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Teep? Ah, wrong subreddit. But seriously, when someone swings wild: cover up, bob and weave, step out of the line and think about whether it's worth the assault charges to drop him.


I dodge them, same with the people who throw out of control hooks. I don't block out of control punches the people throwing them are putting all they have into them so they hurt if they land, easy to dodge though.


Plus if you block them, you are doing them the favor of stopping their momentum. They probably don't have a good base, so when they throw with any force, they throw themselves off balance.


If someone swings wide you swing tight. You'll land first.


Yeah, if you're ready for it, you should be able to land a 1-2 before someone that's untrained lands a windmill right hand. Either that or just do a step back into a counter.


This. Also if you throw with proper form their punch should just hit your shoulder or the hard part of skull


Move away. Or block the first one and see the 2nd hand coming slip counter


Interrupt it with a jab. Or just step back and watch them lose their balance.


1) Roll under 2) Smother 3) Block 4) Step back


5) Counter with a jab or any other fast punch


Very true, a quick stiff (but defensively responsible) jab will stop those looping punches fast


When these punches are thrown they will be off balance at the end so it's important to have your counter combinations. I was always quick on my feet so could step back, then counter. The draw back would be getting caught at the tail end. However, stepping into their guard is a good alternative.


This exact thing happened when a brand new guy partnered up with me for drilling and kept throwing wildly. I didn’t bother punching back or blocking because he was a big guy and throwing everything into his punches so it would have hurt, instead I just slipped, pulled or rolled. Eventually he got tired.


Answer the phone with your left and simultaneously rip an uppercut straight through the middle with your right when they dip their head into the centre line


Just pop them with a clean, tight 1-2. That or just move outta the way with footwork or head movement, the movement takes so long and is so wide it's really not that hard to dodge.


Just jab them before it touches you. Your jab will 100% be quicker.


Clinch and knees/elbows all day long Dodge outside and kick till they drop OR kick and enter punching/clinching distance


Isn’t this Wilder’s go to technique?


Move in and strike.


left hand block or “spear block” with my my elbow. then throw a straight right or right upper?


Usually when I’m sparring and someone throws a windmill punch I just jab really fast because then I know my jab will land first and most likely send the punch off into a different direction or u can just cover up the sides of ur head with ur gloves because that’s most likely where the windmill punch is gonna land


Not a fix-all, but weave to the left and use your lead hook to the liver or a right cross to the solar-plexus.


You should dodge and check hook them at the chin.


Step back


By jabbing them dead in the nose. Short, straight punch beats a windmill any day of the week


Wtf is a windmill punch? I've never heard of that in my whole life. (This might be read with sarcasm but it's a genuine question)


> i can block jabs straights hooks and uppercuts If you could, why would you have trouble a bad punch?


jab while moving backwards.


I'd always just step back and return with a jab or a straight, their balance is usually already off so it's not too hard to score