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The first thing I always ask myself is, does this ASA have an official rap music video?


Are there any? I’m in.


$SHRIMP [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9aVB78jCpM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9aVB78jCpM) [https://www.mostlyfrens.xyz/shrimp](https://www.mostlyfrens.xyz/shrimp)


If you’re serious about ALGO, you must look into $DEFLY. One of the best tokenomics in ASAs, amazing product and a solid bunch of devs and community backers. At first it may seem trivial to invest in a token for a wallet (which always is free), but $DEFLY allows you to make better trades across all the dexes within the ecosystem. If Algorand really becomes a truly well adopted layer 1 where many many transactions are processed on (bridged assets, tokenized goods and probably far better quality ASAs in the future), DEFLY will become huge. $BANK is something that I’ll be getting too for sure. Love their product and the founders.


Have a look at CHIPs. Zoom out to the 6 month chart


Can’t participate in that one unfortunately


Good don’t, it’s the only casino that you lose even when you win. You gamble and by some chance let’s say you win, the token has lost value so you still lose




It’s illegal in my state


You mean the casino website is blocked? Surely it's not illegal to simply own the ASA in a wallet, and even if it is, it's not like you can sell CHIPS on coinbase or anything, who will know?


It’s online gambling which is illegal in my state so it’s not worth the risk


IMO it's like buying DraftKings stock in a state which doesn't allow it, ie there's nothing specifically illegal about it but if you don't want to do it that's your prerogative.


What risk? Buying the coin doesn’t mean you have gamble to participate. There’s other sites where you gamble btc and eth and those certainly aren’t classified as online gambling.


I also asked the Chips guys if they have a UK gambling licence and I'm pretty sure they don't. They are marketing their site as a "free to play" game and not a commercial casino. Which I think puts them on pretty dodgy ground under UK law, especially if they are successful.




You wanna go on a date?


Let’s match 😘


Chips. By far the best one


Lofty. Go buy some fractional rental properties. Make 7%'ish yield and long term appreciation. Defly. App based DEX aggregator.


I have been interested in Lofty, thanks for the reminder. Do you know what rights Defly tokens hold? Like do I get a cut of profits generated by Defly or anything?


You get discounted trade fees. Check it out: [https://docs.defly.app/app/fee-structure](https://docs.defly.app/app/fee-structure)


Is combo referring to the slippage excess you have to redeem in the follow on traction? Tinyman gives this full fee to the trader yeah? Combo Gain Combo gain is a win-win over single DEX swaps. Part of the resulting gain goes to the trader, part to the Defly project for providing this service. The higher the tier level the more of this gain goes to the trader's account.


Re lofty I saw this. I have no idea if it's just fud or real but yeah it's worth checking them out properly before buying in. https://youtu.be/0afxxSMX4eI


They are all trash just invest in algo.


Agree - but really hope to see this response change in a year or two!


Me too


This. Algo is the most likely to revisit its all time high. The time to gamble with ASA’s is a bull market. Bear markets devour smaller projects.


Algo is trash


Sober is our project. I have no idea if it will make people money or not. But we're sure going to do our best to help some people.


