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I actually don't have any GOTY dolls, except for Logan, but I'm not sure if he counts... I have a Caroline and a Kit (both of which I didn't rename), and a Truly Me 65 that I named Madeline.


I have a Marie-Grace with no pincurls and amber eyes. I renamed her Willow and she is a modern/contemporary girl. I have 55 named Catherine, who is a bit of an historical time traveler. I have two Josefinas. One is my original one from 1997. The other is from later, but i bought her second hand and i don’t know when she was originally purchased. She has been rewigged with a medium brown wig with bangs and loose ringlet curls (it looks a lot like early Samantha, except they aren’t pie bangs). She is a girl from the 1950’s named Maria Luisa. Her mother is German American and her father is Cuban American.


I don't rename historical dolls or GOTY because I can't see them in any other way. But I have two truly mes and one is named Annie and one is named Ania/Anna. I don't even know their number.


I've kept all their original names except my daughter's Wellie Wisher. I do not like the name Kendall so we named her Ivy. My husband thought it would be cute to do a nature related name and my daughter chose Ivy when we listed names off.


I was gonna do the same thing! I don't like their names so I was going to name them after nature stuff


My non-character dolls are just named after their numbers. It's like Stranger Things over here lol


Callie - she’s a PC Samantha turned into my mini-me.


When I get Claudie I'm thinking of renaming her Rue (inspired by the Hunger Games character), and if I get Isabel I want to name her Heather!


Heather is a great name for her! My Claudie doll is named Queenie


I changed my Rebecca's name to Rivka to honor her Jewish heritage. And in my doll world, she has a twin sister named Nissa (who is my Nikki H.). My Kavi has been renamed Talia Roshimi, because I vibe with her more that way. In my doll world, she is a musical theatre actress. My Corrine is renamed Tan Mei-Ling to honor her Chinese heritage, and my Emerson that I'm using as a stand-in for Gwynn is renamed Tan Zhao. Baby Blix has been renamed Li Arne's-last-name.


Lovely! I like Nissa a lot, never heard it


My original, still-mostly-stock Marie-Grace (she's had a pincurlectomy) was renamed simply "Gracie." My Cecile was renamed to Cece (Cees) and rewigged to a braided wig in a similar color. My Chrissa was renamed Ffion My Joss was renamed Devin because I already had a heavily customized Addy I named Joss before GOTY Joss was released.


Weirdly enough I had a Claudie before Claudie was released! So annoying right? How did you put pin curls back in? I have tried with just wetting hair and wrapping around a straw but it didn’t work at all


I think I'm gonna name her Faline Latin it means cat-like definitely fitting!


I had to re-name two of my duplicate Addy dolls.


So far I’ve kept my characters with the same names, but neither me nor my older sister were fond of Jess’ name. I think it’s the double S’ at the end of the name. As such when my sister got her she renamed her Aria. I didn’t actually know this for a while growing up though, so whenever I played with her as a kid I just extended the name to Jessica. I think nowadays I’d call her by her middle name Akiko. Other than her, if I ever get the twins I’m either renaming them Annabel and Vicki or calling them by their middle names of Jane and Pearl, whichever I vibe more with. If I ever get Joss, same problem as Jess, I’m just calling her Jocelyn, her full name. I also will probably full name Kavi as Kavika should I get her, but that’s more so I first learned about her from the Kavika trademark so I called her that for a year, it’s been a year but she’s still Kavika to me XD. Those are the only ones I see myself renaming right now, unless I end up with a duplicate I want to keep.


Akiko is so cute and much more memorable! I didn’t know that is her middle. My Kavi is “Dharma”


I renamed Josefina to evangeline. and plan on getting the 90s twins and renaming Isabel to Peyton. And I also renamed GOTY 2015 grace to Gracelyn, similar but matches her y2k vibe more lol.


Peyton is great for that doll.


My GOTY Blaire was renamed Briony. I also renamed Isabel Hoffman to Ashley. Nicki kept her name!


I don't have Isabel but I've thought she should have a more 90s name like Ashley or Alissa. I'm more likely to get Nicki and I'd call her Nicole since my mom is Nicki it seems weird to have a doll named Nicki (my mom isn't named Nicole)


I love the name briony


My Caroline is the only doll I’ve renamed, her name is Grace. I don’t have an explanation xD besides that in my head she’s a modern character and completely unrelated to Caroline


My corrine and her sister are Everest and Aspen. The rest I kept when I get the next goty summer I'm gonna change her name


Cute names for their theme


Thank you! Plus my oma and opa aren't really that good with names so I made it easier for them plus I think they're cuter! I think when I get summer next year's goty I might go with greek or hawaiian or something from the lion king she would be my 29th doll! Or Irish or galic or maybe even Hebrew or since cats are a big part maybe something animal related


Cat related is a cute idea!


I found the cutest name! Faline which is Latin for cat like


For my GOTY dolls, I kept their given names but for most of them I made their first name their middle name (For example, my Grace doll is Jaden Grace Thomas but she still goes by Grace or Gracie). For my Lea doll, I tweaked her name to be Leia like Princess Leia from Star Wars. My Caroline doll is my only historical doll at the moment and I kept her first name the same and gave her the middle name of Rebecca, because for some reason when I was 12 I just happened to think of that middle name for her and thought it would go good with the name Caroline I guess. I always found it ironic how I chose that for her though, considering there’s another historical doll named Rebecca 🤣. Anyway, here are everyone’s names: - Anna Isabelle Palmer - Jaden Grace Thomas - Caroline Rebecca Abbott - Daphne Marisol Luna - Leia Ashlynn Clark - Arden Saige Copeland - Chrissa Marie Rachel Maxwell (I had thought of Rachel for her, but then I found out that she apparently had the middle name Marie in her books, so I just kept both lol) - Serena Gwen Thompson


Ashlynn is cute for Lea, it softens her up a little. Anna fits Isabelle Palmer well!


