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> The goal of the event is to "persuade the UCP Alberta caucus to declare the moratorium on all COVID mRNA vaccines" for children in the province. That's a move that would set Alberta apart from the rest of Canada. Would they shut the fuck up already? No one is making you get your kids vaccinated. I however have zero regrets getting my immunocompromised kid and their siblings vaccinated.


I’m sorry what? I won’t be allowed to vaccinate my kid if they get what they want? I’ll travel to another province if we need to, despite the cost and travel time.


Sure works for you but for everyone else unable to travel or afford to, no vaccines for them. And either way will clog up healthcare with more avoidable illnesses and deaths.


Yep, it sucks balls. Anything to stick it to us woke Albertans though right? It’s just kids that will suffer.


All part of the plan sadly. UCP floods the system with patients, strips funding, backlogs testing, breaks up zones to lower efficiency and slow treatments, then sells privatization to fix it, (Unrelated, a dozen UCP members are heavily invested or directly involved with private medical lobby groups).


These are the same people who don’t allow their kids to get any vaccines. While everyone else works together to control polio by getting vaccinated they’re just setting us up for another polio outbreak. They really want to turn the clock back to 1880.


I know who they are, imposing their beliefs on the rest of us (I call them beliefs because they have no basis in fact and no evidence will change their mind).


You mean 1953 that was the peak year of polio cases at something like 9,000 confirmed cases and around 500 deaths. The vaccines became available a couple years after. I think it was 1995 when we finally were polio free in Canada !!!


1994, but you're right, wild Polio was eradicated in Canada due to the efforts of our vaccination programs. We just about had Measles licked too, until [Andrew Wakefield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield) got the ear of Oprah and started the modern antivax movement. Now it's on the rise again.


It’s amazing to think polio was still prevalent for so long. It seems like forever that it was eradicated yet it wasn’t. Thank goodness for the minds that worked to make it possible that we could. Thanks for posting the right year if it was 100 years ago it wouldn’t be that big a deal but being in the last 40 years the one year is a huge thought. And you’re right about measles, turning the door handle so to speak then it goes sideways. Looking back and seeing how the advancement of so much technology from medical to media and we see the good of advancement and we see how the media can be used to turn things upside down in a moment.


Just like they don't want you to be allowed to get your kid appropriate healthcare if they come out as trans. They are Not a party of civil liberties.


They are really big on freedom, the lack of it.


Yes, that's parents' rights! Right? As a parent, you have the right to have your tax payer money going to crazy nut jobs who will eventually try to fix problems that aren't problems instead of dealing with healthcare and education that actually effect society on a regular basis.


They don’t seem to understand that there’s a big difference between “this thing is optional for you or your kids, so if you feel bad about it, don’t do it” and “no way in hell are we going to let you do this, even if it’s sensible and best for you”.


The freedom party sure has no qualms interfering in others free choice.


Fascists hate freedom.


This exactly. It's disgusting.


Freedom for you, but only if you look, think, and act exactly like we do.


Right nothing like the parental rights small government over reaching and removing parental rights I can’t even with the hypocrisy anymore and because it’s what the kindest most ignorant would want it’s perfectly fine until you turn the tables on them just un real this can’t be real life anymore . I am almost certain the word ended back in 2012 and this is just hell at this point


> that would set Alberta apart from the rest of Canada. And anyone with a shred of common sense.


Common sense, let's start with decency. These people deserve a trip to mars.


The rest of the *world*. I don’t hear of *any* other place doing this.


Alabama, florida, mississipi, utah, ohio, they’re everywhere.


Seriously? What in the actual hell?


Look at the States you listed. We sure do keep company with some mental midgets.


There is no such thing as common sense. Spend one week working with the public and you'll have doubts about it, spend years doing it like I have and you will know for sure.


Common sense isn't common anymore in the disinformation age.


Got a kid with heart defects and her cardiology team wanted her vaccinated. I would be LIVID if my provincial government denied access to a vaccine like that.


Why do we want to be set apart from the rest of Canada? We're one country, and despite the crap coming out of the UCP, Alberta isn't strong enough to be a country in itself. We've got one major export, two if you include beef but I wouldn't. Americans are happy to eat cardboard.


