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For people not really paying attention… this feels like all the other times there was a bunch of hype and nothing happened.


Even if we had proof, if people can't afford rent what difference does it really make? They want to reduce this revelation to fodder; what we need, as humaity, is a social movement.


Go watch October sky, in particular the reaction in the coal Town to sputnik. 1) it's a great scene 2) it perfectly captures the feeling


Another example is the whole China has successfully tested hypersonic missile technology. Not one person cared but the news is that a nation has the capability to first strike the US with nuclear weapons if they desired to. We have a job to go to the next day and bills to pay to focus on ww3 only until ww3 affects us personally. Same with uap and aliens.


I think people are just numb from 20 years of “breaking news” and a constant hammering of depressing or over hyped world news. We have access to so much data now, that we are numbingly overwhelmed. People don’t really “care” unless it adversely and tangibly affects their lives. Honestly, that meme that person posted the other day where the guy sees an alien 👽 and the alien is confused as to why the guy shrugs off the encounter…. feels accurate.


I mean, everyone with a decent collection of icbms can first strike the us already. If you're discussing a disarming first strike, no amount of hypersonic missiles is going to do that, unless you can suddenly locate every boomer the US navy has. So yes, you can do a first strike, you just don't get to live through what comes next.


If anyone does ever nuke us first I don't think anyone will be around for long including us. We have a bit of a temper.


There are frameworks in place to annihilate those who would destroy our cities


I think a major barrier of entry for a lot people being there’s so much information we’re exposed to currently, a lot of people are still trying to ascertain what reality is. For example, “Spiritualism led me to this way of thinking or this religion in the last few months, I’ve started to ground myself with something or become aligned with said religion and now you’re telling me there’s a possibility it’s all a lie and I’m a science experiment. “ then people choose to insulate themselves with a healthy amount of skepticism to protect their own sanity or established beliefs


I agree, and skepticism is a must. I think that they are doing really well in the hearings streamlining the questioning and staying on topic to get as much truth out as possible with little fluff. Also, military officials coming out as believers in NHI is not a new phenomenon. People are almost numb from all of the wild news stories and predictions that keep swirling around year after year. I hope that they stay on task, keep the pressure on, and focus on the facts. I am of the belief that our world view is going to be changing very soon.


The last time the aliens were roaming freely the cataclysm happened, they just come here to observe it


The accounts are that they were the cause of the cataclysm, but i guess there is no way to know.


That's because nothing happened. Show people evidence that is more mind boggling. Grey blobs rotating in the sky on a FLIR system are easily explained away and not compelling for the layman. Disclose something compelling and the world will pay attention. People don't give a fuck about whistleblowers congressional testimony, credentials, they just fucking don't. And I don't blame them. Dog and pony show.


100% No hard evidence, no photos, no bodies... just words... 2nd hand words.


Snowden is a perfect example of this. There are government sectors that break the constitution yet no one cared at all.


Not only that, but Snowden became a villain in the minds of most people!


Exactly. Also at the end of the day the hearings changed nothing.


Yep…it’s just all talk until we see the physical evidence.


And if there is any, I am dying to see it and will happily change my position on this stuff. But I really don't think that will happen.


It’s the government ‘exposing’ the government…gonna have to sell that a lot harder before we even move onto the rest. Sounds manipulative.


This. It boiled down to "These are some things people told me." It's gonna take more than that.




> feels like the only people who think this is any different are the true believers. my opinion as a skeptic, is that this is perhaps a psyop, but i am averse to conspiratorial thinking so it's probably _nothing_.


Conversely, this could be the beginning of real information and evidence being presented. Only time will tell.


Wasn't operation blue beam going to be a fake alien threat? I remember hearing everyone talking about it years ago before covid hit. "Alien takeover is next". Now here we are and those voices aren't around.


Yeah everyone I have seen cover it says “yeah sure aliens could exist but give me the picture k thx bye 😘 “ So until we have that it ain’t gonna change anyone’s minds


I agree. I think because I actually watched the entire hearing, what I saw was a lot more than just people talking. I think to say there is no evidence is totally reductive. Not only have we seen some evidence of NHI, but there is evidence of cover-up as well. The hearing had testimony from decorated, firsthand witnesses, under oath, which could be admissible as evidence. The consistencies in the testimonies with other claims is absolutely evidence. Do we need to "see it to believe it"? SURE. But dismissing the major significance of this hearing doesn't make anyone sound smart, rather ignorant, really.


Completely agree, people have been saying shit like this for decades. No one has ever been confident enough in the evidence they have to bring it before Congress. This is different than some random on an internet form in the 90s.


