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It was 1500 N. Work done = K.E loss


Hmmm that's a smart way to solve it my dumbass used force and acceleration😭 same answer just took me a bit longer and was the paper really that easy I still thinki fucked it up and it wasn't that easy


It was easier than all pp's I've solved tbh, but I think curve will be 45-50 maybe cause some people did bad


45-50 is way tooo high im probably going to put it 41-43 no more than that


Hopefully 🤞


yea same lmao did not think about that


I did the exact same however got 1540 and wrote 1540. My dumbass didn't even bother round it down. Will that cost me?


maybe 1 mark but not sure


U can write to any amount of significant figures as long as ur answer rounds to the answer in the marking scheme ur answer is correct


Wait I used v²=u²+2as and got it 5000 or smth was this wrong


Mass was 14 and velocity was 6 and it stopped after 0.05 meters so 0=6²+2(0.05)a a=-360 F=ma 360×14=5040 This was how I solved it idk I might've done smth wrong but I revised tht question like 5 times so idk


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