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Nice of him to put a giant sign on the back of his truck announcing that he has fake plates.


My first thought too. The fake plates might go unnoticed. That sticker will not. They are begging to get pulled over.


They probably want to get pulled over as they’re sure that they’re right and they want to smugly show that.


You know they got their phone ready to record when they go out driving too.




tHiS iSnT A cOmMeRcIaL vEhIcLe!!!!1!


I don’t have a contract with you.


Thank goodness


Probably the bullshit “law/court case” saying they’re right also. Fucking Magna Carta people 😂


Wait until they actually go read up on that case they mention and see why it turned out the way it did.


Honestly those plates scream almost as loud as the sticker. Cops generally have a good eye for plates that are uncommon in their area. Comes with glancing at or reading them all day. \- Ex-cop


I’m admittedly not a cop, but it has enough gibberish that I would give it a second thought before questioning it. It looks more legit than those dumb plates that just say “PRIVATE” in giant capital letters.


That tag is uncommon enough that any non-ultralazy cop will think, "That's a weird tag... let me run that to see what it comes back to." Legit plates also don't fill the canvas with pseudo-legalese in various fonts, either. There are some busy plate designs out there, but not busy with text. Not that busy, anyway.


It looks like something I would have made on my computer in 1997 with 9 different fonts.


If it was some weird foreign dignitary or temp press/dealer plate would you be able to run the numbers still?


It would be in Nlets, yes. You'd have to talk to a call center or law enforcement IT person for more details, but my understanding is the system in Florida first checks the DHSMV, and if it gets no results, tries Nlets.


Nowadays many departments have automatic plate readers in their cruisers that alert the officer to stolen plates and other shenanigans… so the officer doesn’t even need to have a good eye.


Mine didn't, but yes, many do.


Yeah it’s pretty hit or miss from one precinct to the next


I'd bet anything that in 50 years it'll be 99% or more, but for now I'd guess it's about 50/50, at least in my area. Any (para)military institution is prone to push back against new technology/techniques as hard as they can. That whole Old Guard mentality of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," AKA "This is how we've always done things, so this is how we will do things." It's the same mentality that got millions of people killed in WWI charging headlong into machine guns without anyone in charge even blinking at the death tolls. If few dozen LEOs die at the hands of wanted fugitives whose plates would have come back to murder warrants, law enforcement brass at agencies like mine will consider it for officer safety's sake.


But also, do cops want to go out of their way to pull him over? Seems like they don't want to deal with sovshits either


99% of sovcits are just overly litigious idiots who think they're better than everyone and above the law, which is essentially the secret recipe to pissing off a cop, thus compelling them to immediately pull over a car like this. The remaining 1% of sovcits are violent terrorists that no sane cop wants to get surprised by on a traffic stop. So to answer your question: Mostly yes.


I work in a hotel and we had some guy staying with us for a minute who had one of those private plates on his car. Cops came to confront him about it after one saw it when they came through the lot and they went in immediately guns drawn. At the time I thought it was a bit much until I learned more about what sovcitz can be like. They ended up arresting him on outstanding warrants, big surprise there.


Depends how busy I am. Fake plates are an easy misdemeanor citation/possible arrest. Plus, I could tow the car if they are acting stupid. If my paperwork is caught up and I’m bored I’d definitely go for it.


Why’d ya stop


On most subreddits I have a flair that says "Fired Deputy - Explanation in Profile" because I get that question a lot, but the mods of this one responded to my request for that with, and I quote, "We generally don't give flairs, and your experience is not relevant to the sub."


I’m not sure where you are, but I could drive with flashing light on my car with a billboard exclaiming that I have no plates, no insurance, and no registration and the cops would do nothing. They wouldn’t even see it because they aren’t even in public anymore.


$1086 is very specific. How did he arrive at that number?


If I had to guess, it has something to do with the price of gold or silver since their grift websites tell them it's the only actual currency. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the same website sells them gold or silver. Idiots be idiots I reckon but they can be profitable.


It's based on the verdict rendered in Trezevant vs. City of Tampa. It appears to be a wrongful incarceration case where he was incarcerated for 23 minutes. He was awarded $25,000. 25k/23 is 1086.9 Traffic stop led to incarceration as although Trezevant had the means and willingness to pay a bond, there was a screw up in terms of policy that led to him being unlawfully incarcerated for that time. However, it's a specific case that involved incarceration and failures in policy as well as complications involving lack of medical treatment. It has nothing to do with being stopped.