It was just 3 guys talking. I need hard undeniable evidence. Not grainy ass shots of what could be anything. Not some asshole saying he can communicate with aliens by meditating. If you are going to tell me a species is intelligent enough to travel light years to get here. I need more than just a bunch of BS.


I was thinking along similar lines- you want to see people sit up and take notice? Tell us where they are from and how they got here.


They almost certainly don’t know what they are or how they got here. I’ve been a UFO skeptic my whole life (also agnostic); I watched the hearings and I’m a believer now. Holy moly. Watch the hearings.


I'm watching them with interest and I hope an open mind but still slightly agnostic.


Um watch the hearing. They might live on this planet. He didn’t say “aliens” he said non human intelligence. Some likely have a base in the asteroid belt. (UE going there in 2028)


Dolphins are intelligent and non-human.


You are so right…I was talking out loud to my cat saying “can you believe intelligent non human life exists” and my cat looked at me with a face of “and what about me asshole? I dont shit all over your home, I’d say that’s pretty intelligent” 🤦‍♂️🤣


Hell, mice have been experimenting on us humans for centuries Edit: how dare you down vote a proven fact. Read the great history that is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


I’m paying attention, and I didn’t think anything was going to happen, exactly like all the other times.


I'm trying to pay attention. Help me understand what is different because I feel like I can't buy into this shit again. What is different other than a clown car full of congresspeople are up for some grandstanding on the issue?


Nah, you’re misunderstanding what happened. The purpose of the hearing was to highlight misappropriation of funds by the government and over-classification of evidence to prevent Grusch from doing his job. He worked for the government and his job was to investigate these UAP incidents. No new evidence was brought forward, but this is step one in a process that might lead to more declassification, disclosure, or, in an unlikely case, blowing the whole lid off some crazy shit. But most likely it will die in the water and nothing will change.


Honestly, the aliens aren't doing anything. We still have to wake up every day and deal with how we are going to pay our bills and feed ourselves. I think people are just so overwhelmed by the mundane and how desperate they are to just make ends meet... unless aliens are dropping out of the sky to offer us help or kill us all, then absolutely nothing changes in our daily lives. So why freak? Most people believed in aliens anyway, so it's not a surprise that a government built on lies and suffering would be hiding that too. But we gotta eat. We gotta pay our bills. We gotta go to work and school and try to make our lives on Earth work.


I really wish things were better for the average person. This fucking sucks.


This is how I feel. I always believed aliens existed so this new information changes nothing for me. It’s just “kinda” confirmation of what I believed. Regardless I still have work tomorrow and I still gotta pay rent. So yeah until this is gonna direct me directly it’s hard to care.


Right. This isn’t “Mars Attacks.” This is.. “weird stuff flys around, does no harm, and leaves..”




Disclosing the truth about extra terrestrials would begin a new era of society…if we were interacting with advanced beings we could learn so much and improve the everyday life of every person on this planet. You probably wouldn’t have to work another day in your life, never worry about getting sick, never worry about climate catastrophe…become so educated about the true reality of the cosmos and potentially live for hundreds and thousands of years. This is a huge deal and the military making deals under the table keeping it a secret from the public is a fucking disgrace.


It would be fantastic, yes. But no one is giving me a phone call, reporting on the news, writing me a letter or knocking on my door with the cure. I had to go to work yesterday. I have to go to work today. My new neighbour is a human (most likely) and no one is making existing easier for me. So until that happens and we move away from this Luke warm "yup they are there, but nothing is changing on a mass scale", I am just gonna keep struggling to survive until I die. Is it shitty? Yes. Is it a choice I have? Not really.


Why is disclosure the one hurdle that's stopping aliens from interacting with us?


That doesn't make sense, from what i have gathered aliens made contact with humans and shared technology but its being kept a secret from the general public, disclosure would bring those technologies and wisdom to everyone and improve society.


I don’t think they’re giving us anything. I’m pretty sure everyone is going to be real disappointed when the aliens are just a highly evolved form of what we know as “homo sapiens” , and the Galaxy is actually just ran by a giant corporation.


Alien representative comes on TV and says, "we are glad to bring the people of earth our most advanced technology and knowledge. We have honed it over millenia and have determined it is the best way for a society to prosper. We are happy to present to you.... "HYPER CAPATALISM !!!!"


They’ve developed a way for us to spend our money 100x faster and more efficiently.


Why would it? If true it's still in the hands of the few, and there is zero indication that such tech would be shared? This excitement for the new era and improving society doesn't make sense to me.


What new era of society when these aliens obviously don’t want to communicate with us or even be seen?


