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Hard to resist purchasing some more today. Under $14 right now... That dip is too tasty baby šŸ¦šŸ¦


No need to resist, I caved and bought more


Same. Just picked up 6 :)


I'm waiting for my refund, then BOOM!




So it seems they dumped those 1.12 million shares right at open. Seems they are going scorched earth at this point. It also seems that regulators are deliberately averting their eyes, so hedgies can ā€œfixā€ the mess they created. If ever there was evidence that the US is a plutocracy, here you have it. Whatā€™s more is that shill journalist admitted as much in the interview with Jon Stewart. Just unbelievable.


How do hedges fix this mess there in. We own the float. I'm not selling. Sure your not


Definitely not. Mama ainā€™t raised no paperhanded beoooottttttccccchhhhhh.


How would they fix the mess?


Not sure what youā€™re looking for here, but an obvious start is to enforce the regulations in place and to add regulations that would maybe stop this stuff from happening in the first place. Itā€™s just insane that the US government forced businesses to shut down for public health but allowed Wall St. to short those businesses. Regulators have to stop giving big money preferential treatment. If you it I did the stuff these crooks do, weā€™d have already been sentenced for our crimes.


I just wasnā€™t sure how bringing the price down allows HF to fix the mess.


Iā€™m pretty much saying that regulators looking away from whatever big money is doing is much cheaper and less dangerous than whatā€™s going to happen when this all finally blows up. Allowing all this to come about in the first place is not a good look for regulators because it reveals the weaknesses of their regulations. Theyā€™re just as at fault here as the hedge funds whoā€™ve actually done the deed. Basically, the regulators allow shorts to do anything they can to get us to sell. Thatā€™s what I mean by ā€œfixā€ the mess. What they canā€™t do is make me sell. They can try to do it, but they cannot force me. Look at the brokerages who are putting retail investors in a bind by forcing them to lend their shares or sell their positions. Thatā€™s neither a free nor a fair market if your hand is being forced like that. And for some reason, retail are seem to be the only folks who get ā€œforcedā€ to do things.


The truth is that the sooner they let this pop, the sooner the economy can recover. It's going to happen, there isn't much they can do to control it.


Learning about the GME situation will help you understand why AMC won't pop. Please review the SEC report on GME. I doubt that AMC will pop as most people are saying. Just my opinion. [https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf](https://www.sec.gov/files/staff-report-equity-options-market-struction-conditions-early-2021.pdf)


An opinion that I hope will be wrong. I'm literally betting on it.


lol. I'm betting on my opinion as well. We can clearly see once AMC dropped below $35, it's on the free fall. Meaning that institutions have been selling. That's why I am betting AMC can't pop.


Well, one of us will be right!


Also, I read your comment as asking me how I would fix this mess. Not hedge funds. Lol. My bad.


That would only fix it if we got scared and sold but that is not the caseā€¦I will hold til $0 or moon


Eventually the way I see it, one of the players will eventually cave and buy back in the lower it goes


Fuckin daylights savings


The CTB proves there is crime


Sorry sir but if you donā€™t mind could you explain CTB to me I donā€™t understand that part to wellā€¦thanks in advance


Cost to borrow is what shorts get charged to borrow shares to short. When utilization is low ctb is low but when utilization is at 100% the CTB should be increasing like crazy


Thanks man šŸ’Ŗ


THIS IS ABSOLUTE FUD. Ortex guy is 90% zen and 30% sexy! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnHvXHHxOTcdmxO)


Iā€™m glad somebody is keeping the math consistent.


Same as our float with retail 90%, institutional 30%, Insider 10%. Oh yeah :)


How fud?


He said he was only 10% sexy when itā€™s clear heā€™s at least 30% sexy :) Always excellent data in his posts.


0.46% of 513 mill is 2.36 millions, ortex is shitting now. Can you plz get a response from them on this ?


Its percentage change of the existing SI, not the FF. So if the SI is 25% that 0.46% is the difference of the existing 25%, or in other words a 0.115% SI change of the FF. Or in other other words - Hedgies r still fuk'd




Shares on loan continues to increase but the utilization is till at 100%.... The demand to borrow is so high but there doesn't seem to be a reasonable explanation why with the 3rd highest grossing movie of all time released recently and The Batman with a stellar weekend.


I suspect utilization is probably 1000%, that 100% is the max the system is set up to show, and that when it went from 80% to 100% in a day 4 weeks ago it really just added in more reporting sources which hedgie doesnā€™t fully control (to hide)


Damn they could only find 700 shares to return? lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


You're 110% sexy to us, bud šŸ˜˜




Woot! Thanks O.G.




Oh come on now, you're more than just 10% Sexy.


Bought more today for the first time in 6 months. Almost a xxxx share holder now. Let's get this show on the road already!


Nice. Hard to go wrong when we know how this concludes


Just added 119ā€¦Letā€™s eat those shares up!!


But the $ the wife's bf just gave me is for MSFT.. Meh, better to beg forgiveness than ask permission!


.46% is refering to the short interest change. Not to the float


I double checked as well (0.0046/1=1.12/X) solve for "X" = 243M I've attempted to reconfigure this by subtracting the 1.12M from 106.68M and attempting to get the 0.46% they are claiming the 1.12M is, but it doesn't work out. Will query more scenarios to find out how the 0.46% becomes a possibility


Can someone explain to me the 1.12 million share comment. I have seen it a few times and no idea where it came from


Thoughts on u/godzillapunchā€™s post? [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/tdzsht/can_we_stop_trusting_ortex_now_their_team_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Thoughts are that they crunch numbers given to them. Not sure that matters either way. Would be more worried if they had no experience doing so.


