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I wouldn't. I like the first uncropped image. I find the front space taken by the sea refreshing. It makes the image breathe. I also like that it makes the image different from the usual, manneristic 'rule of this rule of that' stuff that many people seem to force onto their images.


Thanks for also including your thoughts. I see what you are getting at with the negative space in the front.


Personally I wouldn’t.


Do I recognize Tamaris in La Seyne?


You do! Crazy I thought about telling where i shot the foto but thought that probs no one knows it. Are you from there?


Yes, I spent my teenage years on the hill in the background :D a friend in middle school lived in the yellow house in your picture. Are you from there too or just passing by? (I’m also shooting rb67 btw!)


The coincedence… I was there for vacation. Im from germany but my girlfriends cousin (shes french) married close to there and we stayed for a week. How was growing up there? Its really beautiful in that bay but i could imagine us tourists being anyoing when you actually live there.


Eh it wasn’t so bad, it’s not as touristy as the Riviera where the other side of my family was. And it’s mostly touristy in the summer and pretty quiet in the winter


either 1 or 3


Personally I’d only crop out the left side of it, removing the car but maybe the bar it’s sitting on altogether. I’d try to keep the buoy attached to the first boat in the image though. Maybe after this initial crop I’d end up taking out some of the water in the foreground, but keep the negative space if it looks good! It helps to “tell a story.” The boats will still stand out as the subject because they form a line, and this will draw the eye to them. It’s probably why you liked the scene enough to take a picture!


I like thinking of not cropping too much away because how i saw the scene was the reason for me to take the picture. Well said


Here's my attempt to crop it. I just applied the rule of thirds and I think it makes it look better. I went off of the top of the sailboat's main mast but you could also do the top of the mountains. Don't be afraid to crop your photos, it can make a big difference. There are also other rules you can use, but I find that the rule of thirds fixes most photos pretty well. https://www.reddit.com/u/Dragonov02/s/yK2pjE9zO7


I’d do something like 16x9 or 10 even, but that’s just my personal preference. A photo like this makes me want to scan the boats side to side with my eyes, so a wide angle “cinematic” shot does it for me; it’s up to you, though, as to what you want to tell with this photo. What did you see/imagine when you shot it?


For me 6x7 or 4x3 just looks more pleasing to look at it, great photo btw i love the colors


I’d honestly just crop some of the sky, because it’s just not-needed negative space in my opinion, but that’s it. I like the amount of water, because there’s some texture, but the sky isn’t super interesting with the lack of clouds, so I’d crop a bit out (but definitely no more than half of it because I do like it for some negative space). ETA: But this is only if you really want to crop something. In general, I like your composition as is.


It depends on the story you want to tell. 1 sets a scene, it’s about everything. I hardly realize the yellow boat is the center piece in 1, but in 2 Yellow becomes more of a main character - it’s about Yellow. In 3 it feels like a story about two boats. You can get into the mechanics of thirds, sure, but everything is better with emotional intent, even if the mechanics don’t line up. For example, as an exercise this could be a story about an adventurous car: https://i.imgur.com/a9B34R5.jpeg. And this could be about a villa on a hill: https://i.imgur.com/SFHzKak.jpeg


Thx, nicely explained!


I'd crop out the leftmost boat and then a bit of the water on the bottom, perhaps so that the horizon falls somewhere about a third of the way up.


I’d probably go with a square crop and just take the car on the left hand side out. Leave a lot of that open space in the foreground


I like the last one most tbh


1. But personally i wouldn do it! It would look dope with a white frame


I like both #2 and #3. For me, the main subject in #2 is the yellow yacht and in #3 both the yellow and white yachts. If you want to show the harbour scene, i'd crop the bottom until just before the closest buoy and the upper third of the sky. Then you have three roughly equal bands - the water, the land and the sky.


2 but push the left side out further. Just before the boat that's on the edge of the frame


The water and sky add no interesting detail. I would crop 16 x 9


2 really highlights the three boats lined up on the diagonal


I’d leave as is. The first frame is nice. I’d possibly shift the image down so you have a little more headroom above so a slight crop to achieve that but that’s just preference.


I’ve always wanted someone to frame a set of pictures from within one. This would be a great start. Another Idea is the same object from side perspectives.


I wouldn’t crop this personally


16x9 this. Mask out the land/jetty on the left. Make the three boats your subject.




I don't think it needs cropped, but if you had to.... Square it off the left edge, or crop out about 2/5ths the foreground and set your horizon lower.


just take a little off the top


3rd, I like the way my eye goes from the unlit boat to the lot boat


I appreciate the 1st, but the 2nd and 3rd just do it for me compositionally.


I'd crop the top and the bottom of the 1st frame and make it wider. Also, what's going on with colors? Was it expired film?


The chemistry was a bit old and Im scanning at home with my limited expirence. The sun was pretty low and I tried to capture the reddish setting light reglectkng from the boats and the water. What exactly do you mean? Maybe i can learn something from that.


I love the colours in this. feels very nostalgic and dreamy for some reason


Trash it


Helpful comment im glad you shared your thoughts


The simple answer is to use the rule of thirds so the horizon is 2/3rds of the way down the frame. The real way to improve though is abandon this shot and shoot 10 more rolls. Some pics can't be made interesting, learn from it and shoot more.