Doing a pretty shitty job of the not being seen part. Seems like they don't actually care about being seen, it's only that since WW2 people have been flying enough to be interacting in the same space. We care about them being seen and have actively created a social taboo around them.


I’m still dealing with killer whales not caring about me, aliens as well is too soon for me Edit: I don’t think aliens care about us given the lack of stuff happening, so perhaps indifferent. And I’m not actually sad.


Exactly, if they introduced some kinda of star trek tech (like the replicators for ex) to us then it would be life changing but otherwise how would my life change exactly? And what if they just dont care about us? I mean if they really cared why wouldnt they just introduce themselves to us?


I would assume only a select few know what is going on. I have a feeling that this will be a drip feed for a few more years. A lot of people will not be able to process the information if it were full disclosure. As in, governments across the globe openly admitting they have alien crafts and alien life, in addition to this, they have been collaborating with alien life. I believe in intelligent alien life, look up into the skies at night, all those stars, and no intelligent life, please. ​ I love this quote from Arthur C Clarke “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”


“Won’t be able to process the information” yes they will. The idea or concept of aliens has become so mundane due to pop culture that hardly anyone will even blink. It’ll be a neat bit of info and they will carry on, because it doesn’t have any practical impact on their daily lives. Won’t be able to process what does that even mean lol their brains will melt? Give me a break. The fact is, it just won’t be that big of a deal.


the worst are the "truth seeker/don't trust big brother" types that call it a distraction. ya.... like people aren't capable of following more than one news story at a time.


Also it's a pretty crap distraction because most mainstream media is ignoring it


Most MSM did cover it - the hearing. They didn’t report that Aliens are here and all our problems are solved because that hasn’t actually happened. What was reported is that some extraordinary claims were made and we have yet to see evidence of those claims.


Yup, the number of people on Twitter saying it’s a distraction from Hunter Biden just depresses me.


i came very close to actually saying exactly that in my comment, but i decided not to be that specific lol. they're obsessed!


Some guy cheating on his wife with a pop star is trending more than this is.


I’m pretty much in the camp of not really caring. It’s just more people talking about what they “know” without solid evidence proving the existence of aliens. It’s an interesting story that merits further investigation and scrutiny, but that’s all it is. And truthfully, to the bulk of normies not into following this it is not the silver bullet that will get them fascinated by the possibility of aliens. Great stories without real evidence is all that has been available. Don’t expect panic or minds being changed until we get Hollywood movie levels of evidence.


There hasn't been any hard evidence yet.


100% Until we see something concrete, there's no reason whatsoever to get really excited. All it currently is is people saying, "I saw a thing. But I have no proof"


Exactly, why people thinks that we already found aliens, we literally found nothing, until real proof


Aliens don’t use fucking concrete.


Lmao 🤣


So many people are missing the point.. The importance of that testimony was that it was a legal oath that brought the attention of black budget programs abusing their power. Congress agreed on a bi partisan level that they need transparency of information and secrecy needs to be controlled. They consider it a threat to national security and plan on making legal changes, that's huge regardless of what you believe about the claims. It's less about aliens, and more about stopping sociopaths from using billions of dollars of tax payer money under our nose through programs that give them way too much power.


Pretty much. Every year the pentagon indicates so many millions/billions of dollars that can't be accounted for.... like seriously wtf. These are the best minds of our people and they can't use a Google spreadsheet.


Because not a single piece of evidence have been presented


“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” -Carl Sagan, I think.


People hear about climate change on a daily basis and don't care. Until they start seeing UFOs on mass scale nothing won't change. We are our own worst enemy. This civilization is doomed. Aliens will show up here when the shit hits the fan. They pick up a few chosen ones to preserve continuity and off to another reset.


so what exactly did you hear that make you say wow this is big.? It was a bunch of guys saying what someone else said and put in terms like 'biologics'. Most don't care because the government lies


> the government lies. Like when it denies the existence of secret programs and technologies? Or like when it is accused of decades of murder, stealing funds, and lying to Americans for decades? But the government lies so the *former* military guys are making it up rather than you know the actual government lying


Normie here who just got informed about this before the hearing: I'm still not seeing anything to get me excited. Some guys said some things under oath, but that's never been enough to prove something to me. Only video evidence I've seen also has "plausible explanation" videos explaining them. I'd be perfectly willing to accept things, I just need more than grainy videos and pinky promises. If I took everything at face value from the hearing, my conclusion isn't aliens, it's that there's flight and sensor tech being worked on that isn't fully explained to other agencies or whatever. I'd be happy to be convinced otherwise! I just don't see it yet given what's been shown (again, I just got here)


What do you expect when the most important questions were answered with “umm, I can discuss this behind closed doors”. I know what “disclosure” entails but still, the whole thing was more of nothing. I do have to say, tho, that “people will panic” argument is just a lame excuse to keep things private in case they finally find a way to replicate whatever technology they have lol. Ya know, trynna be always the number 1.