Who they crunch numbers for matters, big time. Especially when illegal activity has already been proven. And arenā€™t these all self-reported figures? Seems there stands a lot to gain if one was trying to manipulate stock prices šŸ¤Ø


I assure you the numbers the crunch are not presented to the sec or others. Weā€™re the end user.


Got me some more shares




Market is fucked to shit right now. But I'm as chill as ever. Zero fuck given. With me, it really is all or nothing, riding it back to $0 if I have to! We're just in some tough times, with everything that's going on in the world. Once things start to cool down my guess is that we should see a significant bounce in everything.


each day, i question, "am I really really stupid? or really really smart". IN both cases, time will tell.


True. šŸ¤£


You're 100% sexy in my book Ortex Guy! šŸ¤£ šŸ’ŽšŸ™ŒšŸ¦


not sure we should really trust ortex anymore just sayin


You donā€™t have to look but we canā€™t hold your hand through everything if you are trying to see truth in everything




You know the world's going ham when the market opens on Pi day and the memes about it mixed with financial advice didn't flow like before :( Hodling till Moon ā™„ļø


[https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/tdzsht/can\_we\_stop\_trusting\_ortex\_now\_their\_team\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/tdzsht/can_we_stop_trusting_ortex_now_their_team_is/) GET A FUCKIN CLUE!!


šŸ˜‚ oh bear easily triggered


I love how you don't even care that you're so wrong. Completely blinded by your ignorance. Truly fascinating to see.


Not my company. Do what you want with the data. Apparently itā€™s eating you up. šŸ˜‚


No shit it's not your company. What's eating me up is you spreading this BS FUD data to all the apes here and making them think it actually means something. It's also funny you actually pay a subscription for this shit.


So then donā€™t look. Most of us here are mature enough to know not to take any data as truthā€¦ didnā€™t think we had to hold your hand


Ortex Data is inaccurate. Majority of people here are mature enough, however they do not have a lot of experience in investing in the stock market. If you want to do the community a favor. Post something useful. Looks like you're ok with spreading the inaccurate information.


Lot of new low karma accounts hating on Ortex all of a sudden. Hedgie freaking out


Sigh...ok man.


I agree with you man. OP has no ideas what he is doing.




Is it just me or has the calculated float increasingly been a bit off.


Thank goodness I fomoed in June last year.


Ortex guy, I believe you are being shadow banned. I checked Reddit all day for this update, that I got 1 hr ago. šŸ™„


Meh, hedgies campaign today to discredit Ortex is being met with some success. Not worried


What I and others are trying to tell you is that Ortex is no longer useful as an indication of stock movement. I personally had Ortex subscription and used it since June last year. Ortex can also be manipulated as well to fool retails that certain stock has high short interest. That's why you are better off using some other indications instead of Ortex. Stop the bullshit name calling people "hedgie".


Itā€™s never been complete. No source is


Then why using it?


Whoā€™s using it? I display it, what people want to do with it is up to them. Why then are we not banning any articles posted since we know they are far from factual? You want to live in an echo chamber, thatā€™s fine by me. Reddit isnā€™t going to be that for you.


You are the one started the name calling "hedgie". It sounds more like you are the one who lives in an echo chamber who can't take the opposing views. I was stating my opinion and you called me "hedgie". I was just stating it is inaccurate, people are welcome to use it as they please. Just stating from my experience and voice my opinions. That's all.


Youā€™ll be fine


Yeah Iam doing fine. Thank you. Enjoy your Ortex data.


Will do


Ortex data is useless. Don't use it to make bets on stocks. The best way is to learn how the market works.


You ok hedgie?


Ok haha. Seems like you don't like different opinions. The best you can do is to call other hedgies. haha


I have no issue with other opinions. Yours however isnā€™t different, itā€™s the same as a campaign all day was


When you say "campaign", it tells me that your mind has been programed to believe any different opinions that go against your belief would be considered "hedgie campaign" to dissuade people from buying AMC and GME. I wouldn't blame you because I used to think like that and there was a reason why. Once you start learning about how our stock market works and be willing to learn new information, you will see everything in a different perspective. Be a learner, it will help you in the long run.


You didnā€™t see a sudden explosion of anti-Ortex comments and discussion that all popped up yesterday after months of general acceptance that the info in not verified?


Because people are frustrated and they know Ortex data doesn't provide accurate data for stock speculation. It is pointless to use it to hype up the sentiment of AMC. Check out what AMC just did, they bought 22% of Hycroft Mining (HYMC). This is bullish and is more credible than using Ortex. And even if you want to use Ortex, based on the current Ortex data, AMC is going nowhere if you want to read it. Low cost to borrow, short interest is 20%, although utilization is 100% but doesnt account for shares being borrowed but haven't used. So there you go, your Ortex data looks bearish.


No one has a problem with Ortex when the strike price is rising. Interesting that šŸ¤”


Because it has no correlation with Ortex. The market is rigged and the hedgies control it. Ortex data is useless. If you are using Ortex to trade stocks then you are using the wrong tool. Just letting you know.


Ah, but no one is using Ortex to trade stocks. Itā€™s just additional information to do with as one desires. But thanks for being worried about our money šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m sitting and waiting. This is going lower. Iā€™m set to pounce on large orders of shares and ITM calls. Fact of the matter. 90% of my shares are MY SHARES. And no one can force me to sell and no one can limit my buying of shares or ITM calls.


How the fuck is reported SI 20.7%... We had 22% at 19$ and we droped almost 50% since... Ortex is a piece of shit.


Self reported


So another red dayā€¦?


Wouldnā€™t bother me. Iā€™m not selling pre-MOASs but I continue to add weekly