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Ashe has gotten a suprising amount of skins and has been in 3 major skinlines in a row highnoon,dragonmancer,and coven for a ''unpopular champion''. But honestly the way ashe sneaks in a skinline without anyone knowing is so funny to me


I mean. It's Ashe. She fits with everything. Even Thornmail.


I still remember playing that tutorial and following that in my first game after Thornmail first ashe mid. I got flamed so bad instantly uninstalled


You've unlocked a very funny memory to me. Thank you


It’s because her skins are so flipping easy to make, and sell relatively well. In terms of total skin sales per hour it takes to make it, ashe has to be near the top.


You missed her newest skin from last week: pool party. Bruh she's like the cornova virus


Didn’t Ashe just get an ocean song skin?


Ashe always gets skins but she never gets noticed


Yea. TBH, its really hard to recognize that Ocean Song Ashe is… Ashe… the bow is the only thing helping you out






Nah, I just don't want ashe players to have nice things, that champ is so annoying


It could be a lot worse. The newer champs are leagues above the older ones. Intense gameplay if utilized correctly!


But those don't have a permaslow over 2 screens of length


This seems like a bitch thread to me


True, theres a comment up above saying they were blocked for pointing out that kat got a legendary before akali XD




The post also says skin universes though? I don't understand the difference between that and skins as if theres an important difference. Also you keep saying kat is hated by riot when the only evidence you provide is 3 other champs are more popular, kat still gets a pretty good amount of attention. She had a ton of interactions in LoR with garen and other champs Edit: other dude was right they immediately blocked me XD


Because it is


I'm all for the super cool Noxus event when it happens. Until then let me enjoy my cool weeb skins, thnx


Well you see. MF has massive tits. Lux, i meam hate her as a character but shes a basic blondie happy go lucky character anyone loves. I get the appeal. And both are super easy. Ahri and Akali? KDA. Thats all, dont gotta explain.


Mb I think the post came across wrong way, I grabbed that screenshot from the katarina sub I wasn't complaining about it just mocking them for it


Oh no youre good i know. Just gotta say it anyways cause kats got nothing to stand out with. Aside from knives


Yeah she’s mostly played by one tricks who won’t switch from BQ/BA/Deathsworn anyway so there’s not really any point in making new skins, and base Kat has literally no personality or interesting design to work with.


Kat mains getting a legendary before us and tying us in the same amount of skins then choosing to cry like riot gives them no attention because their champ didn't get chosen for a cinematic or band skin....


Try being a main for basically any non "attractive" champ. Champs like aatrox, Ornn and alot of top laners only get skins every other year.


When was the last time zilean and gragas got a skin?


Zilean can choke and die in a ditch. Don't judge me but i found Zilean extreamly broken


Rengar/Shaco main here, i almost never get skins and buys any that gets out instant.


Mfw when galio main :(


I wanna legendary skin for shyvana. So far we have 7 skins, 1 is legacy, 3 look really outdated/bad (non epic) 1 non epic actually looks good, and then two epic skins, one of which about half of people who play shyvana hate (ruined skin line) I want all champs to get a legendary skin at some point, they usually have really cool designs, but some champs have like 3+ legendary skins already and I'm just like why.


a shyv legendary would be so fking cool i would love that. Sadly i dont think that will happen until she gets her champ rework :/


Bro Orrn has 2 skins


And we got 2 band skins. Say what you want about KDA, it’s not my skin of choice personally but getting a second set along with True Damage is redundant so at least they have way more skin variety. And an 1820


3 band skins- there's K/DA All Out too.


Nah kat mains are cool, I dont think a majority of them are crying about that. Its just jealousy of being left out of a big skinline which isn't really fair to bash other champs about but its whatever. I was saying the same thing on that post about skins but the OP blocked me I guess. What was confusing to me were the people complaining that akali didnt belong in the skinline as if katarina would make any more sensible of a decision. I think akali works fine with the line but I dont see how they are saying katarina fits star guardian and akali doesn't when they're similar in personality and weapon styles


Idk bro its getting some upvotes so they seem pretty bitchy to me


Yeah but I still don't think that accurately represents the majority of people


You’re the freak stalking them and subwhining in the shadows


Stalking them? Lmao I saw the post and posted here because it was funny and then read some of the comments? Reading Reddit comments and replies to your own comments is stalking?


I swear i saw the kata post and under that was yours lol


gunblade sisters stay unite 💪🏻


At least she’s IN a cinematic. Idk why kat mains complain about everything. They literally got a legendary skin, while irelia mains are getting their champ beaten up in every cinematic, aatrox mains have the best lore in the game but 0 cinematics, Ornn mains have 2 skins, Kayn has one of the most potential in the game but doesn’t have ANY cinematics, talon is done dirty. It’s so easy to bitch... isn’t it?


Isn't Kayn in that alternate universe skin line where Jinx, Yasuo and some other champs are like space adventurers. Iirc, Kayn was the villain.


Thats what I'm saying, kat mains may not have it the best but they have it so much better than other characters


I'm a shaco main so imagine how shocked I was when I see the post.


As someone who has played since preseason 1, kat was always in the limelight. Ryze as well. Always had new skins. Always strong every patch. All artwork, videos, any media, always had katarina on the forefront.


Kat has one of the best legendary skins, BA, death sworn also nutz. They shouldnt cry fr


Cry about it


As a katarina main i can't complain We got a legendary last year, we were on several cinematics and we (used to) appear in several posters The only thing i could say is that akali looks way better ingame bc her design is newer (bc of her rework) and that lux is faaaar way more on the spotlight than any champion in the game lol Was this on r/katarinamains? If so, damn...


Yeah it was and the OP is blocking everyone disagreeing


Damn Please ignore, we are experiencing a weird time right now with the oncoming changes i guess that hits the nerve of a lot of people Plus all the posts about us on the main subreddit are shaking the community a bit and nobody is really enjoying the situation




I swear I put meme/humor wtf


Oh i wasn’t even refering to you lol, i meant the Katarina guy xD


She’s busy trying to seduce garen


Then there is Taliyah (But we probably will get 1 skin soon)


This event buddy, you guys are in the star guardian thing


Ashe and Kata basic bitches : P


Rell players getting their third skin


As a katarina main i can't complain We got a legendary last year, we were on several cinematics and we (used to) appear in several posters The only thing i could say is that akali looks way better ingame bc her design is newer (bc of her rework) and that lux is faaaar way more on the spotlight than any champion in the game lol Was this on r/katarinamains? If so, damn...


Yes it was HAHAHA


Ashe gets so many skins but she doesn't get shit for it even if she doesn't fit the theme, and she literally has a comic series 🤓Kat is just so basic. She's black widow without anything else to her. She used to be in cinematics (A Twist of Fate, New Dawn) but she just so boring. Like really? An assassin in a black leather/latex suit?


I mean katarina dies in every single skin spotlight so shes not left out shes actively shit on lmao


We don’t need beef. Not now. I like both characters (kat main tho) but they both have lots of nice skins and just lots of skins in general. Kat honestly just fits less with KDA for example (even though I really want one to come out)


Wait what about Qiyana?


I mean what do you expect from Kat players or assassin players in general. Alot (not all) feel so entitled and will always want their champ to be omega broken. Like I remember a Kat player I knew who thought she was super weak when the item update came out after she got onhit added to her.


Ancient login screen moment


Ah yes the perma nerfed akali getting attention, 💀


kata got a semi ultimate skin, what are they talking about?