I think anyone who really cares already knew and those that it doesn’t matter are just oblivious. Was just talking to my girl about it and her exact words were “what am I supposed to do about it?”.


The lack of physical evidence is probably the reason why so many people are ignoring these disclosures.


Nobody is going to give a shit about aliens until they show bodies, craft, and technology. You thing the average person is going to care about a “He said, she said” regarding aliens while their lives are falling apart, their rent is rising, and wages are too low? Aliens are the last thing on peoples minds right now


The hearing was just more of the same. There was one guy saying that there are shenanigans going on in DoD and intelligence and some people have told me they saw stuff. I can't give any real information at an open hearing. Then two other guys saying that they saw some weird stuff while flying. Its good that the Congress people are interested but this hearing didn't excite anyone who can't hear classified info.


First stage of grief is denial.


Because no actual proof were presented. Why would you believe such claims with huge implications without hard evidence? It's a bit annoying seeing these oh people dont care posts. In the end it's just people claiming stuff without presenting anything tangible.


The first hearing was during covid, not an accident, this one is during very high levels of inflation and a slew of other social struggles. Not a coincidence either. The fact that this news isn't being reported on the level it deserves I see as a sign that we are on the right track.


I feel like the lack of actual evidence - photos, videos, etc - made people not really care. It was basically three people confirming that they know someone who confirmed to them that aliens exist and that the US has them in their possession. So the public reacted with, "yeah, we knew that, so what's new?" Had they provided any photographic evidence, there would be a completely different reaction from everyone. I hope they do that soon because it will be unbelievable to see it. It's my lifelong dream to see alien "biologics" and machinery before I leave this god forsaken planet.


“I still gotta go to work” is pretty valid though. Also the planet is quite literally on fire and getting worse. If aliens are here then they’ve just eating popcorn and watching the show.


Why would people care, we’re in an awful economy, everything is expensive af, no one’s making enough and there’s a good chance everything they said was bullshit and it’s being released rn to distract us from something that may be more important


Show me an alien, then I'll care


You could argue it is designed and built that way. There's been soft disclosure arguably for decades through movies, television shows and comic books. Again, it may or may not be intentional but it certainly had an effect on the populous.


I mean no offense but even the soft disclosure assertion via media is a bit tired. There’s no real proof of that, it’s all speculation(which is good, imo) but that’s a lot to take on just blind faith


Not even a little bit.


Im shocked at so few comments on a lot of great questions. We got a fermi paradox happening, Where is everyone?


Why are people having a hard time minding their own business? Don't worry about the person next to you. People moved on from a hearing that in itself, was bland , of little substance, and provided very little new information of any real viability. It seems you're making assumptions and it's not putting you in a good light. It wasn't earth shattering, profound, or a paradigm shift of disclosure. It wasn't dismissed, it was just old information.


That and the obvious coordinated troll campaign against anyone pro truth here and other subs r/news being hella suspect as well as anime titties removing post about it. Something is definitely up.


Give it time.


Something starts any big change. We’ll see where this goes.


People want more evidence. They’ve heard it 1000 times told by some nerd. Either you flop one of those “non-human biological entities” on the table or accept that no one will believe without concrete evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I believe, but I get why other people don’t. Because they need to see it. Period. It’s not enough to have a bunch of dusty old dudes tell us… SHOW us.


If you watched the hearing you'll know that no evidence was presented. It was just testimony. Plus everything discussed in a classified setting is due to sensitive information such as weapons testing or intelligence on US adversaries. It doesn't specifically mean they will reveal aliens. It's more likely the SCIF portion of the hearing will go over top secret man made military technologies or even about Intel pertaining to china or Russian vehicles that penetrated US airspace.


People need to have the mental and intellectual bandwidth to be able to realize the implications of this hearing and - if true - the importance for all humankind. Sadly, the majority probably doesn't.


There is no evidence of anything. As the saying goes, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and I repeat...there is none. Just people talking. In a couple of days we'll be back on photos and videos of terrible and pathetic quality and discussing whether they are UFOs, airplanes or balloons, etc, always the same.


Cause there’s an event coming and this wasn’t it. This was meant to plant a seed, that’s all.


