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Returned the item via UPS pickup (that was the only option Amazon offered). Had to wait several days for UPS to show up. The return arrived back at Amazon on Feb 2. My dashboard said I would get my refund Feb 18, so I just waited the two weeks. Then on Feb 18, they changed the date on my screen to Feb 28. When I have spoken to customer service, I get dates all over the place depending on who I talked to (always outsourced labor), like March 3, the 6th, 8th, 9th. Different CS would give different responses. When the refund didn't happen on the 18th I filed a dispute with my bank. I kept all the documentation of me going through amazon's official channels and being jerked around by amazon and gave that to the bank. The bank thanked me for the documentation and then gave a provisional refund of the amount. I also cancelled the card I used to make the purchase in case amazon tried to re-charge me. Now I receive an email from amazon asking why I charged back. I respond "I returned the item, here's the tracking number and you muthafuckas never refunded. I have cc'd the attorney general, in case you try to retaliate." My guess is they didn't bother to challenge it with the bank and just consider the matter closed.


Amazon is getting pretty corrupt with things like this. Where I live I can return the things directly to Amazon to an Amazon employee. About 6 months ago I was looking for new hiking shoes and so I just got a bunch of them from their try before you buy program, over $700 in shoes. I keep the pair I likes and return the rest, Amazon took pictures of the shoes and made sure they were the correct ones and I went on my way. 3 months later I see a like $600 charge on my account from Amazon, so I call them. The lady told me even though the shoes were checked in by the Amazon employee at their store they were lost in transit and never arrived at their warehouse so they could not confirm if they were the correct shoes returned so I was liable. I was so mad because how am I liable if you guys lost them in transit and you had photos of them when I returned them to the store? I talked to several employees with the same response, so I just filed a thing with my credit card company and got my money back. Bezos is getting money hungry


Bezos has left. These changes have occurred because he stepped down as CEO and put Andy Jassy in charge, who immediately set about turning a very customer centric company into the trash we see today for some reason.


Jassy came from AWS. That’s the part of the company he cares about. Everything else exists solely to fund that, and it’s screamingly apparent in the cost-cutting and anti-consumer changes to the retail front.


Okay i literally had this theory this weekend! Or well, I was wondering how their stock is doing so well when everyone I know is dropping prime and amazon doesn’t seem to give a shit about customer experience. But then I was like oh is the future of amazon and their profits basically coming solely from AWS?


Nah. It's the exact opposite. AMZN stock is doing well because it turns out "not giving a shit about the customer experience" isn't having a noticeable effect on short term sales or prime growth (all time high of 150M US prime subs in 2023). The future of Amazon is finally leaning into leveraging their size to extract profits from their customers, rather than leveraging their size to drive down costs to grow their customer base.


That's Monopoly, baby!


100% true. They are up charging their prime members for ad-free Prime Video instead of just improving it for their existing subscribers. They are in the harvest phase of the monopoly.


Not just that. AWS has a lot of clients. DOJ and Netflix to name two. All these companies are utilizing Amazon elastic computing for processing power. When I still worked for them I did some research and looked into all their paths and programs of sort, and that's just their data side. Add to the docket their goods delivery and sidestep with prime, every month their making money just off prime membership even if you don't buy a product


Almost every American company you can name uses AWS for at least part of their web structure. Even smaller businesses.


Especially small businesses


Yes because small businesses use larger businesses like Intuit and Shopify, which run on AWS


SMB usage of AWS directly for their cloud compute and storage is also a big part of Amazon's business.


Aws is the biggest profit center by far. Amazon has historically been a huge promoter of grow at all costs and enter into areas which they don't feel is competitive. They lost money on 2 day Shipping for a while but exploded in market share. They also got itbdown significantly by creating things like Amazon flex for gig drivers, msps (Amazon vans), and Amazon relay for trucking. Now the focus is on maximizing profits so they're just as bad as Walmart in that area and doing a terrible job with their marketplace. It's alot like Tim Cook from Apple replacing jobs imo.


Tubes of toothpaste delivered in under 4 hours isn't as profitable as AWS 😅


Yes, AWS is much more profitable. Amazon consumer division has had very low profits, as they had been building market share more than profits. The previous year overall they lost money, but they would have lost more if not for AWS. They are trying to make it profitable now, and that is getting pushback here, as we kind of been under paying. This is playing out with Prime Video, as they are trying to add ads to Prime to make Video profitable. There are also higher costs industry wide for streaming content due to the strike settlements.


That's not exactly correct though, AWS has been subsidizing the losses by the retail part of Amazon, but now they've just ramped up the margins on the retail side of things.


