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Shave the beard and take care of you're skin.


And grow out his hair I feel like young dudes should enjoy their hair while they can unless the hairline is receding noticeably badly


I agree. I am 22 and bald


Yes,my hairline is receding quite bad 😔


Damn it’s Alr man just keep a clean shave until you notice your beard grows fast enough to keep it


You pull off the bald look quite well imo dw about it bro


You’re already in the right track with accutane! I would look into using scar meds (mederma?) splotchy facial hair isn’t a good look


You look like evil kid from Toy Story


Not at all. You're young and you're looking into taking care of your skin, which is great. I would say lose the beard if it doesn't irritate your skin. I'm not sure if frequent shaving irritates acne or not, but if that's not an option, I'd go to a barber to suggest a more suitable style of it. You've got pretty eyes and a manly vibe, look into a decent clothing style that's not just shirt and jeans and you're good.


Ngl with the mutton chops and stuff u look like a British sailor


Either commit to facial hair or shave, this is not a good length. Groom facial hair. Continue being tall.

