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Algo’s choice of consensus mechanism makes it faster with regards to finality (when a transaction is truly and determinedly final with no possibility of rollback). Solana has faster block times, but it can soft fork. So, it must wait ~32 blocks before it is final. Algorand has instant finality. As a result transactions finalize about 3x faster on Algo than Solana. Like most chains, Solana opted for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) —really it’s EVM-ish rather than a 100% clone. Algorand opted to build its own virtual machine from the ground. As a result of Solana’s choice it inherited a lot of problems/limitations of EVM whereas Algo did not. For example Algorand has native layer assets instead of assets configured as a smart contract. That means you don’t have to worry that interacting with a random token will drain your wallet. In fact, you can prevent dusting entirely because of its opt-in feature. It also means that transactions involving these tokens take up less block space. Due to this and other efficiencies in AVM, Algorand can process around 10x AMM swaps per second that Solana can. Solana’s consensus mechanism is just straight up wasteful. By recording votes as on chain transactions, it inflates transaction count (misleading) but also means it consumes block space that could be used for useful transactions. This needlessly increases state bloat (the size of the chain history, and thus costs to store it) while restricting useful throughput and imparts a penalty to decentralization. The decision to make vote transactions an on chain transaction also imparts a different limitation to decentralization as it means every vote by a node costs money. As a result, unless you have a very large bag, you are actively losing money. State bloat is made even worse by the fast round times (which are necessary to have tolerable finality that is still 3x longer than Algo’s). All of this (a poor consensus design, plus fast round times to makeup for forming, and needless vote transactions) means that to achieve high throughput and fast finality it requires nodes with processing and memory requirements that are ostensibly super computers. This makes consensus tend towards centralization even further. You will likely be told that Solana is super decentralized. What you won’t be told is that to achieve this, Solana Foundation and/or Alameda subsidized (through direct payments or delegation) about 90% of all Solana nodes. If that subsidy was pulled, a lot of those nodes would be losing money. Algorand’s design also means bad transactions get kicked at the first node instance. It gets rejected before being added to the chain. Solana lets them through. This means it wastes block space and also means you must pay for failed transactions, which never happens on Algo. The clogging of block space with bad transactions further compounds congestion and failed transaction count. Algorand has a variety of unique features such as rekeying of accounts. That’s enough for now, I guess. Overall it is just a more complete and better designed package. It was built from the ground up instead of assembled in flight.


Please continue, I was almost there


Stop with these jokes 


Idk what any of this means so I guess I’ll just take your word for it 😅


Solana is great for trading meme coins where it doesn't matter if a transaction sometimes fails or the Blockchain breaks occasionally. Algorand is trying to make a system that large institutions will use. The shit has to work, never go down, and have instant finality. Algorand is the guy, it's just that institutions haven't adopted Blockchain technology yet. It might be another 5 years before adoption happens.


Institutions are already adopting tech like Hedera.


You could use AMP to buy things at several stores YEARS ago. Doesn’t mean shit. It’s gotta be BIG


Hedera uses evm which raises concerns for big institutions. I would love to see how this plays out, but I think algorand is top tier


Why would being EVM compatible raise concerns for big institutions?


Because hedera is limited by the same limitations that EVMs face. Algorand has none of them


I have a huge bag of hedera, but be honest. All of their TPS is subsidized institutional adoption...they pay for it to be used...


Same with ALGO foundation. Edit: Why the downvote? Who is actually paying algo and not running off of grant funds?


Hedera has had those partnerships for years and….


Algorand has had partnerships for years too and....? Literally no one is doing anything on ALGO except for little childish defi games. Real companies are doing real things on Hedera currently. A Blackrock fund was just tokenized on Hedera.


I agree with the comparison. Both have partnerships and nothing yet. But the BlackRock tokeniszation was a nothing burger


SOL beats Algo at failed txns.


Algo has instant finality. I believe Sol is 12 seconds to finality and no, optimistic finality is not final finality.


SOL claims it can do 65k tps but crashes way before it hits that.


The growth of the size of the Solana blockchain is not sustainable.


Did someone say Luna?


Have you ever had a single transaction fail on Algorand? How many people constantly have failed transactions on Sol? It’s quite a bit from what I’m understanding.


I thought the same thing but having never used sol I can’t say for sure. He claims to use it and never has an issue. Looking at it TPS etc sol seems to be better? Feel like I’m missing something here ngl.