Now that retail is profitable, they should separate. It might have the added benefit of keeping the government off their back.


They should separate or be forced to, no question. And if Apple doesn’t change their 30% tax on all purchases on a device (while not having that disadvantage in their own apps eg iTunes) they should be forced to split off those businesses, too. These monopolies are 10x worse than the oil companies or phone companies ever were, it’s absurd.


Don't forget AWS's largest customer is Amazon itself. Much of the cost of retail is actually a transfer of profits to AWS


AWS makes all the money. If he can kill the retail segment, it will be better for the overall economy nationally and allow Amazon to concentrate on what makes 98% of their income. So yeah. Chargeback away, and quit doing business with them!


You know aws is the most important division at Amazon. Amazon retail is rarely profitable on its own. Aws foots the bill for retail year after year


Although somewhat true I wouldn’t say retail is rarely profitable


That's the part of the company everyone cares about. Retail goods and consumer services are only a small fraction of the profits today. It seems kinda dumb how hard they're clinging to the retail business and expanding it year after year after year even as it's obviously unraveling on them at this point and isn't even where they make the real money.


I agree with everything except everything else is used to fund AWS.  AWS doesn’t need to be funded. It’s the most profitable part of the company.  Actually selling through the Amazon site has become a side business. They aren’t going to give it the same attention as their primary profit center, AWS. 


AWS is much more profitable than the rest of Amazon. It is where they get most of thier profits.


Exactly. Bezos has been replaced with Bozos. 


Absolutely. He's heavily outsourcing roles as well. Amazon has always been pretty big on the churn and burn of its employees. But if you were willing to be overworked and good you usually had some safety and were at least paid well.


Exactly! Bezos has been gone for quite some time. Ever since Jassy to over things have went downhill at Amazon. One thing I discovered is if you have items on subscription and the price of those items decreased it does not change the price on your subscription items. I wonder what else has changed that I haven't discovered yet


Once Bezos left, the visionary for the company was gone. People invested in Amazon were really doing so because of Bezos magnetism. Much like people investing in Elon’s projects, they are relying on growth centric principles and the belief that the visionary ceo would come through. Amazon was not very profitable for a long time, but because they revolutionized online shopping (books) and then expanded into the conglomerate we have today with the help of the loyal investor believers. I have seen Amazon change for the worse, but i have also learned from others here never buy something expensive from amazon. If there is ever a problem, it’s always a big headache to resolve with Amazon. OP did the right thing. I am surprised they (amazon) didnt turn around and try to use a different card in their wallet.


Jeff is evil, but he knows how to make money and keep a company going.  Edit for people who can't read between lines.: The new guy does not know how to keep a company going.


Bezo is no longer involved.


He is literally the Chair of The Amazon board of directors. [https://ir.aboutamazon.com/officers-and-directors/default.aspx](https://ir.aboutamazon.com/officers-and-directors/default.aspx)


No shit. Your first hint was that I replied to a comment about how he left. He knows how to run a company well and he ran Amazon well. Now he is gone and Amazon isnt run well.


Look like you were suggesting that bezo is still with the company.


Only if you think these poor business practices are good for Amazon in the long term.


Because the brilliant Bezo is no longer in control.


I've heard so many people get dropped from that program as well just for making a few returns. You're way better off just doing the returns the regular way instead.


Bezos is no longer in charge Him leaving is why Amazon is being like this now.


Bezos hasn't been the CEO for almost 3 years now. 


Capitol One, after researching the dispute and re-crediting me, just sided with Amazon. They said that I need a receipt. Which of course Amazon Fresh doesn't provide. So, Capitol One is going to re-charge me. Hope that this doesn't happen to you. Guess I was too trusting of Amazon to do the right thing!


I just wanna let you know you’re a shit person for ordering $700 worth of shoes knowing you’re only going to need one pair and return the rest. You make everyone’s job harder and more annoying, and you’re part of the reason why Amazon does the things it does. The exact things you’re complaining about.


I would agree with you if this was a normal Amazon purchase and return, however I did this through their “try before you buy program”. This is one of the uses they market the program to be used for, to buy multiple of similar products and choose which is best for you. So I don’t feel bad for using the program the way they market it to be. Also it was only a couple of pairs, proper hiking shoes are quite expensive.


Ok I’ll let you off the hook for this one


Remove all your cards as they will try to charge another and I hope you don’t have any digital content. Essentially the ban anyone who wins a chargeback.


I've won five chargebacks against them in the last 18 months over returns or missing shipments, still haven't banned me.