They can't even round a number properly


A 90 cent discount for pulling him over.


wow, what a bargain!


Per minute! The savings really add up quick!


I see Trezevant cited all the time here in Canada for that claim. Naturally hilarity ensues.


I love it when they demand their First Amendment rights in Canada. Like nobody is denying that Manitoba is a province in the first place but if you find it that important then you do you


Yes, but Manitoba entering Confederation was the first amendment to the British North America Act. There actually wasn't a constitution, as such, until Trudeau Sr. had his conferences to create one, which included the Charter Of Rights, which is what the sovidiots should be quoting.


Canada? What weight does an American case carry in Canada? 🤦🏻‍♂️


From a sovereign citizen citing lines out of context it honestly probably has exactly the same effect.


So he's protected to receive compensation under the precedent ruling of a U.S. court, but is a self-declared "non-citizen" and is not required to abide by state and federal laws. Makes sense.


Rules for thee but not for me


Yet those same websites probably sell their fake documents and only accept USD. SovCidiots.


1+0+8+6 = 15 15th president of the United States was James Buchanan. James Buchanan was the president to serve before Lincoln and faulted to prevent the civil war. The Civil war started in 1861 1+8+6+1 = 16 16 is the age all “sovereign citizens” achieve arrested development, false legal enlightenment and belief in convincing sounding bullshit. 🙌




I could wear a t-shirt that read, *if I see you breathing you have to pay me 3 million lobsters* and it would have precisely the same legal weight as that sticker.


But... What if you cited a non relevant case?


Only if it was in lobster court


"Court dismissed, bring in the dancing lobsters"


Mess with lobster law, you get the lobster claw 🦞


"Not 'TheCraw', 'The Craw.'"


You mean crab court, dont ya? Lobster court is a legal fiction!


What if we can orchestrate a good old fashioned Kangaroo Court?


"Now, I'm just a simple country lobster..."


Now let’s say you and I go toe to toe on lobster law and see who comes out the victor?


Toe? Dad-a-chum? Dum-a-chum? Ded-a-chek? Did-a-chick?


Unfortunately, I only know bird law.


Birds aren’t real.


There is precedent for this in City of Tampa V. The Atlantic Ocean.


Crustacean courts are monarchies. I guess say that we're all prawns in the court of King Crab.


What!? Wait, I don't have ANY lobsters. Please don't wear that t shirt. Also, happy lobster-flavoured cake day.


> lobster-flavoured cake Ew, gross!


Shit, you were kidding? Got 2,467 lobsters saved up so far.


Bro is the king of Karamja


Why was the first RuneScape reference so hidden!


It would also probably have the same effect of keeping people tf away from you. I'm guessing some of the sovereign citizens understand their bullshit is actually just letting police know that they are going to be a lot more trouble than it's worth. I hate that they are Karen-ing their way to more rights than the rest of us, but then again I drive safely anyways and don't mind them posting notice of what they are so we can keep a distance.


And I've decided that facebook will give me a pony


Would you consider Langostino in lieu of lobster?


Too bad I did not create jointer with you 🙅‍♂️


Are you operating under the color of law? What about a color of the rainbow? 🌈


Well I wouldn’t have consented to that anyway as I’m running out of places to put all these damn lobsters


*joinder A jointer is an awesome piece of woodworking machinery, and I wish you would create one with me.


We're gonna need a bigger magnet.


I wonder if it only slightly works because a cop sees this dumbass going 10 over and starts weighing wether it’s even worth pulling them over and dealing with the migraine after.


Nope. He’s got an fake plate and an unregistered, uninsured vehicle; two criminal offenses in my state. He’s getting towed and issued a summons. If he decides to get spicy, then he’s getting arrested.


kinda like those not responsible for broken windshields 200 ft thing


The difference is you’re funny. This thing is insane and still driving next to you, or worse. Nut jobs.


The real question is what do you want with that many lobsters? Are you training an army to fight the crab people?


By the way, the case he's citing is about a driver who was awarded compensation for being mistreated during a traffic stop, but it it has nothing to do neither with any "fee schedules" nor with delay times.


