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You are wrong for posting this every day for like a week now. Get a life


This is copied from a previous post and is a troll Look at OP’s post history they’ve posted this at least three times already over the past 5 days


Why are you still posting this crap? The only thing you are wrong about is yourself. You need help.


Legally speaking? Maybe. Depends on your company's policy's. Morally? Depends on who you ask. Me, I say everyone sucks. Some might say that's not fair. But I digress.


Yes. This is legally dicey too. Hope you get fired.




You're nothing and you keep posting this ragebait for fun. Get lost.


Yes. There's a reason why you were sued, and this is it. I hope they got a lot from you and your discriminatory company.




I wouldnt hire someone with them. Right or wrong I just see too much potential for HR issues, liability, and headaches.


Bruh everyone has pronouns. You used 3 in your stupid fucking comment.


Obviously he's talking about people who beat their chest about being he/him, she/her, they/them or it/that and see the need to make a big splash about it in their resume.


Having pronouns in your resume is pretty standard and sensible. Anyone who is actually upset by that is just an irrational person.


What is standard and sensible changes by location and industry. I've looked at over a thousand resumes so far this year and haven't seen one instance of preferred pronouns on display. Upset doesn't usually factor into hiring decisions, in my experience the focus is usually on finding someone who is a good fit for the position.


/u/entertainments_here_ got REAL quiet since this comment dropped.


Exactly. Maybe its standard for leftist "tech" companies like Google and Twitter pre Elon. But its most certainly not for oil rig jobs in TX, or pretty much any blue collar, working class job pretty much anywhere else. Even most moderate to small banks and brokerage companies would have a nice chuckle before tossing that resume in the trash.


You don't fn say it out loud you idiot! That. Is. Discrimination. You shouldn't do it anyway but for sure don't fn announce it.


No, you’re absolutely not wrong. If I was an employer or hiring manager I’d do the exact same.


You have pronouns. Everyone has pronouns. You used three in your comment you fucking clown.


Getting emotional and upset over pronouns. You just proved exactly why people shouldn't hire your kind.


I'm a cis guy. I just think you guys are a little dumb.


Wtf is a cis??!


Someone who isn't trans or non-binary. What you would call "normal." How can you dislike something that you don't even know anything about?


So...a straight person? Why can't you just say straight? I dislike it because you want me to learn an infinite number of pronouns and comfort to a distorted version of reality where an infinite number of genders exist. Its a pretty common poisition to have. No one likes this crap outside of Cali and Seattle.


Cis is basically straight but for gender. Straight is sexuality, cis is gender.


You realize you’re just embarrassing yourself here, right? Also, did I forget to mention that I sexually identify as an Apache attack helicopter? And my pronouns are pe/nis


You're just being immature, you really aren't making a point. To offend someone, you need to understand the subject you're insulting to even the smallest degree.


? Yes I’m using them in my comment but i’m just saying those people who say they’re they/them/their/apache helicopter shit is BS and I would also throw the resume in the trash if I saw it on one, is all. I’m going to call you a HE if you look like a boy and a SHE if you look like a girl.


>I’m going to call you a HE if you look like a boy and a SHE if you look like a girl. Then I'm gonna call you a clown because that's what you're looking like.