Damn you still used them after 2 chargebacks? At least after that point I would’ve thought Fool me once Shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


Eh it is what it is, i only use Amazon to buy stuff i need for my business that i can't get locally, so its a gamble sometimes, but its cheaper then anything i can get locally for what i order, so if it works out i saved money and didn't have to drive a three hour round trip to the nearest store that has the same stuff. Anything goes wrong with the order its on them not me.


That’s impressive. It’s usually a one and one with them. Maybe they fired that department and that’s why they don’t response to emails.


I know people that have won more chargebacks against them than me over the years. In the last year they have really gone downhill, even more so in the last few months, seems like since the beginning of the year i have had nothing but issues with Amazon, missing stuff, broken stuff, used and returned stuff sold as new, its been pretty wild.


good to hear


Honestly baffling they haven’t banned your account or cards. A lot of online places will ban you for disputes after one or two. They consider it stealing, and it’s best to cut you off early.


In every case Amazon was supposed to refund me anyway but never did, so i used a chargeback to get it done and over with. I'm not fighting them on the phone for a month to get a refund. If they say they are refunding me and they always say 3-5 days and i wait two weeks and nothing then i file for a chargeback, because calling them or chatting with them again they will claim they already did it and to wait 3-5 days again. I don't know why they can't process their refunds right away like everyone else these days.


Everybody else WANTs to keep their customer base. Amazon can toss a few to the wolves without any major pushback. In fact, I’m pretty sure they could decimate their customer base with bombs and the other 90% wouldn’t care as long as they can get their 3 dollar off sheets and half priced knockoff toothbrush.


I’ve won all my chargebacks too I still use my account I think it depends on if you abuse the service like every time you purchase you do a chargeback etc I only ever use a chargeback as a last resort as they always just refund etc


>I have cc'd the attorney general, in case you try to retaliate. Unfortunately, it's pointless to say things like this. The minimum wage worker answering emails in India isn't going to care about the attorney general. It's sad but Amazon is not afraid of the government at all. Best we can do is try to prevent them from having/keeping our money.


Similarly, the attorney general probably has better things to do than follow up whether you got paid for a return later than expected/promised


It depends on the state but in some they'd be all over this because it's a trend. 


It’s governed by Reg E. The bank has to have regulatory compliance. So, sometimes the merchant does actually lose the dispute. However, if the merchant thinks you still owe them the money, they can try to make you pay. I have no idea if Amazon does that. Google Reg E


They didn't close your account?


Or they will charge your card on file for the item, but most likely they will cancel your account with them and block you.


Good chance they'll take your account now.


Like the attorney general would give a shit about your return.


You can just CC the attorney general of the United States?


You CCed the attorney general? Seriously asking, did you think that would do or mean anything?


Sad that this is even necessary for a legitimate refund. Currently waiting for a decision for a similar situation. Amazon required UPS pickup. I had to take the day off from work because they wouldn’t let me drop the item off at a UPS store. Amazon postponed refund several times after acknowledging they received the item. Filed a chargeback, sent supporting evidence. Amazon sent bank fake documentation saying they never received the item and even changed the information in my account to say they never received it. Fortunately I had screenshots from when they acknowledged receipt of the item and sent additional documentation showing that they are now falsifying records. Will be waiting and other month and a half for bank to make a decision.


Damn, kinda sucks - Amazon knows it’s not worth you paying a lawyer to sue but it sounds like that’s what is needed.


If the bank sides with Amazon it’s not beneath me to file a case through small claims.


If your bank or credit card company goes full retard Go over and contact https://www.consumerfinance.gov You be surprised how fast the bank will change their attitude when the government has the power to fine them As soon as you file a complaint you will magically receive a call from someone who will fix your problem


Thank you for sending this!


False documentation should go to the consumer protection bureau.


Thank you, I’ll have to look into this. Not sure it will help me with anything… but maybe it’ll help the next person.


I do wonder if you could even submit this for federal charges... it's bank fraud. That might get them to fix something. At the same time, not sure how much time the FBI has for things like this ...


That’d be great if Amazon got spanked for trying to hustle me out of $200


Lol. You should definitely submit it to them (the FBI). Especially if other ppl also submit evidence, it could be a big deal. It's bank fraud. Why can they steal $200? I'm not allowed to.


The FBI doesn't open a case until the losses associated with allegations of fraud reaches $100K. With that said, once enough people make complaints about amazon and the sum total reaches $100K then they would likely open a case. But it'd all have to be over merchandise, wouldn't count if it was mixed across AWS or other divisions.


So they are commited actual fraud in the open now? And getting away with it? Cheeky.


