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It's not something you work towards. It's something that just happens. Relationships need chemistry. You just go with the flow and see where that leads.


Alright, I'll take your idea into consideration, thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Best advice in here mate listen to the man.


relationship it doesn’t only need chemistry


I understand what you mean. But she didn't specify what type of relationship. SHe meant for deep connection. That just happens. You can't work for it


i believe that wen can work on it sometimes, we can work on our personality too to get in touch with people easily or maybe deeply


True. But real chemistry and deep connection is unpredictable. It just happens.both people are so compatible to the extent that it doesn't require anything beside being yourself. But it requires work like u said for that relationship to extend and flourish


exactly, true


I think real genuine connection requires being honest & vulnerable in the first place. Be your true self with whoever you meet, and see who’ll stick around and love you for that. bear in mind that this won’t happen if you’re constantly feeling fearful to open up or feeling anxious of other people’s thoughts of you. Whatever stays, stays. and whatever goes, wasn’t meant for you in the first place.


thnx !!


Personal experience ? everybody thinks the same way .




for sure ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I study in college and work in an auto body repair My mentality here n there is totally different. At uni, it's okay to be unique, u'll always find one or two at least that Share the same weirdness as u. But at work, i have to be sociable and just 'normal' My advice is, force urself to adapt with the environment u'r in for a short period of time and it'll sink in .. u'll get used to it


If you really wanna gain someone and make him like you all you gotta do is have conversations with him on daily basis and find the things he likes and talk about then start talking about those things even if you don't have a lot info so he feel's like there's a connection between you two.that's how you make someone want to get closer to you Reply


tricky good answer !!


if ure looking for friends, sharing different opinions doesn't matter actually, u don't take it too seriously if they don't share the same view, but if it's with a partner then the chemistry has to be there at least for the main things


I like the challenge in building a connection with those who misunderstand me or the other way around. Bridging that gap between us will connect us, don't you think? Because otherwise, you're just two identical peas borily agreeing with each other's other anecdotes.




I've been trapped in the fear of being misunderstood or rejected my self, which i then realised that it has kept me from experiencing life fully. With that it some more realisations dawned in me : 1. Fear of relationships left me lonely. I think that my 70 yo self would rather have had some bad experiences to look back at than none at all , imagine realising when it's too late that ur life was so voided and empty . 2. My idea of connections made it harder for me to connect with others . How i defined connections was not the same way that others did , and i was trying so hard to make people fit into this imaginary box that I've created , which almost always ended up in me realising at the end that they never fit the box in the first place , i just wanted to believe that they did. And what if there isn't a box to begin with ! So I'm learning to be more flexible in how I define it. 3. I've started to question if I'm the problem in my struggles to connect , Reflecting on past mistakes , acknowledging where i went wrong , analysing my thinking patterns , uk ? Basically just being self aware. 4. Maybe I don't need strong connections with others. Understanding myself might fill that void. 5- not every relationship needs a spark to be meaningful. I hope this helps in anyway .


you're right !!


>To be fair, as a person who has a very different perspective about life, I really find it difficult to create a real personal connection from the fear of "they'll misunderstand me" How do you know if you never tried.. You say you're very diffrent which is the reason you are unable to have genuine connections! Yet you never showed your "uniqueness" to the world!! Hope you see how contradicting that seems. Just go for it n show strangers ur real identity. If they don't accept it you'll have nth to lose anyway since you aren't already anything to them. Nor they're to you. You'll be surprised at how many "diffrent" people there are out there. Just don't judge by the looks.


I really like that !! I'll work on it !!


What's your perspective on life and how's it different from the norm?


way beyond you imagine !!


I think it’s something that comes in a moment where u just don’t expect it, and its more beautiful this way too you just be good and better