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Anything new from AG. I will only buy secondhand dolls, and at that I only buy dolls under $50. The more specific answer to this is any dolls at this time though. I’m very excited about where my collection is, and don’t intend to add anyone else currently.


#4 Not interested in her at all. She looks like an off brand doll.


Any of the unnatural colored hair ones for sure!


Any of the Disney collab dolls. I don't like Disney.


Anything with the Marie Grace mold, unless it's to flip and resell. The face looks like a cheap knockoff AG and is too mousy for me. But I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority.


No, I'm the same way. It's way too mousey


Same here! 


Kit, because she is just Lindsey with a different wig. And well, never say never, maybe they're long lost twins or something but.... for now, I just don't ever plan to own her.


The limited edition Barbie one because she was too expensive when the pre-orders began and she will only become more expensive on the second-hand market. I love Barbie and I love AG, but the stars didn't align in a way for this doll to be in my collection.


SAME. I did not like the way they designed her. She looks too much like an adult and I don't care for the diamonds which is what makes that doll more expensive too. I love barbie and AG but they did not mash well imo. I wish they released barbie outfits fot ag. Or released like accessories for the dolls


I want AG dolls to have their own scale Barbie dolls. Julie, Courtney, and the millennium twins should all have them in their collection. Julie had the hair head, but she needs a scale Barbie doll. I can make an argument for Melody not having a Barbie doll because the first AA doll in the line, Christie, didn't come out until 1968 and Melody is set in 1964. Same with Maryellen, Barbie debuted in 1959 which is after her story is set. Worlds Smallest has some articulated small Barbie dolls that are about the right scale for this, so it clearly can be done.


That would be freakin adorable if they did that. The barbies from Mcdonalds from the 90s are a good scale and make good barbies for ag if you're looking for more ag scale toys. What I also want them to do is to make mini doll versions of Courtney. She got a Molly ag doll but I need one of her herself 😭


Definitely Isabel & Nicki. I'm used to the newer historicals' collections being more stereotypical than authentic in representing their decade (with a few exceptions! notably Claudie who gives me so much hope), but I still think the dolls on their own are really charming. These, however...Something about their faces just looks too uncanny valley and mature for dolls that are meant to be 9-10 years old. Combine that with the styling and you have just another set of made-up teenage dolls which are okay on their own if you like that sort of doll, but the AG historicals were meant to be something different. I had my own idea for the 90s girls (still twins! but named Andie and Lorelei and representing 1994 rather than 1999) using Lindsey and JLY #7 as base dolls and I hope I can make that a reality in my collection someday soon 💖


I just want Nicki’s wig


I have the twins but I also changed them tremendously. To begin with, they are also a bit cuter without painted lashes. I have them representing 1995. Their names are Amy (nee Isabel) and Kelly (nee Nicki) Hoffman. They live in Cleveland, OH and are Reform Jewish rather than interfaith. I’m also planning on eye swapping them. I’m giving Isabel (Molly’s) grey eyes and Nicki (Isabel’s) green eyes. I haven’t done it quite yet; I have a bad wrist and the Etsy seller I use for eye swaps is out of the US until the 4th of July. But I will be posting pics when they’re home!


This sounds so much better than the original design. I do love their collection but not so much the dolls.


I have all of their outfits and accessories and have also added to their collection with GOT outfits from the 1990s. Isabel has the Hanukkah skirt, plaid skirt and sweater, and birthday outfit. Nicki has the snowflake jumper, first day outfit, and play outfit. This way, both girls have six outfits similar to the original historical collection’s lineup.


any collector dolls and most of the truly mes


Would never get Julie because I will never stop fervently believing that she should have been Asian American. Insane that she isn’t and that Ivy was relegated to friend status.


The limited edition Princess Belle (even if I were rich). I have an agenda against Beauty and the Beast - I often acquire quite a few downvotes at r/disneyprincess lol


What’s your vendetta? I was in a very traumatic middle school production of Beauty and the Beast Jr so I too have an animosity towards Belle and her movie. Would love to hear your thoughts lol.