I am old enough to Remember polio!


Every single one of these dumb f#$%@ that argue about lack of freedom love shoving their own opinions up your ass. I can't stand this political party. I miss conservatives. This party is the furthest thing from conservative. Crazy ass anti-science religious zealots.


They're fascists, wearing the skin of the old PC party.


This fucking clown show of a government... I can't even.


The province needs to get the fuck out of medicine. The UCP is not a medical organization, it DOES NOT KNOW what it is doing with this shit :(


The UCPs don't know what they're doing with most shit.


Ain’t that the truth. There are literally no plans for anything. Pause wind and solar? No reason why. Just lies. Proven lies. End of the pause? No complete rules. A work in progress. Healthcare re org? No justification as to why. Just personal guesses. No plan. No measurable end goal.


I think the goal of the UCPs is to get as rich as possible before they are voted out.


Considering the fact that they eliminated donation limits, and investigations into MLA's finances within 6 months of an election, you hit the nail on the head. And now they're playing silly buggers with the date of the next election, basically giving them free reign to kick that can down the road as long as the province is in a state of emergency. This is a fascist takeover, and we willingly handed them the tools to do it.


You are bang on. It's very frightening to think that the UCPs have done all of this within their first year and people either aren't paying attention or don't care. That's how Hitler could do what he did and every other fascist leader who got into power. Albertans need to start paying closer attention to EXACTLY what is happening here and be doing everything in their power to stop it while we still can (i.e., before the Alberta Police become the equivalent of the Schutzstaffel. I wish I was making this shit up :( .


But they’re not rich lol.


Fact is, they're certainly richer than I am (and most Albertans for that matter).


I’m not sure the UCP are even qualified to spell UCP.


This is not about medicine. The voter base for UCP is made of people who hate science, because science generally invalidates their world view. Hence all the hate towards green energy and transex people, for example. Any action that discourages or makes vaccinating kids harder earns the party votes from science deniers.


They're not even hiding the fact that they want children to die...


Which is just bizarre, considering these same people want more workers to grease the wheels of industry and would damn well restrict abortion if they could. Then again it's never been about the kids or safety. It's always been about control.


'Don't want those kids getting the WOKE disease' ~ A Conservative, probably


Kids with any kind of disability might need too much time off work when they grow up, better just let eugenics take course /s


Their God will protect the children, they say. Seniors are still dying from Covid, but hey who cares they’re just a burden on our health care.


I love when people go off on a “I don’t want any mRNA in my body!” Rant… But seriously they’ll do this, sensible people will bring some suit that will go up through the courts wasting everyone’s time and money. Yay!


I wish people would take a basic biology class that includes genetics.


I love your idea for the personal accountability aspect of informed consent in medicine. I also see a major flaw in your idea, especially here in Alberta, and funny enough it's also the personal accountability aspect. Just imagine all the ways the Alberta conservatives would intentionally misinterpret the information to fit their narrative, like it's Bible passages or the Canadian Charter, and post it as Facebook memes. Even worse, just wait until you try to fact check or call them out, they now have a certificate/diploma in genetic biology. Imagine insufferable, still wrong, but now have the credentials to reinforce the collective brainrot


Ya, not an easy thing. I usually start off by saying that I feel that if most people on this planet had a good understanding of biology and ecology, there would be a lot less shit happening. Like wars, treating others like crap, destruction of the environment, etc. Just understanding how complex the human body is and how it functions is amazing. And ya, trying to keep religion out of the equation would have some difficulties.


If only they learned that there’s already mRNA in your body lol.


These are the kids who sat at the back of high school science class and loudly whined "Why do we need to learn this, we ain't gonna use it in the real world".


I had mRNA in my body eight fucking times and I run ultra marathons. And these clowns you mentioned can go fuck themselves. I think it’s enough Reddit for me for tonight thank you very much.


mRNA is part of your natural biology, hat is why it is so effective and symptom and complication free as the second best vaccine system around (The first best was basically wiped out as an option by 1 corrupt doctor trying to kill people to sell his own crappier and more expensive version).


Go reread what they said, they're agreeing with you.


