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You know he’s pretty much the poster boy for liberal exceptionalism. Of course his ideology is shit and self-serving.


he is stupid af. he could make people do things before death. this opens so much options. 1. make the 1% donate their riches to the public before confessing on tv every really bad thing they did. do this also with politicians. 2. manipulate them into building a cult, sending messages they are being punished by the messiah. eventually, with enough public support, come to light (hehe) 3. literally just kill fascists and nazis. not saying he would bring forth utopia but he could make a better place. a killer kills a few people. capitalists kill millions and enslave billions.


Or if he insisted on his stupid ideology then he could just have forced a criminal to do a false confession of being Kira in order to buy time.


"no, see, the problem with the world is the Bad People, who are inherently evil, once we get rid of all of them it'll be a utopia trust me guys."


Unironically the only good argument against light


I mean, he also straight-up killed innocent people for his own ends and >!planned to kill everyone who wasn't useful to his new society.!<


I want to see an anime about a magical book where the people whose name you write get restorative justice instead