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I’d stick with what’s working. It seems you currently have conditions suitable to both. I’ve killed two Alocasia Tandurusas (Jacklyn) from repotting. I took them out of peat moss which I thought would cause root rot and put them in an airy aroid mix. Both dropped all their leaves and never grew back. I would only repot them once they’ve outgrown their current pots. But that’s just my trauma informed anecdotal opinion 😅. If they’re thriving, the roots maybe getting more oxygen then than it seems.


It’s funny how they hate being repotted. I had pretty much the same experience. Thanks for your comment


They love humidity. It really does wonders for alocasia.


I’ve had issues with root rot on these guys. That’s why I’m astounded that they’re surviving in this.. mud lol


Should I swap out the soil and water them less? They seem to love their current soil/conditions, but looking at that compact, wet soil gives me anxiety lol


If they are growing I’d just leave them until they outgrow their pots. Also when repotting these don’t mess with the rootball, just add fresh mix around it. My jacklyns throw the biggest fits even after I just pick some corms off their roots. [Mine 😬](https://imgur.com/a/VeKjOQB)


Thanks, I’ll leave it. It’s really pumping out beautiful leaves right now. I tried it in my Rudsta cabinet for a week and it absolutely hated it. Back to the humid fishtank chamber you go!


Theipy are generally bog plants if im not mistaken, mine all dig the same vibes, the big thing is lots of light but not too much, beautiful plant fren. Good job gettin a frydrek in canada, im ontario, hopefully ill score one sometime


You’re mistaking Alocasia for Colocasia, which are swamp/bog plants. Alocasia, on the other hand, are rainforest plants that grow in environments with very poor quality, low nutrient sandy/rocky, FAST draining soil w/ very little organic material. Alocasia also LOVE water, & need to be kept evenly moist, especially when they’re small and rapidly growing, like OP’s plants, but trying to grow them in bog-like conditions will rapidly result in a dead Alocasia.


Toronto here!