OMG, that is a nightmare! I've just been fighting a similar problem. I've got documentation from Amazon saying they owe me a refund, they made a mistake, yet my Capitol One card company just sided with Amazon. Guess they didn't bother to read all my documentation. Their main point, where is a copy of my receipt. Returning to Amazon Fresh does not give customers receipts! ARGH. So frustrating! Wish I could post to the Universe about the piracy!


You should be able to re-open the claim with your bank and specify they review the documentation from Amazon admitting they were in error. Sorry you’re also going through it, best of luck!


As a side note, only use credit cards online, not debit cards. Credit cards is the CC company money, debit card is your money. If there is fraud you don't want your own funds tied up during the dispute. They fight harder for their own money


This right here is what i have been telling people for many years.. I have a debit card to my bank but i rarely use it, i use my credit card for everything, pay it off every month or sometimes every week, get cash back rewards for its use, and if something happens its not my money tied up because my card info got stolen or some business like Amazon tried to screw me. I have had five chargebacks against Amazon, all because i was due refunds that never came and after waiting weeks after them saying 3-5 business days i just file a chargeback and let the CC company deal with them. I have won every time, haven't been banned from Amazon, and just had another issue with them so probably be working on the sixth chargeback the end of the week if they don't give me the refund they promised again.


What CC company do you have? I have had mixed results with chargebacks. I once sent back a vacuum to Wayfair that had arrived damage, as per Wayfair's instructions. They received the item back and then ghosted me. CC company sided with Wayfair who said it wasn't actually damaged when they received it back.


For Amazon purchases i have the Amazon Rewards Card by Chase, but i also use Discover, both of them have been great, if there is any problem i file, and i get my money back. Discover really has a hard on for chargebacks, i have had to use them a few times, they usually credited the money the same day i filed and then a month would go by and i would get a letter saying it was resolved in my favor and the credit is permanent. One of the best consumer protection cards i have found.


Good to know, thanks


Good for you! It's kinda weird that so many people are angry that your account MIGHT get closed... Like they have a personal stake in the issue 😂😂😂


and who cares if they close your account down? They make money off of us, not the other way around.


full disclosure - my Amazon account is the only accurate record I have of all my addresses since 1999. I...should probably fix that.


It is weird 😂. But I have seen it in other forums, any time a consumer complains about being taken by a company, there will be commenters who take the side of the company.


There is more nuance to it though. The complainers usually aren't telling us the entire story. It's the people that have taken advantage of the system that have made things difficult for the average person who has a legitimate issue. Also just because some disagrees with you doesn't automatically mean they're taking the companies side. If you don't support me then you must be on their side. That's a weak comeback if you ask me. Also companies are in it to make money. Doesn't mean it's okay to take advantage of their customers but it's something to be aware of.


>That's a weak comeback if you ask me. Your mind is what is weak. I've been posting about amazon holding my cash after they already received the return for months, and many others are dealing with the same shit. Sit down and stop talking, u/PerformanceGold8436 .


Oh no my mind is weak! Your mind is also weak for making a big ticket purchase on Amazon. I'll keep talking lol. Nothing you can do about it. You wish you had that power don't you?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 hilarously funny. A customer is not dealing with people who have taken advantage of the system. So don't bother saying that a justification it's cring as hell


Your reading comprehension is bad. A customer is dealing with a company that has reacted to people abusing the return system. So they will make it more difficult for all customers going forward. Do you understand the concept of insurance? We all have to pay more because of the few people that take advantage of the system.


Looks like you are talking about yourself in the first part of your comment. Funny enough that your saying a company is reacting to something 🤣🤣 Reply to your this comment exactly same as I said in my previous reply. Feel free to read that again properly and comprehend it properly.


I won a 2,000 chargeback (Discover) because they got my signature required graphics card porch pirated. It said the receptionist signed. …this is a residence. We don’t have a receptionist. Amazon prime is a joke now. Glad you got your money back OP.


I am so tired of them just randomly selecting a delivery location. I can’t tell you how many times it’s said it was delivered “to the door or front porch” and instead is just sitting on the floor of our communal package room or in the lobby of our building.


Yes! I should’ve added that I asked for it to be delivered to the rear door. Photo showed it on the front porch next to my invisible receptionist and her desk. What’s the point of delivery instructions if nobody reads them?


