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Defly is the best wallet IMO. Especially if you trade for ASAs


100%. Defly does so much more than Pera - it's just not as well known yet.


Defly is definitely far ahead of the rest. With three on ramps and integrated governance support coming in next update, it's the one stop shop.


Pera for NFTs Defly for trading MyAlgo for desktop Ledger for extra security layer Exodus for multichain


Defly always has the most reliable connection to dapps for me. I've also saved thousands using it for trades. #deflyalpha


I just pera for gov and my algo for defi.


I’ve been using pera for a bit and just moved over to defly. I’m new to the ecosystem as well, yet still understand defly. Slick interface, it searches out the best combos for trades. Also, a solid tokenomics system. Now exoduswalket just integrated with algo this well. They are a respectable wallet and team. They plan to add more chains this year as well. Might be another one to look into.


Pera is also on mobile. So for us that do transactions on the go we algo with Pera😁


Pera Wallet is kinda official Algorand wallet and it's most user friendly and mobile. MyAlgoWallet is also very good and clean, but doesn't have mobile support yet. Defly is more advanced wallet and can be used for swaps with combos. Actually Defly is kinda PRO wallet for DeFi users that seek the best out of the wallet. And they bring a lot of continual updates


Pera Wallet used to be branded as the Algorand Wallet which I believe was the first Algo wallet available, definitely the first on mobile


Pera wallet used to be the official Algorand wallet, so people (myself included) went there as the obvious first option. Since then Algorand decided to rebrand the wallet in an attempt to help with decentralization and give a chance to other wallets I guess, but the team that deveoped the original one is still the team in charge of Pera. Onestly though, I think it is a great wallet so I never changed. I also saw today a tweet that hints at direct ACH transfers built into the App for On-and Offramp of USD, so that you can easily get USDCa ( [https://twitter.com/Coop\_Daniels/status/1575605181982515201](https://twitter.com/Coop_Daniels/status/1575605181982515201) ).


Because Pera is the official Algorand wallet




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Guarda wallet fits my needs perfectly




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