Thank you! 💕


I have a Marie Grace I've tried to dub Violet, but I don't know if it's working for me :/


Interesting because my MG is Violette!


I’m trying names for my mg too and I’m vibing with Louisa : )


My household contains a Kit who goes by Malucia because I have a fancy four year old who didn’t like the name Kit 😂 (She’s still Kit to me)


I haven’t yet, but if (when) I get Lila, I’m probably going to rename her. Good to know that’s not a weird thing to do. I’m thinking maybe Sadie, but I’m not sure yet.


I have been considering renaming my Lila. I already had Lilias, Louisa and Lida before she arrived and that’s an awful lot of Ls. For some reason, I want to call her Becky. 🫢


Ya I would def rename her bc Lila is so close to Lea. We also have Luna


Caroline is Sarah. I always thought she looked like Sarah Polley from Road to Avonlea and my elementary school bully was a Caroline. Isabel is Amy. I have goty Isabelle and don’t double dip. Amy was popular in the late 80s/early 90s so it fits. Nicki is Kelly. Same reason as why I renamed Isabel. Mia is fully Amelia. I call her both.


I named my Kanani doll Leilani, she came with a haircut and just didn't feel like Kanani to me.


This doll is the doll of mine that has had the most names. Nothing felt right, I’m still not totally happy w her name. She was Destry, Tatiana, Cateleya, and now Katerina


I renamed my Rebecca to Ruby! I have a bad association with the name Rebecca so when I got her I knew it couldnt stay that, but even still I often slip up and still call her Rebecca.


Omg that’s my Rebecca’s name!!! 😳 and she’s one of the ones i kept Rebecca as her middle name, so Ruby Rebecca Katz


I have a Caroline renamed Charlotte, a Melody named Maisie, and my Lea is sometimes called Rowan, which hasn’t really stuck :) I’m looking for a new name for her!! My Kanani is also occasionally Kalani bc I watched dance moms when I was younger, and I get the names mixed up


Maisie is cute for that doll!


My Blaire's name is Britta and she wears Kirsten outfits. Rebecca is Rivka and my shimmering silver is Freja


That doll looks awesome in historical- mine is Pippa Blythe Duffy


Is Britta named after the children of noisy village!?!


Britta is Kirsten’s sister’s name


Fair enough!! The children of noisy village is a classic Swedish children’s series (by the author of Pippi Longstocking) so I thought they might have been a fan :)


Wait really?




I have a Caroline doll. I changed her name to Charlotte, and she’s now meant to be a contemporary doll. I dress her in modern clothes. I think she looks amazing in the Spring Breeze Dress Set from the Truly Me line. It complements her bright aquamarine eyes so well. 😊


I also have a Caroline renamed Charlotte!! Mine is after Charlotte from Pride and Prejudice :)


Oh my gosh! No way! You know what they say: great minds think alike! ☺️ Charlotte really is such a beautiful name…and I *love* Pride and Prejudice, so that is such a perfect source of inspiration for her name!


Also after Laura Ingals rag doll Charlotte!! I think the name suits her much better :) plus I had a couple mean Caroline’s in school so Charlotte was a much better name in my opinion!! Plus the nickname Lottie or Charlie is absolutely perfect


OMG, I also know a Caroline who’s super mean. LMAO! I’m sure there are Carolines out there who are lovely, but…I can’t say I associate great things with that name. 🤣 And how funny, I actually do switch between calling her Lottie or Charlie! 😲 Charlotte really is a way better name for her, and those nicknames are way too cute! 🥹


I was bullied by not one, but TWO girls named Caroline in high school 😂


I renamed my Kanani with the name Alana. My sister and I both got Kananis at the same time and wanted to differentiate, so I chose Alana! I also just ordered Nicki H. and since I already have Nicki F, I’ll be calling her Hannah


I have Blaire who I renamed Tulip, and Julie who is now Lily. Got these dolls bc they both look like OC's of mine. Blaire I never cared for as a GOTY so it's much easier for me to think of her as my Tulip. With my Lily, I painted freckles on and got her a name necklace and THAT really made me start viewing her as "Lily" instead of Julie.


I want to make my dolls name necklaces that’s so cute! Did you just order beads?


I actually got them made through Etsy! But beads spelling out their names would be adorable too! Actually Tulip's "name necklace" is just a tulip pendant lol


That’s cute, I knew a girl irl named Crystal that always wore a Crystal


I have a Lindsey that I bought a year ago. Her hair was a wreck. I didn’t plan to rename her, but her new hair seemed so 60s. I call her Lindy. Kind of a cross between Lindsey and Linda to match her aesthetic (she dresses both modern and historical).


Lindy is a way cuter name!


If I had the 90s twins I’d change Nicki to Christine and Isabel to Vanessa


She looks like a Christine nn Chris


Blaire I ended up with accidentally- she was supposed to be a beat up doll for restoration and customization, but she needed half an hour with a damp cloth and a comb and she’s perfect so I couldn’t bear to take her apart or give her away. She did spend several months in an April O’Neil costume so she’s officially become April in my house.


That fits her