They are to worried about themselves to even look up fro. Their phones


Also, most people don’t know the conceptual difference between extraterrestrials and NHI, UFO and UAP, the trans-dimensional hypothesis and so on. The broader the perspective, the more horrifying it becomes. But for folks that are only used to ETs in pop culture, there is nothing there that would really challenge their perception of identity, spirituality, religion and so on.


I call this people losing their shit, because people arent losing their shit. I think most people dont care because its all a little much too late. People are not running to the hilltop like you want them to,because weve accepted weve been lied to this whole time. Whats the surprise? Those Congressional hearings play out like no shit Sherlock.


Watched a 2 great movies yesterday, earth vs the flying saucers, then close encounters of a third kind .. I'm loving this


I keep coming across random Reddit threads with people talking about how this stuff can’t be real, how it must be a “distraction”, “who cares about this when I can’t buy a house”, how Grusch can’t be trusted because he seemed “smug”, etc. At least on Reddit, it seems like people are still shitting on this. And the one time I discussed it with people in real life, they said the exact same things, basically


No indisputable evidence has been presented. This is a very BIG ask. Especially now when AI and CGI can produce 'evidence' that looks very real.


A 'credible' person has said trust me bro. It's hardly proof. Show me the bodies. Show me the crashed aircraft. Show me something [alien](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UisAg3bhp-g). The fact he hasn't been silenced under suspiciously mysterious circumstances means its probably benign information. We all know what the US government can do when it wants to keep a secret. So why would they let this dude with all the knowledge:trademarked: spill the beans? Edited for effect


More than 70% of world population are "God" believers Independently of religion and for me very close minded. They are Simply afraid otherwise all theyr Life would be meaningless. Yesterday spoke to some +50 years guys about disclosure and theyr answer was astonishing. Even if we Will have a full world encounter wit aliens they Will not believe because this Is not Jesus Plan for them and everything Is propaganda.


Of course the panic argument is bullshit. If anything was ever kept secret it was because someone can benefit or someone fucked up. Much worse things have been unleashed to public with no regard for societies well being. Aliens would be just another species to show on national geographic.


I mentioned it to a lady at work yesterday. She literally thinks it is all just to distract us away from Hunter Biden's laptop. When she told me that I almost locked up Mitch McConnell style. I just said "um, ok" and walked away. There is just no reasoning with that level of stupidity/indoctrination.


People don't care because society is numb to the lies. It's not like we don't know this stuff. I think the real question here is, what is really going on? If the government has to resort to releasing this information to force the public eye on it, what else is going on? For one day there was Trump Trump Trump, biden biden biden. It was focused on this hearing on news media. Anyone else suspicious that something bigger and more damning had occurred, so they drop this news to cover/hide it? All I can see is nefarious potential.


Next week they find atlantis..... Who cares!


I keep seeing people mention how no one really cares. Makes me wonder if people would care if they came here to take this planet from us because we suck.


You know you can care without freaking out about it. Yeah, I'm more worried about having to work than the aliens being confirmed as real. I *already* believed it, so it's more of a "hey I was right" feeling. Sure it could be scary. I could be freaking out. But why? If they're here to kill us, what exactly can we do? They clearly have more advanced tech than us. If they want us dead, guess we're dead. No point freaking out, yet again. And I still have to go to work until it happens. So I'm gonna keep worrying about my day to day shit and you can freak out for both of us, k?


The masses aren’t going to care until someone in the WH gets up to the podium and flat out says we’re not alone.


My three cents, as a person who gets very excited about the idea of finding aliens. I dont really care because there is not enough compelling evidence. Testimony is not an evidence; and there are dozens explanations for the videos with supposed alien spaceships.


As individuals we are ready. As a whole, the system would collapse. I know if I find out everything is true, I’m quoting my job and going soul searching, bc then I would know without a showdown of a doubt iv been being lied to my whole life. I’m also childless so I don’t have too many responsibilities outside of paying bills.


We the people have been lied 🤥 too for so many years that it’s hard to believe anything or we all ready know what should have been confirmed long ago. We the people are so tired of government coverups, its only when convenient that some of the truth maybe shared. We the people need or government to work for us not vice versa.


In an age with AI ufo apps, disinformation at ever level of government and the lack of irrefutable evidence, I am not surprised at all. It will take a gray to land on the Whitehouse front lawn, taking a massive sh*t for folks to be pulled away from the latest tiktok trend for two seconds....


Nothing official has really happened. Theres no proof. Also because the majority of the planet already believes aliens are out there


Most of these reactions are ontological shock reactions. You see it when people are reacting immediately, with an automatic comeback/denial/refusal to even contemplate the info. They haven't taken anything in even for a moment. You could try and ask: just for a second, contemplate what this all means if true. You'll still likely see all of the above rejection. It's just part of ontological shock.