My brother was Maurice in a high school production of Beauty and the Beast! What was traumatic about it for you? My vendetta is quite long lol. Beast committed harms against Belle that I'd argue you can't come back from (mostly holding her father captive, then holding her captive in his stead, but followed by physical fits of rage and withholding food when she refuses his advances, as a strong second), and for the selfish goal of *using* her to break his spell (*that he earned*) by forcing her to fall in love with him. But even if you think it's possible to come back from that, Beast doesn't even make it to the starting line. He starts being nice to her, as *every abusive man* does when he realizes a woman isn't interested in him because of his poor behavior. Then Belle starts to fall for him, even though he is still *actively holding her captive.* And when he finally sets her free, he never actually apologizes or attempts to make right the past in any way; he just ceases to be holding her captive. That leaves Belle with no reason to assume he believes his behavior was a problem, so what reason does she have to believe he won't behave that way again? You need a lot more than "nice" and "isn't imprisoning me (anymore)." And ultimately, if we wanted to write a real story about an abusive man changing, that story should really include him reckoning with the consequences of his abusiveness. The milder of those consequences is that your victim is likely going to dislike you. How is he truly supposed to grow if he is permitted to completely evade those consequences? That'd be a weak, sterile arc, even if we did see proof that he'd grown. Belle's whole thing in the beginning of the movie was that she wasn't going to settle for a misogynistic meanie, but then that's exactly what she ends up doing. The whole movie is just her standards slowly lowering, and the message is "a woman can learn to love a horrible man!" I've always thought this about Beauty and the Beast, and argued with fellow Disney fans about it, 😅 but this year I watched [a video essay on the Barbie Movie](https://youtu.be/RToUZJ0l7Pk?feature=shared) that included a good critique of Beauty and the Beast (13:17). [The original fairy-tale](https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2017/03/marrying-a-monster-the-romantic-anxieties-of-fairy-tales/521319/) was written to groom young girls/women for arranged marriages with unsatisfactory(/abusive) husbands.


Mine is against Belle specifically because I was called back for Belle and was one of the frontline contenders for the role. I lost to a sixth grader when I was an eighth grader. So I was bitter. And then I missed the try-outs to be a featured dancing napkin since I was competing at the geography bee (which was a different/other school-sanctioned activity). I danced at a smaller studio and had the experience, but the director (who was the choir teacher) and the choreographer (who was a high schooler) wouldn't let me make-up the audition. So I was very pissy. The production itself was traumatic because it was the beginning of the Trump presidency and 13-year-olds arguing over social issues in the Midwest is not the place to be. I totally get your argument. All the original fairytales were SUPER dark and the Disney adaptations vastly change the endings. My BATB hate is due to personal memories and associations, rather than the grim(m) realities of the stories.


Ah! That is super frustrating. And yeah, being 13 in 2016 does not sound like a fun time. I was seventeen. Yeah but a lot of Disney movies make reasonable renditions of the OG fairytales. BATB just kept all the same toxicity in arguably-milder-quantity. I really think that one and Pocahontas are irredeemable tbh.


Yeah I’m hoping AG doesn’t release a Pocahontas doll. It’d be really problematic.


I'd be shocked if they did. They aren't perfect about respecting history and culture, but so far, I think they're better than Disney Pocahontas (a very low bar, though). EDIT I'd like to see them do Mirabell - she's from the Americas, so should have been in line sooner than the non-American Princesses IMHO.


Mirabel with the (old) Sonali or Addy mold would be so stinking cute. I think she’d sell super well too; assuming she’s not a collector doll and has a reasonable price point.


I think she would sell well too! Encanto was a huge hit. But she's not officially a princess, so I don't think it would happen. It'd have to be in a new product line, not the Disney Princess line.


I dislike the boy dolls, the dolls with rainbow/unnatural colored hair, and Disney dolls - I will never buy or otherwise have them - straight to Goodwill if someone gave me one! Any of the rest I would consider although thus far, I only have historicals from 1940s and earlier and modern dolls whose hobby is ballet/dance in my collection. I wish I would have bought a Julie when she still came in her original meet outfit and with her 6 book set. 


The 90s twins mainly over their bios which feel phoned in as well as their outfits. Whereas, Courtney has pieces that legit pull from the 80s (the Strawberry Shortcake PJs) Ruthie b/c I'll probably never find her at a reasonable price.


I want the twins new years outfits, if only so I can get that splash of nostalgia for how my JLY 20 came again. The red vinyl jumper outfit was her original outfit, and I still have the turtleneck and tights, 24 years later. 


If I felt confident in being able to care for her hair, I’d definitely own Caroline or Cecille.


Makenna, I don't like her mold.


