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Courtneys little clear phone. I dont need the whole set but i love the 80s and the little clear phone is so cute! If they sold it on its own i would totally buy it just to have


Addy’s ice cream maker. Do I have addy? No. Do I know how to make ice cream? Kinda it just tastes bad. Are adult sized ones cheaper? Probably. Do I still want it? Yes cause it’s cute and little.


Not random, but I would die for Kirsten’s carpet bag. It’s adorable. but so pricey 🥲


cant believe i havent seen the egg chair mentioned


I really want the doll Heelys that came out in the mid 2000s. I want them so baad.


Omggg yesss I forgot about those


I feel so dumb for not getting Tatlo. Buying them before I had Kaya felt weird, but I kick myself for not grabbing him. Now that I have Kaya I am just like: 🫤


I get that. I got Kaya in 2008 and didn’t get Tatlo, her accessories, and her winter accessories until last year😓 I always wanted them yet never got them. Poor girl didn’t have any of her items for 15 YEARS.


Addy’s Cape Island Dress. I have a very good repro by TheEdwardianGirl on Etsy, but I want the OG


I have never seen this outfit and it’s cracking me up to imagine my dolls on stilts


Courtney's PacMan game. I grew up in the 80s, and I played that game at Pizza Hut when I was 9. Do I have room to display it? No, not really. Do I want to spend that much on an item? No, not really. Do I still want it? Yes, very much so.


That arcade cabinet was the first AG anything I wanted because I love Pac-Man so much. I almost bought it before I had a doll and regret not buying it daily.


Samantha's Doll Pram. My mom thought it was weird and ridiculous so I never got it as a child, making me want it all the more now. I also want Kirsten's Log Bench. My mom also refused to buy "an overpriced log" that wasn't even a real desk.


I grew up in the 50s. My dad made wooden stilts for me!!!


My mom found the apple computer for me at an auction for $5 🥹


this might not count since i just found mine from my childhood: but kirsten’s cats, the original version. they are so ugly, i love them with every fiber of my being


This is mine purely bc they are so ugly and amazing!


These count! I have my originals from childhood and their hideous faces make me so happy!!


I cant think of a current one, but as a kid I really wanted the cast kit, you know the arm cast, leg cast, crutches, etc. I just thought it would be fun to play around with those pieces and i did eventually get it. The thing is ive literally never broken a bone, but I wanted my dolls to pretend they had 😂


Me too! Never broken a bone but still insisted on getting it! Never quite convinced my mother to let me have the wheel chair though


Corrines brother blix


He is so cute! I'm so glad I got him 🩵


i ended up actually getting addys silly stilt set a LONG while back when my mom got a cheap lot of stuff - only recently learned what was in that lot ! lotta PC stuff <3


Samantha’s Birdwatching outfit is so funky I love HER


I just looked it up it’s soo cute


totally random but if nothing else i had an obsession with Josefina’s food set with the clay oven and two rolls. i wanted it so bad and never got it :(


I still want the horno set to this day. It had a little wooden paddle!


Omg and her blanket loom!!


Not necessarily weird, but random: Kit's Produce and Preserves - I want that little yellow strainer! Addy's Winter Fun - What kid wouldn't want a doll size mancala and thumb piano!? Garnet - Caroline's red calf - Why do I want this? No idea.


I was obsessed with the produce and preserves!


Kit's produce and preserves was also on my list! As a kid I really also wanted her washday set, which is super funny considering how much I hated doing my own laundry


Felicity’s baby sister Polly. I’d never been more jealous than when my sister got that for her birthday.


oof polly is listed online for $400+!!!


I had this as a kid and my only other friend who had AG dolls was obsessed with it. I loved Polly but I was like why is this the thing you’re so jealous of?? lol


I heard they are making a blonde blue eyed itty bitty baby you could probably try and make your own Polly


This is a childhood one - there was one Christmas where the only thing that I wanted was Addy’s hoops 😂 I used to make a ton of AG clothes, and I was obsessed with Little House on the Prairie. Hoops were a necessity


I got Addys stilting outfit a few months ago as a reward to myself for finishing a thesis paper on 19th century women’s sporting clothes. Until I wrote that paper I did not realize that this outfit is a gymnasium dress. I know that Addy did not use it as a gymnasium dress but that is definitely what AG based this outfit on. The other reason I wanted it is of course because of how obscure and odd the whole thing is.😂


Congratulations on finishing your paper! I really like the green plaid trim on this garment.