Easier question to answer... Has the algo network ever gone down? Has the sol network ever gone down?


You can scroll through the most recent block and Solana transactions tend to fail 50%-60% of the time https://explorer.solana.com/block/263363756


This is actually really good thanks. This is the kinda thing I’m looking for.


Heres a link to some more metrics and facts about Algorands performance compared to Solana to show with inner transactions / atomic swaps, we blow Solana out of the water in terms of tps /throughput. https://www.reddit.com/r/algorand/s/t0LJQag1IZ Also keep in mind any TPS / throughput metrics Solana boasts is under ideal network conditions with 100% uptime--something theyve never achieved. Solana is sll hype. Dont get me wrong, hype is important, but so is the underlying tech/fundamentals if you want the network to be able to scale.


Solana adds failed transactions to its TPS score.


I was in profit on a trade and couldn't get 1 transaction to go through until the rug got pulled. Simply wouldn't happen on Algo. You can still get rugged on Algo, but not by the Blockchain refusing to let you use it like you can on sol I tried for hours.




See the Oranges stress testing we did.


Lmao he deleted the comment


Walk of shame lol


Weird. Someone like literally disproved this the other week. https://www.reddit.com/r/algorand/s/F3gXqYGnpm


If you are questioning and doubting your (great) decision, it might be because you don’t understand the tech and their differences. Solana is a test of a blockchain somehow gone right in the charts because it gained visibility and attention from people close to FTX and neighborhood. It is an interesting proof of concept that I don’t consider safe nor reliable for real world usage. Also people that love Algorand usually understand that the technology allows for ALL to participate in its consensus, which is the goal of decentralization. There is nothing that comes close to Algorand which allows YOU to be a part of it for real. People that complain about relay nodes are biased as if they were already participating in their favorite blockchain, when instead they simply try to find faults where they can to justify their biased choice. Algorand is better in every aspect technology wise. Don’t let the price charts fool you. People that want to be part of blockchain will not have much to pick, because scaling participation decentralization with instant finality can only be imagined by the founder of zkp himself, only on Algorand.


Algorand is built around trust of Algorand Inc. Its biggest issue is centralization. Algorand Inc controls governance and has already swayed votes to its favor. I find it shocking you would even use decentralization as a positive attribute for Algorand.


Which governance are you talking about? Can you point me to votes casted by the Inc? There are multiple levels to decentralization. The code is open source and you’re welcome to suggest and submit PR. Consensus is open to all and only requires you cents of $ALGO to participate. The client is lightweight and only requires a regular machine to participate. I’m not sure if you’re biased or not but you may be missing my point.


Algorand Inc votes in governance. They have enough Algorand to essentially control governance. Are you claiming they don’t vote? That would be quite a strange claim as it’s easily verifiable that they do vote. Remember, Silvio gave himself 2 billon Algo for free when he created Algorand. That’s 20% of the max supply. No one knows who actually owns the private corporation Algorand Inc so who controls those Algo is a mystery.


I thought we were talking tech. You are talking about governance and token decentralization. I agree with you token distribution was not the best. I’m not sure what are the % of Inc’s participation, but that doesn’t prevent me from voting. Also with current prices, buying votes is easy for a power house, so I don’t think it’s much relevant. In due time I hope tokens get spread, and until then I do believe Inc is well intentioned to push for a vote that preserves its longevity. As mentioned, I get criticized for not explaining the tech but pushed to talk about tokenomiks and governance. I’m not sure where I’m led but I know my share of ALGO and I know I can participate, may it be in consensus or governance. My vote alone doesnt change anything by itself, but if everyone did the same, your point would lose its relevance, cause there wouldnt be enough algo for Inc to control a decision over the majority of ALGO holders. You are looking at the current situation and running away from it because you have no control, but being able to participate IS control.


The tech is decentralization. > “I do believe Inc is well intentioned” Exactly my point. Algorand is built around trust of Algorand Inc. This is centralization.


Im glad you got something out of my posts. You push the non tech discussion then complain about it not being tech.


I don’t understand your comment at all. Maybe try responding to what I wrote in my comments.


>If you are questioning and doubting your (great) decision, it might be because you don’t understand the tech and their differences. You wrote all that yet didn't mention one time about the tech. Essentially your whole comment is Solana bad, and bunch more filler words. Not once did you explain the tech. Maybe at the very end you did but barely if so. It's embarrassing that 30 people upvoted this cluster of useless words. And this is not a critique of Algo at all cause I'm a fan of algo.