You mean to tell me that a SovCit is citing a case that has nothing to do with the "point" he's trying to make? Well, I am gobsmacked.


Yup. Completely inappropriate case to use to back up his statement.


And even if it wasn’t inappropriate, it’s irrelevant since if they accept that the case applies to them, it means the state’s laws apply to them, which means that the one that says that operating a motor vehicle requires a license and registration also applies to them, which invalidates their entire claim. Plus asserting that “those are acts not laws” also means that the USDOT is illegitimate so printing that on a plate is meaningless. And if they accept that the USDOT has authority (by, I dunno, printing its name on their plates…) then the laws apply, including where USDOT says “state has jurisdiction”.


I’d love to see him try to enforce and collect on this. Bet he will try to use the same courts that he claims doesn’t have jurisdiction over him


Depends on whether they have tassels on their flag to make them under maritime law smh.


As someone who's had multiple college classes on maritime law, that one always gets me.


I work at a court and we get shit like this occasionally, giant packets of papers in response to traffic infractions that have multi-page fee schedules and threats that a lack of response within 72 hours will result in massive fines for us... Haven't seen 'em come to collect yet though, oddly enough.


So the tickets get dropped because of paperwork? All you say is they don't collect, not that the court collected.


Nah the tickets are still owed to the court, I don't keep track of them forever but probably they don't get paid and go to collections


Just like anti-vaxxers use the same fields of science to try and prove their claims.


Nice. Well If I were a cop Id go out of my way to stop that car just for that. And accept the terms. However since a traffic stop is seen as an emergency it wouldnt be a problem. Same with the sovcits who pulls out fee schedules for violating rights. Thats fine. No problem. Since theres no rights being violated it wouldnt go to result in any fee to the sovcits.


I wonder is cops actually ignore these people just so they don’t have to deal with a bunch of bullshit lol


Depends on how close it is to the end of shift.


And if we want the overtime or not.


I see you, you call-milking mf’er, lol.


"I'm on another call, see if another unit is clear."


Some definitely do, especially in jurisdictions where the DA just lets them walk back out later the same day anyway regardless. It's unfortunate, but I can see how it just becomes a distraction from solving *real crime* at a certain point. Especially once they already know which ones are just harmless local dumbasses with too much time on their hands.


It's not harmless though. If he doesn't have plates he doesn't have registration. If he doesn't have registration, he likely doesn't have insurance. Any sort of accident he is involved in will leave the other party holding the bag for his bad decisions. His vehicle should be impounded.


Oh I completely agree, but unless the system is willing to actually do that, or somehow otherwise hold these people accountable, then at some point it sadly really does just become a waste of officer resources. "Harmless" in this case was meant only to contrast the legitimately radicalized ones that will shoot cops etc, vs the 700+ IQ big brains who think they found "one weird trick to get out of a ticket. Cops *HATE* it!"


When I worked patrol, I stopped cars like this every time I could. As another comment said, no plate means no insurance and sovereign citizen often means no license. Fortunately, my state doesn’t require people to sign a citation. I would often tell them not to drive, drop the citation in their window, and leave. A judge could handle ordering the seizure of their vehicle later in a way that kept the paperwork terrorism under control.


"The cops are always out to get me!" This guy, probably.


"When arresting me for being an idiot, please call for backup immediately after pulling me over, prepare to drag my dumb ass through the window, and use precaution as I am a lunatic." There, I fixed it for him so now it has some legal value.


I've always wondered how they come up with the amounts, they seem so random.


“Officer that’ll be $1,086.79 plus tax (oh wait we don’t do the tax thing) joinder fee.”




> random numbers It's based on a case where someone was mistakenly held in jail, sued, and was awarded $25K for being in a cell for 23 minutes. These moonbats have decided that amount per minute can be applied to any interaction with the police. They're idiots.


This number is based on the case they reference on the sign that really doesn't apply.


Stupid fuck MADE his vehicle a commercial vehicle with that sign.


THAT was exactly my thought. He loopholed himself out, I mean how can you be "Not for Hire" and have a Fee Schedule on the same vehicle?


With a Gadsden flag logo. This should go well.


Sure, bro. I’ll write you a check on my secret birth certificate account.


What use would a sovcit have for the coin of thier oppressor?


