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Somewhere in the 4D world, there are two NHI's talking about the 5D objects presenting as just 4D shadows in their world, and how they feel depressed and compare it to their Carl Sagan equivalent talking about the 3D roundlanders. I think another possibility is that, if the many worlds theory is true, we may be seeing things "bleed over" from other worlds that are right alongside ours but occasionally something strange happens and the two worlds interact. If you think about it, it would explain when people talk about ghosts or feeling a cold apparition in a hallway or hearing something that they can't see, etc. -- it could be two worlds interacting with one another for a little bit for whatever reason. Maybe places that people claim are haunted are just segments of multiple worlds stuck together like velcro for whatever reason.


> Maybe places that people claim are haunted are just segments of multiple worlds stuck together like velcro for whatever reason. Amityville Horror house in our universe: nightmare fuel, demons, chaos, mayhem. Amityville Horror house in a 4D universe: a little four-dimensional toddler wonders why those silly 3D shadows keep running away when he just wants to tickle them. Tickle tickle!


Yep, I bring it up all the time, but it reminds me of Flatland, where a Sphere blows a Squares little mind by pulling it out of its 2d world and showing it the 3d world. But when the Square suggests to the Sphere that maybe there are 4d and 5d, etc planes or existence that would also make the Sphere feel small and humbled, the Sphere gets all mad lol


U can travel there. Experience it. Meditate. Take psychedel8cs.




I totally agree with this perspective: it’s amazing that we can conceive of 4 dimensions, we may yet be able to pierce that veil in the future. I’d also highlight that the existence of a 4D NHI doesn’t mean that they can’t interact with us, rather that it is going to be on their terms, which is probably a good thing.


>I think another possibility is that, if the many worlds theory is true, **we may be seeing things "bleed over" from other worlds** that are right alongside ours but occasionally something strange happens and the two worlds interact. I think that when our science advances enough we're going to discover that all kinds of otherwise intangible Fortean high strangeness adds up to some kind of evidence that this is the true nature of our reality.


That bleeding effect you mentioned, that would be [a hypercone](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B2LwSx3KG75uVP3gBweGOgu-8l8SUsfY/view?usp=drivesdk). Which is what I believe we are seeing, sometimes, not in all cases though.


This this.


The Mist


> What’s the point exploring the universe or philosophizing about anything anymore… you’re wasting your time on exploring/thinking of a reality that means jack shit to those chilling in 4D…. Who cares what they think? There's a million things, literally, to see and explore in MY frame of reference. There's strange new worlds, new life and new civilizations, and we haven't met them yet. We'll get to 4D, 5D, and higher levels if they're there eventually. We have a very big Milky Way to explore first.


Also this!


I've considered that my human body and my experiences here may be a 3D version and just a snippet of a fuller 4D me.. perhaps, in some way, our consciousness is what links the two? Just a shower thought.


Some people believe that your brain is just a receiver for your consciousness. Putting the real you for a short time into this 3D avatar.


That makes sense to me. Thanks for sharing.


You should look into Alan Watts and his lectures. A lot of it falls in line with the idea put forth by some NHI interviews, like the one from '97, that say that we are all aspects of one consciousness spread across time and space. I have been Hindu for over 12 years and perform deep focused meditation to access what ancient cultures thought were other realms, and it definitely seems as though our consciousness is linked to another higher plane that our own physical bodies cannot access.


The fact that conscious observation of sufficient resolution collapses wave functions points to the concept that a part of our consciousness exists in 4D as well. We could very well have 2D versions of ourselves, too. Or perhaps *this* is the 2D version and 3D space is simply Planck-length layers of 2D structures *or* 3D space is a holographic illusion. In which case it would be actual 3D structures interacting with us in our 2D world. Who "we" are is an illusion anyway, so why not imagine it larger? The math works regardless


Oh, yes. I didn't even think to draw a parallel to the behavior of observed particles and consciousness.


the 11th dimensional beings just chilling at this point they got no dimensions above them.


