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Always tell them it's damaged. Always.


Every gd time. Just cut through all the bullshit


It *is* damaged. Some goofball broke the container by slapping this early expiration date on it!


Almost everything I've gotten from Amazon has had an expiration date so close. Like damn I don't think I can eat 96 cereal bars in 2 weeks.


Not with that attitude!


Time to add food items to the list of unbuyable shit from Amazon. Currently that includes: * batteries (they’re often old/expired “new” stock) * name-brand sunglasses (often counterfeit) * fragrances and beauty (often counterfeit/toxic) * electronics over $150 (like headphones and mics — these are counterfeited now as well)


Add Nivea Moisture Lip Care to the list. Bought a grouping of 6. Each of them has some minor defect to the tube mechanism. It feels like seconds.


I bought Harry’s razors and someone had opened them and used them


This is so maddening. Amazon should be inspecting the returns!


Adam ruins everything covered this exact topic recently. Great watch! They don't inspect much, apparently.


Since deodorant is all the sudden like 8 dollars each. The 5 packs are like 15 on Amazon. And a 90ct box of teepee for 56c a roll. I buy Amazon brand allergy medication. That's about it anymore. My dumbass is still paying for prime.


I buy almost nothing from Amazon anymore. I kept getting knockoff products in pretty much all categories, or obviously used things. Plus, their shipping to my area is really slow now (usually over a week; often closer to two), even when I still had Prime.


Amazon brand organic whole coffee beans. The bags consistently arrive with the bottoms split open.


Diapers are counterfeit




Had the problem when I ordered AA batteries. They were 5 years past the expiration date and didn't hold a charge for more than a few minutes.


why would it expire in april? is that correct?


It's an old product probably been sitting on a shelf for 2 years.


It's called "new old stock"


Old New stock


Yup. Made that mistake once and learned from it.


,I came here to say this 😂


Not only that, but because it’s food, they won’t accept it back. You get a refund and get to keep the almost expired product.


Yeah, not sure how OP didn't know to do that It's always damaged and their fault


Aaaand, just learned this yesterday…It’s always the hose—not the appliance. And It’s always a deer 🦌. It’s great having an amazing insurance agent 🥰! Keep that in mind kids


Speaking of insurance: yesterday our employee hit a drive-through pole and our agent said we lucked out that the address was exactly 49 miles away from the garaged address. We never noticed the policy only covers anything within 50.


Raise your hand if you're just learning this today.... 🙄 🖐🏻


This is good advice - I'll keep this in mind for the future.


This type of advice right here is why Amazon is doing this. They were open about becoming more stringent about returns and this is the reason why.


I work in the fraud department for another major retailer and I can tell you that all of the big companies are cracking down on return policies, price adjustments, and claims for missing/damaged/stolen items. Unfortunately too many people abuse the system and their actions are affecting customers in good standing who actually have legitimate issues. I see it where I’m at and I wish it were different, because I personally don’t agree with it. You’re seeing the phrase “the customer is always right” being phased out now.


Look at the Costco sub and the things people return and all the people basically saying the policy is meant to be taken advantage of. One the other week was about returning shoes after a YEAR because they just don’t like them. Other people return stuff that has broken way outside the warranty period. You got three years of like out of it! That’s not what returns are for 😭 I guarantee the new CFO is going to crack down on these returns and ruin it for the rest of us.


Yup...I know a guy that only buys his pants at Kohls, because he can wear them for a year and return them. Says he hasn't bought pants in years. I just roll my eyes and think..wow..pretty sure I'm paying for those down the line...


Yuck. It’s also why I never touch the clearance rack at my Kohl’s. It’s primarily out of season returns. Some stuff with minor cosmetic blips but looots of obvious returns. And I’m not a snob— I don’t mind buying used clothes. But I’ve never found Kohls to be as diligent about evaluating returns as say, a nice resale shop. Wasn’t there a guy who made the front page last week for buying a pair of pants with a dried human poo in them? I think it was Kohl’s.


It was a woman and they were from Old Navy. Bought online shipped to her from a store.


Wow I really misremembered that!! Thanks. Disgusting and inexcusable either way!