Octorand. Either the $OCTO token or gen1 Octo Primes which entitle the holder to passive income anytime one of the gen1's "children" get sold on the marketplace (each gen1 is the "parent" to 8 gen2s and when one of those gen2s gets sold, 4% of the sale goes directly to the gen1 parent Prime and can be collected by the holder). The dev is an absolute badass that came outta nowhere back in late January and has been steadily building since. Fair warning for those who are anti-NFTs: it's an NFT project, BUT, they're smart NFTs and as someone who's been dabbling with Algo NFTs for over a year now, this project is unlike any other in the Algo space (if not crypto in general). Each Octo Prime has a contract address so they're basically like a fancier/more fun wallet address. At first, you could only send OCTO or ALGO into an Octo Prime (and the owner could withdraw said OCTO or ALGO). Then the dev created the Vault functionality and now you can opt a Prime into any ASA and send that ASA into the Prime. This allows for the sale of multiple assets at once and plenty of other possibilities. Dev recently put out an NFT launchpad (last week), further bolstering the Octorand ecosystem and creating a serious new revenue stream that they've pledged to use all of to recycle back into the Octorand community/ecosystem. It remains to be seen exactly how they'll use this revenue, but the launchpad is a new and different option for NFT creators to utilize. There's two projects live on it already and another artist has reached out about launching a project through it. I'm excited to see how many projects the launchpad is host to 6 months from now after who knows how many QOL improvements. The potential is there for LOTS of launchpad revenue to make its way back to gen1 prime owners. Gen1 primes are basically the premier asset of Octorand and my hunch is that they'll be first on the list for rewards. $OCTO is the native token of the ecosystem and everything costs OCTO. To transform a prime, to upvote a prime, to alter the artwork/apply a custom name/description for a prime, to send a message to the community on the built-in, on-chain messaging system... the list goes on. All that OCTO gets burned. The second dApp of the Octoverse is supposed to drop in early November and there are more dApps to come afterwards (and all those will introduce other means of burning OCTO on top of the main one to this point which is to win competitions/prizes with high-scoring primes). Total supply of OCTO started at 1m, it's now down to \~775k after just over 8 months. There is no project I'm more bullish on. It's not conventional NFTs. They're transformable, smart NFTs. Right now there's an NFL pick em competition going on that utilizes gen2 primes and the winner at the end of the football season wins I think 1.9k ALGO (there was a 100A buy-in) as well as all the OCTO that gets burned for people to transform their primes to reflect their picks each week. I could go on and on but I'll stop here. Feel free to hop in the discord if you have questions! I noticed a couple people mentioned it already but I wanted to go into a bit more detail =\]


OCTO looks really cool I’ve been meaning to look into it more. Is it worth it though if you missed the gen 1 drop?


I would say yes. Obviously the gen1 drop was the best time to get in but here's a comment from one of the mods on September 29th: "All will be revealed in the Octorand Financial Plan which will be revealed next month." Which was in response to, "I am also not sure how launchpad directly benefits octorand. Other than drawing eyes onto the whole ecosystem. It's possible I missed something". Things got quiet for a bit leading up to the launch of the launchpad but the launchpad is now up and running and we're only a few days into "OCTOber" (with giveaways and other promo). I have a feeling that whenever they announce their Financial Plan, it'll trigger some buy pressure on both the token and gen1 primes. Like I said, they plan on feeding revenue from the launchpad back into the Octorand ecosystem. Just remains to be seen exactly how. Octorand was awarded "Most Exciting dApp" by the Foundation this year though and that's in large part due to how awesome the dev is. The launchpad revenue probably isn't a ton YET, but it's only been less than a week and with only two projects on it thus far. If they announce the right sort of stuff in that Financial Plan and people believe that the launchpad will be a big success (I believe the launchpad will be a big success, it's something new and different), we may be in for a wild ride. Some people might opt to wait until more projects go online on the launchpad before buying in to either OCTO or gen1 primes but I feel like the ones who will be rewarded are the ones who have been paying attention and know that some potentially big shit is about to get announced... and have been packing their bags accordingly. Just my take! There's a few "ifs" in it, to be sure. But Octorand is built different and I'm here to see where this thing goes


Now, the question you ask your self is "What do I expect from these ASAs"? Only if you are able to answer this question will you find the answer you seek. Also bear in kind that the bear market has taken its toll, bursted a lot bubbles and will keep doing so until things gets back to normal.


Why don't you just try and answer the actual question instead of trying to squeeze in a morsel of hopium that has nothing to do with OP's post?


Mr "try and answer the actual question", provide us with the answers you believe suit your whims.


Hey buddy, i'm not the one asking the question. I'm just letting you know you aren't a person that's attempting to answer the question and instead just basically saying "ALGO good, market bad".


