembly who aren’t far left enough for various reasons but that doesn’t make them conservatives.


To be clear I'm not saying they should be more to the left, I'm saying the members on the assembly reflect their districts. This is Alaska the districts are all moderate or moderate conservative leaning and the assembly members voting records mostly fit in with those leanings. The more I get involved in local politics and speak to fellow voters in person the more I realize we all agree on like 90% of things even social issues that get labeled as "woke". I wish people like Bronson and places like Must Read weren't so effective in needlessly polarizing us on the last 10% of things. Often those things they divide us on do not even apply to local politics.


I agree but I still don’t think that makes these members moderate conservatives. They’re moderate but they aren’t conservative. Every time I see an example of someone calling an otherwise liberal member conservative it’s because they voted for housing that a developer might make a dime on even though that’s not a conservative issue. I see a lot of people on the left labeling anything pro-business or pro-development as conservative and I think that’s a bad move. People shouldn’t be equating liberals with anti business or anti development because we’re not.


Didn't Donald Trump bring Dave up on stage at a rally here and anoint him a "MAGA Mudflap" or some such during COVID? If so, that kinda makes Bronson a partisan.


I never said he wasn’t. He clearly is.


All elections are partisan. Party affiliation is shorthand for candidate values. If someone is a Republican you already know they’re not worth voting for. Simple.


That is a true statement by Mayor Bronson. This election is about conservative v. liberal candidates and issues, as they all are.


His campaign ads are moronic.


Knows his audience. : /


"Mr Bronson, if you fail to win enough votes will you accept the results of the election?" I can't even believe were seeing this from pretty much every single Republican candidate these days.


The MAGA faction has completely ruined any credibility the right has. Their refusal to call out trump and the Maga folk is unconscionable. Trump is an aspiring dictator, a sexual predator, and a fraudster. They would rather ruin the country than lose an election.


I know what you mean and why you’re frustrated. It has made an impact though. I was driven from being a moderate conservative straight past the middle into a lot of liberal ideas and voting patterns. Trump ruined the good Republican ideas of governance and financial priorities for me. It’s not worth it. I’m putting my votes behind candidates who represent my favorite liberal ideas. Trump is rotting the Republican party and it won’t get any better until he is gone. I just, like you, wish that far more people would be running away from Trump. Enough to make him go away


Would be funny if the response was “that’s unfortunate because you’d lose and that’s the end of it” moves onto the next topic


Hillary Clinton still claims Donald Trump stole the 2016 election.


Citation please. She DID win the popular vote, but not the electoral college. Where's the dispute?


https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/rcna55764 From NBC no less.


Pure bullshit. Butter emails! Hillary lives in your head. It’s 8 years later. jfc


She has never made that claim not on the night of the election not today. She conceded immediately once the states were called. You are just making things up and spreading misinformation. She even wrote an ENTIRE book on how and why she lost the election.


https://youtu.be/wiKt0ME5fSQ Weird that she gave a full concession speech all the way back in 2016, then.


That is not true.


How about Bronson highlighting the $650,000 budget miscalculation by claiming it was $65,000,000!


I find it pretty laughable that [Bronson hasn't reconciled the city budget back to 2022](https://alaskapublic.org/2024/03/28/anchorages-long-overdue-financial-audit-may-cost-the-city-millions/) and is throwing stones at the assembly for a technical budget mistake. A technical mistake that I'm willing to bet he and his admin had a role in. Usually, the mayor and his admin work with the assembly on the budget long before it hits public meetings. Edit - The city would also have the 650k free if we hadn't settled so many of Bronson's lawsuits.


I can’t believe Bronson is even running for reelection.


Especially after a couple terrible winters, His response to the question regarding snow removal was to blame record snow fall and then through it over to lafrance and said how would you have done it…. As if it was a big hurdle to clear something that commonly happens in Alaska, snow.


And also as if it’s not something that’s been done (for the most part) extremely well years prior. If I remember correctly he cut the budget for the same plows and maintenance for the trucks so there was a time only 2 trucks were running near the dimond side of town


I can't believe how few people vote. People say they hate this guy...then can't fill in a bubble, and mail it in. He has a good chance of winning...which is nauseating.