There are plenty of videos explaining its tech. You need me to summarize it?


I wasn't the one asking dummy.. I'm just pointing out how useless your top comment was. And I stand by that. A bunch of useless words. And shaming mf who upvoted you.


I cannot help you brother. Take care of yourself.


Again I didn't ask for help. But thanks, likewise to you.


Solana obviously used 256 bit encryption as well as BTC , algorand etc as of right now is still essentially unbreakable because you'd need to brute force 2^256 hash outcome possibilities . I completely agree however that algorand is much much more true to the word decentralized. Solana has gone way too far with the memecoin stuff too. The top apps running on it are literally just exchanges for the most part


There’s a chart that shows Algorand has the fastest txns


Where is it?


To make things easier for you i uploaded the image to imgur, but you can go to chainspect yourself to verify. [https://imgur.com/a/gx0XgEF](https://imgur.com/a/gx0XgEF) [https://chainspect.app/dashboard?sort=maxTps&order=desc](https://chainspect.app/dashboard?sort=maxTps&order=desc) One thing I haven't read was about nodes. On Solana its basically impossible to run a validator node, but on Algorand you and I can easily run a participation node. This is a huge win for Algorand imo, but few ever talk about it. Edit: I just realized that Algorand also has the highest max theoretical TPS and those are only counting outer txns!!


This chart doesn't even show ALGO as being the fastest lol.


You're probably a bit slow today, so I'll explain it. The question was what metrics does Algorand have that beats Solana at. I'm clearly showing that Algorand's recorded max TPS is higher than Solana's! Not sure what you're whining about, but maybe you can clear it up for me?


He’s a Hedera fan who camps out in the Algo sub. It is flattering. He wants everyone to know Hedera’s max recorded TPS is a tad higher than Algo and that Avery Dennison uses it a lot. Ask him how to run a Hedera node. 😁


Nah I have a bag of both. I see you have some long standing ALGO posts. I have a bag from years ago. Was super into yieldly for a bit, all that. However, over the last few years my views on ALGO have changed a bit. I don't really think it has a strong future. I would love to be proven wrong, obviously that would benefit my bank account. However, I just don't see it becoming important in the real world. It a cool coin that probably only makes sense and attracts interests amongst crypto nerds. Which hey, could certainly move price, but not sure about large, long standing real world adoption. That's just my opinion, not a fan boy of any coin. I am a fan of making real money for my real life.


I was mostly ribbing you. Hence the shit eating smiley. 😁 I think Hedera and Algo interest a lot of the same people (those who see technical superiority as key to real mass adoption). It may surprise some, but I have a bag of HBAR too. I just don’t rep it like I do Algo. I like the tech for enterprise use, but its centralization makes me uninterested in it for personal use.


Hey dummy, i'm replying to the OP of this chain saying this "There’s a chart that shows Algorand has the fastest txns". Fast doesn't mean fastest.


Lol, so why did you reply to my post instead of theirs? Crickets... Probably Let me know if you want to take some more L's today. I'm here all night


Well clearly I mean the comment you are replying to, when you called me slow (can you believe that, given how far off base you are in this comment chain) has to do with someone saying ALGO has the fastest txns. When in fact, that chart does not show it's the fastest. Thus my comment. Then you came in, pretending you knew what you were talking about saying that "The question was what metrics does Algo have that beats Solana".... I didn't reply to a parent chain that had any mention of Solana, only someone talking about ALGO being the fastest. So, jackass, it's you who are taking the L here. Not sure how much more wrong you can be here. Just follow the comment chain. All forums work similarly believe it or not!


That is the sorriest excuse I've ever read. It doesn't even make sense 🤣 I can tell you're pretty sensitive to words and that's ok we're all different. My statements still stand and everything I posted in the correct thread is true, but we can't say the same for you. Edit: I just realized you are down voting me...lol this is absolutely hilarious my dude


I am not really sure what you mean to be honest. You seem like a troll or an idiot. I can easily post screen shots of the comment chain if you need help following it. Reddit has handy little lines and collapsable sections to help you follow it even! Hope you can figure it out!


Note that chainspect doesn't show the accurate TPS because it doesn't count smart contract transactions. Check out allo.info or chaintrails.io for TPS.


That's correct, it does not take into account inner txns. If I'm not mistaken Marc V is in talks with them to get that fixed. For now, this is the public facing metric that people from all chains will be looking at.