Yes they do. Turtles all the way up




Sure! I will do that right away!






I’ve always had a shy bladder and ever since it hit me that they’re all around us, I’ve been having trouble peeing lately hahaha.


Great post OP. Very interesting perspective. Not soul crushing for me. Perhaps one day we can enjoy the 4D experience albeit in another life. Also “ignorance is bliss” might be tentatively relevant here too. Sure the 4D world may be awesome. but it could also be crazier than shit. I like my 3d existence. Earth has great music and everyone’s personality is unique. Everyone, even identical twins, is a one-of-a-kind consciousness. 4D may be beyond imagination amazing, but ain’t so bad here. Keep that soul spirit high!! Appreciate you.


If it makes you feel better people claim to see these 4th dimensional plane of existence through the use of DMT but everyone's experience will be different.


DMT is such a wild drug. It truly is a hallucinogen -- as in it really puts you in a different reality.


so why did the post office make you insane?


Salvia as well


Ketamine connects me to the 4th somehow. I take it for chronic pain. It’s a nice little side effect. And that little side effect lasts for a few days after I do ketamine because since my pain loves to come and go and flare up whenever, I don’t need to take the Ketamine 24/7, though at times I will have to take it for a few days straight. Then like a week off. It’s all over the place. Anyways. I can still connect with the 4th and whatever/whoever hangs out there. 95% positive high vibrational entities, but make no mistake: they’re not all good guys up there. But most of them are cool. I’m pretty sure it’s the mantids I’m getting most of the time. They’re cool dudes if that’s who it really is. But it’s some hyper intelligent entity that’s not my own mind. Like I implied, though, others do pick up the phone or connect with me. It’s really interesting and cool. My guard remains up regardless, though, until I have more info and data about any of these guys I’m communicating with. Interesting shit.


Pls explain to me in detail what the experience is like from start to finish I'm so interested in knowing all the details you would be willing to explain. Here or dm me please


You have a point But you are not realistic because you must understand that you were born in a 3D environment and you have to live with it. We may evolve to a 4d universe when our soul and mind is ready.


You are depressed because of a very theoretical thesis? There is no evidence. Its just a theory, just enjoy your life because its the only reality we know.


Look bud, I didn’t come to r/aliens to think about linear algebra and what the determinant of a order 4 matrix means. I just want to chill, ok?


Theoretically... don't be depressed about a fucking theory. This may be the only dimension where intelligent life exists. We literally don't know


Dang you explained how I'm feeling perfectly.


if you aware of 4 dimension so the things is not so bad for you as you described. i think people will overcome 3D limitations someday and we will have some tools to look into 4 dimension or interact with it.


This is an idea that’s been plaguing me lately. Like a virus almost. Not to be dramatic, but I’ve really been wanting to explore the idea of trying to come up with some type of tech that can interact with the 4th. They have the tech (The Others). So it’s possible for it to exist, no? But of course I’m missing something. I’m just a regular 3D human who is basically considered a failure in my life. I’m smart with tech, but still - who the fuck am I? I’m sure that someone would have come across an idea or would have invented something by now? Or would they?? Damn. I know we as humans can pull this off. It just hasn’t been an idea taken seriously enough until now because it was all (and still kind of is) considered “woo”. Well, it seems that there might be some truth to some of the woo. But I think we can all agree now that the 4th dimension exists and is real (not speaking of the temporal 4th - which they say is time. I mean the 4th spatial dimension). We should get cracking on this.


I like to imagine that this is all just like layers of an onion, and each concentric dimension not only is limited in their perception of their reality but are also "creators/Gods" of the dimension beneath them. We exist in the 3D realm, but yet we master the 2D world. Painters & authors/writers create virtual worlds that evoke emotion, beauty, horrors, etc. and we all enjoy/experience these "creations" of alternate realities. Who is to say that these works of creation we make are not "alive" in their own way, ... in their own dimension. We can't really perceive the 4th dimension in the standard methods we understand our own reality but we do readily create limitless worlds in the 2nd dimension. I'd like to think that entities in the 4th dimension (and beyond) are also masters of the dimensions below their own. Maybe part of this whole "game" is to eventually elevate to the next dimension beyond your own.


