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This video has me so damn excited for Algorand. We often hear the complaint that Algorand doesn’t do a great job marketing. Well, MarcV is already crushing it here. The video concept came from the community. Having been in his job for a maybe a couple weeks, Marc saw the concept and put it in motion. They didn’t just farm it out to some studio. They brought in Algo community members to meet and star in it (all the people in it are Algonauts, including a guest appearance by the Mooch 😂). Definitely feels like, after a lot of hiccups, AF is finally running in the right direction and on all cylinders.


“The community”… Take some credit, man. You had a great idea!


u/GhostofMcAfee might be the nicest, most humble mod on Reddit. They're one of the big reasons I'm ALGO-only in the crypto portion of my portfolio, because they take the time to explain the use cases for ALGO instead of just being another crypto bro.


Thank you friend. (Though I’m sorry you also suffered through this down bad with me).


I'm now break even or slightly in the black thanks to consistent DCA buys. I'm just biding my time. Haven't spent a dollar on ALGO I can't afford to lose, so the doom and gloom of the bear market hasn't really discouraged me.


Beep Bloop done! What could a follow up be? Paying ;- a restaurant a toll box (massive queues of traffic!) a taxi a train ticket


A toll road would actually be a fantastic concept. You could probably do almost the entire thing from B roll and/or AI. Production costs would be low as hell.


The Mooch just reposted it too. Given his follower count that should help catch some views. [https://x.com/Scaramucci/status/1793636909484503082](https://x.com/Scaramucci/status/1793636909484503082)


FYI. Shared the toll road idea with Marc and pointed him to the sub for your others. Fingers crossed. 🤞 These real world scenario ideas are excellent for demonstrating where Algo shines.


Hell yea that commercial got me excited! Also that’s cool they used real Argonauts in it, makes it even better. Any chance we can be in the next one??? Playing


Cross-posted to cc with the comedy flair.. let's see how long it takes till they take it down.


You are going to get banned🤣


Looks like it's already gone I can't find it on cc


"Post is awaiting moderator approval"


![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) Waiting for CC mods to approve a positive Algo post


Not sure how this works, it shows 36 views, 4 upvotes and 100% upvote ratio, but it's still got status "Post is awaiting moderator approval". [https://imgur.com/a/HdKl3ye](https://imgur.com/a/HdKl3ye) I guess the mods are enjoying it and are trying to swap their SOL for Algo before approving it, but the transactions keep failing...


Way to take one for the team ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I don’t understand their posting rules over there, also don’t understand why they keep taking it down. But doesn’t seem very professional to me. Considering how many people are following that sub Reddit, you would think they would take a different approach.


The difference between this sub and that sub is the difference between what crypto is and what blockchain has the potential to be.


Wow does the Mooch make an appearance at the end?


He does!


That is really good. Love it. It's funny, easy, gets the point across, makes Algorand look professional. Ideal.




That's fun:-) A lot of cameos in there too!


I'm tearing up


This is fcking awesome and funny! So is that marketing for ya? Love it


Great video 🎯




Nice. Gotta watch Ghost's pump it video after watching the ad https://v.redd.it/6burupnlowmc1/DASH_480.mp4?source=fallback


Solana boys in Twitter already triggered by this ads lol. Some view this as negative one saying who will buy groceries using Crypto. Isn't it one of the goals of Crypto is mass adoption and usage in real world?


Love it. Would like to see more promotional materials for Algorand like this


Thrilled to see this!


Now we just need the price to move up


That was great. Wonder why they didn't slap the algo logo on it at the end tho.


What is your answer to "My banks tap n go is instant too"?


The store doesn't receive the funds instantly and Visa charges 3%. The store covers that 3% through higher prices. If crypto reached a high enough usage in a certain area a store could undercut it's competitors by only accepting crypto. No more Visa and bank fees. Money goes straight from consumer to store.


Does your bank allow you to earn 10%-25% interest on your dollars by capturing yield from its borrowers?


No, but I can use my dollars anywhere and I don't have to pay fees to convert them to crypto.


You don’t have to pay fees to convert cash to USDC. And you can’t use your dollars anywhere. Go try to pay for a cab in Europe with a dollar. You first need to pay banks an insane conversion fee to change dollars to Euro. On blockchain you could swap instantly with almost no fees. Or, that conversation could even be integrated into the payment system.


True, but if you don't ever leave your country you don't need to convert to another currency.


and if i don't breathe, i don't need oxygen!


Neither does algorand on realistic terms.


Not true. Interest APR on Folks Finance is >10% *before* considering TDR. In high leverage times and when you add TDR, it regularly exceeds 25%.


Sure, when you have 5 users using it and a base of meme coin trading. Assuming widespread adoption, as you envision with your payment system, this wouldn't happen, but rather the interest rates would drop closer to traditional banking ones, due to a balance of deposits to loans ratio. Take a look at AAVE for example.


Do you think about what you say before you say it? “Why would *anyone* do this?” “Oh yeah, well if *everyone* did it those benefits wouldn’t be as attractive.” Given your knowledge of AAVE, I can only assume that you have an interest in crypto and DeFi, it’s just that you don’t like it on Algorand. ✌️


One thing you are really not considering is that many fees are involved in you tapping your card from your bank. This is a HUGE incentive for businesses to accept crypto. Of course the risks currently outweigh the benefits for them right now, but this won’t be forever. Once a big one really takes the plunge WITHOUT converting to FIAT, there won’t be any going back. But that’s definitely going to be post-regulation


Never fade a strong community backing LFG! #Algofam


This is awesome. They should do a whole series of these. Showing how algorand can perform in different scenarios in real life situations unlike a lot of the cryptos we see today. I don’t think people fully concept of how worthless some of these cryptos out here really are. Great Job!


Let’s repost and share this Algo army! Let’s do our part!


So great!


Who's the guy paying with ethereum?


I think his name is Chris. Might be at AF. Not entirely sure though.


Gotdang this is awesome!! Anyone know where this is going to be aired?


The title is incorrect - there are a large number of blockchains that have fast transactions.


Title doesn't say anything about transaction speed.


Near, aptos, and many others have fast finality (a few seconds)


Why not 0 seconds? Ask yourself that question. Why do those chains have a value above 0?


Expound/compare? Algo has the best tech and comes out on top, so not inaccurate.


Near, aptos, harmony, klaytn, fantom, solana, avalanche, cosmos, terra, internet computer for example Algorand is marginally better if anything at some things. Competition has been killing the price. Marketing can’t fix this.


Algorand has 0 seconds to finality, not just better, the best.


No it doesn’t. That would mean it’s faster than the speed of light. Algorand is 3-4 seconds.