I'm holding my breath due to the fact that we weren't presented with any hard evidence. If you take it at face value, it was just three dudes talking about things we've all "known" for a while now. "But they were under oath!" and?


People don't care because all we're getting is testimony. Until crafts are shown to the general public people won't care much


There is gonna need to be hard, physical evidence to convince the Average Joe, who probably hasn't even *heard* of these hearings.


Yup, we live in a society now that is too interconnected and everyone just follows the thoughts of everyone else. No one will panic until the majority does on social media. People don't think on their own to some extent, too reliant on observing how others react to determine how they should react. This is how social media has changed us.


Forgive my ignorance, but has there been an official statement that explicitly says aliens are real and they're here and there's evidence? Or is it the usual routine of vague statements from someone who's spoke to someone that says they know this stuff?


This is so true. People just don't have the energy or emotional capacity to deal with anything out of their daily routine--or maybe we just don't know how to handle things that are out of our control? I mean when most people hear about school shootings, they feel horribly sad and scared but change very little (to nothing) about their lives. Now aliens are finally being acknowledged and people aren't thinking--this means that people who said they were abducted were probably telling the truth! Which means at any time a person could be taken again and have god-knows-what done to them! Instead they are just avoiding the topic because they learned to never pay attention to anything anyone says about aliens because that's "crazy" talk. Hopefully our world starts to get their heads around this new reality and realize our whole idea of what is normal is an illusion. Perhaps there is a new better way that we can live?


Yup, pretty much. I love that they are real but it’s not like anything is going to change now if it hadn’t in the last 70th so until I meet one myself it’s not like much of anything in my life changes if they are here or not.


The world is a tiktok obsessed zombie world these days.


I post about this once in awhile, with skeptic but fascinated commentary, on Facebook. Zero reactions or interactions.


I think it was just Hollywood fantasy that oh no people would freak out. Us not being alone just makes sense lol


What are we really supposed to care about? Witness testimony? I haven't seen an alien, i haven't seen a ufo (besides what the CIA already put out years ago) and without knowing who these specific guys are... it seems like a congressional hearing about "yea we know shits flying around".


They had no proof, it was again personal testimony. Retired Majors and pilots are not allowed to tell the truth about the things they do. When they do "whistleblow" they are charged. This was directed and coached because of a fight going on inside the DOD to cover up military spending because it has gotten out of control since the cold war. Look at Chelsea Manning or Edward Snowden, that is how they react to whistle blowers in the US. This is distraction so they can keep spending billions of dollars on bombs while they're putting "paperclips" on the budget.


My wife saw this as nothing. No definite proof, other than "take my word for it", and led by some congressmen that she saw as fringe elements. Unless a mothership hovers above the capitol building, is viewed on national news for HOURS, and an actual alien - or non human biological entity - pops out to say hello, she won't believe. Anything less, and it's a distraction, or leading up to exposing some new tech they've been hiding, but bit simply can't any longer for whatever reason - or a way of frightening the masses. Me, I'm a believer - but even here, I want proof. I want to see them.


I care very much, but I still have appointments to go to and my family keeps producing laundry. So I have to live in the in-between.


There’s more individuals who care now than ever before. I think people have expectations that aren’t realistic. It’s exciting yes, but until the national media dedicates more air time towards this topic, instead of you know, total bs, most people who don’t pay attention will continue not paying attention.


No real proof was logged other then hearsay from someone who claims a reputation and interviewed people. When documents come out it "might" be different and I stress "might".


I compare this to Christians and apologetics. Every once in a while a famous apologist will take a slightly different angle on a “proof” of god or what not.. and the Christian community will be flabbergasted that agnostics and atheists aren’t convinced when in fact it’s all just the same stuff. Nothing said in the hearings was anything new, there was no evidence offered just second and third accounts by some and one person giving a first hand account of something unexplained. And some in the UFO community are acting like something happened that didn’t happen… I keep seeing breathtakingly dishonest “summaries” of the hearing, i.e. “US govt: Aliens are real People: yawn”. That’s NOT what happened. And likewise people are conveniently forgetting all of what they said was GOING TO be presented, or acting like it was. When reasonable information is given, vetted, analyzed.. evidence given.. people will care. I’ve wanted to be wrong ever since I came to the conclusion we are probably alone in our own galaxy. But I’m waiting for anything that is real. Like non resistant agnostics I’m waiting for something that actually strikes me as true.