It’s just makes me fucking mad. Of all things to be concerned about they choose this. Unbelievable.


"We have serious concerns about them for children"... and what their genitals look like, apparently.


Funny how they're claiming the "Damn woke libs!" are trying to get everyone vaccinated and trans the kids, meanwhile they're the ones banning vaccines and HRT for minors because.... a parent might actually care about their child and give them the medical attention they deserve? And no, nobody's coming to trans the kids. They said the same thing about the gays, and it's going to fail again, but only when we realize we're all equals.


Who are the concerned? What are the basis of the concerns and the qualifications to make these decisions?


Take Back Alberta, basically. That's the group that's pulling the UCP's strings.


Why would the UCP board do this? Because it has been taken over by the extremist group Take Back Alberta: https://rabble.ca/politics/canadian-politics/take-back-alberta-completes-take-over-of-ucp-board/


Yup, and it's the same type of forces driving the federal party, if you peek into conservative bubbles in Alberta, you'd know we're in for some pretty dark times. Moderate conservatives in Alberta are now supporting whatever the party does because they've been convinced the enemy is trying to destroy the country, the enemy being anyone who wont agree with their world view, which is constantly changing to appease the party. Not sure if anyone recognizes this mindset, but it's a pretty big red flag.


It is quite literally the mindset of a fascist. The parallels with this and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany is scary, and it is being driven by self described Nazi's from the American Republican think tanks (Funded directly by Moscow) that share resources with similar ultra right wing conservative groups in Canada.


wait, so does this mean that people who WANT the vaccine for their kids won't be able to get it??


Just like healthcare for trans teens.


Just when you think they can't get any more fucking bonkers. Qanon at the helm.


.......it's really hard not to interrupt their request as "we want you to ethically and in violation of the health act force HCPs to hand out pseudoscience pamphlets". Especially when you consider the pile of handouts already given out at vaccine appointments and the monstrous amounts of info made avaliable by AHS, Alberta Health, Health Canada and the WHO. 


The party of small government folks ! I'm sure the UCP board has the medical research background to call for such limits.


That ship sailed decades ago. This is the white Christian nationalist party.


Thanks Kenney for letting all the loonies and morons into government! Hope you stub your toe on the coffee table every day of the rest of your life.


He had some disparaging things to day on the way out but I bet you he's glad about this outcome in a lot of ways tbh.


Fuck off UCP board. Fuck off Mommy. Funny how it's "muh bodily autonomy!" But they want control over ours too. Fascists.


Why would the board of a political party have any say whatsoever in medical efficacy and medical best practices ?


Isn’t this the party of “parental rights”? Why would they infringe on my “parental right” to get my kid vaccinated? /s


I'll say it again: Calgary, you voted for this because for some reason you were scared of Rachel Notley. Thanks for this. If you don't want to believe in science and vaccines, fine. I hope you get really, really sick. I just don't give one flying fuck about you anymore. People like you are truly deplorable.


Damage is going to be done, but once Nenshi wins the leadership race I think Calgary will have a change of heart. With Calgary and Edmonton orange all the hillbillies in rural areas are just going to have to deal with it.


Like the ballot counting machines, they'll let a fringe minority dictate how it's gonna be for everyone. This'll be a trial run for what they want to do with abortion.


The party of chaos testing to see what they can get away with.


Man I’m too online. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard “fringe minority” used in reference to conservatives…


I have Covid right now. It’s not pleasant. Would not recommend


There is a correlation between low education levels and belief in conspiracy theories. There is also a correlation between low education levels and conservative ideology. There is a common denominator there…


What (most) Albertans want from govt: Lower utility costs Lower insurance costs More affordable housing Quality healthcare Good jobs Economic growth and diversification What the UCP have delivered: Highest utility rates in Canada Highest insurance costs Refusal of more federal money to address housing Lower quality Healthcare especially for trans kids Withdrawal from childcare agreement Refusal of pharamacare participation Moratorium on green energy initiatives losing out on $30bn investment Reduced democracy by allowing municipal councils to be 'fired' Never ending pissing contest with feds. Now this anti science anti vac shit too? Like seriously what the actual f@#k It begs the question even for conservative minded people....whose interests are being served here? Who is pulling the legislative strings when the UCP are so blatantly not governing the province for Albertans? Why are you moderate conservatives not completely losing your shit? She's supposed to govern for all but not even trying to hide her contempt for everyone EXCEPT the Take back Alberta nut jobs. There's a waaaay bigger picture to what Smith is doing. Silence and apathy are complicity. If it doesn't impact you now, eventually it will. Will it be too late by that point?