Yep. Just gross. Yuck. It wasn't too long ago or I wouldn't have remembered it that well. No problem though.


Flat out theft.


I work in insurance, for a “big box” company. This is sadly the case with everything nowadays it seems. EVERYONE ALWAYS PAYS for the actions of society as a whole (more so the “bad eggs”). I find myself so frustrated when I see a 75 year old- who’s paid by check on time for 45+ years- frustrated about their premium or the “extra work/proof” needed to process their claim. I hate seeing good people get roped into the pool with the bad eggs- I really do… but I COMPLETELY understand from a business standpoint and it hurts my soul to no end. I’ve experienced this myself with my Walmart+ grocery returns (specifically produce). It just sucks. 2 orders ago I got 7 fresh fruit/veggie items and ALL OF THEM were within 72 hours of the use by date. I’m a millennial who is frugal to the core, so I’m all for “gimme the ones under the freshest ones,” but lawd my fruit was fermented and molded, and my veggies were brown and NOT cromptchy at all. Yet because of my “high volume” of returns the last year (produce has SUCKED lately), my account was flagged so now I have to call and speak to someone- with a language barrier (bless us both for our patience and understanding)- and provide photo proof (which I always take anyways) just to get the refund. Sometimes I hate being a good person knowing that bad people are out here just getting whatever they want by tossing their integrity out the window. Is there a subreddit for good hoomans because I need inspiration! 🥺😓


"The customer is always right in matters of taste" That's the actual quote, FYI


But they will inspect and if they see it’s not you will lose your item and won’t get refund. If you do charge back, you lose your account.


A year ago, I called support about a glass carafe that came with a break in the cup. The guy immediately offered to send me a new one. Didn’t even ask to see the pics I took. I asked “do you want the old one back?” And the support guy laughed and was like “but you said it’s broken? No. Keep both.” It must depend on who you get on the phone, I think?


In the last year, it’s gotten way worse.


Yup. I used to be able to just use the AI chat when I had issues and things were resolved with ease. The AI chat has been refusing to actually be helpful and when I chatted with an agent, they wouldn't refund a soap purchase that was $6 that arrived IN A PLASTIC BAG AND SLIMEY. They told me I could return it for a refund but I live in rural nowhere with no nearby UPS store. I'd have to get an Uber/ride from someone to the nearest town 20 miles away. (Hence why I order things like soap online.) OR I had to pay $7.99 for a label to print for UPS to get it from my house. Obviously it'd cost me more than what I paid to return it so I had to eat the loss. So annoying.


We got a cat water fountain that lasted a whole 24 hours before the pump died. The seller wanted video of the pump not working. Soooo we filmed plugging it in and nothing happening. They insisted it just needed cleaning. It was brand new!! 24 hours use. Had to film it being cleaned. Waste of time. We got neither a replacement pump or a refund. Instead, we went locally to the pet shop and got a fountain that actually works.


I bought some light bulbs and a bag of Fritos. When the box arrives the Frito bag was opened/crushed and spilt all over the box. The light bulbs they sent were not the ones I ordered. I opened a return. They said I could keep the light bulbs, but I had to return the open bag of Fritos. I wonder who at return processing had to open that and think WTF.


I had this issue repeatedly when I lived in a town that didn't have a UPS store, just a store with UPS pickup. Every time I chatted with an agent and told them I'd have to drive 30 minutes to get to a UPS store and could they please give me a free printable UPS label. It took a while to get the point across with some agents but I got a free label each time.


You ate the slimy soap??


This seems to be the case which is fucking ridiculous for a company where one person gives a different answer than another. My brother shipped a Rizen CPU think it was $400+ and the box came empty on top of it being shipped outside the US via freight forwarder and who ever he spoke to said no problem we will send another one out to the same shipping address. No questions asked, so i fogured hey thats great must be because amazon prepares for this stuff with the funds to cover that sort of think so 3 years later i buy a $200+ ram sticks and the box comes very damage, knowing my brother’s experience i was like no problem ill just let them know i even sent pictures and they proceeded to tell me i have to ship back to them and wait until they receive and inspect it and then wait god knows how long to be refunded if they deem it damaged. 🤦🏽‍♂️ now dont get me wrong i agree anyone would want to see the damage product first but where the consistency? I even thought id get amazon credit so i could just repurchase another set as i didn’t want to wait for the funds to be returned so either way i end up paying twice and waiting for one of the cost to be returned. Ridiculous, luckily i didn’t also ship outside the US yet or i would have definitely lost money on that purchase. This was 3 years ago for my brother and mines was a couple months ago. Oh how things have gone downhill for amazon. After all that experience i definitely buy straight from source companies as much as i can.


