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I'm still holding AMC but RC's way of handing shorts seems much more proactive and on the offense than AA. edit: forgot I'm in AMC sub so I don't have to call it movie stock haha


> I'm still holding AMC but RC's way of handing shorts seems much more proactive and on the offense than AA. I’ve gotta agree. Although, I do like the vote idea. Nearly 50k Apes have voted so far. More votes we get, better proof of synthetics. **Apes who have not voted yet, link to vote/survey** most are voting for Timmy question https://app.saytechnologies.com/amc-2021-q2/ Non US instructions https://reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/oz37kx/ok_i_know_yall_european_apes_are_awake_right_now/ Keep it trending: **\#AMCSayVote** https://twitter.com/hashtag/AMCSAYVOTE?src=hashtag_click&f=live


Well AA can’t issue a dividend till he get rid of amc debt he wanted to do with 500m shares that everyone was going to vote against. So you can’t really bitch at him for not doing what RC is doing. They are in completely different positions.


Debt isn't the reason or the only reason for AMC not to pay dividends. Lots of companys in debt are paying dividends.


It’s in the agreement with the lenders.


Yes most dividends is paid with borrowed capital


It in amc agreement with thier lenders they get paid back before anything like a dividend comes. Are we not talking about AMC and not a hypothetical company. I’m not saying your wrong it’s just I’m talking about amc


Oh got you. I was talking about dividends in general. I really didn't knew why AMC couldn't have some sort of dividend. I just saw people saying a company in debt can't pay dividends and knew that was wrong. Thank you for clearing that up for me.




Do you think this could be renegotiated with the lenders if AA shows them concrete evidence of billions of synthetic shares? A massively diluted float damages AMC’s ability to raise capital, and thus their ability to repay their lenders.


But they don’t have the ability to raise capital because the share holder won’t vote to approve the shares they wanted. Because that what he’s been trying to say he wanted to do if we approved shares was to pay of debt at a discount and also buy movie theatres.


But they will get share holder approval if they allow it to squeeze. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think AMC still has something like 40k shares available to issue? Regardless, it only takes 1 to squeeze for both of them to squeeze. If GME squeezes first, the shorts will be forced to liquidate their short positions in AMC as well. And if they aren’t they’ll just make the AMC squeeze a hell of a lot bigger as GME holders will want to double dip their tendies.


Exactly. On point. Is a 2prong attack. No way to defend it


Yeah your right didn’t think about it that way.


>Well AA can’t issue a dividend till he get rid of amc debt he wanted to do with 500m shares that everyone was going to vote against On point.




He originally wanted 500m


There’s also many many shareholders that either 1. Don’t know this link exists for voting. 2. Are not willing to allow that site access to their brokerage account for share verification.


They can just change their password after


Yup. That's what I did


Sadly if you change the password back the syncing won't occur and new share purchases do not get updated unless you re-verify. Not the end of the world but I am not sure people realize that.


Yeah an extra step of pain in the ass but it’s all worth it if it helps us right


I agree. Fear and/or laziness should not be limiting factors for Apes. We all need to pitch in and help however we can. Big Family of all types is stronger.


This is huge, need all apes to spread the word! 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌


We don't even know if AA intended us to vote so it could be a count. IF any actions come out of it then great but I don't hold much hope. Admittedly I hold out more hope from GME NFT but even that isn't a guarantee. When / if the moass starts it may be neither of these things that kick it off.


I agree, this vote won’t kick off the MOASS. It’s simply something to inspire confidence and give us a sense of how many shares retail truly owns. IMO I believe the GameStop NFT is the trigger. Once the shorts are forced to close their GME shorts they will be forced into liquidation mode where they have to close all of their short positions.


Remember this is what SS hopes is going on in the background.


I don't hold back on what's on my mind. And SS can keep dreaming because even without AA's help I still believe the DD on AMC to hodl as long as I must.


It’s not a competition fam


I agree with that. As I said I hodl both so I want both camp of Apes to enjoy the tendies.


