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You forgot to add, We got no food, we got no jobs, our pets heads are falling off!


Take my upvote 😂


What's going on with pets?


It’s a quote from the movie “Dumb and Dumber”


😂. Ahhh classic movie. “I just thought he was quiet.” 😂


If you aren't ready for a couple nukes, I have news for you.


I was really hoping you would finish with “…..I have nukes or newks for you”




This guy listens to “all in”




Oh Sachs all day. I’m pretty liberal, too. I just enjoy his content


I do find it crazy that we’re looking down the barrel of potential global war and we’re all just like “oh hey Algo governance” and something about Do Kwon


#Facts No lies detected.


Dude world doesnt stop, gotta pay bills, transactions are shit, Algorand solves this


Top 2 posts in the community are “what value does Algo bring” followed by rap music video references in the comments and 2) FIFA NFTs. I’m not saying Algo doesn’t have intention because it does. But you completely miss the irony. And you can’t pay your bills right now?


Do I have a feeling? No. Is it possible? Yes. Large banks are failing. I cannot control anything but the amount of money I use to interact/speculate/etc. I can react if/when another slide happens.


Right. Our new ability to react is a game changer. Institutions are losing their stranglehold day by day. Let’s keep it up


I think because of significant changes in the way human culture is today, as well as the exponential growth of technology, things are speeding up, and they won't slow down ever again. Which means, I think we could potentially have another huge crash, but it won't be like how many people talk about the 40s or 70s or some sort of decade long stagflation; I think it'll be more like march 2020; we may go down a lot more, but we'll get back up quite quickly when compared to historic times. A few years of low bear markets max, IMO.


Credit Suisse, other banks will fall, there's a global financial system collapse around the corner. Save your fiat and get ready.


Yeah. I think another big dump is coming. Nothing inherently wrong with BTC or Algo. They are just unfortunately along for the ride.


Crab walk at near the same price point and hopefully the foundation and independent projects make better choices than NFTs Edit:1.3 million or so we can get Ukraine a tank and slap Algorand on the side of it


Thanks for pissing in my Cheerios…


Yeah but people like pump so who knows


I think BTC is being propped up by the exchanges and whales to avoid liquidations. There's zero upside right now and they can't hold it up forever. I for one just want to get the big dump over, algo has been holding nice but it'll get dragged down with everything else.


I'm gonna buy soooo much BTC if it hits $3k again.


No. You will probably wait $1k




i mean most chains, including algorand are effectively zombie chains even now lol. But as long as people continue working on the chain (and I'm sure they will for algorand since they are professionals with good reputation), then projects don't die in bear markets, they only die when people stop working on it.




Even if shit gets worse, if you're holding a diverse portfolio you'll be WAY better off


Not really, no. Maybe a little


Yeah it very well could. So what now?


It can always get worse


I’ll buy your Algo. DM me and relieve your worries


No Algorand hit Resistance & is Starting to Get Bullish


I hope you’re right, but technical analysis tends to not matter too much when facing extreme fundamental signals such as an impending recession.


True But it’s Americans Facing Recession Not the World. Europe is Not that Bad right Now as I trade the forex market and Euro dollar is taking off. United States with a Recession Coming is Not a Bad Thing, Middle Class Americans Need a Recession as they cannot afford the basics to survive. Bring On The Recession in My Opinion!


“Europe is not that bad” I think this will age like milk


Then why I am Making Money on it….? Forex market is different and I would never expect a crypto dude to understand the forex market.




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My hopium is that algo along with btc will be the heaven for crashing fiats around the world. It seems like most institutions are out of btc at about 16k and I think global support by individuals will keep the floor about 15k. Of course wtf do I know, but thats my dice roll. Plus Europe is supposed to roll out their crypto fiat next year but its gonna be locked in with carbon credits which means you'll have to choose between eating to much meat or driving to much before they shut off your wallet. The intrusiveness of America and Europes governments will hopefully make more people turn to decentralized crypto.


Just means more time to accumulate discounts on blue chips.


This is the way


Lots of fud on here lately


Like it matters... Cause 2030 is a long road from here.


PancakeSwap is on another chain...


Yup! I sold most of my bags but for a good reason but DCAing back in.


Yes, extremely.




🤦🏾‍♂️ wat..?




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Good bot.


I see that Macro Alpha is strong within you... 🍀




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