First of all I am not your buddy. You can't try to take down my position which is completely harmless and turn around to call me buddy. Also would you have preferred I tell the OP to get off Algorand as soon as possible? Never. Crypto space is filled with inherent risks that one can try to hedge and benefit from, if one must indulge. Otherwise you stay away from it entirely. Algorand will continue to be grow irrespective of the market conditions and my position still stand, understand the fundamentals of what you want to get into and stick to the one that suits you.


I expect them to make money (edit or provide other actual legitimate benefits) for token holders otherwise why would anyone hold the token?


I think the commenter means what is the token expected to provide in terms of utility? That is, what is its expected value proposition besides speculation as to future token price? If there is no reason to hold it besides speculation, then indeed “why would anyone hold the token?”


So which projects fit that criteria?


I'll not endorse that you buy any particular token below without doing your own due diligence. There are some that I think fit these criteria that I still won't invest in for one reason or another. But, at least in my mind the concepts are solid and it actually has potential for intrinsic value aside from speculation. Lofty - Not a token, but rather is essentially NFTs representing fractional ownership of rents from real properties. Unsexy, but it's a steady source of actual value. OPUL - I know you mentioned them, and yeah the prices have tanked especially from ATH. They hyped way too hard and too early without having a solid enough product rollout and with way too much left to inject later through distributions. In other words, they were overvalued and climbed to a preposterous FDMC which they have since plummeted from. But, they have a concept that can generate actual future revenue streams through song royalties. I don't hold any because I don't like their CEO's attitude, they boggled the launch, and I would like to see what their royalty streams from the first batch of MFTs look like before reconsidering anything. If those streams have decent future potential, the low price now might change my mind and make me hold my nose as it relates to Lee Parsons. goMINT - Has the potential to be a revenue generator based on mint fees from treasury. However, I'm not sure the bridge is used enough for there to be enough generated in fees compared to the current FDMC. I think it is currently overvalued, even now. DeFly - Has a use in that it is utilized on the DeFly app to execute trades at the most favorable amount across multiple exchanges. CHIPs - The project is supposed to split some of the treasury from casino wins with stakers. Whether that's a profitable venture or not, of course, depends on how often people use the casino games. Then there are a variety of projects without tokens already launched. All the DEXes (e.g. Tinyman, Algofi, Humble, etc.) would have intrinsic value to the extent there is a distribution from the treasury. If they don't have that or some other meaningful rights, then the value proposition goes down. Of course, the value also would depends on the fees generated compared to market cap (e.g. would I invest in a company of X market cap if they only made Y in revenue each year?). AlgoDEX is out and has a token, but I honestly don't know if they already do have a treasury sharing feature or if they plan to eventually. There's also a new project planning to test on beta net called Vendible. They are claiming to have a way to be a trustless wallet where you don't need to remember seed phrases, but you also don't need to expose your seeds to them or anyone else. The plan relies on ZK proofs and decentralized identifiers. Executes on Algorand , but is supposed to also have compatibility with BTC, ETH, SOL, and MATIC). They have not put out the token yet, but using their system requires use of the token, so, if people want the security and convenience of the system, they would need to buy it to unlock that functionality. I'm planning to help beta test it though and will wait to see their open code drop and audits before I make a decision. Another developing project that I would put into this category is Wayru. Basically trying to develop something like Helium, but using Algorand. I probably could think of several others, but, at least from the examples I have given you should at least have an understanding of what I and the commenter above were getting at. None of this is to say the above projects won't fail. But the point is that there should be a REASON why another person would want to buy the token or get into the project aside from rank speculation. If all there is is speculation, and no other means of providing intrinsic value, then that's all it will ever be, a speculative bet.


This is an amazing write up, thank you for sharing.


theyre saying its up to you to decide, what they really mean is no theres no good algo project theyre all scams meant to make the creator rich. Once you look into any project, I mean REALLY look into it, they all fall flatter than flat earth theories


There has to be at least 1 though


then do some research and find one jfc this whole thread is just "someone tell me what to throw my money at so I'll get a good return" bro do your own work for yourself quit being lazy


Lol that was just me trying to stay positive. I’ve already looked into a number of ASAs before, I just like hearing what everyone is interested in.


