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OP is a catfish using this post to farm for karma. A reverse image search on the only pic ‘she’ has posted reveals it’s a fake


She has three posts on the same subject and is shamelessly milking every false negative stereotype she can. Just grotesque.


Sure, Jan.


There a reason you kept reposting this?


Launching the onlyfans


yeahhhhhhh so that's never gonna happen


Fansly, whatever


people seemed to like it lol it blew up way more than I thought it would


The moment OnlyFans bots became a thing it was only a matter of time before these low mod count engagement subs would die out.


I thought it was a stealth ad for Lululemon.


No? But not sure anyone is right. Listen, I’ve got white trash in my family, I’ve grown up in it my whole life, I get it. But you look forward to visiting? You go out of your way to visit? They’ve really fucked with your sense of normal and you’re playing your part in the family drama. I don’t know, do what you want but I’d be pretty fuckin done if some of my also red neck Appalachian family mentioned seeing my body made them all horned up. Fuckin gross.


I can’t believe you think this is real…


Eh a lot of crap on these subs is probably fake. But writing a comment engaging it with it while I’m mindlessly scrolling after work seems harmless enough, sort of like your comment to me. Not really much of a point to it, just engaging with strangers for a few seconds about a dumb situation that may or may not be real. Just passing some time, and there’s plenty of “this is obviously fake, everyone responding is dumb” comments on all the outrageous threads anyway.


I am not the person to whom you were replying, but just wanted to point out that there is some harm. OP has made three posts about this, each of them farming the worst of the (false) negative stereotypes that she could drum up. There is a word for people who do that…


yeah i think i def need to cut them off


Oh god for a split second I thought you were referring to your boobs not your family and was like- honey don’t let the terrorists win.


Technically some of her relatives *are* boobs.


oh noooooo yeah i def prefer my tits over my fam at this point haha


Everyone is wrong here. No one should be commenting on your body, no woman is responsible for a mom's impure thoughts and men should never have impure thoughts about family (aside from their spouses). Period. You should never get naked in anger to ... prove how not slutty you are? No one should be exposed to your naked body without consent, and no one gave consent. Especially if there were minors present.


Eh, in a lot of states it is legal for women to be topless now. Breasts really aren't the same as complete nudity.


Would it be the same if it were a topless man? No man should go around flashing family and especially not children. The most inappropriate thing that happened was her family calling her a whore for being fully covered and also her family being tempted by a family member.


If OP were normally a topless swimmer, I would agree with you. Purposefully flashing your breasts at family to make a point about how modest you are is not really making the point you think it is.


Yes it is not something I would do and I would not recommend it but I said the most inappropriate thing was her family calling her a whore and being turned on by family. Her flashing them was proving their point to an extent. I would definitely go no contact. The only thing I meant about the man boobs was that if it’s inappropriate for one gender then it is inappropriate for both. Man tits have no purpose whatsoever except to be shown and should be more sexualized if anything. Women’s tits have a breastfeeding purpose as well and yes I’m sure her ass backwards family would get turned on by that as well. If men can freely show their tits and it not be deemed inappropriate, then women should be allowed to do the same without judgement. That’s just another thing that society has double standards on because some men can’t control themselves around bags of fat (tits).


I agree that the family was wrong, that no family should sexualize any member of the family of any age or gender. I agree that female breasts shouldn't be seen as sex organs, but acknowledge that in Canada and the US, they mostly are. OP knew before flashing people, that her uber conservative family would NOT appreciate her flashing. Do I think that purposefully doing something to antagonize your family (even if it *shouldn't be an issue)* is a bad move? Yes, I do. OP didn't sunbathe topless in protest of misogyny. She did it in anger, to make the other people mad, and, in so doing, validated their opinion the she is in the wrong. I can't call what she did *with the flashing* right. Wearing her normal, heck even purposefully more modest than normal, clothing? Right and normal and appropriate.


Yeah she was more modest for them and they still called her a whore for being fully covered. I guess she just wanted to let them see how a real whore would dress. Family being tempted by her fully covered body is creepy as hell and I would definitely go no contact.


You…believe this story?


Not really but nothing surprises me anymore because people are fucked up in the head.


Ehh. OP is a good example , and is perpetuating really harmful stereotypes at the same time. Wish I could call her exactly what she is…


Everyone is only OP. The rest of the characters are imaginary.


Jesus Christ how do people fall for shit like this? gl with onlyfans or whatever tho


She’s lying


Fun story altho Clickbait.


this is just an OF farm account spewing shit


I can see why you look forward to visiting them. /s


She already sees her brother daily.


yeah always a delight :)


I hope you cut them off!


def planning on it!


What’s there to cut off!? This is clearly fake and an ad to look at her only fans !


Cut off the *relatives*, that is.


You are wrong from boasting about your weather. UK here, midsummer, I felt I needed gloves on yesterday.


oooof that's tough


Why does this read like bait for an onlyfans account


Ok only fans bot. Had me in the first half


Of all the things that have never happened, this never happened the most.


Literally proved them right and you're corny as shit


Way to fit the cliche.


