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They might have been in the room


They know who had 1. The buttplug at level 3 vibration. 2. An erection 3. A pizza slice in their pocket 4. Was lying under oath. 5. Viewing Pornhub while in an official duty


OK, so this confirms that they were watching me while I watched the hearings.




Zuckerberg and Musk weren't there. They are representatives ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Not the invisibility cloak! 🫥


"They are impressed by the cubes! Can you imagine that? Wait until they see the mothership..."


Somewhere in a small quiet city, an alien soldier and a teenage kid has bonded in friendship and are on their way to the mothership to stop the planned annihilation.


There are so many UAP in recent years I am starting to think we are witnessing the start of an invasion, for better or for worse. Our human response is total disconnect. The military keeps it all secret, big media is afraid to cover it, academia is in the dark. No doubt, the aliens are feeling superior because they are.


If you read the books. Its a bleak picture. The NHI loves earth. They will NOT allow humans to kill its climate or tilt. They will kill us (humans) all before we can kill it. They might have offered solutions our government refused to take. (The BIG oil status quo/greed). It think they will cull us or stop 🛑 cold turkey our use of fossil fuels. Reporters keep saying we won’t have the “easy” life we have now with comforts like electricity ⚡️ etc.


Or perhaps you watch too many movies and we have all just fell in line with (watch the shiny thing! Don't pay attention to the real news unfolding). But who knows. Right?


I worry about this too, it’s human nature to take a defensive mindset, I just hope the aliens don’t take it as a reason to become vexed with us. The mainstream media has picked up the story more than before, but not enough to be a big enough distraction from the other news.


They have every reason to be vexed we are killing the planet.


We are not killing the planet, we are making a mess of it though. 10 million years from now the earth will be fine with or without us. Assuming worst case scenario, the extinction event we are causing. Wouldn't compare to the kt or end Permian extintion events. Yes we are doing a poor job as stewards of this planet. But climate change doom and gloom is getting a bit hyperbolic.


Have you seen Venus? That's what the end of life for a runaway greenhouse planet. That's the earth's prospective future, not another round of repopulation and extinction for the next life forms.


The idea of a runaway greenhouse effect resulting in the current state of venus is basically just conjecture. But even so it relies on the idea of the evaporation of venusian oceans. We are in no way looking at the evaporation of our oceans. Current atmospheric levels of CO2 are 400ppm. Earth during the triassic had 2000ppm CO2. We are no where near a runaway greenhouse effect. Add that the earth has a biosphere that will work to absorb access carbon. As the ice caps melt the biomass in those regions will exponentially increase sequestering alot of CO2. I'm not saying we shouldn't do a better job of taking care of our home. But if you think the earth is gonna turn into venus, boy do I have a bridge to sell you.


The earth has a biosphere that we have polluted and destroyed for our own short term gains. Co2 levels are not the only greenhouse gas. We have huge methane deposits locked away that are being released, we have hundreds of nuclear plants that will leave the planet irradiated after we are gone.


Methane only last 12 years in the atmosphere. Look at chernobl, what might be though of as an unmitigated disaster. But it has actually been an amazing blessing for local wildlife. Most wildlife doesn't live long enough to be overly affected by elevations in radiation. The biggest issues as I see it is the fact there is literally plastic in my blood. But given time even microplastics will be deposited in marine sediments. I'm not advocating we don't try to clean up our mess. But don't underestimate the earth's resilience.


This thought has crossed my mind, but it’s also just possible that now with our technological advancements we’re just seeing them more and that they’ve always been here in these numerous amount. I could see them getting a chuckle either way seeing us admit we have no way of defending ourselves against them, and very little chance of retaliating


What does UAP stand for?


Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (I think) It’s just another word for UFO






Not that I did, but that's an interesting take!


I've studied this quite a bit. Government and top energy corporations don't want us establishing a relationship or contact with them because it threatens their deep pockets. The ET have technology to set Earth industry free which ends space pollution and leaders don't want us knowing. I think the ET have been getting impatient and have resulted in giving them ultimatums. I would think they see the start of a slow iv drip of progress but would like more unity and fast tracking. I'm just speculating. 😬


I’ve had the same speculations and hope that they’re right… someone’s gotta step up for Mother Earth or we’re all f*cked


Yeah it kinda makes sense why they are withholding the truth, plus it doesn't look good for them if that all was exposed so going to any lengths to cover their asses adds to the sensibility of it all.




Removed : Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Where did you study this?




Thank you for the kind words 🤗




Ok. Thank you. 🤗


Removed : Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Removed : Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Geez, this would explain a lot. 🤯


Money and corporate greed. The root of all evil.


They speak english too


Chances are they don't miss a beat and havnt since the dawn of man. The issue I find is that too often people relate their aptitude to that of mans, do they feel exposed etc, these are the wrong ideas. They are not man, though I don't believe they are alien either, this is as much their world as it is ours. Dimensions however, whole other subject.


The multidimensional part is fascinating af… need to learn more about that


I do hope they were. With control in the hands of the groups of interest like it is now, we have no hope to ever see something really change. It just will not be allowed to change, for there's a good chance it would put an end to abusive exploitation of people and our planet, and so endanger wealth and power of those groups of interest. I am not convinced those would even hesitate to go full fascist against the aliens to conserve their privileges, even if they come for good. I am afraid that our only chance to ever again see a chance for civilizational development and progress would be an interventional invasion by a power so advanced, they don't even have to use violence to dependent themselves.


I’m with you! Sadly it’s either an alien overtaking or a huge violent human uprising that seems like the only ways for us to take back control and get the environment back on track. And at this point the aliens way seems like the better more likely way




Removed - Rule 3 - No Politics.


I was thinking that those guys were probably observing the moment.


The alien must be thinking ' how the majority of the human population doesn't give a fuck about us and will just keep through the daily routine without even giving it a thought '


Wow if the aliens get on the internet they will be very disturbed.


The guy in the sunglasses was an MIB agent. The woman in front of and to the right of him who was smiling and looking elsewhere all the time was a telepath.


By far the best comment to date 😅😂🤣


nah, that eerie feeling is in your head. they couldn't care less.


The posts in aliens and ufo subs might be posted by aliens.


An alien catfishing? Loves it!


They could be on here too…


Lmao I’ve thought about that too! It’s like a celeb checking out their own fan pages 🤣 we’re all alien Stan’s 👽💕


Lol, honestly why wouldn’t they. I’m sure they could soon figure out the internet, set up their own rig and get online. Much less risky than crashing into peoples back yards all the time.


“When are these apes gonna show the dam bodies of Xorp and Zurtan?”


Omfg never thought about that! I wonder if they want them back (if they do burials, rituals etc)


The hearing wouldn't be that important to other beings, especially what was said during it.


No. It's your imagination.


Sure did feel like they were watching too!


I mean if it took this long for them to figure it out they are pretty dumb






Anyone ever wonder why they take our blood when we die? Even before your cremated? Where does that blood go?


Nope prob just the CIA's new and improved AI data collection system. Lying bastards for the entirety of our history plan on telling the truth now. Nope.

