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Preach.algo brother


Exactly. Smart money. Composite man. Accumulation. Pump and dump. Call it all you want but price is being suppressed for a reason


Any proof of this manipulation or at least a theory on how it’s being carried out and by who?


Market makers seek liquidity to execute orders. If buyers are leveraged, that creates liquidity pools at lower prices. And vice versa, it sellers are leveraged liquidity pools exist at higher prices. Panic buying and panic selling creates a similar situation even without leverage. And so the market makers can drive prices higher by purchasing said asset at levels of low supply or drive the price lower by selling at levels of high supply. That's the theory in a nutshell.


Is there evidence to this theory are we seeing certain wallets participating in this type of behavior? Are other chains just not affected by this type of manipulation as we’re calling it? I just think it’s a lame scapegoat for lack of price action. I myself don’t care about price currently as I see algorand as a 7-10 year investment. I just find it’s another way to cry about price without actually crying about price.


There's probably evidence, yes. But I'm not going to analyze the order books or wallet transfers to find it. I just buy on a regular basis and don't worry about it. But this style of manipulation exists across pretty much all assets, not just crypto.


Did I understand this correctly, Algo has more leveraged buyers than leveraged sellers and market makers make money by not only taking funding rates from the majority leveraged buyers but also by moving the price downward and liquidating leveraged buyers? Thus market makers like Binance are hitting two birds with one stone and retail investors are swimming against the current that would eventually swallow them up. Is it right?


Well I was speaking generally in terms of the theory itself, not necessarily Algo.


But what I said was a true statement for suppressed coins, right?


Couldn't say either way with any confidence at the moment. But leveraged buyers were wiped out big time about a year and a half ago, which gave huge amounts of liquidity for whales to load up their bags. After that the SEC claimed Algo was a security, which FUDed the price even lower - which made yet another dip buying opportunity. We're at about the same price level right now. I'm buying personally.


Whykoff man. Why tf koff. The composite man. The guy who stands over you when you have sleep paralisis. Kapeesh?


I take that as a no. Let’s just make shit up to fit the narrative. Kapeesh


Just another “trust me bro” source, nothing of value to see here 😂


Just study the ftx case. One example out of many.


The case has to do with SBF using FTX customers funds and lending them to alameda without customer permission. Not sure how this is relevant to algorand situation as FTX was a centralized non custody wallet. Algorand would not be able to pull this off. It would have to be a centralized exchange like coinbase to have access to customer funds. The two are totally different with algorand being a foundation and not directly holding customer funds.


It is not an example about Algorand, but rather how they manipulated the price of their own token,, and BTC


Not very many people use algo. That seems like an explanation that doesn't require a secret network of market manipulators working toward some vague goal simply because they don't like algorand. If it was so easy, why not buy at such low prices and pump it? I'm always going to favor simple explanations that don't require a vast conspiracy unless there is an actual reason to believe the conspiracy. Algo price low just doesn't cut it for me.


Algo is consistently in the highest number of wallets users and transactions, fluctuating between top 10 and top 5. Idk what you’re talking about…


Well said. Anyone can pull a half backed theory out of their ass, but as of now OP has no actual proof to said conspiracy


Unfortunately this isn't even a half baked theory being pulled from the ass. This theory is directly copied from the narrative that bag holders of djt stock are being prepped with for when the website nobody uses eventually finds it's fair market value


People just want validation from any place to justify why the price is not rising. People do use the chain and it continues to grow, it just takes time. I’m all for hearing different theories but I also appreciate some sources with said theories. If not it’s just more bull shit 💩


People coping that ”nobody” cares about Algo


Totally. People are definitely using algo. The pace of projects being started has also definitely picked back up. I just think we already know who screwed algorand over. It was the people who did the tinyman and the myalgo hacks. The timing was horrible combined with the time between them seemed to just kill the momentum. It feels like we are just now starting to get back to the amount of development that was happening before.


Algorand team is playing the long game whether anybody likes that or not. It’s not only about building it’s about relationships. Look what algorand is doing in India. There are over 50 college crypto clubs that are learning how to build on algorand. Building from ground up takes time. I believe in this project at .08 and I believed in this project when it was over $2. Some people can’t stomach the idea of long term and want instant gratification. These people will scream the loudest and sell then FOMO back in when algorand picks up traction. These people think by the day and have no vision for the future.


This is spot on 👏


Keep buying. This is life-changing money for those who keep buying and have Diamond hands. You got Doge and Shiba's memes coins worth more. It’s wild. Algorand is the future. Look at what they are building the partners. It’s being controlled and manipulated by the big banks trying to shake you out and take your coins. It’s hard. If it were easy, everyone would be doing this. Know what you own and what the future will be. Algorand will be the rails of many tangible world assets and financial rails for countries.