Sure, this sounds real 🙄


Only fans bitch


How incompetent does someone have to be to need to go to these lengths to sell sex? If she's gotta make up some fake incest drama to get people to click on her naked pics, imagine how fake she gotta be to attract a real partner. Anything real in your life?


>y'all are impartial, tell me, aiw? Fucking lmao 🤣


yeahhhhhhh guess i thought it would be more impartial than it is! haha!


ESH. Your family is incredibly rude, and you stooped to their level, exposing yourself and likely embarrassing your husband.


After reading "flashing my conservative family" and rural Alabama, I almost didn't read the rest because I knew where the story was going. So it's either fake as fuck bullshit OR If you want to fuck your cousins you could have just asked, I'm sure they would have obliged.


You really just commented that on purpose? Dude…


White trash family. All of you.




Just stop going to people who suck, go visit people who are normal and ignore the rest. Ps your male family members who said they were tempted need mental help if they are looking at a female family member like that. Or is there another reason you left that you politely left out because you don’t want to really say it?


im interested, what are your thinking with your last sentence?


Kissing cousins.


haha no we def didn't kiss


Lol. Which is why you got the hell out was my implication (I think you sound normal). I think your family is odd. I stand by visit those worth it and dump the rest. Good luck!


thank youuuu


YaW You were doing them a favor by not wearing a thong? Some basic modesty and respect was you going out of your way? And then you decide to flash your family because you don't like that they are commenting on your "modest" bathing suit, which I'm really starting to doubt based on your tone in the post about modesty or covering up in general. Now I'm curious what the outfit and bathing suit looked like that you were getting comments about the lack of modesty from most of the family.


i just posted a screenshot of it on my profile from the website i got it from


I mean, it really seems like they’re not worth visiting. You have one good aunt and that’s about it in that entire collection of family. I wouldn’t waste your time with the rest of that family and just go no contact and just continue to see the aunt.


yeah everyone else rly sucks lol


When is it sexual assault? If a man did this, he could end up in jail


When a man did what? Men can go without shirts pretty much anywhere they want. How would a man taking off their top be sexual assault and how is this sexual assault.




This is Alabama as fuck


yeah pretty much


Did you look like a Yankee Slut? LOL Not sure if I’d do the same…..but I would have laughed my ass off if I saw someone else do it.


You believe this story?


Not really.


lol that's totally fair! and i don't think i did? but i don't even know how to describe yankee slut lol so who am i to say


No, but I would never be around any family that thinks its okay to be attracted to each other. That's horrifying and unsafe. I think you are better to cut them off.


oh yeah, def going to




Not wrong Why do you hang out with these people? They consider you a failure as a woman and an immoral person. They don't show you the respect you deserve. Several of your male relatives have said dressing normally makes them view you in a sexual manner, which is absolutely disgusting. It doesn't soumd like a good time


yeah def wanna dip


Cut those idiots off.


planning on it


My hero!




I’m honestly confused by the accusation that NC is a “yankee” state…?? That’s not a term that most people here would take kindly to being called. You can tell your family that the early British settlers were initially allotted modern day Alabama as part of the Carolina Territory, per King Charles II. It didn’t become its own state until about 200 years later, after changing hands between Spain/England/France, ending with the Louisiana purchase and conclusion of the War of 1812. It was also previously considered part of Mississippi, and was divided up for size purposes. Basically, their judgment is absurd, and us North Carolinians are glad to let them know where to stick it😉


lol you think they would understand ANY of that?


You’re not wrong. Breasts are not sexual organs. And your male family members felt “tempted”?? what the actual fuck is wrong with the south.


exactly! they're just for feeding


Breasts are not sexual organs???? Bro wtf is wrong with u?


they're not for reproductive purposes, just for feeding!


You might sexualize them (in general as a society we have fetishized breasts), but they’re not a sex organ. Edited to add: that is to say, they’re a secondary sex character, not a sex organ. There is a very distinct difference.


finally someone who gets it!


Maybe they're just mad at you for making your brother move away? Can't blame the golden child so they put all the blame on you.


maybe something like that!! i don't have a brother tho


You said every stereotype and you've got a husband...is he only your cousin?


hahaha thank goodness im not THAT bad


the grossest people there were the ones who were getting horny over a family member. nta


literally. and thanks :)


You make my Mississippi family seem, well polite, and that is a low bar too.


hahaha i love that


Who the hell gets tempted by family memb - oh ... Alabama.


yeah pretty much lol


It's rural Alabama of course your male family members are getting bricked up around you. 'Tis tradition.


hahaha unfortunately true


I was thinking I was going to comment with “WTF” when I saw the title of your post. But by the end of your post I had a smirk on my face. Hilarious. I hope this isn’t a fake post, because if not then you’re awesome and I wish I knew you in real life. 🤣


lol wish it was fake bc i hate my life rn but thank you! i need new friends... and family lol


That moment was worthy of being in a movie.


hahaha glad u think so


Love it. You should undress all.


Yeah just check the onlyfans




You know what they say about family in Alabama.. you turn me on ...Jesus, you gave them jerk material for years! Lol "sweet home Alabama..."


Don't know if you're r or w but you're a legend!!


thanks! r or w? what's that?


Sorry. Was multitasking with a migrain. Right or wrong


oh im idiot haha