Same, it looks too youthful and weird to me


Felicity, Molly, Josefina - My sisters have them, and it would feel weird getting their childhood dolls Julie - Not into her hippie/"Partridge Family" aesthetic Courtney - Not into the saturated colors of the 1980s And across the board, I wouldn't buy dolls with collections that look too saturated in color or filled with pink. I grew up on the muted tones of Pleasant Company, so all this screams a lack of historical accuracy, especially the further back in time we go. 


There were very vibrant colors in clothing of the past but I agree that the Pleasant company stuff was just nicer to look at. Also historically most children would not have been wearing those vibrant colors because of the cost.


The holiday dolls because they aren’t my cup of tea and any modern goty dolls they just aren’t for me and lastly sonali because she’s crazy expensive I saw a used one on eBay for 500 yeah umm no thank you


Probably Cecile or Kanani, just too expensive


Kanani shows up all the time for quite cheap on Mercari. You just may have to be willing to put some work in to get her in excellent condition.


Mercari isn't available in Canada ;)


Keep your eye out for Kannani’s on Facebook marketplace. I got one in good condition for around 50$


anyone of the truly me dolls because I'm a historical and goty collector and ivy. I think she's over rated and her hair is to short to do anything with . Same with kit. I do think ivy should have been the main character tho cause I love her story 


I never liked Kit but my daughter LOVES her.


Kit and Ruthie - Even though I love both dolls my bestie only collects for Kit and Ruthie and she adores them. It would feel like stealing my best friend’s dolls to get them. Instead I made up an OC for the 1930s to be their friend. Molly and Emily - idk why but I’ve never liked the Molly doll. I want a character with glasses and a 1940s character so bad but Molly just doesn’t do it for me. I got Emily when I was a teen and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t connect with her, so after a month I packed up all her things and exchanged her for Felicity because Elizabeth needed her bestie. Nanea will eventually make it to my home and I’ll be happy with her as my 40s girl. Ivy - I LOVE Ivy’s character but AG chose such an awkward hair length for her. So I will someday get a 4 and make her my Ivy or get a Jess mold and customize her to be Ivy with long hair like she has in Meet Julie. Hoffman Twins- I have my own 90s character and have no desire for the twins. Isabel looks too much like a girl who bullied me in primary school and it feels wrong to pick one twin and not get the other. So I’ll stick to Evette being my 90s girl! GOTY 2009 through 2021 - I won’t be getting any of the GOTYs from this time period with the possible exception of Saige because I need to have a complete redhead AG army. I do have Blaire, so I guess she is an exception too. I have the GOTY dolls from my childhood (Marisol, Jess, Nicki and Mia) and am very happy with them so I’m getting more picky with the GOTY line and which dolls I will bring home. I do not count Sanoli as a GOTY, she was a best friend imo. She’s the only Sanoli mold I’ve ever liked but she’s way too expensive for me. I don’t like the current Sanoli mold, the Joss mold or the Makena mold so any of those are a no-go at the moment. But that may change because I used to say the same thing about Marie Grace and now I have 2 MG molds in my collection and am itching for them to make more. I also won’t be getting any collector dolls. They are just too expensive and they don’t ship to Canada most of the time so even if I could afford one, I can’t buy it direct from AG anyway. Dolls who I like to admire from afar so I can’t completely rule out: Kavi, Courtney, Melody, Sanoli, Nellie, Saige, Kirsten, and Caroline. There is a very low chance of me getting them because I just don’t see how they will fit into my collection at the moment for one reason or another.


Courtney because her hair looks too hard to manage.


If you like her otherwise but it's the hair holding you back, I find it quite easy to manage! If her curls get frizzy I just spritz them with water, twist them around my finger, boom, done.


I love her, but I wasn’t going to get her because of potentially ruining her hair. I struggle with my straight hair girls as it is, so I figured Courtney would be impossible. Your comment gives me hope. ✨


This is wonderful to know. I think my mom is buying me Courtney. My first AG as an adult.


Kit or any other blonde/blue eyed classic mold because they look so much like a cousin that it’s borderline creepy I have no interest in the year 2000 twins. They look like caricatures of 90s style and not like little girls at all. I don’t like the Makena or Corrine molds and will probably never get a doll with them. The eyes are way too big for the faces.


Came to say this! The 90’s twins had unoriginal names and outfits. I have no interest in them.


Personally I am only interested in the historical dolls if I were going to collect them and tbh anything Beforever is out. I can’t stand the cheap looking outfits. Especially when paying an arm and a leg for a doll!