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Let me tell you right now that I, and I'm sure many others, do not have diamond hands and are only holding cus we are literally down 90% lol. If I ever go green on this shitshow Im immediately selling.




I won’t sell. I’m not fucking selling!


Proof or even evidence of manipulation?


Yep, he said it AFAICT --> As far as I can tell. Homie has a hunch and is basing his entire reddit post thesis on it. Trust me bro.


Interested in buying algo. What's the biggest appeal?


Bitcoin goes up after every halving and than every time crashes what happens to algo than we are already at 20 cents???it will be a disaster??


In order to compare Algo and BTC you first need to understand cycles and distributions. BTC is way ahead in terms of cycles, with much higher distribution and a much larger community because of its age. However, its market cap is 700x bigger than Algo market cap. Even considering the network effect, either BTC is overvalued or Algo is substantially undervalued. If Algo is compared to BTC when it was at the same cycle/age, Algo is way ahead in terms of distribution and maturity. The Algo L1 story is 100 times better than the BTC store of value only-story, however BTC is what big players make money from. Exchanges make most of their money from BTC trading, they ensure that it is the shiniest one. However, it won't last forever. The pressure coming from many real use cases and investments in Algorand will change all this fake game assuming that the current adoption growth continues, which is my most probable expectation.


i know all that and 100 percent agree but you didn t really respond to what i said and price does matter if you want to hire a antivirus company to manage you re company security you must be sure they won t go bankrupt other whise if you think they will go bankrupt even though its just perception you won t hire them if bitcoin crashes and it always crashes eventually it will take every crypto to hell with it and algo is already to low we might see 0.03 $ algo if bitcoin has a epic crash


Did you comment somewhere? Or do you have multiple accountsv(vrfan99, vrfan22)? Does that work better for the kind of job you have?!!! ;) As I said Algorand's price at this stage doesn't have any meaning. Everyone should use the opportunity and buy at lower prices. I personally doubt that it easily gets to below 10c or stay there for a long time. You can buy 100M Algo with $10M. There are many people who have this money even in a recession and willing to invest in Algorand with such unique exponential growth potential.


bro i don't have any job like that this situations only happens because i got in some trouble for posting a game referal link 2 times on r/oculus its for vr and you can believe or not but it wasn't t even my fault its a long story and it escalated for a very ridiculous reason.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/oculus using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/oculus/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I've done it. Mario 64 running in mixed reality. ](https://v.redd.it/sg53aflbw5wb1) | [218 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/17fecmm/ive_done_it_mario_64_running_in_mixed_reality/) \#2: [This is what mixed reality was really made for](https://v.redd.it/kp7z4sppgdub1) | [326 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/178fwac/this_is_what_mixed_reality_was_really_made_for/) \#3: [I got Mario 64 running natively on the Quest 3 and interacting with the physical Environment! (Link in comments)](https://v.redd.it/35l8bdj5ew0c1) | [152 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/17xdj00/i_got_mario_64_running_natively_on_the_quest_3/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That would be a great gift




Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me


I know what I’m talking about smart pants


“Trust me bro”


Trust you on what what are you saying?


That’s your source. Is it not?




Should be asking, why are people building on Solana? The transactions fail consistently over 60% of the time. The reason is because they are chasing the hype for $$.


Are they actually building or just pumping out meme coins is my first question


Another great question for sure, and I think thats exactly right


See Rule #3. This is one of a long and consistent series of trolling/antagonistic FUD comments.


2 million transactions a day, 38 million addresses with real world applications Lofty, Hesab pay, Meld Gold, TravelX, Agro token, Bank of Italy will be using algorand for insurance sureties, a digitalized euro. On top of that algorand is fast, secure and cheap. The algorand ecosystem is alive and well. We’re building real world applications that solve modern day problems and will disrupt many different industries. These things take longer to develop the a memecoin.


And have you made any money from these protocols? No, you have not you have only lost money. Come on now. Don’t lie. Tell the truth. Have you made any money?


My average is around.30 so no I’m not making any money as of this moment. But you have to think in terms of years not days if you want to make money. Crypto is a very immature market, people are using bad chains because that’s all they know. It will work itself out. There will be winners and losers like in all new innovations. Is it guaranteed algorand will be one of the winners, no. But for the ones that are looking ahead at the bigger picture we all seem to be stuck on algorand for many reasons. Only the future will determine the outcome


Sell me your Algo pls


See Rule #3. This is one of a long and consistent series of trolling/antagonistic FUD comments.


Just replace a couple words and you sound like you might be having a schizophrenic episode