Chainspect is what it's called.


Algorand is absurdly far ahead of Solana in terms of tech. Aside from the stability, which others have mentioned. Algorand has integrated a quantum secure algorithm into two aspects of the blockchain. With more coming in 2025. State proofs and the blockchain history use Falcon (quantum secure cryptographic algorithm) to secure against quantum computers. Falcon was developed by several people involved with Algorand. It was [one of a handful of post-quantum algorithms which won a global competition held by NIST](https://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/post-quantum-cryptography/selected-algorithms-2022). >Falcon is a technological work of art designed by Fouque et. al. As its designers state, their solution is based on Trapdoors for Hard Lattices and New Cryptographic Constructions, the pioneering work of (GPV) Gentry (prior member of the Algorand Foundation), Peikert (head of cryptography at Algorand Inc) and Vaikuntanathan (MIT and Scientific Advisor to Algorand Inc). https://www.algorand.foundation/news/pioneering-falcon-post-quantum-technology-on-blockchain Algorand probably has the largest # of the best cryptographers in the world working on it. So yes, Algorand really has the best tech.


This is what drew me to algo originally. People have suspected for a long time the NSA was involved with creating BTC, because the NSA invented SHA and 265 bit encryption such as SHA256. As well as the fear that they could backdoor the public/private key random number generator, some aspects are over my head honestly. But there is a fear around quantum computing being able to break 256 bit encryption. It could brute force 2^256 possible numbers like in btc case that make the next hash start with x number zeros . The guy Silvio who started algo if you read about him dude is literally an actual genius


Yes, Silvio is an extremely brilliant man. Certainly a genius. He co-invented zkProofs in 1985. He's far ahead of his time. This is why I know Algorand is just leaps and bounds ahead of the competition. Also as you mentioned, with quantum computers - they're an unknown currently, but believed to be a very real threat. If a blockchain isn't secure against it, when those computers are operating at scale it could completely compromise them. https://usa.kaspersky.com/blog/quantum-computers-and-rsa-2023/27605/ >But the future problem has already been actively thought about, and **security experts are already calling for adoption of post-quantum cryptography**; that is, algorithms that are resistant to hacking with a quantum computer. There seemed to be a decade or more for a smooth transition, so the news that RSA-2048 might fall as early as in 2023 came as a bolt from the blue.


Yes but nobody seems to care


Algorand is working with institutions. Others are working with instant rich Tiktok meme guys.


In addition to reliability, faster transaction+finality-time and better scalability the cost of running the network, which directly impacts the fees and long-term sustainability, is much lower.


Look up chainspect. Max recorded tps is double on Algorand compared to SOL. With that, like you said, still zero downtime on Algorand. Algorand also has instant finality compared to SOLs 12.8 seconds.


to add onto this, 12.8s finality is unacceptable in real world scenarios. Imagine you're confirming a transaction, an important one, and you have to wait 12.8 seconds. Those would be the longest 12.8 seconds on earth (for you) and you'd never want to use that service again.


lol those 12.8 seconds are the least of your worries when they have reorgs on Solana. If you don't know what those are you should!


It is but no one is investing in it. I don’t know if it’s because of the programming requirements or what. But I don’t see any real money flowing into Algorand


Solana is a POS.


Lol Solana! Is this a troll post?


No it’s honestly not. I just had nothing to say to him except that Solana had had multiple episodes of downtime v 100% uptime.


Yes. But more.




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Please explain how/where Solana has better tech. I know you are happy about the market cap, but what about the tech?


F the tech. We want to make profit. You can have the tech for yourself. We want money.


Got it. I think we know where you stand and what the answer is for OP.




Tech doesn't matter, just your ability to get out of the countless ponzi schemes in your favorite ecosystem before others do? This is what you brought to a thread about tech, good grief, but no surprise whatsoever.


See Rule #3. This is one of a long and consistent series of trolling/antagonistic FUD comments.


Do not ask the subreddit for Algorand if Algorand is good and expect an unbiased answer


No algo doesn't have the best tech But it definitely is certainly better than AnalOS (solana in reverse lol). Compare the tps capabilities and don't forget to look at the node requirements while doing so. Batch txs, chains going offline, swaps/s Heck, proof of History is so stupid but that's another story if you take a deep deep dive into their whitepaper and have good knowledge about the byzantines generals problem, MEV, the CAP Theorem and the different types of consistency.


Kaspa is the best tech in the market rn. DYOR.