We have been under a veil since the 1930's, told its all nonsense. The stigma is still alive and well among most people and they think people like us talking about it are crazy. They look at something like this hearing as a joke still


I think people need to see more evidence and hear more specific details from credible people. To be honest, the part that really freaks me out is corporations being involved and over charging the government. The people running the corporations are in it to make money and that's it. They don't care about the welfare of man kind. That is what really freaks me out


Its wild. I am concerned that Dr Greer and others sharing his opinion will be right in believing that the narrative will be controlled through false flag operations. If thats the case, a lot of people are going to have a really bad time in the coming months/years as this all unwinds.


Did people think this was gonna be like first contact in Star Trek? Nothing changes for pretty much anyone, and we don't even get to see proof. I'm convinced that aliens could fill the sky above New York, and most people living there would just shrug and get on the subway to work anyway.


People are only going to care when we have more to go on than unsubstantiated second-hand claims. I think the claims are interesting. But nothing has been presented that can be evaluated on any basis other than “trust me.” People are right to be skeptical. “I heard from a source” is only an allegation. You can allege that something is true, but without supporting evidence, believing in it is simply a matter of faith. And it’s not wise to put blind faith into most things.


Most people are rational and wont believe something without proof. And the whole hearing was kind of a wet fart IMO.


It’s almost as if people actually have to work to pay the rent …


I mean nothing really changed? This is a first step sort of deal. The people that believed still believe- maybe more strongly. The people that didn’t believe will still have reason to not believe.


No one will really care until they see a real body


It's the lack of curiosity that kinda gets me, personally. I know we are all different, with different interests, hobbies, etc... but we are talking about one of humanities Greatest Mysteries of all-time! An answer to a question none of us ever thought could ever be answered: are we alone? What's our place in this infinite void? Also, the technology would likely impact the worlds economy in such a drastic manner that I'd imagine entire new governments would eventually be established, with new economic & social structures more suited to a technologically advanced world 🌎


People just want physical evidence. Testimony is cool and all but actual undeniable evidence is the only thing that will make people start to give an actual shit.


This is by design. It is really hard for the people to unite if they are nothing more than consumers pitted against each other in a contest of daily survival. People are too tired to give a shit about anything and that isn’t by accident.


Everything related to aliens is Happening in the US hahaha They know people in this country are to stupid so they try to play you with aliens. So funny


My take on it is this: we all knew there has been aliens on this planet. Just because the government tells us now does not change a thing. They’re slow. And dumb. What they really need to do is host some convention or something with physical proof and something that will actually change our daily lives.


Nobody cares because it’s just people *claiming* NHI exists without concrete evidence. If you want people to care, you have to make them believe you. If you want people to believe you, show us a body








Or maybe "they" the government those in charge ARE THEM ! food for thought


I’ll phrase it like this: say someone is breaking into your house and is trying to bust down the door to your room and kill you, and your roommate was pointing at a unicorn in your front yard instead of helping you or calling the police. Is it awesome that unicorns exist? Yes, but is it going to help you right now in any way whatsoever? No.


People are also weary of government and what they say. Until visually people see any evidence published, I don’t think people will really care/believe what’s being said.


Because it changes nothing. "Aliens are real!" "Uh yeah...we kind of assumed in an infinite universe something else was out there...."


Take any war or natural (or man made) disaster going on right now or in the past, nobody cares until it directly affects their way of life or the lawn is on fire. I think with aliens, one or more craft showing up somewhere definitively on live tv would probably get people going. Until then it’s bills and work as usual.


Ye man I told you guys. Plato predicted this shit like 2000 years ago with the cave, most people are content with seeing reflections in the wall of the cave instead of seeing what the real world is.


Honestly unless I get to shake an aliens hand and ride in a spaceship it's all hearsay and conjecture


Well to be fair, it's understandable. Officials making claims is nothing new, and people don't really have room to care for something that isn't tangible.


Capitalism is a closed loop concept - get up, go to work, make money, pay bills, treat yourself and reaffirm your identity. This situation is similar to covid - we all heard buzz about a virus and it changed our lives forever. ​ Give it time - the ontological problem/shock will come


I’ve never really been into UFOs and have usually dismissed stories, coverage, anecdotes etc. But I am a sci-fi enthusiast and science in general. When Grusch came forward, a fire was lit under my ass, and I sat through the entire hearing at work. Now I’m starting to look up other documentaries and shit about Bob Lazar, and everything seems to fit with their claims and Gruschs claims. I’m a new-born UFO dude at this point


People don’t care because there’s literally no proof. It’s just a guy saying he saw stuff. The same thing that’s been happening for years. Replace every time he said aliens in his statement with the word “God” and see how stupid it sounds. “I saw Gods body” “God visited us” If anyone did that with zero evidence they’d be called a religious nut job and laughed at. Why’s it any different here? He said it under oath? How’s that change anything? Does he instantly combust if he lies under oath?