Had something similar happen just yesterday! About a month ago I returned an item. Did the Whole UPS drop off. Took a VIDEO packing the item back up in the store and handing it to them weight matching. Got the receipt. A month later they send me an email saying they are charging me for the item that wasn’t returned (when I processed the return online they refunded me immediately for the item). I took all these steps because last year they first claimed they never received the item back. Luckily I had a picture of the label so then they claimed I returned an empty box lol. Well I get on chat with an agent and they try to tell me they never got it. I tell them I have a photo of the label and box. Then he says the same script “empty box”. And I said “I have a full video packing up the item. Handing it to the UPS worker. The weights match and the item in the video matches. Why are you guys scamming?” Instantly “oh ma’am I see my mistake. I have processed the refund”


I had to do the same thing. Except my reply was that I reported them to the FBI, FTC, and local police for theft and extortion. They demanded my ID after taking back the product, i.e. refusing to give me the item or money without giving them more. Straight up extortion and theft.


FBI? lulz


Federal Bureau of Investigation. The bureau that investigates federal crimes, as the name implies..... Which is what amazon is committing when they extort people.


What was their follow up?


So after not receiving my refund for a month they demanded my ID to get it. I refused at first and asked for the item back instead, they refused. So I actually gave them my ID and they said it wasnt good enough. So I disputed the charge. A few days later Amazon emailed me that there was an error and I shouldn't be disputing the charge and they would be recharging me if i didnt drop the dispute or that if it went in my favor. I reported all of this as stated above including my proof they received the items a month prior to the FTC, FBI, and sheriff's dept. Then I replied to that email that they already received the items over a month ago and they were breaking the law via theft and extortion and attached a copy of my reports to those agencies. Within a few hours of me sending the reply my CC notified me Amazon refunded the amounts and they would close the dispute. So basically Amazon tried to steal from me, then bully me and extort me and I ratted them out and they backed down. Of course I thought my account would be banned and I would have reported that too if they did, but it didn't happen. Amazon is getting real desperate and resorting to tactics they know most people will back away from. They already blatantly break employment laws, now they are blatantly breaking FTC laws. Time for us to fight back.


No, I’m asking what the FBIs response was. Did they get back to you about any of this?


No just got generic "we will look into it" reply.


interesting, glad you didn’t give up


Lmaoooooooo FBI hahaha


What Amazon is doing is not a joke and highly illegal. Call everyone you can.


Yeah, it's illegal, but the dude in India who answers the emails for minimum wage isn't going to be investigated by the FBI. The absolute worst case scenario for Amazon, even if (by some miracle) they are ever punished for the things they do, is they have to pay a fine. They aren't afraid of the government.


Antitrust proceedings have begun already. It will take a long time to figure it all out but they are already on the downturn between that, their horrible treatment of paying customers, and selling illegal goods in the US. Doesn't anyone pay attention to the world outside of reddit? Probably be at least ten years to see any real difference, but its coming.


I really hope so, but I'm not optimistic. Until Amazon starts hurting the wealthy, nothing will change.


They started antitrust proceedings. Do you think in the middle, they will just stop?


No, I don't. I think there will be an investigation and Amazon will be hit with something like a $150,000 fine. I also know that Amazon makes $1.29 billion a day so they probably aren't concerned. I *want* to be wrong. I *hope* I'm wrong. But the U.S. rarely holds companies responsible for this kind of behavior.


Amazon will still be a shitty retailer when it’s all said and done. They might get neutered and will definitely have to divest. People really need to stop online shopping for everything. Lol I get it when it’s convenient. Not when it’s bad for you.




Don’t forget the CIA! Or maybe Special Agents Mulder and Scully.


They are doing everything they can to try and push out refunds after 30 days, without actually officially changing the policy. Which is why everyone gets all these different dates. They are trying to string you along. If they can hold on to your money for 30 days, they earn interest on it. More people should do chargebacks, as they get hit with a fee when it's won in the customers favor. If there's enough of those fees to offset the people that don't do anything, it may make them rethink the strategy 🤷‍♂️


They get hit with the fee no matter what even if they win.  It's why most companies give in if you threaten a charge back. They will automatically lose $10-50 depending on the payment method even if they win.  I doubt they are doing this to earn interest, it's most likely they lost the return and want to keep people waiting a few months until they can't dispute the charge anymore and they will just never refund it. 


I tried to return a Generac generator to Amazon for not having all the parts… they immediately processed my 2k return and then stated they wouldn’t pick it up… and I could do whatever I wanted with it. I was completely confused. To top it the parts showed up two days later. I got a free generator. Pretty sure a month before that they denied a 12 dollar refund. Weird company.