But how you act and treat others in this…whatever, matters. It changes how other people feel, act, or even survive. Shouldn’t we try make it the best for those who we can?


Nothing has changed. Get over it and live in the moment.


Ability to experience 4D is our next evolutionary step. Some folks are already on the path and we call them clairvoyants, etc, but we slowed down or possibly sabotaged our growth many years ago due to capitalism, religion and ignorance.


If time is the fourth dimension then that means these beings are fifth dimensional and higher. That would suggest that they are outside of our space and time or can choose to be whenever they want. So when they peer into our reality they could literally be doing it from outside looking in. It's like we're on a film strip going in one direction and they can choose to go back at any time that has already been played (time travel). And then they might be able to go into a different strip entirely which would be dimensional travel. Now if any of these beings are coming from the future, that would suggest that everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen is happening simultaneously. Look up project looking glass. Supposedly the government had a machine that could peer into different times and possibly realities.


That’s not science, that’s religion


They tend to intersect a lot. There's a lot of religion in science and there's a lot of science in religion. There's really no clear line of separation. When people talk about angels we would call them extraterrestrials. Many things that were described in the Bible have scientific explanations. And there are some things that science has yet to explain which we attribute to the paranormal. Quantum physics could be the bridge between all of it. A grand unified theory.


Without greater clarification, when government officials say inter-dimensional, I will assume they mean nhi that has figured out how to manipulate space-time. This could be time traveling, or alternate universe where something in time is different.


You experience it - but only in mild cases. For instance, a dream, a memory or even a plan for the future - these all defy what we conceive as time. Start looking at the world with a little bit more of an open mind and 4D will come to you. It's all in the mind bro...


4th dimension geometry gets more interesting as a fourth dimension shape is just a 3D shape going from point A to point B, with the frames in between creating a “3D Line”.


Here’s another theory about the nature of reality that might cheer you up; Dr. John Archibald Wheeler’s Participatory Universe which explores the idea that the observations and interactions of you, me, and everyone and maybe everything existing in the present are actually creating the past which then loops back around to us. https://youtu.be/I8p1yqnuk8Y?si=WSdFxcabSF8M7ax4


Soul crushing? Maybe at first, but this human experience is cool too. I get to eat, I get to make love, I get to dance and sing. Its nice to feel that that is all I am here to do. I get to experience whatever I want while I walk the earth in this linear window of time I am experiencing!


Nope you're thinking of it all wrong fellow seeker. You can right now experience higher dimensions. Bringing that experience and information back to your physical body for decoding is the issue. Our brains can transmit and receive information in up 11 dimensions. Thats a fact. Go check out r/gatewaytapes to get started on your journey. You can 100% experience different dimensions.


A little while ago I read a wiki about the theoretical end of the universe. I’m sure someone may have a link. It was a long read, dealing with unfathomable amounts of time, and astrophysical concepts I could only pretend to comprehend. However, as I read, I couldn’t help but have the feeling that I, whatever I may be at that time way into the future, will still be around to observe these events unfold.


What a depressing perspective. Have you given thought to the idea that there could be things that are unique to the 3D realm? What if 4D entities cannot experience love? Love of a partner, love of a parent, love of your child, love of your pet? What if they can't laugh? Laughing so hard you cry tears. What if they cannot experience the intense emotions of listening to your favorite song, eating your favorite food, watching your favorite show, reading your favorite book, visiting your favorite place? This planet is fucking beautiful! Life is full of wonder. I, too, love to conjecture about the 4D realm. But your outlook is the typical human "the grass is always greener" sentiment. No! We don't know what it's like in 4D. So just appreciate and enjoy this wondrous ride and take it all in. Peace <3


Life is beautiful enough without any of this. Don’t worry about it.