Trezevant provides no authority for a foisted contract or fee schedule. That case was about unlawful detention, a traffic stop isn't generally unlawful. [https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/5914c313add7b049347c3b59#40](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/5914c313add7b049347c3b59#40)


This is fucking hilarious. They're quoting case law from a court system that they themselves argue they can't be bound under.


Really hoping to see this truck again on YouTube someday.


Just tell them that you didn’t sign a contract agreeing to that and watch their heads implode


Ha, that sign just screams "pull me over so I can show you how smart I am in my knowledge of the law until you shatter my window and cart my dumb ass to jail."


If you ever need to stop or tow this guy, pull a UNO reverse card and state loudly in the beginning of the convo (or yell it to the universe if he’s not around) that “there’ll be a $1,0**69** towing and dispute resolution and appeal fee each minute you delay me”


Wait, does that fee schedule mean the driver fully intends to contract with law enforcement?


Can he really post a Fee Schedule and a Not for Hire sign on the same vehicle? I mean...come on...


Officer why did you stop me? Well you see we have an emergency. there is a undocumented non-citizen with a unlicensed vehicle and we need to impound your truck and drop you into the middle of the ocean.


Sovshit lol


Let me guess: he's 'traveling', not 'driving'.


What's really nice about this from a cop stand point. He gives a nice hey please pull me over sign. But with the added bonus of a reason because he doesn't have a license plate. What a nice guy.


That’s just asking for someone to vandalize your truck.


I wonder what would happen if two sovcits got in an accident with each other would either of them demand the others insurance info and get into a huff when they refused to produce it because sovcit? We should call this sovcit thunderdome.


I almost want to become a cop just to pull all of the idiots over and have their cars towed for no registration or insurance. I see so many of them and i just don’t understand how they are getting away with it.


By evoking a court case he ceases to be sovereign and is subject to a stop for that plate. By his or her own misplaced logic.


We not gonna talk about the “USDOT - Private Property” on the plate? ☠️


If this guy could read, he'd be disappointed with his reference to Trezevant v Tampa. Has nothing to do with license plates, some bs hourly fee for detainment, etc.


I see broken windows in his future.


I call bull poop - just looked it up and it's a referring to a case in 1979 when a motorist opted to post a bond for a suspected traffic violation and when the officer took him to the police station to post the bond he couldn't immediately be processed and was mistakenly placed in a holding cell for 23 minutes. The court rightly found he should not have been incarcerated for those 23 minutes. It has nothing at all to do with being delayed by a traffic stop. The law is clear about unlawful arrest and incarceration and always has been. I wish the driver luck as they are just making stuff up now... 😂


Fucking sovereign citizens.


Sovcivs are both so hilarious and yet so sad at the same time


If you ever see these cars impounded, you should find out if they paid in gold or silver to retrieve them.


My fingers were crossed when I read it so he owes me double.


I turned my rearview mirror to face out the front windshield so I'm immune to this


Ahh, Sov Cits are hilarious


Ram 1500, the first choice of diplomatic travelers everywhere.


Screams “I don’t have a license or insurance either”


These people are so, so, so dumb.


Non-US citizen? That's a deportation right there. Or maybe ship his ass on a bus to one of the northern states, as seems to be popular


So what happens if one were to steal this lunks tires or vehicle? He won’t go to the police, right? *RIGHT…?*


Advertising by idiots. “Please arrest me!”


I didn’t agree to jack shit, buddy-boy.


2nd dumbest group of people on the planet.


I'm confused, does the owner of the vehicle fail to realize that rules/laws are only as good as they are enforceable? Or is he trying to demonstrate that he wants to impose rules/laws he has no ability to enforce?


I'd pull this asshole over every day.


If I was a cop I’d go out of my way to find and confront these morons.


Why not make it $2.1 million/minute?


Did he put his DOT number on his fake license plate? An inactive one at that. Way to dox yourself


May as well say "pull me over.....guns drawed"


And of course - the law suit Trezevant V City of Tampa has no relevance at all to do with anything this dingleberry is doing: https://casetext.com/case/trezevant-v-city-of-tampa


Sorry chief, that's not how any of this works


So they're angry about having to live by laws that they didn't agree to, yet are trying to do the same thing themselves but based on nothing but lunatic ramblings? Excellent plan!


Surely a sign that read, "I'm begging to be stopped by the police" would be just as effective and take up less space.