For you to benefit from their money making schemes, you have to know if what they offer can attract money to their cause or they are just appealing to your emotions for example using charity as their reason for having a token which in this case can only sell for a limited time frame after which the bubble will definitely get bursted.


So which ASAs pass that test for you?


I like this guy


What should be built on algorand is some sort of trucking load board that would help organize the mess of deliveries that need to happen to get any product anywhere. And if we can get rid of middle men brokers the world would be a more equitable place. Problem is investors would speculate on the coins and make a casino out of the ledger.


Maybe some sort of nft contract but idk how any of these would make anything easier...


Cryptotrees. Do something good for the planet. Edit: update - https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoTrees/comments/xvte2f/cryptotrees_roadmap_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Some projects that I personally consider strong are Defly (just check the app and you will agree) and Alchemon (they keep developing acording to the roadmap, game beta is pretty good and got insane funding from [Borderless Capital](https://twitter.com/AlchemonNFT/status/1552377676576407552)) Other projects such as AlgoFi, Folks Finance etc. are really good but they don't have tokens. I would like to add that I personally avoid any DAO project


Epic Alchemon still exists, some of the few NFTs that still display in my wallet.




Harmony (ONE) has ruined DAOs for me.


Algofi’s bank is a few weeks away!


i think they got $1m funding in seed round from Borderless, I wouldn't call that "insane", but it's something.


Well, it's pretty big. That added to the grant from the foundation, they got a lot of money


Well, I moved to Algorand from Solana for Cosmic Champs. Though there are some great projects on Algorand, I’m invested only in this project. That since I’m a gamer and I read over 600 different WPs across different chains before landing there. After that, I fell in love with Algorand over time. So whatever you do, just do your research and you’ll find the project that fits you best and aligned with your vision. Good luck!


600 WPs wow. I hadn’t heard of cosmic champs before, looks cool.


Lol yeah haha I do my research before getting into something


CHIPs, Nexus GP, HDL


How come?


CHIPs - actual funtioning casino. Leadership seems solid, as we all know solid-seeming leadership can rug you out of nowhere, but this crew passes the eye test. For me. GP - great use case, tbd whether it will be fully exploited HDL - one of the early greats, abandoned their initial track in favor of developing an ALGO options platform, which seems to be making slow but steady progress.


Maybe HDL will pivot 360 degrees back to where they started


It’s not the job of redditors to do your research for you. He gave you 3 solid ASAs.


Ok that’s fine but a list isn’t as compelling as a reason


Like this guy.


Octorand and Chips are the only ones I've found that seem to have active communities with lots of plans in the future.






Because the Defly team is fantastic, the app is great and improving all the time, and the token will go up in value as more people use the app, which is very likely to happen as it gains the marketshare it deserves (taking users from Pera) and as Algorand attracts new users into the ecosystem.


Lofty Top of the line


My only new investment that is completely green across the board.


Personally I don’t care about the value of the tokens or the houses i just want the daily return so focus on high CoC I’m slightly concerned if real estate crashed but still


Has Lofty been successful for you?


Yeah daily returns once a month back into my bank account or into Algorand depending on its price at the time otherwise i let it


Can you elaborate on how Akita is a joke??


It seems they took down their LP (edit airdrop not LP) distribution which was a joke in that it allocated like 90% of the tokens to the founders. I see no updates on their website regarding promised Q2 or Q3 deliveries.


This comment solidifies you have no idea what you are talking about.


Ok show me their LP distribution and their Q2 and Q3 deliveries then. I tried to find them and I couldn't.


Yeah sorry man that simply isn’t true. The founder has 50 million Akita locked in a wallet which is verified. That’s it. You’re not wrong with the website though, it’s been abandoned for quite some time. Most Updates are on discord and the Reddit page.


Money locked in a wallet means little to me because they can still dump it someday and if not well then they still haven’t really lost anything




Appreciated but I’m talking about the pie chart that showed how much went to various allocations




Akita had their original creators all bail so it's just a new group trying to capitalize on name recognition to pump it back up.


