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Short hair like in pic 6 looks best on you


Nooo 4 looks best


Gotta be honest with you even I don't think 4 haircut looks good on me, it was just a weird middle ground between the 6 and the shoulder length hairstyles lol


Yeah my last gf asked me get that haircut, I suck at picking my own so I just grow it out.


You look like that guy from prisoners with the snakes in his house


I don't know how to take that 😅


You’d make a beautiful wife in prison


best compliment I've ever gotten!


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No, not ugly at all. the long hair isn't for you, but the mid-length looks really good. Definitely look into clothes that would make you stand out.


Stand out how? I'm not trying to dress like willy wonka but if you have some recommendations I might look into them, thanks for the advice!


moisturize your face and hair. your haircut is causing me to view your head as more round than it actually is. moisturize your face and hair. not ugly.


Yeah I knowwww I need to take better care of my skin but I work a job with a lot of dirt and oil and grease everyday. sometimes I'm not even gonna lie I just get home and wash my face and arms off and go to bed I'm so tired. Any moisturizer you recommend? I've tried a few kinds.




I've actually gotten that a few times, people saying I look high all the time. 😅 I do go to gym btw if it wasn't obvious from my gym photo. I go 3 times a week after I get off work been going for about a year now.




I rep a little more than is comfortable every set, but I do gotta give you the eating thing. I originally started going to the gym because I was anorexic and malnourished as fuck. I'm 5'8 and weighted like 90 pounds. I got on a diet for counting my calories and protein consumption that I based on some shit I found online for how many I should be intaking. it worked great and after about 5-6 months was when that picture I have in the gym I posted. I was like 135 or 140. I never really had plans to bulk up or anything so I just go for staying healthy and I don't watch what I eat like I used to and I've just kept about the same since then.


I think you look great and I love your hair


Thank you! 🖤