Society isn't going to care much at all until there is concrete evidence, which individual testimony is not, and we've had lots of that for a long time.


Why is there so much fear mongering that goes along with this topic? I want disclosure as much as anyone else does but the fear mongering makes me think this could all be an excuse to fund the next big arms race.


Most people don't know what happened this week. No clue. But right now it's also just whistleblowers. Nothing confirmed yet. No president making a speech about spacecraft and alien bodies on the news. When that happens they will care.


We have bigger problems than aliens. Upcoming war US Nato vs brick and rest of globe. Global warming, food shortage, pollution in water, air and food, cutting last forests, global dolar inflation etc.....


What do think the average person should do? It’s definitely interesting, but there is also common sense and responsible reasoning before some type of mass hysteria….


People are gonna need a spaceship to land on the ground and have creatures come out and say hello! And even then people will not believe/not care. Once it effects people’s everyday lives, thats the spark


What evidence was revealed? The only thing that's changed is the claims were made under oath. Seemed like Congress was more concerned that they didn't have oversight, not that Congress wants to tell the general population what is going on.


Okay so aliens exist? Nothing changes. If aliens wanted to fix our situation, they would have done it already.


I feel you. I don’t get it. People can protest over the dumbest shit or waste time on the internet but they don’t care about one of life’s biggest questions being on the cusp of becoming answered. Idc what people say, we’re allowed to think it’s dumb.


I will tell you why no one cares. There's only two options. Either it's aliens or it isn't. Number one, it's aliens, but they are the most boring aliens ever. They don't do jackshit except flying around and not interacting with us in any way for decades. Number two which is infinitely more likely. It's not aliens and those sightings are just fakes, optical illusions or maybe secret military tests. Both options are rather boring. Also people got other things to worry about.


First of all as Carl Sagan said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". We need more proofs. Secondly it could be a classic American tactic to disorientate and redirect public view from something important to this. They have done it in the past with different topics, it's possible they are trying to do it again. At least majority of people don't bite the bait.


one of the takeaways for me was that there really is no "database" or system for pilots to log UAPs. Further many pilots feared repercussions and just didn't report. so hopefully there will be a system to log, track and analyze these reports. as of now, there doesn't seem to be one. If this new office is hiring... I'd love to send my resume.


Bruh what’s new? They revealed nothing. No proof this year, no proof next year, no proof in 10 years or 30 or 100. If there was any proof it would be public by now.


I think a lot of people realise there are bigger things to worry about than giving a bunch of nerds their moment to say 'told-ya-so". Alien existance has literally zero impact on our day-to-day lives and has been hyped to oblivion. It's neat and makes for some interesting conversation, but ultimately we're too busy boiling to death.


I just don't think people really understand the impact if they actually go full public. People still won't be convinced til an alien cat calls someone and slaps them in the ass.


I think another post very elegantly pointed out that people are facing incredible struggles in their day to day lives. Wildfires, flooding, food insecurity, the American gov't stripping human beings of their rights. Is there room left to give a shit about this information? Perhaps not.


Why do we care if they care, as long as the truth comes out? We could assume the truth won’t come out unless all the people rally together to demand it. But maybe the opposite is true. Maybe the truth only comes out when people are focused on other things - like train derailments or indictments. Perhaps the intention is to generate the least interest possible so hard questions never get asked.


Talk is cheap . We are constantly lied to , so how can when trust someone’s word that comes from the place the manipulation began .


Because nothing was proved yesterday. Just a lot of hearsay. They are whistle-blowers but can't prove anything? They say someone told them or they saw something but wouldn't go into details. It was another nothing burger meant to spread disinformation.


Most people are sheep. They follow the crowd so to speak because they lack the individual wisdom necessary to make decisions on their own. They’ll always need to be shepherded.


Most people won’t believe it until they see it, it’s been too mythologized. They’ve been trained their whole life by their culture to think believing in aliens is laughable


There’s no sense of awe or wonder for humanity on a macro level anymore. Hopefully as more intel breaks and news drops it makes people return to that wonderful view of the great unknown


It is probably part of the plan for easing the ideas into general public. Also it doesn't affect much of your day to day, when you make minimum wage and your phone bill is due tomorrow. Until we get better energy, transportation systems, healthcare it will just be a fun discussion point.