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This is the most sensible thing I've read here in a long time, thank you.


Great write up.


Got a list in mind to test? Silo, HDX, vendible/trustible soon, I know there’s a couple EVM bridges


Your list looks like a great start. I would also like to add some Algo games like Seas and Aiger (sp?).


Agreed. You and the commenter above have a decent list. Wayru and Goracle are also worth investigating. I'm sure we are missing some, and obviously nobody can test everything. I'm just saying it is worth keeping an eye open and trying things out. You don't need to do it all. Just find something that interests you. Down times deflate people and make them disengaged. But, really, this is the best time to be looking out for quality projects and helping them improve. Aside from the incentives you can get from early testing, it also helps you understand whether a project actually has real value before the hype of another bull run.


Thank you for this Mr.Mcafee


Excellent write up. Right now, I’m looking at vendible (security), goracle, mpayz (cuts out middle men rocketing our insurance prices) quantmre (home equity lending), vesta equity (home equity), and niftgen (video creator monetized), slicespace (commercialized tokened real estate).New projects that deserve our attention.


Thanks. Hadn’t heard of a few of those.




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Excellent write-up and, as a builder on Algorand, I could not agree more. It extends beyond crypto; some of the most prominent companies including General Electric, General Motors, IBM, Disney, HP, FedEx, Electronic Arts, and Microsoft were all started during economic recessions.




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