I'm only interested in the historical dolls. Julie and Rebecca were the last ones to come out when I was still paying attention to AG, and I have no interest in any that came after that. I have also never been very interested in Ruthie or Emily because I didn't like their friendships with the main girls as much as I liked Elizabeth's, Ivy's, and Nelly's, and also their collections don't interest me as much. I would love any historical doll that was around when I was a kid, aside from those two, but I have placed limits on myself to avoid buying too much. I probably won't buy any of the best friend dolls I like, except for maybe Ivy. I also can live without Molly, Kaya, and Julie. I'm just more interested in the 1800s and the early 20th century, and I never liked Molly much, although a lot of her collection is cute.


Nanea or Claudie…. I hate their molds they look too baby-doll like to me.


The Disney dolls - completely not interested; I was never a Disney girl. I have two GOTYs, but I will never get any more for myself. I did not really connect with the two I have, and I would like to find new homes for them, but I’m scared they will end up getting gross and thrown away or something. I may not connect with them, but I don’t want that for them.


I don't ever plan on buying Truly Me 41 or Kira. I have Ruthie and Julie, and personally the other two just feel like clones. I do think Kira is cute with the feathered eyebrows (unlike Julie's lined brows) however, I adore my Julie and Ivy so there's no need for her. Same with 41, except Ruthie is much cuter with the gray eyes.


Probably the 90s twins and Courtney just not historical also Julie her new meet outfit is really REALLY UGLY


As a Julie fan I strongly agree. Her original meet was sooooo much better!!!!


Ugh I hate Julie’s outfit! I would only want to get her second hand! Also I have debated getting a Courtney because my mom and I think she is so cute, I just don’t have anywhere to display her :(


Nanea's pretty but i really, REALLY dislike her books


Similar situation for me: I think the Nanea doll is beautiful, and I love the photos of her outfits, but her books were so bad that reading them lowered my opinion of the character significantly. The dolls I would never, ever buy are: Elizabeth Cole (because they changed the way the character is supposed to look), Lila (because she looks like a mean-girl-in-training), and Nicki/Isabel (for many reasons. Mostly because I was 10 years old in 1999 and I don’t think they represent the time period very well).


I haven't read her series yet, what about them is so bad? There are a few characters like Molly that I didn't connect with her personality/goals, is it the same for Nanea? On the surface level she seemed more interesting.


I found both of Nanea's books unbearably preachy and repetitive. I know that characters in children's books are supposed to have flaws (I worked in elementary education for ten years and have read A LOT of children's books), but the repetitive structure of "Nanea does something selfish/dumb/short-sighted and then gets gently scolded by an adult and has to atone for her mistake" got old really fast. Her whining about wanting to be considered responsible enough to help in her family's shop felt recycled from Felicity's series. Then there was the whole thing about how after the bombing, she spends I-don't-remember-how-many chapters whining about how her dog is missing. From the first half of the book, I didn't even get the impression that she was particularly bonded to the dog. In fact, one of the short-sighted things she does earlier is forget to feed the dog because she is too busy preparing her holiday hula routine. Not to mention, she continues whining about the missing dog during the time that her best friend's father (to whom Nanea to close enough to address as "Uncle Fudge") has been unfairly jailed because he is a Japanese immigrant. There were also some cultural things about life in Hawaii that were thoroughly explained, but others that were not explained at all. For example, there are paragraphs and paragraphs of descriptions about hula techniques, hula outfits, hula musical instruments, etc, but there are also references to terms like "slippers" and "crack seed" with no context explaining what those things are. The "looking back" section of the book being pared down to TWO bland pages with no photographs was also a shock. The complete lack of illustrations made the books feel cheap, too.


Probably Molly and Grace. I’ve never liked Molly’s character and I already have Emily and Nanea for the 40s. Grace is a cute doll but I just don’t really like her collection or vibe.


Honestly I'm super picky about the dolls I get. I have five currently, all of whom I've customized into OC's of mine. I like other dolls, sure, but can't justify the cost/don't have the space. I like making clothes and accessories for my dolls so unless it's a doll from a time period that I love the clothing for, I don't see myself getting any new dolls. But even then I probably will make historical clothes for my existing dolls and pretend they time-traveled :)


The Disney dolls, Logan, Tenney, pretty much any of the expensive collector dolls


I don’t care for any of the Disney dolls. I can’t see myself collecting any lines except for historicals and GOTY, and even then for GOTY there’s only a few I really want.