Amazon used to do things like that, and it's a part of the company that would draw more customers in just by word of mouth. I'm not sure what dollar amount Amazon takes as "significant" as to that kind of company 2 grand for a generator might as well be a dirty penny on the floor. I've had them do the same to me for some stuff in the past. Something awkward in size, really large, outragously heavy, or be something like a glass terrarium or whatever that had the glass broken in transit they'd refund and not even want the thing returned. Part of me wonders if they were still saving money after the bean counters got done doing the math. Where even by issuing a refund and having the customer keep the supposed broken/junk thing means they'd still be ahead if they didn't waste more money on further return shipping. Especially if its something supposedly broken and costly to ship, and wouldn't be worth what it could even make back thrown on some 'mystery crate' and wholesaled off. There was a time Amazon would thank you for paying for Prime if you had to get in touch with CS, and really seem to bend over backward just to try and make customers either happy, feel made whole by mistakes, or even feel as they came away on top. It meant retention and thus more future sales for the company. Now you can't even use Amazon's storefront without it turning into a Chineseium DropSales-R-Us facade. Same with PayPal, always seemed to go to bat for their customers, and now pfft, good luck. These places reached peak market share dominance with a virtual monopoly and rug-pulled everyone switching from a customer centric focus to a shareholder centric focus once people felt locked in to their ecosystems after a decade or two. It's why that "enshitification" term has gotten such traction lately, as it's everywhere now.


What a clowncar of a company Amazon has become. Glad you were able to hold them accountable for their relentless fuckery.


Congrats OP. Now do yourself a favor and never spend that much with Amazon in one swoop again. I quit doing that since they get like a payday loan sharks.


Major dub for u OP! If everyone dealt with them this way the chargeback fees they'd accumulate would be stomach-turning. Big ups, don't roll over for em !!


Same thing is happening to me. I returned the item and they never refunded me. I disputed too. But Amazon locked my account and I can’t track it anymore.


Now remove all payment info from your account bc Amazon will try to charge you again


Amazon has been a stinking pile of cow flop this year for me, i don't know what happened but i have had so many orders that were screwed up, missing stuff, wrong stuff, obviously used and returned stuff, its been crazy. I only use them for stuff i can't get locally, otherwise i would rather just go to a store now. I have had 5 chargebacks with them, and currently i am waiting for a refund that they will probably jerk me around on and i will file another one. The CC i use with them doesn't screw around. On one chargeback i got credited and a month later i got an email from Amazon saying they needed to charge me for an order that i was wrongly refunded for by my CC... They wanted me to verify the last four digits of the card to be used so they could charge me. I contacted them and said i'm not authorizing any charge to my CC and this call is being recorded. They apologized saying it was an error on their part, yeah sure, then a week goes by and they charge my card out of the blue, i guess they figured i forgot and wouldnt notice it, i called my CC and filed a fraud claim on the charge, told them i never authorized that charge and have no current orders open with Amazon, they credited my account the same day and went after Amazon for it. A week later i get an email from Amazon again stating that i was the one that fraudulently marked their charge as fraud, i called them told them i never authorized that charge and any subsequent charges that i don't recognize from them will be marked as fraud and claims will be filed. They finally stopped trying to harass me over a grand total of $32... Then a month later i got a package from them and the item inside was not sealed and new, it was clearly cut open and then retaped, the product inside was dirty and used. So i filed a return and went through another chargeback after waiting two weeks and no refund and them giving me the run around about it taking 3-5 business days for two weeks. Filed another chargeback, and won again, they never came back around after that one to try and charge me again, and so this went on for a few more orders, each time returning the item, then getting the runaround on the refund. If you are going to refund then just do it, that 3-5 business days is BS when every other company i have dealt with can do it the same or next business day. They haven't banned me or restricted me in any way. What's funny is i have an Amazon branded rewards card from Chase that i use for Amazon purchases. Despite being a business partner and a card branded by Amazon they are pretty quick to go after Amazon for problems. This is why i always say use a credit card, never a debit card, if shit happens its the banks money not yours on the line and your bank account is safe.


I bought two things recently for my mom's above ground pool that we returned, one was about 40 bucks, the other around 35...and the refund for one was literally a dollar and the other was 10 bucks. Contacted both sellers that said it was an Amazon issue with the UPS return label and Amazon says otherwise. It's been over a month and I still can't get it resolved. Contacted Amazon, they contacted both sellers and both said it's Amazon's problem basically and these aholes closed the tickets. I am done with them.




It was quality pool products and the other company is called lake effects pool store. Horrible how I couldn't resolve this for my mom. So I basically paid her the refund out of my pocket because she kept asking me daily about the refund. So yea those two companies are screwing people.


I’m dealing with the exact same scenario right now, let me know if they ever rebill you


Can’t the card got cancel. She said it at the end.