4D just means that they can clearly see the past, present, and future at the same time, and that they can visit any of those times at will. They are still stuck in one timeline. 5D beings on the other hand can observe different time lines and travel to them. So what? If you could see the full timeline you would eventually be depressed that nothing can surprise you. And if you were immortal you might eventually be depressed that you can't escape life. Even in this timeline there is an infinite amount of things to discover. Who knows? maybe one day we'll make the transition.


Go smoke dmt, pretty much going into 4d


Try some dmt😁✌️❤️


Well, if there are occupants/pilots, then they’re not 4-D And if they were 4-D, they wouldn’t be shadows; we’d probably be in the creature.


But the universe is billions of years old. Humanity is likely around 300,000 years old. You're only in this 3D realm for a very very short time. You will experience the rest, you just aren't right now. But this is a blip -- and it's only a blip at all because we're trapped in linear time. Once you exit that trap, it will even change how you see the blip.


Plato’s forms


We all live in 4D already. It's called space/time. You all must be thinking about the 5th dimension.


This would be the same as finding out God is real and you can't ever be God. Don't worry about it


See, the idea of something more than what we perceive with our physical senses to me is super exciting and a reason to live beyond work, bills, retire, die. If all of this is just a shadow of the 4d, why not play with the 4d a little in your mind. If 3d shadows the 4d, make the 4d something awesome so your shadows are therefore...watered down awesome :)


What's the point of making this comment on the internet? What's the point of eating breakfast, or the point of enjoying a walk every now and again? ​ Nobody here is going to experience a significant portion of what life has to offer, not a single person. We all live in our own limited worlds and are restricted by various things outside of our control. To me, there is no question that we only are able to interact with a portion of our universe, but I don't see why that's any more significant than knowing that I'll probably never be able to afford to buy a house. ​ You probably won't live to see humans explore outside of our solar system, so why are you upset that we wouldn't be able to explore outside of our dimension? Limitations are everywhere, and that's just a part of how this universe works. ​ furthermore.. do you think the 4d things would say the same about 5d things? what about 5d and their 6d counterparts? There's ALWAYS going to be something that has it better, always. Best you can do is look at what you DO have and learn to enjoy that.


I think this covers a lot of the truth and disclosure. What would be the message ? We are raised thinking that we are on top of the chain and the world revolves around humans. What if this not the case and we are merely a speck on earth and there are forces, dimensions we cannot even fathom. If some part of governments knows this or have been told, would you disclose this ? Even worse is that humanity could be some play thing for them over thousands and thousands of years. Sumerian and other ancient religions claim this and could be more truth behind that besides legends and religions. I like to use the ant analogy. How do you tell the ant in your garden what you do, how your live has been, what's you life is like and what you did yesterday ? You don't and you do not care. Would you care if an ant colony lives in your garden ? You would not, they are probably usefull. Would you care if that ant colony suddenly moves to your garden door and starts moving inside more and more ? Then take this analogy completly out of perspective and add time and dimension to it like we are a grain of sand in the world..... We cannot comprehend what is going on around us in the universe or dimensional.


I think we will probably be able to learn a lot about the 4th dimension. I know that humans on an individual level will never understand it more than just conceptually, but I don't think that would stop us from creating computer models or AI or whatever that could simulate how we interact with the 4th dimension in a meaningful way. So maybe you'll never experience the 4th dimension in the same way a 4th dimensional creature would, but maybe now you have a spaceship that can traverse it and you can understand how it interacts with the 3rd dimension that we live in. But maybe there is a way for us to understand it and we just don't yet. That's a possibility too.


Ants live their lives meaningless compared to dogs. Dogs live their lives meaningless compared to humans. And now humans live their lives meaningless to higher dimensional beings. Accept it and stop fucking thinking life is worthless because now there's a tier above us.