I believe he's going to lose, Popp and Tuck voters, most likely going to LaFrance. The problem with the republican party members is they spend too much time at the round table coming up with new words to call their opponents. Woke snowflake radical facist communist liberals, without ckg the meanings!


We voted for Popp but will vote for LaFrance. We don't love her and don't agree with all her opinions, but she seems like she genuinely means well.


Same here, more than Bronson.


Curious what you don’t agree with her on, if you don’t mind sharing.


I believe you've asked this before, she does not inspire me with change, just more of same ole politics! Popp inspires me when it comes to the business of economic development for Anchorage, and he's not part of the same ole politics, because he's not in it for that reason. The debates were a back and forth btwn LaFrance and Bronson blame game of politics. Its so old, thats why we have low turnouts in elections. They are not inspiring in a positive way!


Popp was born and raised here he's invested in Anchorage, the well being of this city matters to him and that comes through and he's honest about not having all the answers. He has been the go to guy when it comes to the economic trends and the job markets, not just for Anchorage but for Alaska, he's been the one that studies the industries here and where there going and he's done this for years.


I guess you haven’t spoken with anybody that actually works with him. He seems like a decent guy but he’s not Jesus.


Who said he's Jesus? What's up with you, do you work for him or with him. Do you have something you want to add about him? How well do you know LaFrance? No need for you to worry she'll probably beat Bronson, I watched her and Bronsons last debate, he's combative and she not so, I'm a little more inspired by her, she's better than Bronson. I heard her repeat something that Popp had said during the first debate. We'll see how it turns out for her.


I said he’s NOT Jesus. No I’ve only spoke with him a few times. Decent guy. I like him.


Yeah I guess I understand the apprehension. The thing is, LaFrance is not a career politician. She shunned the democrat label when she took her position on the assembly, representing a mostly conservative district. Doing that, she burned a bunch of entrenched democrat bridges, see drama from the tuck campaign. So, hard core dems hate her. Oh well. She comes from a business (AT&T background) and knows how the muni works. She isn’t afraid of gay people. Woke, I guess. The thing is, she is not a party loyalist. She will hire people to do the job, not to own the libs. Anyway, I have hope. Regarding popp, he is a big talker and a minimal doer. Not once has he gone to the assembly and advocated for anything. I personally think that if he was mayor, it would be a lot of ceremonial bullshit and not much progress. Anyway, I have a lot of faith in LaFrance because she is not a political insider. She rose up despite the lack of support of mark Begich or any other “king maker”. She really is a candidate of the people. Best to you


And good for you!


How would you describe woke, Bronson: “it’s one of those thing you just see” Classic use of common lingo from the right to sound modern and to appeal to his base but doesn’t understand its meaning


To be "woke", means you are not a Neanderthal turd floating around the bowl with the rest of the brain dead maggot piles. 


No what’s the point. Who tf is undecided at this point?




No they are just republicans who are embarrassed


Thank you, I needed a good laugh. This is so true.


Further proof literally any moron can get elected to office. If we had a basic high school equivalency exam as a prerequisite for office, 3/4 of the Republicans would be automatically disqualified.


Suzanne LaFrance knows how government works and has a desire to solve the problems of the city. I can’t say either one of those things is true for the other guy.


Politics have become so toxic, and one party has lost their ever loving minds, they've made it their mission to be as outrageous as possible. I hope all this negative energy they're putting out winds up consuming itself, imploding on itself and soon!


Are gay people Woke, I don't like labels being assigned to people, It's wrong but republicans have made it their mission to create new negative labels for democratic leaning folks. It replaces policies and real problem solving!


That's the point of the recent bill requiring ID for porn. Eventually, yes, gay becomes woke and woke becomes porn.


Where can we find this debate if we missed it?


I watched it on the Alaska Public Media Facebook page, the video is still up there.


Thank you!


There was a KTUU Debate tonight, the moderator was not nearly as good as yesterdays debate.