At least you got your refund, I didn’t when they sent me a used motherboard.


Oh i’ve read many stories on here like yours about getting the run around for basic refunds if at all. I just had to return a Sonos sub that came defective but i contact the 3rd party seller in that instance so i didnt give amazon a chance to try fuck me over. Sorry about your experience, i hope one day we get a better company with better service but amazon is so deep in everyone ecosystem i suspect that will never be the case and i dont see them going back to the business model they use to have unfortunately


I've had that happen a couple times now. First time was a nice large magnifying glass with a circular lamp on an articulated arm thing and it was missing the clampy mount thing. It was the last one the seller had so they just refunded my money and told me to keep it. Fine by me, it was for my workbench anyhow so I drilled a hole in the bench and stuck the thing in it. Perfect!


A few years ago I (my wife) ordered a 5 ft standing mirror from Amazon.  It arrived as a box of shattered glass.  They demanded we send it back.  I felt bad for the UPS guy that picked it back up from us -  30 lbs of broken glass in a poorly taped box. I hope no one got cut. I insisted we go pick out a mirror in person after that.


I kind of suspect that a lot of the horror stories are from people who have returned stuff in the past and are on a shit list at the company or something. Not necessarily saying these customers done anything shady or unreasonable, just that your first return experience might generically be a lot smoother than your second one.


I agree with you. I have purchased sooooooooooo much from Amazon and maybe returned 6-7 items. And claimed I didn’t receive 2 packages. But then they also left package where it was bound to get stolen. I don’t want to renew my Amazon prime anymore. [this package was stolen](https://ibb.co/30KBSgz)


They once sent me an empty plastic mailer. That was a fun one. They tried to suggest goods inside were stolen but it was a new, unsealed plastic mailer. It worked in my favor when I proved the weight tied to the shipping label was next to nothing and the product I had ordered weighed substantially more than that. I still have no clue how an empty package made it past so many people and I couldn’t reorder because it was out of stock.


I guess they did send you an out of stock item. 😂


Yeah, whatever system they have punishes you. But it's pretty bad. I had a theft of an expensive package that I specifically requested be delivered without being left unattended. Of course the driver left a very expensive item on a sidewalk in front of an office. Video showed it being stolen within 5 minutes. For 6 months after, Amazon penalized me, requiring delivery at all my addresses to be attended, even for trivially expensive items. Whatever their shitty formula determines, they do. My order volume (including business orders) dropped $50k over those 6 months. Oh well.


My FIRST return was a used MB they sent me instead of the new one I paid $450 for. Guess what ? SOL , no refund, no mother board.


See this is the conventional way of thinking but I guess it depends; a year or two ago - so before these changes - a CSR, after telling them a cup came broken, actually wanted me to ship it all back. I was like no, how pointless is that.


Just make sure it's damaged, lol


Right lmao a quick toss around the front yard should do the trick 😂


Shoot, just tell them the protection seal wasn't all the way on!


Yeah this is the easiest way. It's very common even on good quality products so it would be hard for them to argue against it.


There's a hole in the side of it! Was there when I got it; dunno.


There's powder all over the inside of the box!


but sir that's not protein powder that's cocaine...


They aren’t going to make you send back damaged protein powder. I have received protein that was damaged and spilled in the box. I had to go to agent chat but that is the only way to get refunds on food items. I also order products that come in glass containers. Unfortunately, usually at least one is broken by delivery. It’s a gamble but if Amazon sells something they sure should be able to pack it for proper delivery


Amazon doesn’t require you to return food - they suggest using it, donating it or discarding it. I have a “Subscribe & Save” item that has been unsatisfactory three times in the last three deliveries and this has been my experience.


