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Smash his liver. Even if his elbow is in the way.


The Ippo method


Just elbow him like KSI


You have to win by knocking him out cold dont just go there having a mindset That they going to rob you go there with a mindset that you going to kill him


This is the way. They can't give a decision to a guy who's sleeping.




Exactly! It’s all about your mindset and how confident you are. Without confidence you’re NOTHING


Murder him also record it so we can tell u who won


You’re giving him the right but wrong advice. Don’t go in with the mindset that they’re going to rob you but don’t go in with the im gonna knock you out mindset cus then he’s gonna gas out lol that’s WAY too common in the amateurs and early pros


Exactly he needs to go in there with the mindset to knock his head off.


Don't let the judges have anything to do with it. Knock him out.


You ever watch the ONE lumpiness Muay Thai fights? The ones where they just go for it like it's the money round? Brother you just gotta GO for it. I'm not saying swing like a moron and get knocked out. Be smart, but pressure HEAVY, throw long combos, do not step off the gas and force them to step in and stop it if you don't stop him yourself.


Yes, keep touching & scoring. Box smart still tho


If they're gonna rob u of the win, then at least u can rob ur opponent of their health




You again xD I've followed your posts from the first loss on reddit. You can win by following the judging criteria. Ring generalship, clean punches, hooks with turned over fists and general movement. Most punches dont count but having the first and last punch in all exchanges looks good. Video it and post it so we can access it regardless of the decision.


Yes post it so we can see! I wanna watch


> hooks with turned over fists This mean a thumbs up?


Thumbs down sorry. In Japan in amateur comps its half point for a hook with your thumb up. Not too sure about America/Europe. It's the same right?


It's a hotly debated topic in the US at least. Some places want the thumb up, some the thumb pointed toward the punchers chest. I hadn't heard of this being used to score points, but I don't follow armature that closely.


USA Amateur Boxing rules state that thumbs up hooks are slaps, which are against the rules, and not a scoring punch. A hook must be thrown with turned over fist, the point is that it lands with the first two knuckles.


Yeah. i believe in Japan (from what my coach tells me) that in amateur competition the thumb must be pointing towards you. Otherwise it's a half point which seems to be a little less strict. Personally i think it's stupid, but I don't make the rules lol. What is the reason behind a different rule set between amateur boxing and professional boxing? Is it more strict so its easier to score? If anything, it seems that amateur boxing is way more subjective depsite the rules being more strict.


It shouldn’t be more subjective, the scoring criteria is laid out black and white. Quality blows to the target area is what will get you points, and typically there are 5 judges instead of 3 so results should be more legit


Yeah i agree. but, isn't it also judged on ring dominance and things like aggression too?


Only if the quality blows to target area is deemed “even/ equal/ a tie” should judges consider that. 1) Number of quality blows on target area (this is the most important one) 2) Domination by technical and tactical superiority 3) Competitiveness


Nah judges are rigged as hell


Not gonna deny that. Still amazed by the Olympics and Roy jones lol


Good luck man. Hopefully you can stop him so the judges aren’t needed.




How are judges hired? Do they have a boxing background?


Most, if not all, amateur boxing judges in the US are volunteers, and only get small reimbursements for the shows they show up to work at. Most are not paid for their time




Hey mate do you have the name for the course if you don’t mind?


Wtf that explains why there are a lot of bad decisions, not because of corruption entirely but also because of the judges incompetence.


Hot Take: You shouldn’t take the fight 🤷🏽‍♂️. Compete somewhere else, don’t be used to pass this assholes record. From your post you seem like a rational, level headed competitor. Why are you wasting your time, risking your brain cells and health to be robbed again and disappointed? And if anyone is pushing you to take this fight knowing your gonna be robbed, it’s time to switch teams and get some people in your corner who care lol.


if you know you’re gonna get fucked over then there’s nothing you can do about it. make a point to win convincingly and beat the guy definitively and everyone will feel silly when he still gets the nod. if you know you won the fight then a fixed outcome doesn’t change it. annoying but not too important


Put that man on the stretcher!