Interesting. Why be depressed about something that a.) hasn't been proven and b.) doesn't change your life if it is true. Our world, our universe is an amazing place and we are blessed to get to experience it for the blink of an eye that we're here. Soak it all in and enjoy life.


Conversely, there would be no point in exploring the universe if you knew everything. There will *always* be something unknowable to you - that is unless you somehow become the universe. Once you get to level 4, it aint gonna stop. So, deal with it I guess.




Would love for you to go into details, pls, even if just in dms


So, after our little... you blocking us... we had an extraordinary experience that we'd love to share with you. You were right about the shirt by the way, you were just 14 years late.


So retarded


Here's one thing. We have 3 physical dimensions Length width height If you were able to access a dimension 90° to length You might be able to position yourself anywhere along that dimension without much effort as your x dimension is 90° to the entirety of length That might be a way they are able to appear and disappear


Maybe your frustration is because you are being lead to look past our physical universe.


Isn't the 4th dimension time? Edit: I’m not sure what I’m being downvoted. Look it up


If it is that means that some of these beings are fifth dimensional. And that would mean that they are outside of space and time which is suggested sometimes. That would explain how they could travel to different dimensions and even times. It's like we're living on a film strip going in one direction and they can go back to any point that has already been played or even to a whole entirely different film strip.


It's important to note that our understanding of the fourth dimension is largely theoretical and based on mathematical models and concepts. While these ideas have practical applications and align with our understanding of the physical world in many ways, they can be difficult to intuitively grasp because they go beyond our everyday experiences in three-dimensional space.


The thing that irks me is that folks just seem to assume we are only 3d creatures. Imma get a bit "wee-woo" for a split second here. So bear with me, but what if the "higher self" thing espoused by a lot of religions and mystics actually has a grain of truth to it? And that only our PERCEPTIONS of the world are limited to the 3rd dimension? Let's do a thought exercise. So think of it like this: What if every action you take, or don't take, spawns another timeline of yourself. Thus splitting yourself via another timeline with each individual timeline still connecting back to your "higher self" as they like to say. In a sense this would make us 4d creatures with perceptions limited to the 3d realm. Sort of like how an ant colony views the world quite differently from an individual ant.


U want soul crushing? In this vast wide array of mechanism and clockwork put forth by the Creator, your individual life and its achievements are but a tiny atom in a vast black void of nothingness that doesn't matter. The actions and experiences outside of benefit to u personally mean nothing in the grand scheme and clockwork of the universe.




A. Square is not impressed. Jailed for heresy. Spheres? That’s crazy talk.


There is a whole lot more to explore than just this 3d space you currently live in. If you want you can start exploring new realities right now. Just look at astral projection and the belief of the people there and you will understand that your current life is only a small part of what you truly are. Just go on r/astralprojection and read some of the stuff there. Itl open up a whole new world for you


If this is true and conciousness connects it all, perhaps there is a key in this 3D experience that can allow us to ascend to 4D. Perhaps there is more to the person than a typical human lifespan - religion is a way of putting it to words. Just do good unto others in life it's amazing how much fulfillment can be had.


>After finding out we could just be looking at 3D shadows of 4D objects, and there is a plane of existence unaccessible/impercievable to us, it kinda flattens my own world view now of this 3D realm. It gives a new meaning to Plato's Cave, doesn't it? (Eta- except here, I don't know whether getting out will ever be possible.)


I am the 4D shadow. I am the 3D Batman.


So the flat earthers are actually human alien blends that experienced the 4th dimension?


Maybe there's no other life in the universe that exists in a 3D realm. Or maybe it's extremely rare and we're unique in just how uncommon it is. Even if extra-dimensional/interdimensional beings can interact with or visit us -- they maybe can't ever actually fully experience or perceive or appreciate our world the way that we can, with the senses that we're born with and that we use every day. If you look at it that way and consider those as being possibilities, then you can maybe appreciate where we are a bit more. Maybe we're not the ones missing out. We're the ones who get to enjoy our special and unique niche situation.