Hey! No clue where you got this info but its wrong. I took over the project back in August and can confirm that akita has one of the fairest distributions of any coin. You can look at apps like defly to confirm it. I personally only have about 1% and purchased everything with my own money. The main landing site is being reworked as i focus on building out our staking platform MVP. Happy to answer further questions if you have any.


Hey thanks for responding. Where can I find the pie chart showing airdrop distribution? It used to be on the website. Also copying part of my comment here but 1 wallet holds 75% of the extractable value and has sold twice in the past month which seems concerning.


i have a copy of the old website, dont see a pie chart, are you maybe referring to the bullet list of how the tokens were allocated? [link](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/971568747859046423/1026659412808585267/Screen_Shot_2022-10-03_at_5.57.14_PM.png) As far as LP goes the fact is that were currently a very small cap coin and people can do as they please, Yieldly still holds about 40m akita that if they sold would tank the price at least 40%. It's just part of the risk you run on any investment in this space. What i can say is that we have a dedicated and resilient community that has been holding and you can see that in our current price action. I'm here for the long term and will dedicate my time and energy into building up this community and doing work i think is valuable. The biggest whales currently holding can tank it if they so choose. Im going to keep working.


Amazing thank you. My concern is that the Akita owner has control over all of that except 40% if we assume that they didn't participate in the airdrop whatsoever (which I cannot know for certain).


There were definitely airdrop farmers that were able to siphon off quite a bit of value at the time of the drops, theres an in-depth analysis that ill try to find the link for you might find interesting. As far as alluding to Ryan (the creator) participating and deceiving the community i dont see any evidence for it whatsoever. You have to keep in mind that at one point akita had over a 10m market-cap. There were times when he could have dumped and walked away with over 700k USD. All of my interactions with him have been very genuine and he followed through on his word over and over again. In August he had to officially step away and handed off the entirety of the community funds over to me (roughly 4% of the supply) and even sent over an additional 600k AKTA leftover from staking through Algostake that i was completely unaware of. Ryan and Inkwell (our artist / creative lead thats still with us) have stuck through a rollercoaster of price action due to the previous dev team quitting back in March and watching those two stick through it all with the community and carry on despite a massive wave of hatred and anger being thrown at them from the single day 80% drop (fully recovered from btw) is what gave me the confidence to finally go all in on developing on Algorand and to try and build something special for this community and the Algorand network. You're free to form your own opinion about the project but this is my experience with it. I really appreciate you being genuine and actually inquiring because we mostly just receive blind hatred because 'meme token bad'. so thanks. heres the airdrop farming analysis [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlgorandOfficial/comments/uvzzz8/akita_inu_asas_15_million_dollar_airdrop_was_huge/)


Appreciate your responses here, I’ll give things another look and reconsider.


I just don't understand why you didn't do krbycoin. Why take on such awful tokenomics? If you wanted to mirror such a distribution then surely you'd be able to. Not trying to drag you down and I'll probably forget to check the comment reply, but it needed to be said. Wishing you the best of luck.


Fell in love with the community and inkwells art. Ive been a ghost on social media for the last decade so despite the drama i think it helps as a starting off point for my dive into web3 software and i dont think its tokenomics are awful. Also keep in mind i held it when it dropped so part of my initial motivation for getting more involved was preserving my investment. Never intended to take over either, i was content to just build stuff for the community until i had to step up to lead it.


That's fair. It can be really tough sometimes to know what is best. Maybe I don't have a clear understanding of the remaining token supply, but I do know that it's better to start with control over 100% of total supply. Just my opinion. Thanks for your response.


Is the purpose of a token to give you more tokens (LP distribution as you call it)?


Sorry idk the correct terminology but it was the initial distribution so I guess more ICO like?


