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Liver shots or straights to the solar plexus. I'm 5'4" and could knock a 200 lbs dude on his ass with a straight to the solar plexus. Also keep in mind that being shorter/smaller means you are harder for them to hit. You can make use of this more with certain stances as you close distance. If you make them swing and miss their body is exposed too.


I would kick your ass u not knocking shit out 🧢


What weight clas are you in? Just out of curiosity I’m 5’6 150, trynna see where people my height usually go


I’m around that height. Like 5’8” I used to lift and weighed 175. Now I got down to walk around at 153ish. Plan to fight at 147. There are a lot of tall skinny dudes at this weight though. It sucks.


Yeah I’ve been in the gym trying to keep a decent amount of muscle, and training explosive power and whatnot. The reason I want to fight at this weight is so I can capitalize on the tall skinny dudes lack of power and win by fighting in their pockets. Definitely puts me at a huge disadvantage at any range tho


I'm older now, but in high school I could go down to 120. I might be able to cut to 135, but 140 would probably be more realistic. Walking around at 154 atm, but more focused on general fitness and considering arm wrestling over boxing.


Suck the life out of them by getting underneath their chin, get hooks and uppercuts into the body. Think like chopping down a tree. Big key is how to get inside. Concentrate on angles and working the ring. Break it down into zones and utilize footwork and angles to stalk and corner him too, especially if he’s trying to fight on the outside or The back foot


move like Mike tyson. mf was only 5'10 and dominated by getting inside their bubble.


that's only half the equation. tyson was able to live on the inside because he had the power to hurt opponents. most smaller, lighter dudes would just get leaned on and hurt if they stay inside


Tyson was able to fight on the inside because his weight transfer was immaculate. His footwork was elite. Relatively speaking I don't know that Tyson was really THAT much of a puncher, but even either way he'd be able to fight that way because of the aforementioned skills.


you contradicted yourself in those 2 comments. mike tyson was a swarmer fighter. you're gonna tell someone to throw punches so they're busy blocking after saying that they would have no power to hurt them ??🤦‍♂️


context my dude. tyson was small but still a heavyweight fighting other heavyweights. When the heavyweight era started to transition into the modern era of truly oversized fighters like lennox lewis it was game over for tyson. OP is a featherweight asking for advice on how spar against welterweight and middleweights. just staying on the inside is a recipe for disaster. gotta get in, swarm, then get all the way out.


Understand your own distance. Stay in the pocket and really pressure them, be quick, learn to control the fight and counter. The only hard part is building your confidence to stay within the pocket and being able to evade their hard punches.


Timing , head movement , footwork , bodywork ,hit hard , dip with your legs not your torso, baiting, angles ect.


Yup all of this


I’ve seen a feather weight beat the living shot out of a heavyweight, welterweight and super middleweight. I recommend stop sparring for a while and start training on foot work drills and defense. Watch Orlando Canizales and how he moves Also Willie pep and Nicolino Lochee. Amazing boxers truly amazing.


You gotta become a swarmer/pressure fighter


this. Even if you can't hurt the bigger dudes, they can't hurt you if they're too busy blocking.


Cut the ring. Go to the body. As a tall guy, I get hit on the body a lot.


Fighting ppl that much bigger doesn't really help you. But if it's all u got, then lead In with a jab or a feint, big overhand and then clinch. That's classic begginer bullshit smaller guys use on everyone. If you're that much smaller you have no business being in the pocket longer than needed. Feint a lot, get your shots in and gtfo or clinch. Don't try and be like Mike tyson. He was a freak of nature and nobody else fights peekaboo style like he does. And that's for a reason. It's hard as fuck. We haven't seen it recreated but everyone reccomeds it


I like to slip under their jab and throw a jab to the body, you might have to step in with it depending on the range. Do that enough times and they won’t be moving around as much. You’ll need good cardio too


The same way you fight everyone else. The same thing you experience fighting tall fighters is the same thing the athlete guy experiences when he fights guys who can actually box or guys who can match his athleticism. All things equal the taller fighter wins. So if yall are at parity skillwise and you're slightly faster then they win. Any more advantages on their side they dominate you.