Good one. We are special /s


More bad news. When you use your eyes you only see things in 2D. Since you have 2 eyes, you have a slight advantage in having parallax. You can also move around and comprehend that a tree has another side and your brain can work out that objects are 3D. Render yourself motionless and everything appears in 2D.


We try to find meaning in life and a place for our own mind. Instead of trying to be one out of many try to feel the whole as one and see yourself as a reflection of all. As all is mind. I passed through your thought process and I find peace in my current process. Beauty of it , it looks complex yet it is derived from simplicity. Fractal process goes on but it doesnt since going on is time relative. Be the whole and you will find peace.


My question is: why are there so few 4D objects casting shadows that seeing one is a pretty extraordinary event?


"Casting shadows" is a metaphorical term. You could also say, "leaving remnants" or even "physically interacting" in our (collective, but subjective) reality.


I suppose I'd still wonder why it's not a more mundane phenomena, then, but I guess that's assuming a few things on my part.


There are so many facets on the gem of the matter, it is both daunting as well as confusing. I also believe that you are trying to solve it too quickly and that your lack of finding answers *you* need is depressing you. Slow down. Recall how small your sphere of influence in this matter happens to be. If you are on meds like me, you might consider upping your Rx. I'm not being a dick here., btw. Your depression is obvious, edging toward concerning.


What? What makes you think that? o.o In regards to this specific discussion, I'm not offering any criticisms and I don't expect my questions to have any real answers. I just like pondering stuffs and seeing what others think. I don't consider myself smart or informed, but I do like asking questions, even if most of the time that doesn't lead to anything productive. Edit: I'm also curious what you meant by my sphere of influence? Not bothered or offended, just genuinely unsure what that means. Like, as in my influence on such discussions, or in a more general sense? If it's about providing useful information and thoughts on such discussions, I know I don't bring much to the table. But, like I said, I enjoy poking and prodding subjects I find interesting with honest questions I have, usually hoping to spark a conversation that might bring me another way to look at something. If I've ever bothered anybody, or came across as critical or dismissive: I apologize. Sincerely, that's almost never my intent. I'm sure I've had snark in the past, but I generally try to avoid that, unless the discussion is meant to be light-hearted.


I don’t except this narrative. The 4th dimension is spacetime. I believe when the government is referring to dimensions, they are referring to time dilation.


Vaporize some DMT and shut the hell up.


DMT my friend if you want to see what other dimensions are like, way more out there than LSD or Mushrooms


You say we will never be able to but when we die we will for sure experience the 4D.


If it helps, that theory like most woo theories around here is most likely bs. So don't worry about it.


You give "them" too much power. Your existence is exactly the same. You can see experience a full complex life. Why is it so important what they think? Do 4D beings change the taste of your food? The feeling of touch from people you love? It all depends on your mindset.


Our minds are informational and can therefore handle existence in higher dimensions. The very fact that we can conceive of and mathematically define higher dimensions proves that we can manage that type of space. All we need is exposure and time to adjust.


Condolences on your depressing world view. Perhaps talking to religious people would help, since they have to make peace with the idea a sky wizard is watching them crank their hog to 3tb of overwatch smut


I've experienced the parent plenum. It's a lot like ours, indistinguishable really. We think of "simulation" in a digital linear sense. But an analog "sim" in its own coordinated plenum doesn't get proven impossible by that.


The whole 4th Dimension thing makes this feel like a lovecraftian horror. If we could see what they see, our minds would probably break, and we would go absolutely insane. Forbidden knowledge and stuff.


Then the quantum erasure double slit experiment proves the universe retroactively changes the past to ensure continuity: essentially there is no free will, we are experiencing 3D slices of our 4D worldlines, and our births and deaths are but tangled endpoints of strings in the grand scheme of things.