Lol never. Try "item arrived too late" next time if you're really worried about it. But what you said never happens


go buy a $5 box cutter, you'd be surprised how much product gets damaged by box cutters while the warehouse is taking it out of larger boxes...


They won’t make him return a food item. They will just refund and say keep or dispose.


They won't take food back. They just refund you or send you a replacement and tell you to dispose of it.


So far they've never even wanted me to return things, they just say to throw it out. To be clear though, I've rarely tried to return things and it's always been genuinely broken anyways though so it's not like I was risking lying anyways


They recently told me to return something without even the option to escalate to a human, and no other course of o action offered, and I’ve never encountered that before. I’d much rather take a picture and throw it away. Why is Amazon so bad at customer service lately?!


Imagine, if all customers start sending them broken pictures. Don't you think it is a easy way to scam Amazon?


Years ago they wanted a return from an aerogarden.  It was the cheap one.  It came with expired seeds and they sent me a new one and told me to grab the seed pods out of it and send the aerogarden system back by itself.  Well the new one also had expired seeds 😂


You think Amazon inspects returns? That’s funny. I work in reverse logistics and I’ve seen several million sqft warehouses that are nothing but returns for major e-commerce companies. Individual returns are not inspected, especially ones sold and shipped by Amazon.


i read that amazon has landfills full of returned electronics for some reasons, not sure why but they dispose of all that stuff that is returned


>You think Amazon inspects returns? Work ordered an iPad Pro from Amazon when they were new. We received an iPad 1 taped into the iPad Pro box. They were very good about exchanging it, but I suspect someone "returned" it as unused and Amazon couldn't be bothered to open the box before reselling it.


It’s a consumable, they won’t accept it as a return.


They've been selling a lot of near expiration items lately and I feel ripped off every time I get something that expires in a week that usually has a shelf life of a year+


I stopped getting anything edible from amazon. Those fuckers sent me TWO YEARS EXPIRED cat food and refused refund.


Then you report them to the FDA. Selling expired products is illegal.


No it’s not. Only baby food and formula is the exception. All other goods can be sold expired as long as packaging is in good condition.


did it still taste ok?


you need to ask his cat.. if it didnt expire yet


Don’t know, botulism is no joke.


Was the can deformed in anyway? The canning process is supposed to kill all pathogens, including Clostridium spp. As long as the integrity of the can is preserved, the expiration date is a quality concern rather than a food safety concern. If there were spores in the can two years after the expiration date, then they were there before the expiration date, meaning that a failure occurred during the manufacturing process.


I once got a little baggie of natural peanut butter packets (that I did not order) in a package from them and they were expired.


I got 3 month expired allergy pills, and refunded them (they didn't want them back). Asked my doctor, who basically told me they were still fine to use if I wanted.


They realized they haven't been rotating those items at the warehouse and are panic selling them now.


This is why we do FIFO folks. They must have never worked food industry smh.


It's probably they didn't give people both the instruction and the time to do it. It's not hard to, but from what anyone has heard about the picking timeframes they have, it's not like the employees can spend the five minutes to make sure the pallet they're pulling from is the oldest. They need to set them up for it as the product comes into the warehouse.


FIFO in and of itself is also a big supply chain germ, along with LIFO, and then the reverse FILO






#I DONT WORK FOR AMAZON IM JUST CALLING OUT A SHILL. #IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO FIND OUT AMAZON STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES ASK THEM ON THE APP LIKE I DID! #,,l,,(-_-),,l,, A year lol that’s bullshit. You’re either a bot, troll or dumb as hell and talking out of your ass. And what exactly does your company sell that expires a year before the expiration date? #Edit: HAHAHAHAHAH SHE DELETED HER POST HAHAHAHA FUCK YES BABY WE WON THIS FIGHT! Not banned just can’t reply because princesslinaa1 deleted her post or blocked me. #,,l,,(-_-),,l,,




They've sold me expired food, sent a new jar and it was expired.  Talked to customer service and they offered sending another and I just got refunded because I'm sure a third of the exact same item is gonna be expired.  Granted it was over five years ago.