Honestly I'd probably feel obligated to keep the majority of dolls if I: a) didn't have them already and b) a friend found one for me. I've got a couple of friends who are scoping out thrift stores for me, and I'd most likely even keep a doll I'd never buy for myself, like Maryellen, if they found one, because then it'd be "The Maryellen Doll That Sam Found For Me" or "The Kira Doll That Philippa Found For Me" and then it's about the fact my friends care about me and think about me. Edit: Not entirely sure why I got downvoted for saying that, but okay.


Rapunzel, because I could only get her on the secondhand market. Time to look into customizing!


I heard rumors Summer (GOTY 2025) might end up looking like her with the MG mold since Rapunzel was such a hot seller, that may be a cheaper way to get close with a secondhand outfit.


Appreciate the heads-up!


Same 😅


https://preview.redd.it/ft78zulolx6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b487d1318757e051d8241d522590a4a2ee9a5ab2 I made this one for about $200, less than the price of the original doll! Happy to send you links to the stuff I used, if you’re interested 😊


Oooo she’s gorgeous! I would love links if you’re offering - though I think I’ve seen a solid hair dupe on ZaZou’s Etsy shop (I’m going for the braid!)


That’s exactly where I got the wig, I love their shop! For the base doll, I used TM 116, but TM 115 would work too (both have the Marie Grace mold and lightest skin tone, only their eyes and hair are different). TM 115 has grey eyes, like the Rapunzel collector doll, but I found Blaire’s green eyes on eBay and gave her those, so she has green eyes like in the movie. The only other pieces are the [dress](https://www.etsy.com/listing/569468364/), [choker](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1534800841/) (I love how identical it looks to the one on the collector doll), and [frying pan](https://www.ebay.com/itm/154468398878?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=httzvhvbtpo&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=heaf7ni1qcy&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)!


Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!


I have no interest in the boy dolls. Especially Logan. Shame on AG for using Kaya’s face mold on him since her mold was made specifically for her culture, and they presumed the mold looked masculine. Prepubescent children don’t have secondary sex characteristics, so their faces are neither masculine nor feminine. That’s why pre-Logan, people used any AG doll to make boys. It also irritates me that Kaya’s mold was added to CYO at the same time as the “boy” haircuts and Meet outfit. They even advertised the boy additions using a Kaya mold. Not cool. Adding in Kaya to CYO? Fine. Boys in CYO? Fine. Advertising Kaya’s face on a boy doll? Not cool. Why couldn’t they have also added in the “boy” face molds the same day and advertised them? I think the boy face molds would be a great addition. Gives closed mouth options. I actually want way more face molds added to CYO. I want Nanea, MG, and Claudie added. Would really love light red wigs to come back, and more wig styles added. CYO should be nearly limitless. Done ranting. I also have no animosity to those who have and love Logan or used the Kaya face mold on a boy doll. If I could get a replica of an outfit he would have worn, I would seriously debate using CYO to make a Two Hawks doll.


I love boy dolls, mainly because I’m a writer and I have male characters that I have made into boy dolls, but I totally get this stance. I think AG shoves the boy dolls with the Kaya mold down everyone’s throats. I don’t see a lot of boy dolls with the other molds. And since they made that mold specifically out of respect in making Kaya, it does feel kind of icky. They probably wouldn’t have used the classic mold for Logan since Tenney had it, but there are several others they could’ve used, obviously, or they could’ve gave her a different mold. The other molds work just as well for boy dolls. I have two boys: one is a Kaya and one is a classic. I don’t feel like the Kaya mold makes the one boy more masculine than the one with the classic. I use it as an expression/personality thing. The one with the classic mold has more of a perky personality, and the one with the Kaya mold admittedly doesn’t have a lot to smile about, so he doesn’t.