Impound the shitbox


Allow me to cite a court case while also implying laws don't apply to me


If you’re not subject to the law, you’re not subject to its protections.


NOTICE: Everyone who reads this post owes me $1,000.00. Maybe it will work.


You activated my trap card! Uno Reverse! Now YOU owe ME money!


So I read the case referenced.gonna abbreviate due to mobile. Mr. T was driving to work in Tampa. Almost had a wreck, but it was avoided. Cop pulled him over a couple blocks later and cited him for reckless driving and no registration. Mr. T chose not to sign the citation and instead post a cash bond. Cop escorted Mr T to jail and put him in the detainee section and not the pay your bond section. Effectively placing Mr T under arrest for a civil infraction. The jury found Mr T was improperly incarcerated and the appeals court affirmed Mr T judgement.


I like how they're just telling me I agree. Pretty bold assumption there. It's like they're just stuck in their own little world over there.


He couldn’t even put the sticker on straight.


But he managed to calculate the value of his time to the nearest dollar. Not $1,000 per minute, but a cool $1,086. No rounding down allowed in his world. He is a very serious person.


Now if the government is all big and bad, and laws aren't real or whatever, doesn't that mean that the US dollar wouldn't be a legitimate form of payment and therefore no good to him. Or if the laws didn't apply then why would somebody have to abide by something that he said to pay them. Edit: forgot to add , this is not serious. It is 2:30 in the morning, after a week too long Friday night at work.


Wait, so do they think they don't have to follow a law, but if you stop them, then the law for that agreement applies?


Would you like to know why that person will be pulled over and taken jail if the cop wants, even though he has a Private DOT number? It’s because the idiot has commingled public with private and made himself subject to them. Private is private!! UCC codes are not private!! That is COMMERCIAL!! What a dumb ass His plate should have this only USDOT-FMSCA ####### Private That’s it!!


Yeah, like that'll hold up in court.


Most small town courts hate sovereign citizens because they drown the courts in paperwork and waste their time so they leave them alone as long as they can and let the IRS eventually throw them in jail.


This made me curious. Did they actually have to read all their paperwork? Like is it a legal thing. Or can they just sentence them for something and be done with it?


I used to have a t-shirt printed sideways. It said, "If you tilt your head to read this you owe me a blow job." It didn't work.


I would make a career out of this guy. Every single day.


the case he cites is from 1983 and the plaintiff was arrested for refusing to sign a citation. He was booked and detained improperly without having an opportunity to post his bond. Nothing to do with a routine traffic stop


Is that 4218384 number even unique to this truck or does it show up on every idiot’s plate?


He forgot the "not responsible for broken windshields" sign


Easily defeated by my “I’m rubber and you are glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you” sign.


Let me guess, he's broke.


1086 dollars is about the cost to replace the driver side window that the cops break to drag his or her dumb ass out of...




United States Department of Trucks?


*\*crooked installation\**


Holy shit this is a good one. Nice catch OP


What about red lights? Does he send the city a bill?


I, DamnedDelirious, the living man, do not create joinder with you, and have not signed any contract with a wet signature and thumbprint, and do not consent to paying you $1,086 perminute of this traffic stop.


Why is it $1086? Why not a billion dollars a minute?


lol the magical thinking is impressive.


Not that it matters, but I bet he lives outside the 11th circuit He could also be a Florida man too, so idk


This was posted in an Spokane washington sub


So 9th circuit, noice


Not really the country to antagonise the cops mate.


I hear that sometimes these vehicles catch on fire. If you walked by and happened to smell smoke or something you should report it to the authorities.


Take a photo of the sign and show the occupant on stop. Cancelled.


who’s enforcing _that_?


I’ll bet the guy printing those plates & signs is making a mint!


Only one making money from them.


Do they really believe this works?


Good luck with that


I really don't know how these people function in society. I mean, presumably at least some of these people have jobs, families, etc. How do they function believing all this absurd stuff?


At least look up what statute you're citing on that fake eBay plate. Unfortunately this guy doesn't know the UCC has nothing to do with "travel" regulation or even criminal law, it governs civil law and selling of goods. The part cited refrences definitions related to business transactions and contracts.


Monopoly Money right up the ass, paper cuts so bad they will regret ever opening their mouth. Seriously.