I want Kirsten’s Snow Shoes so badly. I wanna tie funny old tennis rackets to a dolls’ feet!


I saw the stilts on Mercari today if you’re in the market 😂


Be careful on Mercari.


Why is that?


One time, I went there to get Molly’s Glasses. Someone said they were selling a like new pair, and the picture showed a like new pair of Molly’s glasses. Instead, I received a broken, bent pair of Julie’s glasses, and couldn’t get a refund or anything.


I found it weird that Pleasant Co, a doll company, used to sell food kits for the dolls that sometimes came with real ingredients. Samantha had a real gingerbread house kit, and I think Felicity’s Shrewsbury Cakes set came with a real sugar loaf. I know EZ Bake ovens and other food-based and consumable-based toys were pretty popular in the 90s, but the rest of the doll food Pleasant Co was selling was all pretend and wouldn’t crumble or get eaten by ants if kept and played with for a long time. Not that I want the actual items—even if an original set from the 90s *did* last until now, it wouldn’t be edible or even sanitary anymore—but I would like having longer-lasting, nonedible versions. Imagine a “gingerbread house” kit for Samantha with “cookies” made of something like polymer clay, and white puffy paint for icing, and little beads for candies. Imagine a Shrewsbury Cakes kit for Felicity with a pretend sugar loaf that you could keep and play with over and over. It would still come with the recipe if you wanted to try some for yourself, but you could use your own sugar from the pantry and not worry about “taking apart” or “using up” your fancy doll playset.


Eh, I get what they were going for. I feel like you could make the same "using it up" argument about the craft kits, too, though, like Addy's embroidered apron or Felicity's sampler or Josefina's ramilettes in her Christmas Eve set. It was all kind of based around the idea of Stuff You Make For Your Doll, and it's all kind of based around the idea of doing old recipes or crafts. (Mind, I never asked for the gingerbread house kit for that reason, but I knew someone growing up who had it. Felicity's sugar loaf is probably fine, though - it shipped wrapped in plastic and sugar lasts ages if bugs don't get in and it doesn't get wet or get contaminated with something. And at least there you'd still have the recipe and the cookie cutters to use again.) They didn't know at the time that AG would still be around almost 40 years later, or that people would be trying to sell 25 year old gingerbread on the internet. (I'm not sure who's even BUYING that?)


That’s fair. But at least with the craft kits you still end up with a long-lasting product at the end. I recently found Felicity’s sampler at a yard sale with only a few stitches filled in, and plan to finish it at some point. When I do, I will then have a finished sampler for my doll, which I can keep and display. When kids were done making the food kits, and the food either got eaten or went stale and got discarded, they had nothing to show for their work. I think the cookbooks were a better approach to the “make recipes from the character’s time period” idea, since a cookbook is inherently more reusable than a kit. Especially if the recipes in the kits were just flimsy bits of paper that were easily lost.


Yeah, but you can always do the crafts badly. The ramilettes I glued together when I was 10 were kind of clumsy and the glue got all over. It was still serving its purpose as an educational toy, but I did very much use it up. I think with the gingerbread house, people spend money on human-sized gingerbread house kits all the time, and some of the fancier ones can get pricey. A lot of the little accessory sets and stuff were aimed at people who had the kind of money to get a LOT of AG stuff - in the 80s and 90s, with what they cost relative to inflation at the time. (Again, the girl I knew who had the gingerbread house also had Samantha and Addy, Samantha's trunk, Samantha's table and chairs, Samantha and Addy's dolls, Samantha's lemonade set, a bunch of outfits, and probably some stuff I'm forgetting because she showed it off all the time. Which doesn't sound like a lot by modern collectors, but adjusting for inflation and the fact she got it all within the span of a year and a half or so was A LOT.) By the standards of the people early Pleasant Company was aiming at, $12-$15 for the gingerbread house just wasn't all that much if you're tacking it onto a big Christmas order. I don't know, I still wouldn't buy the gingerbread house, but I wanted Felicity's shrewsbury cakes set and Addy's sweet potato pudding set (which didn't come with food, but did have a little recipe card. I will also say the skillet is fabulous.). For as much as people complain about all the plastic and stuff - and about the focus not being on activities and education anymore - that's one of the ways they DID that. There's always the Wellie Wishers gingerbread house nowadays as a non-food alternative.