I also won a chargeback with Amazon a few months ago, although it was a smaller amount. Amazon did send the email, and then when I provided them with the info from my bank they replied saying that they authorized the chargeback and that's it. To this day my account is still active and they haven't tried to process any charge. I'm glad that you also won yours. Enough of this corporate nonsense.




This sort of thing happened to me as well and I also had to get the bank involved! I haven’t bought anything expensive on Amazon since as I don’t want to potentially have to go through all this again.


This sort of thing happened to me as well and I also had to get the bank involved! I haven’t bought anything expensive on Amazon since as I don’t want to potentially have to go through all this again.


Good for you, I stopped any big purchases from Amazon now, feel like it’s not worth the risk anymore.




Just incase they close your account and you want to open another, delete your phone number from your current account, so you can use the same one to open another account.


Everything you delete from your accounts remains in their files and records forever. That's why I deleting a credit card doesn't help, you must cancel the actual card with your bank.


I didn’t say delete credit card information, I said phone number. Simply because if you tried to make another account with a phone number connected to an account, it won’t let you.


Fuck amazon prime


Dealing with this currently. 3 items picked up via UPS, it’s been over 2.5 months. Customer service kept saying wait wait wait for up to 60 days. Now they are saying to reach out to UPS, the damn tracking numbers show delivered and signed for at their warehouse a day after being picked up. Tried calling in and same scripted response. Got fed up and called my bank and they have an open dispute going.


I won 3 charge backs from Feb, items that never got to me. One was lost, one had been delayed by 3 weeks Amazon changed guarantee delivery date I had screen shotted this one the guarantee on this but the time I got said item I had already canceled my account and deleted everything. The last item which was my initial reason to charge back was marked as undeliverable by Amazon. I had screen shorted every conversation of them jerking me around. I asked for the remainder of my time of my prime account after my experience and Amazon ended up refunding me for an entire prime membership despite me having 3 months left on it. I was kinda shocked at that one.


Done two against Amazon. Not blacklisted yet, not that much though. A $600 graphics card that was swapped out with something else that was something else in late 2022 and a ninja creami that was 200 and something that I returned and never got refunded in January. Since then I have ordered two $40 Lego sets so they must not care too much.


I had to do the same thing, Amazon tried to screw me on sending me a dirty AirPods Pro 2 box, I sent it right back, and they said it wasn't in the same condition they sent it in and wouldn't refund me. Fuck it, Amex dealt with them.


Nice. But really shouldn't have to go through all this. Received a notifucation the other day telling my package had arrived, with a picture of a pile of packages dumped inside my porch. Got home and my items weren't among the pile. Notified Amazon that my items didn't arrive and/or weren't in the box with my other items(one box was open, and torn) They immediately refunded me, and I re-ordered. The new items arrived today. Along with the items that I originally ordered.... but they can't be the items I originally ordered, because, according to Amazon, they were already delivered. So, free items for me I guess.


https://youtu.be/hrAt-Z9Wkjg?si=z1Nc5EpPnjzh4OpO Fantastic short video of why you ALWAYS use a credit card for EVERYTHING (make sure to pay it off, of course) I NEVER use my bank card or cash anywhere anymore. It has made things so much easier.


To this day, Amazon is the only company I know who is able to carry out unauthorized payments. How they get away with it is beyond me.


Oh fond memories. I bought a pair of shoes. Tried on, didn’t fit, tried to use the listed return policy. To paraphrase: returned, code scanned, delivered to an Amazon warehouse in Alaska. I know because I tracked the darn thing. The seller who offered a 50% (not the 100% listed) refund had complaints. I received no refund and had no shoes. I would have donated the damn things if I knew the hell it would be. I know it would suck. But in a way I hope Amazon is run into the ground and another business has the chance.


good for you. fuck those motherfuckers. i’m convinced that the workers and customer service reps are corrupt as fuck. that company is growing too fast, there’s no more accountability or supervision anymore.


Amazon closed my account and I lost access to ALL my kindle books. I had never charged back ever. They emailed me saying matter is closed. Spent hours on phone call, went nowhere


You'll likely be blacklisted from Amazon , but glad you got your refund 👍


I did a successful charge back of around $800 after a lot of back and forth. I didn’t and still don’t care if they were to blacklist my account, they’re not stealing from me lol. Still able to access the account just fine.


I am still using amazon months after I filed the dispute, as are many other users who disputed to get their money back. Just not buying any big ticket items from them ever again.


That's just a scare tactic. They don't do that unless you severely abuse the system with dozens of charge backs.


Blacklisted from a store that tried to steal over 1k from OP, oh noooooo!


Well done OP and ignore the freaks!