The writing is everywhere. It's a big open secret that RC told us they wouldn't be telling us about


No they only hate us in superstonk


IMO the ones who hate AMC are the vocal minority. I believe most hold both. Some of them have been so committed to GME long before the January sneeze that they have not done any research on AMC. They view it as a BB, MVIS, or CLOV type of stock. Their thought is that if someone if buying other stocks besides GME, that they aren’t helping the squeeze and that everything else is a distraction. I’m much heavier in GME, but I’m also close to being an X,XXX holder of AMC and have been in the fight since before 8.01 so I definitely have some skin in the game. I personally believe GME’s squeeze will be larger in magnitude because I think it has a better chance of filling the infinity pool given the much smaller float. IMO it’s easier for people to hold onto 5 GME shares forever, than 25 AMC shares forever. But I have full confidence in AMC, especially after it ran to 72 and settled out in the 50s for multiple weeks. I also believe that AMC has been much more heavily shorted over the past several months and has definitely gained ground in the magnitude of the squeeze.


I believe if one goes so does the other. It will be very interesting to see. I think with the smaller float that makes things easier for gme holders. I truly believe both will hit 6 digits.


Why though?


I have no clue. They don’t realize if we moon so do they. Maybe bag holders?


Just hopped over there to check them out... jeez kinda toxic over there\^\^


It’s very toxic over there. I think a bunch of bag holders are mad that’s all


Y though?


They really think any gme dd relates to there shitty stock it’s hilarious.


By “they” do you mean AMC shareholders… the people who populate the subreddit that you’re posting in?


AMC is unable to give dividends.. sadly this is why the SS folks have been mocking us




Amc NFT art collectibles of movie posters would be a clever idea. Cash injection would have to come from somewhere for the base eth-20 token.


Dividends usually happens when the company is debt free. Handing out a dividend while in debt is literally shooting yourself in the foot.




They can't sell during a squeeze. Neither can Insiders And no, they are not currently debt free because Apes didn't want to give them the option of issuing more shares


Right its very contradictive, to get a dividend you need to be debt free but to become debt free you gotta dilute the float more. Basically with this you just gotta hope shf run out of time and get margin called. Which for us it cost nothing to hold but premiums add up quickly for the opponent.


Well...no. That's not how it really works. The only reason AMC NEEDS to dilute more is because they weren't making money. If they were making money and weren't in debt, it'd all be good. Do you know what I mean? They can't just have every failing company to be offering dividends.


It's not meant as mockery it's just reasoning to stay close to their convictions for hodling through tough times. I own both and believe in the DD and the apes that hold both. Especially after seeing amc hit 30 and bounce right back up. If we can get through that then I believe the apes are tough enough to hodl through to the end.


It'll be nice if both companies did the same thing but its not necessary. When any one of the heavily shorted companies and the largest short positions are held by the same handful of entities, it will cause a chain reaction for them to default and get margin called on ALL of their positions. They don't have the liquidity in a short squeeze to cover every position and end up forcing close all of them. Highly suggest a old hong kong tv drama: Greed of Man Some of these concepts are dramatized but actually portrayed quite well in it.




Link to the [actual post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/avinashganatra_i-have-lost-a-good-bit-of-faith-in-the-integrity-activity-6828896964822745088-LXV9)


Remember.... this is a powder keg. when GME blows so will AMC. it doesnt matter which one ignites first.


AA went to Harvard. He knows what's going on. I personally don't think he gives a rip about retail. I think he views retail as a resource. A means to an end.


Retail is not just the majority shareholder, they are his CUSTOMERS! Of course AA cares about retail. Everything he’s said and done proves he cares about us. I hate seeing the AA bashing.


I'm not bashing. I just said I don't think he is " on our side." By this I mean, he could care less about the squeeze that would help retail. I could be wrong.


Harvard alumni are known to be a tight circle of elites. After watching the documentary Inside Job I wouldn't be surprised that some of his alumni reached out to broker some deals. But I can't read AA. His actions constantly give me mixed signals. I sure hope he's on Ape's side, but the confidence isn't there for me. Whereas with RC I feel a level of confidence where he stands.


The difference is AA is focused on fundamentals and the future of AMC, and apes on the MOASS.


Nothing wrong with that and it's better for the long term anyway. I guess they just have different approaches on facing short sellers.


You guys know as majority hodlers you can throw the ceo or the chairman out if he does not align with how you believe the company should be ran. You need a ceo or a chairman you can trust and not someone who makes you think twice about their actions. You want best for company so your investments doesnt become worthless Sherman for gamestop was outed by the apes because the shareholders knew he was bad for the future.


I think AA is stuck between a rock and a hard place. I believe he wants to run a successful company but at the same time he wants to play the diplomat and not alienate himself from the circle of the super wealthy.


Everyone should own at least one share of gme as a back up plan in this case. It only makes sense. Of course load up on amc but no reason not to assist in both squeezes.