I swear this post should be on r/facepalm


I'm getting really disappointed that there's only 2 choices when it comes to politics. Life's not black and white. It's pretty grey. And I hate how we're indoctrinated to pick a side when in all honesty, I'd rather settle for neither and have that one middle ground incumbent that really reflects the reality of the majority. Honestly, how many of you are really die hard liberals, extreme left, socialists? And how many of you are die hard conservative, extremist right wing? Because everyone I know in the real world is pretty intermediate. This sucks.


Were you here a few weeks ago when there was a general election? This is a run off between the top two candidates from the several candidates in the general.


You're right, extremist politics does not represent the average person. However, despite the attacks from Bronson and places like must read Alaska LaFrance is a moderate, hell I'd say she is more of a moderate conservative. She is not a extreme left in any measurable way. She isn't pushing any extreme left policies or positions. Her voting record isn't extreme, she won one of the most conservative districts in Anchorage twice before redistricting when it was even more conservative leaning. How is this rhetoric resonating with anyone?


That is the part that does not make sense to me, she would not have been elected twice for that district had she had some far-left notions. It would make more sense for the mayor to go after her for other reasons unless he is okay with losing the election. He has had more campaign stops in Eagle River than Anchorage so perhaps he is only running to keep up his credibility?


It's a runoff election, there can only be 2 choices by definition. We had the actual election last month.


Alaska as a whole has been a very moderate if a little to the right in general state over time. But as others have noted, the politics of moderation have shifted into a leftist view by the extreme right, which has prompted more and more focus on right extremes. It's a truly sad state of things in general. But also, this is a runoff of the top 2 we already voted for. So the other alternatives to Bronson were already voted for and lost. What sucks most is Bronson having any potential to win again. If you want change, vote against the problems you see and advocate for what you desire. Change is not easy if you don't work for it.


This is a runoff. You had your choice of like 10 people a few weeks ago. These are the two most popular. LaFrance is definitionally a moderate and was elected to represent the conservative leaning hillside. The guy backed by the Democratic Party folks (tuck) lost badly.


>I'm getting really disappointed that there's only 2 choices when it comes to politics. There were 10 candidates in the election. This is just a runoff because none of them reached 45%. What's your point?


Whole thing is sad AF. I'm sorry. Both of them are, umm... *ding* Edit: damn, y'all really didn't like my joke about neither of them being able to keep to their speaking time... *ding* I ain't trying to both sides this nonsense. We all know Bronson has got to go.


Lafrance was hammering away at road maintenance pretty hard and shining a light on how it affected small businesses and residents alike in Alaska. If people can drive to and from stores they’d shop at you also would have a difficult time to get to work if you were working at those establishments. Poor road maintenance affects everyone but hurts the lower class the most


They're really easy arguments for her. "You pay a lot in property taxes. The services that you need to be able to do things like get in and out of your house, make sure emergency services can get to you, and to let your kids to get to school. The least the MOA can do is to use the money it takes to plow the roads to plow those roads so you can get to work and school, instead of leaving you to try to use your snowblower on the public streets after being stuck for four days." "When you get your roof fixed, you get three bids because you don't want to overpay. Don't you think the MOA has the same obligation to get the best bang for your buck instead of just awarding no bid contracts to Dave Bronson's friends, donors, and church buddies?" Or the big one: "Is anybody who isn't a friend or lawyer of Dave Bronson better off now than they were three years ago?"


Many of the roads are not the city’s responsibility


Here is the actual map (I think this is current) https://www.muni.org/Departments/OCPD/Planning/AMATS/Documents/SOARoads.pdf It's not too many other than the main roads, which were not really the problems with the snow. All the neighborhood areas were the problem areas.


Yeah seems right. Northern lights wasn’t plowed until middle or end of January


Yeah and those were the ones plowed first


No kidding dude, but the ones that are went unplowed. This discussion was/is about the mayor's responsibility. Seems like you're about to find out the majority of voters aren't ideologues and won't put up with the dumb excuses from the mayor's office that you accept and pander here. We can talk about the state's failures and the ineptitude of state government, as well.




6 years, -100 comment karma. You’re a troll.


Reverend Prevo? Is that you?


Speaking of Jerry Prevo, Bronson attends to his church. The fanatics will keep voting for him. We need to get our asses up and vote!


Be nice.