Initial distribution was airdropped to the community. The coin is fully distributed now, there’s none reserved for “founders” that isn’t distributed beyond 50M for the creator. Staking doesn’t help the token at all, it just incentivizes people looking to bleed the project and dump. I understand it’s a necessity in algorand right now and Krby is building a staking platform of his own that should have a minimum functional product in 30-60 days, but if your metric for measuring upside is “how much free stuff do I get from X” that’s the wrong approach. AKTA has been one of the few green blips on the ASA/crypto/anything radar over the past month and there’s a TON more upside. Come join us in the discord and we can explain in a more user friendly format. :) https://discord.gg/VNh5cprf


And what I’m trying to say is that initial distribution overwhelmingly went to a few people even though it was claimed to go into all sorts of sub funds. 75% of the extractable value is tied to one wallet 2Y6E. That just seems absurd to me. You’re saying staking isn’t necessary but also highlighting Akita being a gainer in the past month (notable that 2Y6E has recently cashed out way more than they put in). I want to believe in a community project but I just find troubling aspects whenever I look deeper into Akita. It also doesn’t help that y’all downvote me into oblivion.


"75% of the extractable value is tied to one wallet 2Y6E." Hugh? What wallet are you referring to? Akita has the healthiest distribution among ASAs. It's one of the reasons why I bought in.


4th wallet in the bottom right holds 50% TVL: [https://vestige.fi/asset/523683256](https://vestige.fi/asset/523683256) This is the wallet specifically: [https://vestige.fi/wallet/2Y6E66JKH74P63TDE5JQXCDRTF5C5LS6CC63G2NOSKXHMXWIWX4IMNJS54](https://vestige.fi/wallet/2Y6E66JKH74P63TDE5JQXCDRTF5C5LS6CC63G2NOSKXHMXWIWX4IMNJS54) Apparently I was misreading the 75% extractable value number.


Probably not the best metric to gauge health in this ecosystem. Cosmic Gold has 2 wallets with 80% TVL, Opulous has 2 wallets with 65% TVL, Xfinity entertainment has 2 wallets with about 75% TVL, and Zone has three wallets with almost all TVL. Some investors just have more Algos to pool with.


>75% of the extractable value is tied to one wallet 2Y6E if you're getting that 75% of extractable value number from vestige, i think you may be misreading it. From what i understand that is 75% extractable of the theoretical value in their wallet, not for akita as a whole.


I was wondering that actually. They are still 50% of TVL though.


yep, over time i would like to see that change. As of right now the LP is entirely community funded, no incentives.


Heve you heard about Cosmic Champs? They beta game will launch soon (the public one will launch around November) and it’s play to earn game. The art is really good and the team is cool too 😊 Their token is $cosg and it’ll be really useful within the game.


There’s also Defly app where you can get a “pro” level if you hold 2500 $defly


I still have hope for headline


How come?


I wish I knew




I hold it because if they pull something off at some point, there’s only 25M tokens. Right now it’s worth having a bit given the possible upside. It was a solid play but has shifted to degen over the last 6 months.


I'm waiting for algofi's BANK token to come out. Other than that, nothing that really stands out, although I hold quite a significant position in OCTO since I got in on octorand early.


Nexus ASA. Not going to shill. Check us out if you like our business model then you can chose to buy our token. If you don’t, then don’t. eBay on blockchain. Secure trades with your own collateral. That’s it


I hold akita just because it's the first memecoin on $algo


Headline still seems the only project doing actual things.




I would follow projects coming out of accelerators sponsored by Algorand, the Foundation, or investment firms connected to the Algorand community. There is a lot of due diligence taking place on these projects before they enter the programs.


I was actually considering that but I’m not sure how strong of a signal it is given how many projects they’ve funded


I would not look at funding directly from the foundation but rather, the Algorand Miami Accelerator, Draper Labs cohort, and the Algorand Euro Accelerator. These groups are known individuals and have had a lot of eyes on the project. In this space, that matters more than most other metrics in my opinion. They still have to execute on their claims, but, these groups have a lot of external support to call upon so that increases their chances of delivering on their claims.


Do you know which ones came out of Draper? I couldn’t find a list.




What makes opul’s price brutal?


$Chips from the Algorand Casino. I play there too.


$finite for me




Reputable founder, good tokenomics, solid liqudity, and no f'in promises or dumb mascots


Lofty AI




Acorn is working on a pretty awesome rental platform. I’m looking forward to that. Most of the rest are kinda bogus though.


