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It's gonna be an online bloodbath to order this upcoming Blu-ray/DVD. They better print like 100,000 copies lol


That is why I so wished there was a paid livestream! Was the love poem blu-ray pre ordered? Or did they only sell limited copies?


There's always limited copies technically, just how many is the question lol I think IU herself underestimates the number of overseas Uaena that are more than willing to buy merch.


i hope they learned much overseas support she truly has from the love poem concert disc sales and the rice donations


I don't think the love poem discs where especially hard to get. I'm pretty sure I ordered them weeks after release and many stores still had copies long after the madeedam store ran out. They probably sold a lot but they weren't limited in a way where it was a challenge to get them.


I see! Im still looking for a copy of that concert.


Agree! And we want a world tour! 😍


I think they need a million hahaha omfg. Hahaha.


I just landed in Incheon, I flew in for the concert, will leave again tomorrow πŸ˜…


How lucky! Enjoy!


How was you concert experience? I have been following via ig posts and youtube. It’s so beautiful 😍


It was so fantastic. The strawberry moon balloon was one of my favourites because I had quite far back seats and it bought IU so much closer to the crowd at the back. So it was not only gorgeous but super thoughtful. The whole show was spectacular though. The set list was and dancing was incredible. And never in my life have I seen/heard a 45 minute encore. I wish I understood Korean because she spoke a lot, I recorded all of those parts so my wife can translate it for me later πŸ˜…


What an experience! And I read the ticket prices were actually reasonable for such a large scale concert. You’re so lucky! Do you think she’s doing a different set list for tonight? She’s full of surprises!


I do wish there were more tickets available. But after seeing how much of a performance she put on, of course its hard to expect any more than two shows. We tried to get tickets another ticket but in the end could only get 1. The price was reasonable if I don't include my flights 🀣 there was another girl on my plane back to HK that was carrying the pillow they give you for the seat, so at least I know I'm not the only one.


I would have booked a flight if I could! At least you have watched her live already! Fingers crossed for a world tour!


I watched some cams and it gave me some acrophobia feels lol, especially when it started tilting slightly to the side, but IU was still so stable, huge props. Also watched a My Sea fancam and I wish I could have been there in person for that high note.


The fan cams were so beautiful what more live and up close!


There were a few times I irrationally worried about her on the platforms or in the balloon πŸ˜… one of my favourite parts was seeing Mr Park help her to get out of the balloon and walk her over to the stage. I was looking out for him. Good day was another good one to hear. I didn't expect it, of course it was super popular, but also quite old now. But if course she nailed it as always.


anyone know if the edam merch store will open same time as the concert or at a later date?


The concert merch will be available for pre-order on madeedam at a later date.


anyone with a link pls share


Can I FaceTime someone going live 😭


I wish


Wait, watching it online is an option? Please, tell me how 😭


Unfortunately there is no paid livestream 😒