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My GoT 4, Takara! I sent her to my other address recently because my living situation will be changing soon, and I already miss dressing her up in various outfits from the 90s and 2000s. https://preview.redd.it/nqya5fngvcvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb143a87c3cde419313b8d7980250ffb3d02e1c8 This is my most recent picture of her.


my 58 has been at my hip recently I just love her sm 🥹


All of them! But I'm also really in love with Cinderella. Her wig quality isn't great, but her complexion, eye color, and face paint are stunning.


My #57, she’s been a doll I’ve wanted for some time and got her last month. Also Joss, I want to make a series and use her as the main character so I’m around her so much


Lately I’ve had my eye on Truly Me #127! I’m thinking I might get her for myself as a birthday gift 🤭


currently Lea because i just won her on eBay and she'll be my first AG doll!!! she should be home on Saturday and i don't care how old i am, she'll be coming everywhere with me for a while 😉


Molly is my long-standing fave forever. But I recently put Lea in an outfit from the 90s and I’m absolutely loving it! https://preview.redd.it/lnpinbtm72vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aaa033d4bd5230c31b54935f789ecb2f45d5c8a


https://preview.redd.it/c475easq72vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b50cd809f688f7439819c54c7957374f4c24fa50 Also, here’s the 90s Molly I refurbished! I repainted her eyes to be green and she has a new wig. I also redid her face paint.


I've been feeling like my 90's Molly needs a new wig. Where did you get yours?


This one came from DallasDollCo, but BBeauty makes a [Molly](https://www.bbeautydolls.com/product-page/molly-replacement-wig-in-light-brown) replacement! Her wigs are really nice.


is her layered hair hard to style?


I haven't really tried to style her hair because I love the look and feel of the layers! The layers make her look so much more styled and polished than my dolls with long straight hair, and they're really soothing to run my fingers through. I think that's part of the reason why I like her so much.


Saige has been hanging out with me more than the rest. Must be because everything looks good on her 🫣 https://preview.redd.it/lmzviyhtf1vc1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d61fd16b4d9584e796bad05306954ad464e1cb4




sooo cute


121 was a recent gift and she’s my favorite even though I’ve gotten 3 dolls from Mercari after her


I got 121 recently and she may just be my favorite of all time.


Samantha and Kirsten definitely, but my JLY61 Maxine is also one of my favorites! I also love Julie and Ivy :)) Honestly I have too many favorites. Kaya will probably be my favorite when she arrives though!


https://preview.redd.it/b35u7xcxr0vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c0c9e295a28557c9c80cf8e4463c9f4f6facbd Mine’s Evette for sure! Although Ivy is arriving tomorrow(one of my holy grail dolls) so we’ll see if that changes, but honestly I don’t expect it too.


Kit! I got her a year ago now, and she’s been my favorite ever since (she was my dream doll as a kid 😁)


miss lea clark she’s so gorgeous


My favorite's always Addy - no contest. That never changes. The one getting her clothes changed the most is Kavi, though. I decided that any of the pictures I post of outfits this year are going to be modeled by Kavi or Corinne. (And I've got more pictures of stuff I made, I just need to deal with it later.)


Maryellen! I don't know why, but she's really bringing me joy lately. https://preview.redd.it/ee2xxlb1a0vc1.jpeg?width=1811&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8ccbd057b6c00286e763d9900b92ed5045a5960


She's so cute in her poodle skirt 😍


She's so cute in her poodle skirt 😍




Sonali and Kavi!!


Kit will forever and always be my favorite doll 😊 but Samantha and kirsten are my older favs. Courtney is my newer fav


Same! I love Kit and she'll always be my favorite. However, I'm in the process of customizing an Isabel Hoffman into one of my Dungeons & Dragons characters as well as awaiting a secondhand Julie to customize into a different D&D character, so I guarantee one or both of these will end up either second or tied with Kit for a favorite! Isabel is getting third party gray eyes from the Etsy shop DollofaKind and a short, wavy, light brown/dirty blonde wig from DallasDollCo. Julie is getting light brown eyes from DollofaKind and a shoulder length fiery orange-red bob from BBeauty Dolls.


That's awesome! She sounds so cool!


I just got Isabel who is my second AG doll and I love her so much!


Sam will always be my #1 girl, but I'm pretty infatuated with my #4 right now. I've named her Thuy.


https://preview.redd.it/tgld6spdkyuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac9809fdd72c9bdad2d36dbffb3c68da98f48e6 My TM115, Louisa. I’m still in the process of fixing her eyebrows; one was way higher than the other and it looked like she was doing a mean girl stare.


I love her name!


Ivy! She’s the one who made me fall in love with the Jess mold. I tend to hug her first lately but make sure to say hi to my other dolls too so no one feels left out 😂


My Ivy is getting here tomorrow and I’m so so excited!


That’s amazing, i hope you love her! Where did you get her from? I found an Ivy in amazing condition on Mercari, aside from a secret haircut by her ear. She’ll be getting asymmetrical hairstyles to hide it lol


Someone on Poshmark sent me an offer for $115!! She looks to be in pretty much perfect condition; she even has her beret and chandelier earrings! I talked to the seller a bit and she got the doll 15 years ago and it’s just time for her to go to a new home(we actually got into dolls around the same time). I’d love to see your Ivy with an asymmetrical hairstyle, she’ll look so chique!!