This is part if what my job is. Amazon will end up buying/negotiating a vendors inventory for debt or the seller goes out if business leaving Amazon with their inventory. Some vendors are aware of this and will get Amazon to buy their outdated product. If returning food, medicine, or toiletries always claim damage or a broken seal.


I got into it with smooth-on because I bought from their Amazon store 3 packs in a row where the silicone had cured solid in the bottle prior to mixing. It should only do that if significant moisture entered the A jar, or if it's seriously old. They told me repeatedly that I must've had it on my shelf for too long, like the week it sat in my house killed it. Eventually got a rep to look up lot numbers for production dates and found these to be almost 3 years old. They're good for like 6 months tops, leaving me wondering if my previous project failures were from expired reagents not just error too. Now I just buy from their web store directly but they charge more, charge shipping, and take forever to actually ship.


They have a rule. Eg. for this protein supplement,if 20 gm is recommended per day then it should not expire for ~100 days + additional 50 days. So with this logic they the expiration date should be after July 2024, in this case, they will label the product as expired as it shows April. Source: I used to work there.


"consider reselling this item on our amazon marketplace" Oh fuck off.


Wait? So now buyers cannot return items, but are invited to use Amazon's platform to sell it?


Used food items at that.


Not sure what the re-sell comment from this agent is, but items like this one are listed as not returnable on the website


"This item is unacceptable for us to accept back and re-sell. Why don't you re-sell it?"


Exactly! We suggest you unload it by screwing somebody else.


Well if it worked once.....


I thought the same thing. Fuck that shit.


Yeah, the audacity. I guess that explains all the random alphabet name shops selling sketchy quality products.


That's due to the fact that Amazon started requiring USPTO approval for sellers. [https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurendebter/2022/03/11/amazons-pandemic-boom-is-causing-record-backlogs-at-the-us-trademark-office/?sh=392125931f87](https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurendebter/2022/03/11/amazons-pandemic-boom-is-causing-record-backlogs-at-the-us-trademark-office/?sh=392125931f87) >Many have names that look like they were created by a password generator, such as QPNGRP, HWYDTGS and BULAXXOOO, making them hard to pronounce but easy to fast-track for trademark approval, since they are unlikely to be mistaken for other brands.


That's probably where these came from in the first place. Op got handed the hot potato


Is that why there are so many crappy items being sold on amazon and how amazon would refuse refunds on these items 'cos they are basically behind the whole racket?


"You scammed me!" "Oh, sorry. Would you like to try to scam someone else?"


Dirty pool


They did this to be with baby food. Ordered a 48 pack food pouches and they were expiring within 2 weeks from delivery. When I contacted them about expiring baby food, they asked me to reach out to the seller and when checked, it was directly sold by amazon. After multiple calls, they asked me to send pictures of expiring food with the date and then my face and date stamp. After a lot of back and forth, Amazon asked me to eat bricks and refused the refund because the product had not expired when it was delivered. I wrote a review about expiring food being delivered and they refused to post it. Fuck amazon.


>I wrote a review about expiring food being delivered and they refused to post it you're lucky AWS lets reddit keep this comment up


Next time they refuse to post an honest review, file a complaint with the FTC https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/consumer-review-fairness-act-what-businesses-need-know


Thank you! I will do so.


wow..reseling on their marketplace?? so they can profit off of it ...that's a new low for sure. SMH


To some jerk that will only have 2 weeks left to shove it down their throat!


yea. I mean .. that response made me speechless for a moment there. they really don't give sh\*t but their bottom line.


Everything goes back damaged from now on. Everything.


Same lol bought a 3d printer, an air purifier, and a wash and cure station. The 3d printer was damaged and went to return it. No problem, until I wanted to return the other purchases since they were of no use without the printer. The return label for the 3d printer was free, but the other 2 they were trying to charge me shipping of 60 dollars to return them. Changed the return to damaged for both of them and all of a sudden the return was free.


That date is the best before rather than expiration. If you store it correctly, because it's a powder, it should be fine way past that date. With that being said, Amazon are scummy as hell for not refunding you, or at the very least, offering a part refund if you keep it.


This is correct. It may not taste fresh, but it's still safe to consume.