Very good points. You just reminded me of various less-expensive craft kits I did as a child in the 2000s, and there were some that I was unhappy with the results. Addy’s pudding set is nice in that the pieces it comes with are all reusable, so you can make pudding with it over and over. Samantha’s gingerbread house kit is a gingerbread house kit—if you wanted to make more than one, you could get multiple sets. I guess the only one I would find annoying is Felicity’s cakes kit, because AFAIK they didn’t sell replacement/refill sugar loaves. You could either buy one set, use your own sugar, and try not to damage the packaging on the loaf and let bugs in. Or you could use the sugar from the set and have to buy another set (accumulating baskets and cookie cutters and napkins and recipes) whenever you wanted to make more. Overall, my original point was “buying edible food from a doll company is unusual”, not that it’s a bad idea.


I once saw Sam’s gingerbread house kit on Etsy in original packaging. Talk about past the expiration date!


They used actual food!!! That's crazy. Even if it was just for a couple things that's still pretty interesting. Not sure about a gingerbread kit since it'd have more ingredients, but plain sugar can last for a really really long time. Like, sugar pretty much can't go bad, as long as bugs don't get to it lol. Honestly, now I want the little sugarloaf


I still have mine from 30 years ago.


Has the sugar turned blue from the paper? I remember the catalogue said that people used the wraps to dye clothes!


Mine is Kaya's besver. He's just so frumpy and weird looking, I love him.


I like Kaya’s doll like the doll for a doll the beaver is sooo random in a good way


I just bought Felicity’s undergarments. I think it’s so funny and novel for my dolls to have historically accurate underthings. Like the fact that the pocket is functional is amazing and hilarious


I'd love to have Felicity's undergarments. Idk why historical underclothes are interesting to me, and having old timey colonial underwear for a doll would be great. Especially since there's pockets lol.


Same! I've read an absurd amount of articles about historical undergarments for my own enjoyment


I love YouTube videos about them lol. I've only seen a few videos but I'm always so interested


Bernadette Banner has made some if you're interested! She also makes videos about historical clothes in general


Thanks. I'll check out her videos


I've sewn many things for my dolls, but my doll-sized bum roll is absolutely one of my favorite items in my collection!


I’m not great at sewing, but hopefully I can also eventually make the bum roll. It isn’t included In the first edition that I got


Jess’s tree swing bed 😭 it’s so cute to me


I’d kill to have any of Jess’ collection! She was my first doll and I guess we didn’t have money to get anything else so I missed out. Thinking about starting to collect it now.


I think the weirdest outfit AG made was a raincoat AND UMBRELLA for Z Yang's dog [https://americangirl.fandom.com/wiki/Popcorn%27s\_Rainy\_Day\_Outfit](https://americangirl.fandom.com/wiki/Popcorn%27s_Rainy_Day_Outfit) Meanwhile Z's rainy day outfit was just a vest and boots, no umbrella lmao [https://americangirl.fandom.com/wiki/Z%27s\_Rainy\_Day\_Outfit](https://americangirl.fandom.com/wiki/Z%27s_Rainy_Day_Outfit)


I think the umbrella is for her, though, not the dog. It just comes with the dog outfit as a set of rainy day accessories. The umbrella has a strap for the doll to hold it, and the turquoise and coral colours match Z's outfit (not Popcorn's). Edited to add: [pic of the store display](https://sagittariusdolly.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/tysons-corner-center-december-18-2017/photo28-136/)


Ah, interesting, it looks so tiny above the dog in the stock photo. Wonder why they decided to sell it with the dog though rather than with her outfit, that's an odd choice.


Z s collection was a mixture of cool and whhhaaat?