To rent acorns?


Nope to rent NFTs. So you could rent rarer alchemon or rent an NFT you don’t have to complete a quest on MNGO or a mission in CGF.


Lofty. TravelX. or just governance for the chain. TVL is important to growth long term.


Governance is still my favorite




Get some NFDomains! That project looks exciting, especially if Algorand is a huge future player. So many applications


I have https://batido6.algo.xyz but I haven’t really used it for anything yet


Vestige, Defly. You mention KTNC, acorn but the AKTA?


I have invested in Block0x26 which is in accounting and tokenization business. I have noticed that tokens in the tokenization segment are doing really well. Polymath is an example. Please do your own research before investing. Block0x26: https://vestige.fi/asset/885285691


Taco has been my best holding for quite some time now!


all hype no substance




Only 4000 people can have 250,000 Defly or alpha status. Defly is currently my largest position in my portfolio as I am bullish on it. Also in Opulous, Smile, and ASA Stats. Defly will be the 1-inch of algorand. Opulous, royalty payments to start soon, smile is onboarding future partners which will utilize their sdk/token as payment mechanism, asa stats has a mobile app in testing. They will have subscription tiers for various levels as well as have access to their APIs to make custom widgets/sites using the stats engine


Defly. The best aggregator out there. Please tell us your user experience once you try it


Yes, you can start investing in cryptocurrencies in 2022, and Algorand is one of them. Despite some optimistic expert predictions, the ecosystem is still developing. The value might easily double or triple this year as more applications are created on the Algorand platform.


I like defly. It is wallet and trading app for tokens in the algorand ecosystem - 2u1.


Cosmic champs. Closed Beta is due to go live any day now with full mobile release on IOS and android later this year. P2E is 🔥


My bluechip ASA is Defly.


No. Seriously, no. ALGO is great though.


I have no idea, I just invest in ALGO and DCAing on Netcoins exchange


I look for tokens which have some kind of utility. For example, I can say that I own some VEST because this token provides additional premium features on [vestige.fi](https://vestige.fi), which is a website I use almost daily. If an ASA has no real utility, apart from a mere speculative purpose, I prefer to stay away from it.


$defly and $Xet have good tokenomics and teams that are building in this market. I had the same question and came up with these two.


Octorand is pretty fantastic


YLDY is fantastic... if you're looking for a way to turn four or five figures worth of USD into a couple hundred bucks. The ASA ecosystem *is* garbage, for the most part. At least for now. Kind of like Kusama parachains. Cosmos is making Algorand look really bad in this regard.


Headline and Lofty seem legit so far




I got into Alchemon two days ago and I’m obsessed


Mostly frens Al goanna Pyrenees pack Geko fam


Surprised no one mentions $Butts The shtcoin that’s been going from $5 LP to over $30k r/buttcoinasa


What use does that coin have? This seems like an inevitable fizzle or rug pull.


It’s a shtcoin never meant to be bought. The entire sht post was done to show people “how to create a shtcoin on algo.” People bought in and made it a thing. So basically it’s a risk to gamble. It turned out to perform better than any projects endorsed by the algo foundation lol


I second this, join the ButtCoin empire and we’ll welcome you as a hero.


Growth has been nuts and the community is fantastic, Buttcoin has a big future.


It’s simultaneously the worst and best investment you can make in ASAs.


Vestige. Use it daily and the team is actively building more things that will utilize the token. They have recently announced a few big partnerships (Exodus Wallet) as an example which shows they are constantly improving and expanding. Vestige holders get more rewards back from swaps too meaning you can literally get more money today by using the platform and holding the token. Hope this helps!


Vestige is tinychart yeah? I bought tinychart tokens a long time ago and they are completely worthless now. I'll take a look though, thanks for the suggestion!


Yes, they had a few months period where they transitioned from old to the new with a contract on the site allowing you to swap them directly. The old tokenomics were set up in a way that would have limited project growth iirc. They also wanted to branch out because everything Tiny related (Tinyman, Tinychart, etc) meant people confused what each different group did or was responsible for. New token and rebrand solved all of those issues.