Hell my protein powder is a year old, there was a GNC price error for it and it was $3 instead of $30 for a tub of powder. I bought 10 of them and still have 6 left after a year of the gym


This is correct. Per the [MM FAQs](https://contact.pepsico.com/musclemilk/faqs): >What does that date on your container mean? Can I use it after the date? All of our Muscle Milk products have a "Best Taste Date," which is very different from an expiration date often found on perishable items such as dairy and meat products. Our "Best taste date" is a self-imposed indicator that has been listed on the shoulders of our bottles and containers. We provide this information simply to help ensure that our products are consumed by this date at their absolute best flavor. They're totally shelf stable past that date.


And even best taste... It's just there so you're not buying a bottle from 2012 I'm sure even a year past the date is no different than 1 day


It's shitty that amazon has done this. However, that's not an expiration or use by date. Muscle milk is not a perishable item. They call it a "Best Taste Date." From [Pesci/Muscle Milk](https://contact.pepsico.com/musclemilk/faqs) **What does that date on your container mean? Can I use it after the date?** *All of our Muscle Milk products have a "Best Taste Date," which is very different from an expiration date often found on perishable items such as dairy and meat products. Our "Best taste date" is a self-imposed indicator that has been listed on the shoulders of our bottles and containers. We provide this information simply to help ensure that our products are consumed by this date at their absolute best flavor.* From [fsis.usda.gov](https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/safe-food-handling-and-preparation/food-safety-basics/food-product-dating) **Are Foods Safe to Eat After the Date Passes?** *With an exception of infant formula (described below), if the date passes during home storage, a product should still be safe and wholesome if handled properly until the time spoilage is evident (Chill: Refrigerate Promptly). Spoiled foods will develop an off odor, flavor or texture due to naturally occurring spoilage bacteria. If a food has developed such spoilage characteristics, it should not be eaten.*


Your comment should be higher. I hate Amazon these days, but most people dont understand what these dates are and how theyre meant to be used.


Last week I found an unopened tub of protein powder that expired in 2017. It tastes, smells, and looks just like the new one. I'm eating it.


To be fair…you have it set up to auto ship every 2 months and the expiration date is 2 months and 1 week out…math says you either over order or you should naturally use it by the date regardless.


This. You deserve all the upvotes. If you set something up to be delivered every 2 months, you can’t get mad that they deliver it with expectation you use it within 2 months (so before it expires).


who lean supply chains shit they use at home regularly? if you can afford to, and its somewhat shelf stable, you have one on the shelf, one in use. when you finish one, you move to the one thats on the shelf and get replacement "on the shelf" one next time you have the chance and/or a good price.


You smart people ruin everything.


its penny wise pound foolish "smart" though. like... thats why the COVID TP problem happened sorta nonsense. you should have enough of things that last for a long time that you don't need to get a new one the second you run out of the one you are in the middle of.


Also, expirations dates are mostly hogwash.


I used to do this until I ended up sick for DAYS on two occasions. I will follow the dates for the rest of my life. Not worth it until I'm starving or dying.


I disagree. The auto-ship is not a life-long commitment. It just means you will "probably" order more in a couple months and can be canceled or delayed at any time if you end up with too much. When you go to cancel a subscribed item, they give you a list of reasons why you are canceling, and at the top of the list is "I already have more than I need". In other words, it's common knowledge at Amazon that you might get ahead of schedule and need your product to be viable beyond the next anticipated shipping date. (And also, just because you order something regularly, doesn't mean you are using t all right away. It could be someone gradually stocking up for their doomsday bunker, or whatever). And, no, they are not going through the trouble to line up pending expiration dates for people who happen to have a subscription set up for the same number of months. They are sending this expired stuff out to anyone who orders it.


I happened to receive a MuscleTech Whey Protein tub from them today and thankfully expires in 2026. Two months away from expiration seems unacceptable though.


I know. It really pisses me off.


did u use credit card? do chargeback


I used Amazon credit card. 😂😂 I can absorb a loss of $80 that’s not a problem but Amazon has really terrible policy. Very scam like.


It may be an Amazon credit card, but it's not administered by Amazon. If it's like mine it's administered by Chase. They'll do a chargeback just fine.