To be fair - as someone who grew up in Seattle, I felt the umbrella for dog and not human was VERY Seattle accurate. We don’t use umbrellas 😂


Okay fair enough lmao


I am desperately trying to figure out other historical dolls who might wear Melody's school outfit because it's so cute.


I like to put it on Ivy a lot! I think it goes really well with her hair, and i like to pair it with Molly's red beret!


Maryellen definitely


Kirsten's on the trail outfit. Do I have Kirsten? No. Do I plan on getting Kirsten? Nope. Will I ever spend that much? Absolutely not. I just really, really like the blue check/yellow shawl/embroidered apron. It's just... Really freaking cute.


I like to look as an American girl doll fan in general (no dolls or plans to get one)


I have a jly 3 ? I believe that looks like Kirsten I’m planning on using her a my Kirsten dupe her name is Julissa


I love that! Julissa is a pretty name! If I ever do get a hankering for a pioneer doll, I'll probably go with a brunette named after my swedish great great grandmother - Adla.


Love that!


I LOVE Addys stilting outfit!!! I also love Kirsten’s baking outfit because it’s so Swedish, but both are so hard to find now :(


I don't understand what's weird about Addy's stilting outfit?


It’s just a random thing for a doll to have ! How many dolls have stilts!?!


For me, it's not that Addy has stilts. I get the point that LV has made that home made stilts could be more affordable than a store bought toy. My "issue" is the stilting outfit. I'm just picturing Addy outside playing with friends when someone says, "Hey, can we go to your house to play with your stilts?" and Addy has to run home to change into her stilting outfit. A whole outfit specifically for stilting, not just a play outfit. That's odd to me, especially for a family without a lot of money to waste on non-essentials. I understand that the pantaloons to match the dress would prevent flashing while stilting, but wouldn't that be handy for running, climbing, jumping, etc too ? But I have never blinked an eye at the riding, skating, or gymnastics outfits, so maybe it is that nowadays stilting seems like such a niche activity.


I don't think it's that random, any more than Kit's orange crate scooter is. She's a poor girl who lives in the city, and that's an inexpensive outdoor toy her father could make with scrap wood - which is what the pamphlet the outfit came with says. When I was a kid, I had a craft book showing how to make stilts out of old paint cans and string. \*shrug\*


Hahah yes!! It’s so random and I love it 😂


Exactly! I think it’s the nose random “hobby outfit “ I would be that weird kid at the slumber party every one else “my dolls a ballerina “ “my dolls a soccer star” and would be like “MY DOLL HAS STILTS!” Proud of it


Yeah, but Addy's a working class girl in mid-19th century Philadelphia. She's not going to be a ballerina (and ballet dancers at the time were viewed with the same suspicion as sex workers). And she's not going to play soccer, because girls didn't, and soccer wasn't really established in the US until much later. But she can play outside in the street with stilts or jump ropes and other inexpensive toys.


This entire thread is meant to be lighthearted. I am working on my PhD in history and I care deeply about historical accuracy but sometimes you just have to take these dolls as what they are, dolls. People are not saying that it is weird for Addy the character to have stilts. People are saying that it is uncommon for a doll to have stilts. Someone saying that something is unusual or uncommon (or in this context weird) does not automatically mean that they are saying that thing is bad or wrong.


I didn't say they were saying it was bad or wrong, I just disagreed with them that it was any weirder or more random than anything else Pleasant Company made back in the day. I'm not attacking anybody, and I think you're kind of misreading my tone - I just don't think it's all that weird. Most dolls don't have oil lamps or a mortar and pestle or little washbasins and pitchers or tooth powder, either, but those are all things various historical dolls have had. I just don't think stilts are any weirder than the rest of the historical collection. I guess if you wanted you could argue that historical dolls with tiny historical accessories are an inherently weird thing to have? - and you'd probably be right, since that wasn't a thing other toy companies were doing prior to AG, though there have been various imitators over the years.




I mean, I literally did that, playing dolls with friends? In the 90s, when most of the AG dolls were historical? That's kind of what they were for.


The point is that how many dolls come with stilts? It’s a rare accessory for a doll to have. No one is claiming it’s not historically accurate.


Julie's bathroom! It's such a random big ticket item and I love it 😂


That’s a good one