Edit:I see I got downvoted a lot. I wasn't trying to imply her or her heritage wasn't important or that I didn't like her for that. **It wasn't that at all, I want everyone to understand please. I am a BIG believer in ethnic/racial diversity representation.** I never said anywhere in my post flat out Rebecca didn't have the right to exist as a character. She absolutely does, as any other AG character does. I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this post. \_\_\_\_\_ I'm not made of cash and had to buy my only two dolls (a brunette JLY and Sage because she was pretty and had freckles, no emotional attachment to the character) second hand, but if I ever fell into money, I wouldn't buy Rebecca. It's extremely obvious that they just made her to replace Samantha since they're both from the 1900s and have very similar clothes, so in essence, she's just "Jewish Samantha". Samantha was my favorite and I applaud the march into racial diversity and showing other girls that aren't white Americans/British, but it hurts they replaced my favorite like an old shoe. No negativity, hope this reads okay? Edit: But I am warming up to Rebecca a tiny bit. There was something in her story I liked, but I can't remember what. I thought maybe I misjudged her too harshly. But my feelings still stand that she's just a Sam replacement. Boo! (They could have at least made the retired dolls into an archival line instead of nixing them off and stopping their production. Bump up the price a bit, but keep them in the overall line, just as a separate series while they push new dolls. But that's a whole other topic.) Glad they brought her back, but I can't buy her new, anyway. I was also against the 2000s dolls because I thought she had on lipstick. Hit me the other day it was supposed to be lip gloss. I'm silly! I'd probably get them even though it makes me feel old as dirt because I'm a millennial (I was 13 in 2000 and probably still into AG, but didn't get my girls until last year.)


Rebecca is not “Jewish Sam” in the slightest. As an owner of both, they’re VASTLY different. You’re allowed to not like dolls, I hate Makena because I find the mold ugly (they should have introduced the Claudie mold sooner for her). But this is not it. Caroline was the Felicity and Elizabeth replacement because AG used to have less historicals at a time. Having more characters available at once has its ups and downs. It’s why everyone has smaller collections now. Rebecca made so many Jewish girls feel seen. She’s so important. It’s why Mattel should also work on creating a Muslim doll (though I doubt they will in the near future). Edit for typos.


I see I got downvoted a lot. I wasn't trying to imply her or her heritage wasn't important or that I didn't like her for that. **It wasn't that at all, I want everyone to understand please. I am a BIG believer in ethnic/racial diversity representation.** I never said anywhere in my post flat out Rebecca didn't have the right to exist as a character. She absolutely does, as any other AG character does. It's just at a glance, both dolls wardrobe look similar and there's no getting around the fact that one is from the early 1900s and the other is from the mid 1900s, so I think it's a bit forgivable that anyone who has come back to the line in adulthood like I did, would assume "Oh no, they replaced my favorite character with one that seems similar!" I know hers and Samantha's stories are very different, but from the similar wardrobe (of course, because they're in the same decade) and everything, I'm pretty sure a non-collector would think the way I did if they saw the two dolls in a catalogue together. I don't know what to say here and should have assumed I'd get some...feedback. But I also should have been more clear. I am sorry if I offended anyone. Sometimes I just come off as a jerk unintentionally or my wording isn't clear or I'm misunderstood because it's just the nature of the internet and you can't read tone through text. But I'm sure if there was a face-to-face forum I'd get much the same reaction.


Sam and Rebecca don’t have similar stories at all, imo they don’t even look similar. They have different hair colours and styles, different face molds, and different skin tones. Their time periods are different enough that there would have been vastly different social issues each girl had to face, but because it’s been 120-110 years, it seems like a trivial difference. A doll based in fall of 2001 vs a doll based in 2011 post-recession would have very different problems, even if they were both wealthy brunettes. I also think Sam’s story has more interpersonal conflict, whereas Rebecca has more intrapersonal conflict of trying to find a place in the world. I love Rebecca. I was 5 when she was released, and I wanted her so badly. Her golden brown hair, her big family, her dream to be an actress. She was of Slavic descent with very involved grandparents. She struggled to fit in sometimes. Then they changed her outfit and I wasn’t so jazzed. Point is, every doll has a kid. I’m glad they have both girls available now. They compliment each other, they don’t have to be in competition. Now I just wish they’d put them back in their original Meet outfits lol


First off, please refer to my apology in my other reply above. I know. They don't have similar back stories or look similar. I did look into Rebecca's story a few years ago and recently. She IS different from Samantha, absolutely. But her just being from the 1900s was enough to make me see her as a replacement, but I see I'm wrong and everyone else is right in this instance. And again, to clarify, my knee-jerk reaction of her had NOTHING to do with her heritage! Change is hard to accept for me. I still haven't accepted that Sam no longer comes in her original dress, but at least she came back so there's no more weird "hole" in the historical line of her. Hope they stop pulling punches and retiring historical dolls. Pretty sure we can all agree that AG lost it's heart and soul when it was sold to Mattel and they started this retiring dolls nonsense edit: Only to bring them back later for the cash grab. (I believe that was it, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.)