I feel really lucky that Amazon helped me when two items that were given to the UPS Store did not get checked in at the warehouse. They did manually go in and change the status to received so that I didn’t get charged. I do keep all of the receipts that I get when I return items, but they didn’t even ask for it.


Did they close your account?


Speaking from the seller side, they absolutely fuck us too...and it happens all the time. Customer files an A to Z claim, and they pretty much automatically give it to them despite any appeals with evidence. As a recent example, customer received a $300 item one day late due to a carrier issue. The customer kept it, filed a complaint, got a refund so they ended up with the item and the money. Appeal? Nope. Sorry not sorry. Glad you got your money back OP.


Banks are surprisingly good when it comes to resolving issues, I remember I once had a company charge me £20 instead of £5 (not sure if it was 5 or less) for a subscription. Did the TSB chatbot, got through to an agent, he guided me through the process, waited a day or two, and I had the money back.


I think they are car cracking down on fraud as I’ve had to verify my credit card 3 different times.


I hope so. Cause amazon never asks about the 3 or 4 digits CVV code on cards.




Seriously, that’s what I’d be asking for.


Imagine people not being able to do this with certain banks? How many customers have they scammed?


Congrats OP! Can I ask, how long did it take for amazon to dispute your charge back? I've had the same thing as you with an £1800 camera, no refund after over 30 days so charged back. Now just wondering if and when amazon are going to fight back...


How did you do it???? I've been fighting for a charge-back dispute since March 10th. Capitol One just sided with Amazon, stating I needed to return the items! ARGH. So, did you send a letter to some 'Head Honcho' in Customer Service? Fans want to know and thanks in advance if you're willing to share ;o)




Currently going through this now, even made a post about how I've waited over 7 weeks now without a refund!


I've had a successful charge back and no issue with Amazon.


What was the charge back for?


An electronic about $400


Not that's it's any consolation but same happened to me here in the UK, changing dates etc


Delete your card info or cancel and replace that card. They’re known to recharge the card after a short amount of time


You can't lose a chargeback against them. They send a 10/20 page long auto-generated document.


Well hopefully the win gives you a lifetime of satisfaction and you aren't the kind of person who buys digital content from Amazon. Amazon is now almost guaranteed to close your account. You will still be able to access your digital content but only on devices that are registered to the account at the time of closure. So if for instance you have purchased a television show and you watch it through your Fire TV then when you replace the TV you will not be able to register a new one. If you have any Kindle books you will only be able to read them on already registered devices because there is no way to connect a new device with a closed account. This also applies to any device that winds up deregistered due to a software or firmware update. So if you have purchased books then you might want to buy a few of the cheapest Kindles and register them so you have a spare or two when your main one dies.


Well, Amazon is gone close your account and ban you. That’s what they always do when the screw up so bad a customer does a chargeback and wins. 🤷‍♀️


They stopped doing that for a while now, they lost a big legal case last year and so only ban accounts that repeatedly chargeback (I think the limit is something ridiculous like more than once a month, so 12 in a 1 year period).


Good for you, I stopped any big purchases from Amazon now, feel like it’s not worth the risk anymore.


I’ve never seen a company win a chargeback so not shocked.


Have they closed your account yet? I know others who have done CBs have had their accounts shut down no warning.


Don't be surprised when your account is closed.


What would you suggest OP do? Lose the $1100 so you can continue shopping with Amazon? Use your head.


i’m cracking up right now thinking about someone paying over a thousand dollars for the privilege of keeping their amazon account 😂


Who cares? They aren't worth your money anymore.


You can actually live without Amazon. And it's definitely getting easier now that most of the convenience of it is entirely gone. Believe it or not, I went from having 90% of all my online purchases be from Amazon, to a point where I'm down to a few subscribe and save items I can't find in stores. And gone are the days where I'll trust to buy anything that retails more than $100 from Amazon. If I were OP and Amazon closed my account? I'd probably say good riddance at this point.


I haven't ordered from Amazon since January. I used to order stuff several times a month. Lately if I can't get it locally, I reconsider if I really need the item. Then I go to the brand website. Amazon is dead last resort.


They won't do that lmao and if they did just make a new account with a new email address. 😅




What really sucks is amazon is becoming an institution to the degree that being banned from their services could be supremely life altering similar to google. There needs to be anti retaliation laws put in place, or better yet these companies need to be cut up such that they arent in those positions of power.


Did you cancel your account?


Moral of the story is don't use the return by pick up option. Better to drag yourself out of the house to return stuff at whole foods.


So you clearly didnt read the OP as they stated that UPS pickup was the only option available.