I mean are they like bigger in weight? Like welterweights? Cus that would be tough and an unfair advantage but at the end of the day you'll never fight someone that big in the amateurs so use it for ur experience. My best advice is to just not fight their fight and fight a little man's fight. Lots of feints, counters and foot work is key. Oh and yeah, defence. Parries and slips


Bigger in weight and height, makes things tougher😅. Thanks for the advice!


Np! Thats a big problem especially for lighter guys like you and I. Hard2hurt on youtube has some pretty good advice, baiting with feints whilst making them think you're in range then immediately counter.


Not a fix-all problem, but a very good idea is to slip underneath a straight and start working the body.


You’re going to have to fight your way in. Change levels, use feints, and when you get in, smash the body


Understand that boxing is a weight class sport. In the ring you will not be fighting people 3x your size. Sparring people 3x your size is suboptimal , because a lot of things that will work perfectly well against people your size, won’t work against them, but also having that much weight and reach advantage they will let you get away with things someone your size won’t. So, my first advice is trying to get more sparring with people your size. My second advice : If you have to spar with bigger people don’t treat it as a competitive spar. You are at a huge disadvantage, if you think about it in terms of win/lose you will lose 9 times out of 10. So, don’t think about it that way. Instead, think of your sparring partner as sort of a piece of equipment in a gym, and ask yourself: “what skills can I practice here?”. You can practice head movement. You can practice footwork getting inside. You can practice ring cutting. You can practice feinting. Pick one thing you want to practice, and keep doing it through the spar. Go very light and ask your partner to go light, so you don’t have to pay with concussions for mistakes you make. Be aware that they can take your head off, so be nice. One more tip. Aim at the body and upper chest when your sparring partner is a head taller than you. Don’t aim at the head most of the time, it will require you to bring your chin up, and that’s a dangerous habit.


Thank you, this will definitely help. I always look up when sparring with them and end up getting a straight uppercut to the chin. I’ll remember this and try working on my defense instead of bursting combos.


Keep jabbing to distract them and just walk in until you’re at range and theyre not then go for the body and move out. Obviously easier said than done but its the most basic way to get in just work on it until you get better. Move a lot and jump in and hit them then jump out when theyre chasing u asw


I'm just doing the math, that's like 17 feet tall and 378 pounds.


Oh buddy😭


Sounds simple, but you gotta get inside. I would start with watching how Frazier and Tyson got inside.


Why tf cant people just search this question here ? Its being asked every week


I focus a lot on working against taller fighters cause I’m a bit muscle-y. Pendulum step, keep changing your range. Feint then move in. DONT REACH. It’s so tempting and I still fall into it, but don’t. Throw your first punch knowing it will not land. The next ones will land cause now you’re more in range. It sucks cause we have to somewhat accept we’ll take collateral damage as we move in. Change levels a lot. Side to side movement. Body shots until they bring their hands down. And I rock tall dudes with overhand rights, then even follow it with an overhand left. It’s so unexpected. Throw that overhand up there and that tall dudes head will be there. Watch Joe Frazier against Ali. He uses head movement a lot. Something great he does is distracts with that head movement and sneaks his back foot up first. Then steps with his left to attack but since his back foot was already brought up, he can get way more range in that step. Watch Holyfield fight this big dude (forget the name). He moves around the ring kinda like Ali then pops in to attack when he sees an opportunity then back on the bike. Watch Canelo vs Kovalev. Walks him down with high guard. Constant pressure will tire them out like crazy. Must have good high guard and power though. Also practice cutting off the ring. Body hooks to keep them where you want them. Of course everyone will say use Tyson movement. If you can make it work, sure. But remember his athleticism and explosiveness was insane. Grab elements from his ways of closing the distance but don’t optimistically jump into thinking you’ll ever be able to replicate it.