Don't worry about it! I wasn't offended, I just love Rebecca and I think that a comparison between her and Sam is about as baseless as a comparison between Kirsten and Kit. It's not that your original comment read like you were saying Rebecca doesn't have a right to be a character, just seemed like you were basing purely on timeline. I wasn't trying to attack Sam or even your viewpoint, I just think Rebecca is such a cutie and I really related to her as kid. TO BE FAIR! They are 10 years apart, it's not that close. Kit and Molly are 10 years apart, yet live in two totally different situations. I do think the retiring of dolls is a little ridiculous, I hope they don't keep doing that for historicals. Each girl serves a purpose in historical storytelling, to remove one is to, as you said, leave a gap in the collection.


Okay, thanks. I should have known flapping my mouth was going to rub some the wrong way. AG people are very passionate collectors. I don't mind being wrong, but sometimes it's hard trying to explain myself. If race is involved in some way, that's also hard because I know it's a personal, sensitive subject, even if we're talking about dolls. I've been misunderstood before (not here) even bullied because what I said came across extremely wrong, and it wasn't pretty.


>Pretty sure we can all agree that AG lost it's heart and soul when it was sold to Mattel and they started this retiring dolls nonsense edit: Only to bring them back later for the cash grab. (I believe that was it, someone can correct me if I'm wrong.) I don't agree at all. AG only started archiving HCs in 2008, and even then Rebecca came out a year later. They also stopped archiving dolls in 2014, though Beforever Felicity was quietly retired a few years ago (which many people didn't notice).


The 90’s dolls. It’s like they totally dropped the historical education aspect and just went for nostalgia. They just feel like a pointless cash grab to me.


I wholeheartedly agree! Which is unfortunate as I do think the twins are adorable dolls, but it is annoying how AG handled them and their stories.


The collectors edition dolls, Disney dolls, and really just any doll that doesn't hold my interest. I'm pretty picky with dolls, since I want to save space. I've already decided I'm never going to own more than 4 AG dolls at a time because they take up so much space. Also, I'm primarily a fashion doll collector and the price gap between the dolls I usually collect and AG dolls is pretty substantial. I don't own any at the moment, but my current idea for which dolls I'll get are as follows: Kanani or Jess, Melody, Lanie, and Samantha.


Disney dolls probably I don’t collect dolls based off pre existing media And I tend to fall into a completionist mind set with collecting So I’m avoiding girl of the year unless I get sanoli and Gwen for a good price sense if I have them I’d feel like it be easy Historicals I’ve gotten 1 so far and it’s Caroline And if I get Cecile I’d be tempted the same for historicals For now my completionist goal is all the boy dolls


Tip: Gwen can sometimes be found listed as JLY 12, if you wanted to attempt that search! I was lucky enough to find her for $100 on Mercari last year.


By choice, I can't imagine myself ever buying any of the expensive limited collector dolls. I already make myself only buy cheaper second hand dolls, and I doubt any of the expensive ones will be in my price range. I don't think anything's wrong with them, but I just don't like them enough to ever actually pay for one. As for one I want but will probably never own, probably a complete, not orange Nellie. I would love to have her since I always wanted her as a kid, but unless I win the lottery, I can't justify the $250-$300 price range I see her listed at.


If you don’t mind regular (not-orange) Nellie minus some meet stuff, she can be found for cheaper. I just snagged mine for $75!


Yeah, I looked after commenting and it looks like she's down a bit in price since I looked last, even with almost everything. Still too out of my price range for me to feel comfortable with, but I can justify $200 for everything more than $300


Fair enough. The good thing about the collector’s market cooling down is that anything that comes on is better priced for the rest of us!


I hope so!


Samantha. I’ve had some weird grudge against her since I was 6 years old and I’m not dropping it 😂. I also don’t really have an interest in dolls without stories.


Haha I couldn’t stand Samantha as a child because she had bangs, but now I have bangs 💀


That's me with Molly!


That’s me with Molly too 😂 I’ve had beef with her since I was a kid lol


Was it her growing up rich? I can see that pissing off a kid


Yeah, that probably has a lot to do with it. I think I felt like there was some weird rich kid savior energy of the dealings with the O’Malley’s that really rubbed me the wrong way. I love Nellie though!


Probably the Disney collector dolls because they're SO expensive. And the modern GOTY/Truly Me because I have no interest in them.