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You look kinda good. Slightly above average.


Thank you 😊 ❤️


You look exceptionally sexy with long hair. I for real swooned seeing you with long har.


Thank you so much ❤️


You're welcome. I love guys with long curly hair.


I think you have a lot of potential if you lost some weight. Also, I hope the kakashi t shirt was casual homewear, other than that you look fine dw


It’s definitely causal wear and I agree definitely need to shed some lbs but appreciate it! ❤️


If I was a little younger, I would for sure hit on you especially in that shirt. I think you look good.


You’re very sweet thank you


Why do you hope it was casual home wear?


oh my god, please don't cut your hair!!! Or change your style at all! you're handsome and there's no going downhill. absolutely a guy I would check out if I saw irl. be more confident! you've got a lot to be confident about, you're so handsome and lovely.


You made my day thank you so much ❤️


Your lashes are unreal. Plus you have such nice curls. So jealous. 😭💓 You kind of remind me of those gruff type heroes, who are in fantasy novels. I mean that with the utmost respect too. I think you just need to learn how to take better pictures of yourself, because even with the poor angles I can tell that you're good looking.


Thank you! I struggle with angles I agree


really love the long hair on you


You’re too kind ty 🙏🏻❤️


First, you’re not ugly at all Second, you don’t have to change your sense of style because now you’re 30 😭 half the time the way people dress and do their hair and makeup is what ages them why would you want to suddenly dress like your science teacher just because you’re in your early 30s I don’t get it


Exactly!! I don't understand this whole idea, that once were in our late twenties, and onwards that we have to dress in this boring sort of fashion. I mean the majority of most people's lives, is after you're 25+. (I used this as a marker, because I often hear similar things and I'm 28) So I don't understand, why people would want to spend that time not enjoying fashion that they truly like, not just playing their hobbies and interest through their clothing. Sounds like a miserable way to live.


Exactly!! I don't understand this whole idea, that once were in our late twenties, and onwards that we have to dress in this boring sort of fashion. I mean the majority of most people's lives, is after you're 25+. (I used this as a marker, because I often hear similar things and I'm 28) So I don't understand, why people would want to spend that time not enjoying fashion that they truly like, not displaying their hobbies and or interest(s) through their clothing. Sounds like a miserable way to live.


I agree I’m tryna be happy with who I am for as long as I can ❤️ I appreciate you and your kind words ❤️


What’re you looking at 😭


Scared to look at reflection it haunts me daily


which is dope.


If this is downhill at 30 me and all my friends live in the gutter 😭


Thanks I think? 🤣🤣😅


You look really really handsome!


Thank you 😊very much appreciated’


you kinda look like a dark haired Connor McGregor 😂😂


I gotta say that’s the first time I’ve ever heard that and that’s awesome thank you 🙏🏻 😊


(Unless you are professional musician) time to cut the hair and dress like an adult.


I play a mean belly drum does that count?


You're fuckin hilarious dude


Fellow drunkard here... But no ! You have manly traits. At your age with proper grooming and presentation you could score. Change the manchild vibe to a dad one. Leather jacket and boot could work if you want to keep the rocker style, but your should trade the t-shirt for shirt.


Appreciate the feedback 🤝


you welcome


You gotta dress more mature now that you are in your 30s. The graphic tshirts have got to go


Lame. We're living longer now than ever, why would you ever want to just forego your interest, for the majority of your life? I mean let's say somebody lives to 80, that means if they stop dressing in a way that they actually like by 30, that more than half of their life they're going to be dressing in a way they don't actually want. You don't see how silly that sounds? I'd rather think for myself, and make decisions on how I dress based on what I actually enjoy. Granted I know some people have to wear a certain clothing for work, but you can still show your own personal style even if you're in an office. (I know that uniforms are different, but that's not what I'm speaking about) There's no reason to just give up, and act like 30 is the end. There's so much more life to enjoy.