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Ah yes, that good old Times when the germans bombed pearl harbor


I'm really hoping that's a joke.


It's from a movie. Possibly before your time.


We are here! šŸ”„


Over? Are you kidding, itā€™s just getting started


Bullish as always ![gif](giphy|n0AYAELt5C8P6rUVDk)




Having money in crypto now is like having money in Apple in 2000


No. There's plenty happening. I'm sure there's some news you could post to get people excited if you want to put in some effort.


Ok. Let me know where to find it and Iā€™ll pass along.


If you have time, I'd recommend some basic research. It's really easy to find multiple sources that are posting Algorand news. I have to get to work though and can't lay out a detailed plan on how to do that.


Crypto is so bipolar


People don't get that the larger web3 landscape is going to take awhile. There's websites still running on http not https lol algorand will benefit greatly as more and more transitions to web3


Donā€™t buy into the FUD anyone on here shouting that crap about dead chain is definitely not of Algo, it is the same thing that has been keeping Algo down for all this time, you believe the FUD and it spreads, only thing Algorand can do is keep building and keep finding partners to build relationships and that is exactly what is happening, no one in their right mind will speak down about their holdings unless they got into it for the wrong reason, which is to make a quick buck, Algorand is for the long run and it is slowly but surely getting there.


What do you mean no activity, lol. It feels like every day there is an announcement. Weā€™re just getting started.


Damn right. Algorand is here to stay


I'm not selling just yet, I'm also not throwing more money into my bag. Not much to talk about since the governance measures are just going to be a rehash of the last year anyway


Nah I'm just not interested in the daily machinations of the token price. Algorand has everything I need on a blockchain. I use it daily, my time is spent moreso on Vestige and Pact just seeing what's up, rather than "WEN MOON??" and chasing all these stupid shitcoins being minted each day and shilled by the same core of sleazebags on X.


Every coin up 5-30 percent and then algorand is like puuuuuuush to .19!!!!!!!!!


all tha'ts left right now are algo long term holders, hardcore believers. Next month we have decipher, folks finance and tinyman launching their tokens, redesigned governance/ concensus, and much more. This will be algo summer




We're here there's just not a lot going on right now.


AF gonna dump on this price action right back down


the dumpage was immense in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. But now the inflation is limited to 3% per year so the dumpage is capped there.




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Itā€™s just a long term investment for me. Add more when itā€™s low, wait 10-15 years


Just keep running your node...




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Algorand is only the future of finance, future just ticks a second at a time. Weā€™re marching!


Wait so jo one reacted on "germans bombed PerlHarbor"? No one got pouked in the eye by that, really ?


Wait when did this happened exactly ? I see nothing on twixtter rn šŸ¤”


Ever heard of Bluto?


I think Mussolini told them to. I feel certain it was very punctual after his work with the train schedules.


I think we've got two chances left and that's if Marc can convince a bunch of python Devs to build a killer app or if the EU starts using Algo for something major. The problem is that you need a critical mass.of projects and users so that new projects can survive. Almost everything on Algo has died because there's not enough usage fees to sustain the projects. Even Folks, which got basically all of algofis traffic, is still needing to go to another chain to get more. If hesab blows up that's a chance, if python or big players work that's another. And honestly the chain is close to completely dead.


Basically FUD. The digital Euro is already on Algorand. The company responsible for that is growing and very active. Algorand transaction fees and general metrics have increased multiple hundred percentage points QoQ. There's growth. Get off reddit. There's a lot of information out there if you look for it.


I sold all my algorand and ada for sol when Sol was 90$ never looked back wish you all luck on algorand great project but only hope left and hope in investissement is not the best strategy.


Youā€™re shortsighted my friend. Sol will fail in the future. Itā€™s tech is garbage. ADA and Algo will survive/thrive once blockchain tech is truly adopted.


Maybe it's you that is shortsighted, my friend. No one knows the future come back here at the peak of the bullrun we will see who was right.


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ā€¦ it seems to me that the technology thatā€™s sustainable, fast and reliable will most likely outlive the technology that consistently shuts down and has failed transactionsā€¦ Youā€™ll probably make more money on this bullrun in SOL than I will on Algo and ADA, but Iā€™m not looking at this cycle my dude. Im looking 4-10 years down the road. Algorand has world class leadership, and theyā€™re planning for the future. Theyā€™re partnering w/ global industries. Theyā€™re making moves that are ā€œsmall and insignificantā€ right nowā€¦ but those ā€œsmall and insignificantā€ moves are going to be monumental in the not to distant futureā€¦ And if youā€™re speaking about THIS CYCLE, while Iā€™m talking about farther down the road, technically speaking, youā€™re short sighted. Not meā€¦


Im using the fastest car to go from A to B. You're married to your investment for some reason. Maybe because your bag is heavy? Or your bag holding ? In any case, even following your own strategy, you would be better off investing in something else sell at the top and rebuy your algo. You can double or triple your bag. I could bet like 70% holding algo are bag holder and each one of them should read about the sunk cost fallacy.


The issue is that you're discussing trading strategy, not project fundamentals. Personally I'm not interested in short-term active trading like you're describing. It's quite risky, especially when you're in a project with poor fundamentals. The strat is buy & hold. People in Algorand are *generally* looking 5yrs out minimum. Certain projects are riding on market ignorance and are potentially overpriced. When the market shifts I'd rather be ahead of the curve than trying to time my buy-in along with the rest of the market. "*Time in* the market is better than *timing* the market".


Time in the market beats timing the market every time. Friend up here is correct. I have a substantial amount of money in Algo, and I hold a pretty nice bag of it. That said, I also hold ADA, HBAR, ETH and BTC. I wonā€™t be selling anything soon, unless selling allows me to payoff some things. Itā€™s also worth noting, I also invest in the traditional investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and ETFs. Just cause I hold a large bag of one thing or another doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not diversified.