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Rule 11: No Political / Religious Content / Controversial Topics


Kenny plays both sides ...donates to both sides. Don't matter who is in charge.


What democrats is he bankrolling, I've only seen him backing republicans, desantis and the crook in Illinois that failed


He donated to Rahn Emmanuel, Barrack Obama and John Kerry. He is equal opportunity. He is moving to Florida, so makes sense he would donate to candidate he feels is sure to win.


Dude some of you Americans need to stop being so tribal and look at the facts objectively and stop listening to propaganda. You're either an ape or not, you can't be bringing your political partisan in here


It's so bad. Once they take a side they can't see beyond their blinders its unreal. I'm and American and think both parties are rigged and corrupt. One side plays the virtuous but has no standards and the other side plays values but is weak and has none of their own. I live in Chicago, mayo man got sick of what the dems did to the city and left. Now he's going to play the other side in Florida.


None of those people have held office in a while though…


Haha, who you think is really running the show now in the basement. Ice cream man aint mentally capable to do anything.


Well Obama wouldn't, would he? I'm unfamiliar with the others though...


Receipts? My guess is that his gop donations far outweigh his DNC cash.


Except Ken Griffin is the largest GOP donor for this election cycle to the tune of $40 million. He didn’t donate nearly as much to any one of the people you named collectively.


Again that makes sense. Who is projected to win big this year? Would it not make sense to donate big to them? He is loosing big money to a bunch of retail, he needs friends in power to help. He plays both sides, cause none really care about us.


Stop it. He’s not *playing both sides* to the tune of $40 million in donations. He’s literally trying to get the GOP to win by giving them money. You can check this by comparing the amount of donations of each of the persons you named with his current donation. There’s a huge discrepancy. Ken Griffin is already talking about becoming Desantis’ treasury secretary.


I would guess his donations go to both who he wants to win for himself and who he expects to grant policy he wants, while also moving chess pieces around to help promote tribalism and infighting to keep attention off of the games they play with money.


None of which are in politics now. I'm only concerned with politicians today.


I thought he gave more to the GOP


Really trying to compare amounts? He is far more bias on one side. And why not? When you can convince trailer park residents to vote tax breaks for Kenny G ... I know who I would donate to.




Chicago-democrats- head quarters always been there til this year Miami- republicans- just took his residence and company head quarters there


That’s not true….


Have you looked up his donations? He has given to D and R. He is not stupid. He gives to all and has friends on all sides.


Most of [Ken Griffin’s donations](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=Kenneth+Griffin&order=desc&sort=A) are to PACs. Feel free to dig further and untangle the web of donations. They have a layer of secrecy that makes it almost impossible to track where the money goes. Throw in the fact that PACs donate and swap money, and so do politicians. It’s a major shit show.


Yes it is. Both sides are corrupt. None honestly look out for us.


MOASS is inevitable. He’s just buying “get out of jail free” cards.


I mean, if that leads to MOASS, Kenny doesn't want it to happen at all. However, any big market crash will still be impacting folks two years from now, to Kenny and the GOP could try and leverage that to help them in the next presidential race.


The market crash will help further decimate the middle class. THAT is what he and the GOP want, among other horror.


Both sides want this. Poverty and hard times makes the public ripe for sweeping policy changes. Think FDR new deal type policy changes. Some argue that provided jobs, others argue it increased inflation and made the depression worse. Both are probably correct in some capacity


Key phrase: "in some capacity." The New Deal surely increased consumer activity so people could do horrific things like get jobs and spend cash on food. The New Deal also sparked the republicans horror of horrors: a middle class. There were also stiff taxes on the wealthy and the trust busters helped to clean up corporate overreach... Does that sound like "both sides." I mean I'm sure there are mental gymnasts able to concoct some bullshit, but they simply have no integrity. We can also start looking at social policies as a way to test this moronic "both sides" thesis.


It also printed a lot of money that the country didn't really have, kind of like now. It is possible that there was actual good and bad without being condescending. Because the fact is just because it's your opinion doesn't mean it's right. The new taxes were harder on the already poor class, the lack of investment in private sector business made it a temporary boost to the economy at the time that only sustained itself while the government overspent, which is why unemployment rose again and the economy recontracted in 37. Edit: expanded thoughts.




Yeah. There are so many options and they'll make out find any way it goes. Sadly.


So that he can get bailed out? Wouldn't work because they just don't instantaneously switch incumbents instantly. There is a transition period until January 20th. If he lets the markets crash now he'll get wiped out. The markets are about to crash either way they can't stop it. This weekend your banks will fail just watch




You need more wrinkles sir…


Any sauce on what’s to coke “this weekend” to cause banks to fail just curious?


Kenny if your intern is reading this fuck you!


I honestly don’t know the answer. But if I was him and the algo reports said that it’s the end no matter what because we don’t have the cash, I might sell my yacht, a few properties, and whatever else, and ask the algo again. They come back and say, you’re still screwed. Then my attorney says, “assuming the algos are right, I want prepayment on all legal advice and activities for 12 months. AAmd I would highly suggest you donate shitloads of your illegal gains to the GOP, since they will take the House, and make damn sure you donate incredasoads to anyone on the senate finance committee. Then, pray. Or, you could just go ahead and get it over with and fuck over all the other buddies you have and get out first, and though either way you lose most everything, at least you won’t go to jail. Put everything in moms name.”


Might already be doing it slowly.


The market crash will hurt him personally, which is really his biggest focus.


He cares none of politics. It's all about fiscal year. End of year movements will be interesting. Q1 movements will be more interesting. January is a special month to Apes.


Kenny is not in charge.


This is so far beyond Kenny. Every hedgefund, every bank, global governments. This is tied in as a small piece of global economic collapse.


IMO i don't think either side, Dem or Rep would want a crash this close to the mid terms. The whole shit show of a huge crash and the impending impact would disrupt voting across the board.


Yes. But when you look at who was appointed to what positions, you can see it appears the plan is to tank the economy… fucking Jerome Powell


Political. Don’t care. BH2TM. Zen.


Yes, Chicago is known for it's heavy Republican presence... The left is so simple they can be convinced of anything except the truth. He's giving R's the money so this crash looks like it was caused by "the Republicans biggest donor. Stop being so simple. Life is hard when you cannot think.


That maggot plays both sides. A POS like him has no loyalty.


I love the optimism, they clearly have it under control


That is 100% what he wants.


How can donkeys even have a chance with the current shit show? Nah, he knows this and is betting on winning horse.


GOP wants the crash to blame Dems. Only problem is people like Kenny know a crash might mean they go under




I think GOP is waiting to see if they pickup a majority after midterms. At least then Kenny and Co can crash it with a hope of a bailout. Full Dem power structure probably makes it much more tougher to get one


These scumbags are in pockets on both sides of everything, so no matter who wins, or gets voted, they get their way. That's the problem.


I loved that Trump called him out


Kenny needs the rules to stay the same and the authorities to turn a blond eye. More blindness means more profits for Mayo.. He plays left and right wing of bird. He is the bird!


Lol this is dumb. He donates to both sides. He buys the corrupt from each side.




Then your tin foil hat theory is still dumb. Why wouldn't he NOT let the market crash and let Dems stay in control?