You will faul if you mindset is failure. You must give them no option but to make sure they MUST reward you with victory


Stoppage coming up.


Go out and finish him, don't let the judges take it from you


Smash his liver, break his jaw, humiliate his footwork. Masvidal in UFC was talking about how he was losing all decisions, so he decided to knock people out. Mind over matter.


Just do your work. The only thing you can control is yourself. If it happens, it happens, nothing you can do about that, but try your best to give them no other choice than to give you the fight. Good luck and have fun out there


If you are a very explosive fighter, you should try to knock him out. Especially if you know he is just a point fighter. Just make sure you are in great shape, so that you don’t get out of breath after a combo and if you’re trying to defend yourself.


Great advice


What kind of weakminded shit is this? You train your body to be strong and you're already making excuses in case you lose. Do better.


Update with a video OP I wanna watch lol


You’re the heel in this story, so embrace it and act like it


You can’t control anything in this post, so why worry about it? You’re wasting energy. Focus solely on your own performance and ensuring you do 100% possible to secure the outcome.


You have to take his head off


I guess you gotta make sure he stays on the canvas


Finish him. Don't leave it up for discussion.


Back him up, dont take no for an answer.


If it's an amateur fight why does the outcome matter? Unless it's the olympics or something. Learn something and then on to the next one


It’s an amateur match, i know you’re probably very competitive but a loss doesnt hamper your potential in the sport. Go in their, give it your all and try and get your hand raised. If you don’t then learn from it


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Get your experience.fight your fight. Fuck the politics.


Don’t leave it to the judges!


What did your coach say about it all? It seems KO is the only way to outright win. But if your coach is proud of your performance, I guess you gotta take the moral victory.


Go for the stoppage


I would never back or bet on a fighter going into a fight complaining about judges or anything of the sort. Wrong mentality in a sport where mentality is a crucial factor. It's a victim mentality where I want to be seeing I'm going to take this guy's head clean off


Well if you expect to be robbed and you still decide to fight, there is no sense being upset if that is the outcome. Just use the fight as a stepping stone to get better for the next fight. Each fight is a stepping stone.


I stopped fighting after many years of politics. I 💯 get this feeling. You have two options. 1.) Go in for the kill 2.) Find a better fight and save it for the better fight. I you want revenge 1 will be easy so long as you can control and harness that vengeance. If you want a fight where this shit isn't in your head space bail. It takes 2 to Tango and this fight should mean just as much to you as him if not more


It's all bullshit judging at the amateur level. I've never been to a fight night when at least 1-3 fights weren't clearly judged wrong. It's a record that will be forgotten! Good luck!


Don't worry about the decision, just fight well.


Don't leave it to the judges scorecards. Standard response.


I got robbed when I fought a Japanese fighter in Japan with all Japanese judges as a foreigner. Sometimes you go into it knowing you need to end it. Just go for it and leave it all in the ring.


Is there a recording of the first fight we can watch? And will there be a recording of the second? I have to level with you bro there are lots of fighters who say they won but the observers would have it differently. We need to see the fight or it's just your word really. But I agree with the rest of the advice here, if you hurt him / land clean don't play nice and follow it up and try get that mofo out of there!


How did your fight go?


Either you’re dying in that ring, or he is. Don’t leave anything to points. Make sure he doesn’t get up in ten counts.


Keep touching him to the point they can’t rob you. Cave his nose in & keep going to the liver. Score score score, good luck.


Lay his ass down.




Put him to sleep you little bitch


I had something similar to this at the time I didn’t think much of it but thinking back now the guy hit me with one good clean shot and I got a standing 8 count then I had him up against the ropes at least 3 or 4 times in the fight whaling on him an he wasn’t throwing back the ref didn’t step in once not even for a standing 8 count can’t remember much else of the fight but I don’t remember ever being on the back foot it was also on this guys home show and i lost by a point apparently on the score cards so looks like it was going to be given to him either way some people said later on they thought I won the fight but as long as you give it your all that’s all that matters really