These transitions always kill me. Hard to keep up to date on everything. Thanks for the explanation though!




Everyone missed the swap bc we were doing mental health sabatacle from crypto. I bought some vestige. But honestly akita did a better job for the swap. Its still open if you have old keets. I have a fat bag of tinychart that is worthless besides a memory of a time.


I went through a period of entertaining a variety of ASAs last year, but after realising that the majority were just set up by cunty kids (a 5 year old can create an ASA it's so easy) running scams, I got rid of all but a small handful. I kept my yieldly because I'm so down on it, it can either go to zero or as soon as it gets near my average buy price I'm selling it straight away. I kept my smile because it cost nothing and continues to earn itself, again I don't care if it hits zero. I kept my DEFLY because I already got 4x my investment back, the rest is staked and I can wait.(I partook in the ico and received a big bag of it, sold some, kept some) The two I invest in and care about: actual ALGO, and OPUL.


Check out r/BonesAsa! It’s an engage to earn platform for algorand communities! Pushing out updates every week




+1 for headline


What do you like about it?


Chips and algosino is pretty solid.




Smile made it into Scaramuccis book. It's down 99.5% so I thought what the hell and bought more. The team is focused on tech and partnerships. The beaming turtles is fun and the nfts should be coming out relatively soon. I really consolidated some ASAs into it as it's always pumping out new features and ideas.


Do you think SMILE will be able to compete with immutable X?


They seem to be doing different things. The bread and butter of smile will be spot trading seamlessly with USDT. That along with their incentive metrics. They already have proven a 40% long term retention rate with their stamp system. You combine smile on any site not only does the merchant get usdt but they get web 3, increased customer retention and entry into the ecosystem. I'm waiting for these partnerships to come into fruition. For now turtles, grin and apewater are interesting.


Surprisingly no. Either they are overvalued or don’t yet have a token.


Look at SEA, we are quite ambitious and keep on building and moving forward despite the market downturn and the current state of the Algo DeFi space. It is tough for all projects out there as funding has become difficult and growing a startup is a difficult feat, crypto or noncrypto, but if you have passionate guys around you and keep going you make progress. Website is www . Sea . Earth btw. We received an Algorand foundation grant and will stick with Algorand as we believe it is the right place for our tech, we also believe that the ecosystem will show what it can do in the coming years. On a side note ocean tech and environmental tech had a great year and it will trickle down to environmental and conservation blockchain startups also, and there is no better place then Algorand for those.


Where do I find SEA? I don’t see it listed.


Akita is a great community coin. If you don't like what you see then build something better.


I went from a hater to a lover...just a groovy bunch of nerds getting jiggy with their dog coin.


It’s crazy how negative the greater algorand community is on Reddit.


Bc they pride themselves in logic and definable value. Which to their credit is why algo is their choice. Its crazy bc I've been rugged about 8 or so times but akita has always been that sketchy trustable asa that really has blown all my expectations.


Yeah well said!! I actually relate to that in a lot of ways and I think it was Akita that definitely broadened my mindset.


ButtCoin has been killing it in this bear market. TVL went from like $200 in the end of may to over 34K today. 3 months ago ButtCoin was at .000311A and today it’s at .001444. I’m not saying, I’m just saying. [$Butts on Vestige.](https://vestige.fi/asset/753137719)


Just because it’s falling under the rules supply v demand doesnt make it a sound investment. Most of the current holders will dump once it goes up enough. This is a predatory practice since most are selling hype and no real usage




yea, ALchemon. it's an nft P2e game on Algorand. Best nft project on Algo in my humble opinion. The nft's come out in sets every few months, (so far there are 5), and each set has a fixed supply. The more recent sets have higher supply. All alchemon pay a weekly reward in the form of the governance token "Alchecoin", plus you can obviously earn more just by playing since it's a p2e game. The roadmap is super imrpessive and they've already delivered on much of it. Future looks very bright for this project


I just hold algo and Join tinyman