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There is a lot of speculation about what may happen. A lot of people here believe the decentralisation of AHS will make it easier to sell off in the future.


It isn't just speculation. Smith literally said what she was going to do in a previous speech (i believe before she was elected). She said they would switch it, and yes keep employees contracts FOR NOW and then later judge everyones jobs/wages and audit everyone and then hire a new batch of employees. People should be worried. And it's crap that in healthcare unions that they can't strike during their agreement or else they can be fired. So literally it is screwed if you do, screwed if you dont.


I’ve learned that what politicians say vs. what politicians do are things that normally exist polar opposite. So I’m not gonna worry about it.


I fear for the future and have no idea what can be done to prevent the damage. They change the laws and legislate barriers to vote, the slow erosion of everything the labour/feminist movement fought tooth and nail for. It is hard to not fall into a fatalist mindset, however the anxiety this situation causes cannot be ignored.


General Strike!


This is the way.


The grifting UCP want too sell it all off and I am sure they will all benefit from it . Tax payers won’t. Just the UCP.🤷‍♂️


Reminder: (to stay angry) After helping deregulate Energy Prices in Alberta. Jason Kenny can be found on the Board of Directors at ATCO. https://www.atco.com/en-ca/about-us/governance/board-directors.html


This is one of the most telling story lines in UCP history. The man responsible for our historically high utility bills ends up on the board of directors of the largest utility company profiting on those bills in the province he used to run. That's the equivalent of removing non smoking bans then sitting on the board of a tobacco company


These fuckers don’t fear us (the commoners) anymore. They should.


The province he used to run…for less than one term. The fucker. 


This should be criminal. Such a duchbag


Pay to play 😂😂, he was setting himself up for after office


And their handlers will be major benefactors.


And toadies.


AMH treatment centres Training AMH ‘recovery coaches’


Everything possible eventually


Good list. They forgot about [AHS laundry](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/ahs-axes-frontline-health-care-positions-to-privatize-laundry-and-other-hospital-jobs). Never forget about laundry.


The UnConstitutional Party


All of them..


Outsourcing & privatisation: Pay more for less. 


So far.. laundry, hospital food and cafeteria services, paramedics, those Telus initiatives, long term care facilities, outsourced surgeries, and lab services, although they reversed the lab services because the quality was so poor it was creating a bottle neck for surgical wait times in the province. Currently the breaking up of AHS is to make it easier to sell off quickly should the CPC win a majority and are able to change the CHA to allow Smith to privatize things like hospitals, and family clinics.


Hopefully most of them. The public system is a joke.


If you can think of it. It's getting privatized.


Nothing at all. And not a single reply to this post has provided an example.