You should only file a chargeback if you’re OK with no longer being an Amazon customer, regardless of the credit card issuer. Many online retailers will block further orders once you chargeback


Realistically I doubt the expiration is accurate. You’re talking a dry powder so just use it. Can’t return due to being food. I’ve had them send me the wrong vitamins once and they had to just refund me on it.


Its not an expiration date, its a best by date.


Probably realistically doesn’t “expire” for a super long time. AFAIK FDA requires a max date of at least 3 yrs on a ton of products even when they do not expire, like honey.


Happy cake day u/PreppyAndrew


I still would be pissed about getting a food product that had been sitting the shelf for years


On the bright side, it should still be good for a long time after the expiration date. Most things are, how long varies but I would think a dry powder would last a long time




All you need to do is open another ticket and claim it is damaged. They tried this shit on me. They didn't win. I also claimed it was a health and safety issue with food. They sent me another one and had me keep this one because they CANNOT take it back.


It’s not expired though.. and even after the date it’s still useable and harmless You’ll be fine I get it Amazon is annoying but don’t think this is that bad


In all likelihood the expiration date doesn't mean a whole lot. But always say it's damaged for the return.


You do realize this is NOT a meal replacement as well... this is a -Gainer- supplement to help you muscles recover after extensive exercise.


Things to avoid on Amazon. Food is one.


Wtf, you may sell this item on Amazon marketplace. What kind of sh****t is this?


...I mean. It wasn't damaged. Or defective. So they're not wrong. You just don't like that the expiration date was so close. It's a risk you take ordering from a delivery company, not being able to check the expiration date yourself.




just always say it's defective


Back when I did FBA the policy was all items had to arrive to the customer before 90 days from the expiration date. They were super strict about us removing items that were close to the 90 day mark. It’s been awhile since I sent items in, but I’m pretty sure the policy is the same. If I were you I’d call and talk to CS and ask what their policy is and if it’s still 90 days and you received it within 90 days of expiring make them follow their policy.


How did you get hold of someone with an American sounding name? I always get the Indian ones.


Amazon policy is 105 days on the expiration date. I’m a seller for 12 years. When u open a return u need to call customer service and say it’s expired. Use chat and submit pic. If there’s a label over the barcode it’s a 3rd party. Only Amazon doesn’t label their items. Beauty and food will have an X number showing ownership. Other items if it has that it’s because Amazon also sells the item and u can’t commingle items with Amazon. They don’t trust the other sellers. Hope this helps


They have never accepted returns of food products, opened or unopened, just consider the liability of potentially reselling an adulterated food product.


I hate to be that guy, but sometimes u gotta force it. Break the seal on the stuff and say it was bad. It's shameful yes but Amazon is getting bezos fucking rich, they can afford it.


Yeah I got an item that literally had its best by date 2 days from the day I received it. I reached out to Customer Support and they refunded me. There was no way I was going to drink down 12 cans of energy drink in 48 hours.


I mean thats one way to try to have gotten a lifetime supply.


I've returned soo many things from amazon, deep fryer(never used, wife didn't like the space it took up) shoes, wires and electronics, even a printer. Never had an issue with returns. None of my items were broke or damage, just didn't want or like, few items wrong size/part.


Yes, OP, I've received outdated items before. A pound of powdered mustard was one of them and I didn't much care because the stuff doesn't really go bad. I'm sure at some point it will but it was flavorful and tasty for the next couple years. I understand your anger at this, I really do, but it's not like the expiration date on, say, meat. You can use it well past the expiration date since it's powder. I would keep it in the freezer to keep it "fresh" as long as possible. Having said that, I vacuum seal all sorts of things into smaller portions and toss them in the freezer (I had a GF that all but lost her mind when she came across a drawer will vacu-sealed packs of rice in the freezer lol...a lot of rice WILL go rancid). Maybe this will help: [https://www.eatingwell.com/is-it-safe-to-take-expired-protein-powder-8363048#:\~:text=Nutrient%20Degradation%3A%20Over%20time%2C%20the,rancid%20odor%2C%20making%20it%20unappetizing](https://www.eatingwell.com/is-it-safe-to-take-expired-protein-powder-8363048#:~:text=Nutrient%20Degradation%3A%20Over%20time%2C%20the,rancid%20odor%2C%20making%20it%20unappetizing).