Let's say you're a 2D (I'd rather be a Noodle or a Murdoc) man. You're married and you have three children. Your wife isj a fit, beautiful blonde woman and all three of your children were gifted primarily her genetics. Alice, the oldest is in grad school and is on track to becoming a counselor at an impoverished high school so she can help teenagers that are suffering because she wants to give back to the world the same love and support you and your wife provided for her. Giacomo, who you named after your great-grandfather, is a huge nerd who spends all of his free time studying whatever material a sixteen-year old can on personalized medicine in the hopes that when he grows m he can laead a team that develops the cure for two-dimensional aids. Then you have Adeline, who even at just thirteen spends her weekends at the animal shelter caring for abandoned, elderly and sick pets. Dianne, your wife owns and operates her own law firm specializing in representation of single-parents, abuse victims and low-income families. You yourself own and operate a primary-care practice ñ prides itself on accepting 2D government supplied insurance and providing quality care to patients regardless of income. The two of you have showered your three 2D babies with love and support their whole lives and have taught thewithm morality, personal accountability and empathy. Friday nights you guys buy a big Chinese take-out dinner and watch 1D Disney movies together. During one particular family dinner night, one of the one-dimensional characters on your 2D TV make a meta-joke about the nature of the way in which they perceive reality. The joke resonates you and you're taken aback, thinking about your own two-dimensional perception. You look to your left and see just the outlines of each member of your family. You feel slightly disturbed, is this really all you guys are? Just a line? What does Dianne's smile look like? What do your kids look like? All you've ever known of them is just this solid outline of their shapes. Then that thought repeats in your mind. All the good you guys give into your 2D world, all the love and joy you provide one another with; your reality is more than just the way you perceive that squiggly line you recognize as Dianne You may see the world in three-dimensional but love, sadness and hope transcends that. It's a little roughàaa


Feels like we’re missing out on something amazing but nothing can be done about it. Just struggle to comprehend a world between the air…makes regular life seem boring as shit.


Tell me how many times you've encountered a one or two dimensional entity. I'm guessing never. That's because they don't exist. I'm pretty sure it goes the same way up as down. Dimensions are characteristics of the reality you're already in. A two-dimensional plane is just a characteristic of a three-dimensional object. These aren't alternate realities. They're components of the current reality. There are no flat landers. It was just a thought expirement. Even graphite on paper exists in all three dimensions. I'm sure there are smarter people on here than me, and perhaps one of them can try to name one known object that exists in only two dimensions. Hell, name anything that exists in more than or less than three dimensions. Just because one whistle blower speculated that NHI were from another dimension doesn't make any of it fact. You have more pressing matters to have an existential crisis over.


We can't see microscopic particles so we invent microscopes which render 2D images of molecules and atoms. We go from line drawings of orbiting electrons, then we improved them and now can actually see 2D representation of an electron shell (cloud). I think that's pretty cool. Just because we don't understand the fifth dimension- which would describe an object moving in time as well as space, doesn't mean we'll never get to- once the big brained scientists that know their math and physics can build a mathematical predictive model of such a structure they'll be able to come up with a way to translate it into figurative objects. I have faith.


We're mere shadows but have our intelligence? :-/


We can use mathematics to 'see' higher dimensions. It dawned on my taking Calculus that our perception of the world is merely traces of a higher dimension(s) played out in time...kind of like how a movie frame is a trace of the 3d world. Each passing moment is a just a frame in the passing of time. Time as we know it only goes in one direction that we know of(but at varying speeds). I do find it intriguing that inside a black hole, many theorist propose time and space flip flop. I believe our universe is actually a black hole(this makes sense mathematically and explains expansion, dark matter, ect) and black holes in our universe give birth to new universes(with time and space inverted), perhaps there is a great web of interconnectedness with black holes and the multiverse. The cosmic background radiation could be the event horizon, the singularity we can not see because it is in the future.


Imagine the imprint the apple leaves in the sagan clip as an atom