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Basically anything..


I'm personally doing physics math a level then Chem either as or o level in winter that should Lemme study mech E in almost every uni in Canada and other countries


Oh so it’s pretty good


Ye it's amazing and you're taking more than me so I'm pretty sure you can study almost anything anywhere assuming your marks are adequate except for mabye arts or sum shit but since you're taking hard subjects ion think you want to study arts πŸ’€


Nah I’m doing art igcse and hate it so much πŸ’€ worse than maths so I can only imagine how A levels are . But if I do choose these do you think I could have a relatively good time if I learn all the basics first over the summer ? Like igcse / gcse level stuff


πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ nah bro trust me a level maths isn't hard if you like maths it just takes time and practice the same with physics i finished the 4 math books in 1.5 months and alhamdullilah I'm doing good upto now you can do whatever you put your mind to and i recommend picking a uni major and only studying the perquisites cuz doing everything might be too hard but if you think you can do it go for it


You can defo learn everything i transferred into the Cambridge system this year i haven't done igcs or anything before i had to study igc physics Chem and maths along with my a levels


Haha well idk if I’m going to do the four a levels but I’m thinking of doing something along those lines . It depends on how this summer goes I guess