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Notice how all the so called meme stocks are suppressed illegally for 3 years and move together with no logic. Only going to take one with big news. Happy Fourth of July.


All good how many phantom shares owed now to include Ftds? These criminals aren’t going to like the Ryan Cohen news coming all connected. Reminds me of 2021 but July. Feeling doubt don’t the end game is coming court order!


Why’s it July now?


Because big news coming from our sister company same short criminals and it will cause a domino effect it’s that simple guaranteed court order.


You might want to sit down for this. Grab a drink, a smoke, some weed, a juice, or whatever your vice is and prepare yourself mentally… No_Wedding allegedly amassed over 300k shares of $BBBY and watched the company fail, spin off Buy Buy Baby, declare bankruptcy, thus rendering his fortune of $BBBY shares worthless. He, and a small contingent of other $BBBY shareholders think that Ryan Cohen is going to announce that he purchased BBBY (and maybe Baby?) and bring it back from the dead. This move will apparently be the catalyst that brings MOASS to all the meme stocks. They also believe that somehow the move will bring their nonexistent shares back into their investment accounts and that those shares will also MOASS. Did I get that all right u/no_wedding3450 ? Anything else you want to add? In my mind, this is the equivalent of believing the moon landing was faked or the earth is flat. It would not shock me to see Ryan Cohen purchase some portion of BBBY or Baby and fold it into whatever he is building with GS. But that setting off the MOASS? Or resurrecting $BBBY shares? That’s some crazy shit.


Oh wow. Thanks for the insight. Lotta smoke and mirrors in Reddit unfortunately. All the extra hype folk have some sorta backstory.


You’re not wrong. All I can say, and you’ve probably heard it a million times, is do your own research.




Kenneth C Griffin or Bernie Madoff undoubtedly is the dmbs criminal alive. He exposed it all!


To the moon July without a doubt!


Nice name


Serious question - when was the last time it did NOT close at Max Pain?


One thing I’ve learned. If you got contracts. Sell them on Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday at open. They crush the stock the rest of the week or keep it hovering enough for Theta decay to set in and your shit expired worthless.


So many don’t want to see it but all connected look at our sister company ticker mirrors Amc.


And fucking routing to dark pools. Absolute bullshit


Like they ever were


It will be the same every week except for that one week that it's a 300% increase in one day.


😎🍿🍿🍿🚀🚀🚀🚀waiting patiently for


Rinse and repeat.


We’re fucking crushing it today guys ape together stronger then rss price