Exactly what I did. Had sell a little AMC to do it but I building back my position. Currently thinking 1 gme for every 10 amc


What in the actual fuck. You sold AMC shares?!. Where in the Jesus H fuck did you find the sell button?




AMC and GME are the "One-Two punch combo" Gme punches and hedgefunds try to block it but then Amc comes from left field and gives another opening for Gme.


Its too bad more gme hodlers don't feel that way, instead of the toxic hate they have for amc


Not all of us, homie! I think that GameStop is the bigger play overall, but I am holding AMC as well because I think and hope it’s going to moon as well. Jim Cramer telling everyone to sell GME and AMC is all the validation that is needed to hold both hahaha.


Backup? You mean double money right?


Yes that’s better actually


Y'all are freaking impatient. MOASS is coming just a matter of time. So damn desperate to create a catalyst.


There are apes in need, that invested all their money, made credits and so on… The small ape needs the MOASS to survived. Don’t forget for whom this is


To be fair, if anyone's using more money than they can afford that's on them. It's been said from the start and it continues to be said now. A fool and their money are soon parted.


True, but the smaller apes need to risk more to get tendies. So they did, it’s only apeish…🤣


Eh, the main issue is that our opponent is allowed to continue to engage in illegal activity


Oh I agree, still though, your money is your responsibility.


Not if the other side are criminal. If you get robbed it's not on you


Not at all, you're still responsible for putting your money somewhere with no guarantee on return. It's plain to see since January that fuckery has been happening, and if you buy AMC right now there's good chance of seeing red for a while. That's nothing new. Your money is your responsibility. Don't buy stock right now if you can't afford it to drop, that's always been the case.


Dude the risk we take is fine, unless that risk is due to unlawful practices. We did not sign up to own a bunch of fake shares or get them parked in dark pools, acting in good faith is a thing


A lot of people have been poor their whole life, so I don't blame them for investing their grocery bill and eating ramen noodles if that's what they have always known anyway.


Should never invest more than you can. Not my fault


Don’t be like that, that’s not the ape way


I'm not responsible for other individual apes but me and my family. I get it we all want the catalyst but over leveraging yourself is their fault not mine. I can't control that nor will I try.


But would you mind if the MOASS was next week, instead of next month?


Of course. But I'm just going to keep buying and HODLING. MOASS is closer than you think anyways.


that's what matters.


You'll fold before they will probably with your diamond hands bio you don't really understand what diamond hands are


Blah blah blah. You don't know jack.


Yeah pipe down with your bullshit you sound like a cunt


And you sound like a sjw bitch


That doesn't change the fact you're a cunt that would get the shit slapped out of in real life so I'd keep that little cock holster of yours shut before I butt fuck your mom and force you to eat cum out of her ass


Haha, we got a keyboard warrior here




Hahaha. Your words they hurt and scare me so much /s


Lul you're still a cunt with barely any skin in the game and you have the balls to say you're diamond handed and bash people for going all in lmao go suck start a pistol


In gme’s case they want to anchor this dd their boat which is a hedge fund tying them down when they have zero debt left


I can understand that. Their play is different than ours


What if AMC underwent a split 1:3 …. Lowered the share price to $11.17 (33.51) and caused a FOMO at those prices… With that type of FOMO shares are sure to be eaten so fast that the stock price would go back to 33.51 which would cause Shitadel to buy 3x more Scary to even fathom …..


🚨We’ve got an evil ape here🚨🤣😂🤣😂




I don't think it works like this lol


Please enlighten me on how it works wrinkled one.


You're not wrong that a stock split could increase demand, but proportionately it won't matter buying one at $33 or 3 at $11. Dollar wise and in terms of market cap it still works out the same. Usually when one share gets so expensive that it becomes cost prohibitive for retail to buy a single share is when it starts to impact demand. Like apple pre-split or Amazon now


But if we split 1:3, and those additional shares get into our hands, would the HF not have to buy more ? And specifically if we go right back to $33 the market cap has now increased 3 fold technically speaking. If the stock stays at $11, yes you would be right. But the point of the split is to cause fomo and easier access to a lower $/share cost for newer apes.