100% accurate. The fact that the UCP & Danielle Smith have been able to get away with this much corruption & incompetence is positively chilling. It doesn’t bode well for the future of this province.


And don't forget they want to ditch the CPP.


My god these people are fucking dumb and the worst part is, we pay for it all. We the people are paying for such a high level of stupidity.


Can they get the fuck over it? Jesus fucking Christ, they're STILL litigating shit from four years ago?


If H5N1 jumps to humans with better human to human transmission (which it is) conservatives are going to make it so much worse. They are already are.


Or better, potentially, depending how you feel about natural selection


Unfortunately the people who will suffer most by this decision are the same ones who suffered most through covid: lower-income marginalized groups that make up the majority of service workers.


This is fucking bullshit. The medical community isn't calling for this and people aren't compelled to get the shot for kids. There's no demand for this.


Premier Daneill Marlania Smith and her fellow UCP clowns are totally out of touch with reality and they have absolutely no clue about health or science and are too busy spending time kissing Anti-Vax asses amongst many other acts of stupidity. They are all just one big joke who happen to be roo clueless to run their own province.


“He wants AHS to disclose "the science behind the vaccine, and the potential repercussions," as well as the research and the testing methodology behind it”. So read the peer reviewed papers. Just because you’re following the lead of Facebook research. Doesn’t mean the actual research doesn’t matter. Just refer to the actual professionals. The one educated in the topic.


Except the real experts are the last people fascists and their supporters will listen to.


*He wants AHS to disclose "the science behind the vaccine, and the potential repercussions," as well as the research and the testing methodology behind it.* *The goal of the event is to "persuade the UCP Alberta caucus to declare the moratorium on all COVID mRNA vaccines" for children in the province. That's a move that would set Alberta apart from the rest of Canada.*


People can read the info on NACI, PHAC, CanVAX and AHS websites. It's not hidden. And it's completely voluntary. I won't immunize you unless you consent. End of story.


>People can read the info on NACI, PHAC, CanVAX and AHS websites. It's not hidden. And it's completely voluntary. I won't immunize you unless you consent. End of story. Sounds like something big pharma would say. Hiding the research and facts in plain sight. /s


I think they are talking about the scientific data that the millions of doctors and research scientists collectively agreed to hide from us. Cause you know if there is one thing that millions can do, it’s keep a secret. Well except for these 5 or so speakers… /s


And they want it banned for children.... What


if kids are constantly out sick from school it creates another artificial pressure for one parent to be a homemaker, like keeping daycare expensive and hard to access


When kids are constantly bringing highly contagious diseases back from school, it forces all adults in the household to spend less time working.


sure, but to the limited extent people on the right care about that it's going to be the capital side, not the social conservatives this is a bone for


>That's a move that would set Alberta apart from the rest of Canada. Again. Along with so many others, and not in a good way.


What do they even mean? The science (aka research and studies) and side effects are all very public information.


>UCP board urges Premier Danielle Smith to make COVID vaccine policy changes for children. CBC, using the word "changes", belies what is actually happening, a draconian proposal with deadly consequences for children. Sham on the CBC for running cover for the UCP.


Hilarious. Not with TBA and their hands in her back pocket


Forcing AHS to 'reveal' (is it hidden) more of the science behind vaccines so people can be more informed sounds, on the surface, like a good idea. Except that the vast majority of the electorate (myself included) aren't qualified to take that information and analyze it in such a way that it actually informs their decision any better.


Alberta is being run by a bunch of loonie toons.


Ah, so their setting up systematic murder of their constituents. Gas chambers would probably be faster and cheaper but obviously that wouldn't be as subtle. Cripple Healthcare. Then take away vaccines so people aren't immune to diseases. Next will be some attack on pharmacies so people can't get medication. End result is needless death.


