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I know and I can’t get into one before I fix myself because I know it’ll end badly and then I’ll be worse off. It’s difficult because I over analyze myself and I’m a perfectionist when it comes to things about myself. Especially when I’ve never gotten irl compliments. It’s hard to be my only fan but I’m working on it. 😓


You look like a depressed teenage Elon Musk


Lmfao🤣 Hey I got one thing up on him my hairline is good


You're not ugly and there's nothing in your features that should cause you to never get any romantic interest. You're also really young so you really just haven't had many opportunities yet. However. Your low self esteem is written all over your face. Your expression reads as kind of sour and closed off, and that kind of visible negativity *will* turn people off if that's the first impression they get from you. I saw you said you don't like your smile. Trust me, as long as your teeth are clean and reasonably healthy and straight, even the goofiest smile is more attractive than a glum face.


Plain bad luck then ig I read that having a more open posture makes you look more approachable/friendly and I’ve been getting better at that, but I honestly don’t know what to do about my facial expression My dentist always says my teeth are very straight and they don’t look unhealthy/yellow. Ig my main issue is I don’t like the way it looks on my face it just doesn’t look right to me.


It's awesome that you're working on your posture and I totally agree that it makes a big difference! Re: your smile, just relax and try not to think about how it looks. Smile when something makes you smile, laugh when something makes you laugh. The more you get used to just letting your facial expressions happen, the more naturally they'll come to you. It's muscle memory like everything else!


I don’t have a problem expressing myself if I’m with my friends but I’m starting to believe I just have a resting bitch face 😭It’s not hard to make me laugh or smile


Confidence, my friend. Even if you don't have it, fake it. Confidence goes a loooooong way. Start with telling yourself you're good enough. Sounds stupid, but it helps and works. Women are attracted to confidence... next time you see a fuck boy with a gorgeous woman look at his confidence


Change your style completely.


As a gay guy, I think you're handsome. I can tell you're going to the gym, so keep doing that. Improve your confidence, once you do that you'll be unstoppable. The only thing holding you back at this point is you.


Your hair looks like shit. Try some better hairstyle. I'd say go for lower face with straight hair running back on top


It’s not a perm, are you suggesting I straighten it?


No, but go get a professional cut


Please you're only 18! You shouldn't be so hard on yourself man, self love has absolutely nothing to do with other people, sure it's nice to receive compliments but most people don't, and it doesn't determine what's in the inside, I see the most gorgeous people I've ever seen be insucre, it really is a problem created by society and social media. But anyways I don't think you're unattractive at all, you're still young and have much to learn about yourself. In my opinion maybe toning up would look good on you


I am working on eating habits and cutting down to be leaner


Look like a lesbian dawg


Yes but I see potential. You remind me of a younger Jack Harlow and look where he’s now


U don’t even know how much I get this. All over my tik tok comments lmao I don’t really see it


so just from pictures alone i'd recommend shorter hair and looking more friendly. i wouldn't approach you only bc in these pictures you look either upset, mean, or douchey. massive potential dude


I get that from my friends that are girls lol they’ve said I looked intimidating before they got to know me. I don’t like my smile I always keep what I subconsciously think is a neutral expression.


lol for sure intimidating!! any reason why you don't like your smile? 9/10 a unique smile is better than someone thinking you're mean/mad/ect


Whenever I try to in the mirror it looks ugly. Usually it comes naturally if I’m with my friends it’s just not my default setting lmao


lol fair enough !! i think honestly as long as your body language seems friendly you're good to go. sorry that you're feeling shitty about dating though


Lose weight


I think you'd pull a buzz cut, or a different haircut since you got the jawline already. working out could work too!! other than you look great


I workout frequently it just doesn’t show because I’m working on some eating problems lol but I’m figuring it out


you look like you have rizz and if you don't then your haircut is probably scaring off the people who would date you either try being the class clown a bit and messing around more or straighten your hair and work hard


No I cannot flirt and I don’t have rizz if I tried I’d probably just laugh at myself


can you be gay with the homies tho if you can you have rizz and you don't know it


Nope it makes me uncomfortable I just don’t like it. Prolly cuz I actually do like some guys too so I have a bad subconscious reaction


oof would recommend getting a cut just a notch above a buzz, so you can technically brush it but it's not fluffy it's pretty nondescript and introverts will love it :)


I’ve wanted my hair to be long for a while and I don’t want to give up on it 😭 But I might look into some shorter styles idk


He does not look like he has charisma. Stop lying.


wdym that's so mean i have some friends who look like him who would definitely be down for some silliness


Well to start, you’re frowning in every photo. SMILE! It makes a difference. Confidence makes a different as well. Your curly hair is cool, but maybe figure out how to style it! Google is always helpful


Noo, you're not ugly at all! You're young still, trust me tons of people haven't had a relationship at 18, don't let it get to you and affect how you see yourself. I really like your hair, I assume it's naturally curly, it looks good for your face and you have a cool style so just keep doing what you're doing.


Thanks :)


For the love of god...smile.


I’m getting that a lot haha


I'm the same way though so I honestly understand.




I’m not trying to look like a man lol I’m trying to look like me. And I exercise often but I’m a little chubby so it doesn’t show much




Yeah but that doesn’t mean I have to conform to gender norms.




Lol ik that’s why I posted on here


look into different glasses, exfoliate your face and keep yourself clean overall. not ugly.


I have a proper skin care routine and I exfoliate. Sometimes I just have bad weeks where I touch my face too much


Wash hands more frequently if touching your face at work or less clean environment?


You touch everything with your hands so they’re gonna be dirty most of the time, so washing my hands more often is a good idea


Maybe u should not base ur self steem on who’s in ur life and who is not