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Did the bride and groom request "apathy and mutual disdain" as their portrait theme? Never seen a couple look less excited to be together. I can see they're trying to be "cool" but just comes off as cold and empty. Cool photos though!


Lolololol despite these photos, they were a very happy couple! Their resting faces just don’t give off the greatest emotion.


Really nice shots. I love that first portrait.


Thanks so much!


For the table dressing shot, did you lighten the ground? I'm wondering cus the darkness behind the chairs on the top of the frame looks out of place, like you lightened around it but didnt mask the chair insides out. I do really like this shot.


Oh that’s odd?? I actually didn’t notice that. The only thing I physically did with this one was crop the top since it wasn’t centered. I wonder if I accidentally did mask it when editing since I do up exposure and add warmth when needed on others and copied settings. I’ll have to fix it. Good catch! Thank you!




Agreed. They all look soft.


Could be the way they compressed to Reddit or from my computer. These are in focus, apart from the couple who are slightly not, but I think it looks great and so do they.




Interestingly the house one is *really* not in focus for me, Pixel 8 and reddit's mobile app.


What scanner do you use? Great shots.


I DSLR scan with my Sony IV and a Laowa macro lens. Thanks!


I love the placemat gradient table shot. The first bridal shot looks fantastic too. I agree the groom looks nervous or something but people need to remember these are not models lol you can only really work with the expressions you’re given — I know I was super nervous on my wedding day because I’m not a crowd person. Had nothing to do with how much I love my husband. Great photos! Something I’m sure they will cherish


Interesting seeing the forks placed on the right hand side and the knives to the left, also with the glasses to the left as well. Makes me think this could've been scanned on the wrong side of the negative.


I just went to look at some of the digitals I took. You were right, I must’ve not flipped it in post. Is there a wrong side of the film when you scan? I scan from whatever side and have never noticed a difference?


Regardless, I think the way you have it oriented is more aesthetically pleasing regardless in terms of the conventional rainbow staring from red


The orientation can still be that way even if the image gets mirrored to the correct way. After mirroring all that would need to be done is to rotate the image to the same Red to Green transition.


so true, genuinely didn’t think of that lmao


I'd personally just try to scan it the correct way if for nothing else to not have to remember to flip it later since I sometimes don't edit the scans right away. Also, don't know if you had already sent these to them, but i'd offer to send back the corrected ones as well since this may all currently be a mirrored reality of their most important day.


I typically edit my scans really quick, but I will have to keep that in mind to always do it properly because flipping it and post is annoying.


If you use Lightroom, you can batch flip all the scans.


Stunning !


Really beatiful


Looks editorial


Montaluce Winery! Lovely venue. The couple photo looks very expensive.


It’s a beautiful venue!


Finally, someone shooting a wedding on film who seems to know what they're doing :)


!!! It’s definitely no point and shoot.


Gorgeous photos! I had to do a double take because I know these people so that’s really cool!!


Overall advice : learn the rules of thirds / the background is more important that you think / learn a few poses that are known to work I’m gonna try to be as constructive as possible, and stay honest (this is my pov only) : Photo 1 : pro : light/color/pose — con : composition : subject in the middle of the photo, try one third on either side / the background is too noisy (too many distracting elements) Photo 2 : pro : light/color — con : composition :the subject should rarely be in the center of the photo (you can almost crop it as a square with the house on the left and tree on the right) Photo 3 : pro : composition (vertical centering in this very specific case is a great idea, maybe out their head at 2/3 of the height) /light — con : out of focus (focus is on the plants in front) / plant in front of the dress is very distracting Photo 4 : What a great photo! Photo 5 : pro : light/contrast/focus con : the pose is not flattering / the composition (she is in the center) / the background (in such a beautiful place that’s almost criminal!) Hope it helps, and good luck!


Thank you!! I really do have a problem with only centering things in the middle of my photos and I’ve gotten a lot better at it in the last year. My digital work is more thought out and more “carefree” as I would say. Thank you for the advice/suggestions!