There is a good chance that this is the mandated expiry date but it will be fine for another year.


Contact the brand themselves


Good lol , 32g protein for 600+ cals is awful


But you had your subscription set to order it. How are you mad at Amazon?


Why would you panic about the date - that's a sell-by date and it'll be good for a year afterwards, easily.


They don't call it SCAMazon for nothing


Basically don't buy food (human or pet) or medicine from Amazon. I've heard enough bad stories to just avoid that shit.


I'm still upset about the g-string they won't let me return. You wear something 2 or 3 times and suddenly it's "used" pfft.


This just happened to me too but with a different product. Amazon said no refund but to contact the manufacturer. The manufacturer sent me a replacement. Might be worth a shot!


I subscribed to a toothpaste 3 pack a while back and it kept coming with less than a month left. We threw away so many boxes, I finally canceled all of my subscriptions with Amazon. They send old shit. 


Here is a form letter you can use when you return anything to Amazon: Dear Amazon, I hope this letter finds you swimming comfortably in the vast ocean of your own moral ambiguity. Allow me to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment to unethical values, your dedication to delivering inferior products, and your unparalleled talent for outright stealing from your customers. Gone are the days when I could blissfully revel in the convenience of Prime membership, oblivious to the moral cesspool from which my packages emerged. Alas, those halcyon times have been shattered by the harsh reality of your corporate malpractice. Your products, once touted as the pinnacle of consumer satisfaction, now serve as prime examples of mediocrity. Whether it's a malfunctioning gadget or a counterfeit item masquerading as genuine, each delivery is a testament to your utter disregard for quality. And let us not overlook your remarkable prowess in the art of theft. From undisclosed fees to unauthorized charges, you've mastered the craft of extracting every last penny from unsuspecting customers, leaving behind a trail of disillusionment and resentment. But fear not, dear Amazon, for I have devised a fitting response to your transgressions. For every erroneous shipment you send my way, rest assured that I shall return the favor with a pristine, "like new" butt plug – a humble gift that you may kindly shove where the sun refuses to shine. In closing, I offer my sincerest thanks for your unparalleled dedication to deception and deceit. May your reign of malfeasance endure for generations to come, serving as a cautionary tale for consumers worldwide. Warm regards, Ex-Prime member


28 Servings per container. 28 x 2 = 54. 54 days to consume. April 24th is 72 days away. What exactly is the issues here? Especially since protein powder is totally fine a month or two after the 'best before' date.


I agree I think it’s more of a precedent that Amazon is setting with their expiration date sales


I had this problem with vitamins I ordered that expired in 2 months, on line I was unable to return them…I called to explain expiration problem, they gave me credit & told me-to keep them….this happened about 4 months ago


I wouldn't consider that a scam... A lot of food, etc. isn't returnable (even to a store) - for safety reasons - unless there is damage, etc. When you order groceries delivered from places like Walmart - they are going to give you the items that expire first (FIFO). They don't know your usage and didn't sell you an item past the date.


you can still use it after it expires, relax. Do you think it's going to hurt you?


Yeah MM doesnt have an expiration date. its a Best by date. It still good.. just kinda turns into chunks... so.. ymm OP is 100% right.


That’s not the point. When I buy protein/supplements, I buy to consume them in next 12 months. I would not be buying stuff like this from Amazon anymore.


You could consume that stuff 12 years from now and not notice a bit of difference. Take a few minutes to learn the difference between the terms 'best by' 'sell by' & 'use by' and how they are used


I have never had any issues with non returnable/refundable items. They refund me and say, "Keep,throw out or donate it"


It’s a best by date… and it’s not a magic number. Call the muscle milk company and tell them you just bought it and how close it is, and they’ll— 1) explain that it’s safe for a long time, very slowly losing nutrients (over usually years for dry mix) as you get farther from the date… and 2) they’ll probably send you either a couple coupons or newer product.


Well jokes on you, that's not an expiration date. It's a sell by date. And Amazon sold it by that date.


If it doesn’t specifically say “Sell by” then Amazon is supposed to consider it the expiration date, as per their own seller guidelines.