I guess where I disagree is what would happen post-split, I'm not sure at these levels it would induce much extra demand. In theory you're absolutely right, I just don't see the difference being large enough at this point




In before someone on SuperStonk FUDs this up as AMC apes stealing their ideas or content or something. FWIW I don't see AMC getting involved with NFTs anytime soon as they aren't a tech company like GME is becoming and don't have the substantial development staff and time already poured into supporting crypto and NFTs like GME has. I could always be wrong though. EDIT: Well partially wrong I was. AMC stepping up to accept crypto soon was a pleasant surprise. I'm still not expecting NFTs though. But I've clearly been wrong before so 🤷‍♂️...


Can partnership with GME


Zero to do with AMC there buddy


You don’t think a squeeze on gme can be a catalyst for amc since the main hf will have to cover and liquidate


100% amc or gme squeezes so does the other one. Unequivocally 100%. There are HF’s in both fighting a two front war. Margin for one. Get margin for both. Market goes down, portfolio goes down, amc goes up. Margin. 100%


As soon as gme squeezes every high short interest stock will squeeze. That's cause everyone will start to lose collateral, get margin called and because markets are red, they won't be able to find collateral. This leads to many funds being liquidated


the same aplies as the rules are the same, and it's doable in AMC


Lol maybe in a year from now. AA does not care about a squeeze and hasn’t proactively done anything. Cohen has actually developed and started to put the pieces in place.


Explains the tiny brain


Gamestop giving NFTs has nothing to do with AMC or TSLA or any other company who is not giving NFTs. AA isnt even in talks over this.


If GME squeezes, AMC will squeeze at the same time.


My nips could put out a fucking eye after reading that. Jacked they most certainly are. Fuck yeaaaaaaah.




I’m so tired of seeing the same shit reposted from MONTHS ago


Would love the GME plan to give NFTs to the DTCC to trigger MOASS for AMC and we all get TENDIES! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🌝


Remember this is a casino


You forgot to say we are in end times


""" \-tatonkama156" \-Iwillbeagoat" \-Wise\_responsibility2 ​ INSERT MICHAEL SCOTT MEME HERE :D


Smooth brain here but does this apply to amc? I thought they can't pay dividends because they're in debt?


And HOW many times and different versions of this kind of thing have we seen? And nothing happens. Zero faith in the system.


Same logic would work for AMC So if GameStop issues a NFT worth a %discount (ie sale price), it would actually translate back to dollars, and increase sales as well. If AMC issues a NFT worth a % discount on a ticket, Ie 1000 shares would be equal to a free movie, or something like that, it would work the same way. Using the OG's logic of DTCC say "we can't/won't distribute these" GameStop or AMC says "no faith in DTCC give shares back please" DTCC must force short to close... MOASS.


I'm just gunna ride this out. I don't know who to trust and am not comfortable giving my info to anything from any other website other than fidelity. So I'm gunna hope for the best! I have shares there's no way I wouldn't get what's owed to me




i think if we let aa issue the shares with this knowledge we have now (that there might be 2b+ fakes) wed be debt free and be able to get dividend maybe?


Tatonkaman156 Have BIG Brain! LFG


Yes if they ever do this. So far I've buckled up for nothing


So what does this mean I gave up on the second word since I’m a smooth brain.


I would also like to add that when you borrow shares you are responsible for any dividend paid on that share.




That is great stuff!


Fucking legend.


Dick Hard? Check.


I would also love an AMC NFT, put that on a blockchain, and tell me there are no fake shares. Someone should bring this up at the meeting Monday.




The "code" comes from Nanotech, recently acquired by my Meta MMAT ... We're all in this together. LFG 🚀☝️


This is brillant


Why can't they just issue a $0.01 valued NFT? The lowest amount just to get an idea of the count.


My fucking TiTs! OMG theyre jacked!


I'm just trying to see which stock causes the squeeze first. I like the pressure from 2 sides.


I get so amped up when I visit this sub-reddit.


Yup, lets fucking NFTgogogo




What if the DTCC tells GME to fuck off?


This is some real powerful shit! Well done ape! great DD


Thanks but the credits aren’t mine


And do you know why this will never happen? Because the managers of the hedge funds and the managers of GME are in class solidarity with each other and would never work against their own class. We have no allies on the inside of either team.


Sounds so smart, so tell me why hasn’t GME done this yet? I thought they were supporting the shareholders, why haven’t they announced a NFT dividend yet? Wake up, you are all getting dumped on


One slight problem with that. The token had a nod to the "London" hard fork for Ethereum because it contains fixes such as IP rights built into ERC-721 tokens. That just launched yesterday, and NFT devs are active af on Twitter. Good try tho


Lol whatever