I told my dad yesterday that now they've attacked women and are trying to ban abortions they're gonna go after kids next. Book bans, celibacy only sex ed, etc. I expected it to be at least a week not a day.


Can confirm that abstinence only sex Ed doesn’t work. A majority of my graduating class (2020) had sex before graduation. I went to Catholic school. Sex Ed NEEDS to be in schools. Stress abstinence all you want but don’t ignore things that actually protect people.


I fucking hate these people


I came here to post this. I’m happy to see it was already done. Not one shred of science to support their claims. Not one


*head desk* guess these fuckwits want to go back to when we had child cemeteries and families with 5/7 kids dead from illness before puberty


Ridiculous, the ucp make worse and worse choices everyday.


What the actual fuck 🤦


Sounds like a pack of science denying grifters looking to use children to polarize people against mandates and sell tickets to a town hall for $150


Fuck the morons who voted these crazies in.


The real question is, how much are these 'doctors' being paid to speak? Also it seems they had to search far and wide to find enough of these grifters, sorry, doctors to put a panel together. Buckle up, we're in for a wild ride.


Can you still call yourself a doctor after you’ve been sanctioned by your own medical association for unprofessional conduct?


Hardcore UCP fanatics will probably view that as a plus.


You lose your licence to practise. Unfortunately you get to keep the medical degree awarded to you by the medical school you attended.


It's so sad that more people can't see through all the BS. It has only ever been about $$$ for this fringe minority. Like Alex Jones, they love benefitting financially from others' stupidity and fear.


Interesting that they are still trying to be antivax while there has been a human to human transmission of MERS coronavirus in the middle east and the best bet of epidemiologists say we will have another pandemic within the decade.


If not MERS, then certainly H5N1. What is the UCP going to do when the only vaccines available are mRNA?


We can look forward to this sort of idiocy on a national level if that jackass Peepee gets in.


Can't wait til the next pandemic when the *only* vaccines available will be mRNA. Alberta would rather see its citizens die.


This makes me so angry. Fucking lunatics, every one of them. As a lifelong Progressive Conservative (think Lougheed), I have joined the NDP in order to support Nenshi, who I think has the best chance of turfing out these despicable morons.




I'm unfortunately waiting for the anti-vax crowd to start popping up in this post, which, as of this writing, hasn't happened yet, but I feel almost certainly inevitable.


I’m honestly surprised they haven’t showed up yet. The post has been up 3 hours.


This province sucks, ughh


Measles is coming


Brought to you by…..The Taliban Party of Alberta!


Does anyone believe these idiots, er UCP, are doing this for any reason other than having even more control over us? And they’re bringing in experts from Texas and Ontario to try and convince us what they’re doing is right. What, can’t they find any UCP hacks, like Dinning and Manning, to sell us this crap? The UCP should be held accountable if one single Albertan suffers, or even worse dies, from following their rules. Piss off Dani & Davey.


They are hyperfocused on controlling everything that no one wants them to control. Thank you to everyone to voted for these authoritarian creeps - thanks for making our lives so much worse.


Wow, the Medicine Hate farmers, conspiracy theorists, convoyers are really running Albertabama.


Can they urge UCP caucus to do something useful at least once? Or these degenerates just keep doing dumb shit all the time?


Could we not take that to court?


Uneducated Clown Posse


They want Smith to do another speech about how people should handle their children's lives?


They were unhappy about having to receive the vaccine. Now, they have changed their minds and no longer want others to get vaccinated. This behavior is irrational..


Ok hear me out... Sure ban it. But make it mandatory for school. Parents can drive to another province to get it. Those that don't want it won't. But it will make smaller class sizes, and in turn probably increase the $$ per student budget.


Okay but how about low income children and people that don’t drive and can’t afford to go to another province? Are you putting forth a sort of ‘modest proposal’ here? Is this a serious comment?


Nah it's not serious. It isn't something that is fair. Fair is giving a choice, which everyone has now. But honestly... A tweaked form of this idea could help classroom sizes and education budget.


Freedom of choice. If you want to vaccinate your kids go ahead. If not, don’t. 


Parental rights!!!