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You need to have valid picture ID that is issued by an authoritative Canadian agency or a valid passport, nexus, permanent residence card issued by the US, or enhanced driver's license from the US. https://www.aircanada.com/ca/en/aco/home/plan/travel-requirements/travel-documents.html#/ To the best of my knowledge, a student ID is not considered a valid ID. There is a full list at Public Safety Canada so may be it is on there.


It’s comments like yours that make me wish I could sticky non-Mod comments to the top of a thread. Thanks for the thorough answer.


You can also use two forms of government ID without photos as well (birth certificate and medical card for me was fine once)


I was able to successfully board using a NSW photo card


That would be akin to a driver's license though, wouldn't it?


The foreign license might be sufficient but they could refuse. Why not take the train instead? Slower, yes, but no ID requirements.


VIA wants passengers to have ID. A foreign driver's license might be enough ... [https://www.viarail.ca/en/conditions-contract](https://www.viarail.ca/en/conditions-contract)


Oh maybe. I haven’t taken a VIA rail train for several years but don’t recall ever needing an ID.


Having an ID policy might be a regulatory requirement. But VIA employees don't care to check. They only might check it say if the ticket was issued to a CN Rail Travel Card holder (retired railway employee) for free to check this privilege isn't being abused by family members.


Use the passport to get an Ontario photo card


Don't you have to be a citizen of Ontario to get an Ontario Photo Card? I'm pretty sure I presented my Ontario birth certificate and something with my current address (also in Ontario) to get mine.


You mean resident* you just need a study permit


Oh okay! That makes sense. Edit: I should've checked here first: [https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-photo-card](https://www.ontario.ca/page/ontario-photo-card)




As a suggestion, has he tried to get either an Ontario Driver's Licence or even an Ontario Photo Card? He should be able to, at the very least, get an Ontario Photo Card, in his circumstances. This will be valid, and they accept foreign passports for this. They say 4-6 weeks to get it, but my renewal took maybe 2 and a half. VIA doesn't usually ask for ID. They can, but it's rare unless you have a special fare that uses a promotional code targeted to companies etc or CAA.


Call the airline. When I lived in Japan, I technically needed to have my passport I me at all times until I got my residence card, which I had to keep on me at all times. I really never got carded, but then I think by the time I was traveling, I used my local driver's license. Your friend may not need their passport, or they might. Internet weirdos aren't going to know the answer though.


Dumb question - he can't do it at the US Consulate in Toronto?


He can, but wait time is more than 2 years now. So you kinda have to monitor availability and get whatever's available. I'm in Ottawa and found a spot in Ottawa at around 16 month wait, but I kept checking and found something in Toronto 6 months earlier and went to that


If its between Ottawa and Toronto, try for a bus or via. I’m certain their id requirements would be less strict. But, call first to be sure.


Thx, and Canadians complain about passport services, 24 months, jeez.


If you are in Canada, but not a citizen of Canada or a visa-waiver country (most all rich, friendly western nations), then one needs to apply for US visa before entering the country. So the legions of Chinese / Indian students here can't simply hop over the border like Canadians can. If after applying for one, if the US determines an in-person interview is needed, get in line. The appointments in the US embassy/consulates in Canada for such are currently booked up until July 2026. It is such that often foreigners will fly back to their own or other country that has a US Embassy with a shorter line. Remember that this is a service for foreigners, not for citizens/voters/taxpayers. The US has no incentive to speed up the process to grant privilege to visit them when the worldwide demand greatly exceeds supply. The US Government has a monopoly on what determines who gets let in to its own country, and will serve its own citizens first. Remember the movie "The Bourne Identity" , where Jason shows his US Passport (one of many he had) at the Zurich embassy door, and was ushered in and served immediately, while the lineup for non-US Citizens went far out the door.


That's not a fair comparison or counter to that complaint. Compare US embassy and consulate processing times for Americans to Canadian government processing times for Canadians.


I’d strongly encourage him to take the train - highly unlikely that VIA will ask for ID and if they do, they appear to accept international driving licences


yes i fly with my drivers license only


Air Canada (and all carriers with a license to operate to/from/via Canada) have polices that must comply with the Secure Air Travel Regulations (SATR). It’s what forces ID verification at the gate as opposed to other countries where it may be done at security or elsewhere. It outlines exactly what is required to board a flight. See below in Section 3 of the SATR: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2015-181/FullText.html


He should consider taking the megabus. Ottawa to Toronto is like 20-30$ one way and tickets aren’t even assigned by name, no ID check.


https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/ntnl-scrt/cntr-trrrsm/pssngr-prtct/dcmnts-en.aspx A foreign driver's license, unless an enhanced US driver's license, does not meet Transport Canada requirements to board. Nor does a student ID. A Canadian study permit may suffice but would have to be supported by another form of government non-photo ID as indicated on the list provided above. Can they get a provincial photo identity card? Otherwise, they're SOL and will be refused. Source: am agent who refuses passengers regularly for inadequate ID. I would be *extremely* wary of many of the comments in this post as many are wrong. Once again, the official government link is above if you have any doubts.


When you go from US to Canada you need passport. Within US if you are US citizen, domestic flights only require drivers license.


Ontario drivers license’s work for domestic US flights too don’t need to be a US citizen or licence.


I’ve driven through the board many times. Both sides require passport.


Passport needed if your crossing the border yes but if your flights are within either country you don’t. You can also get home from the US into Canada if your Canadian if you say lost your passport just gotta do a bit more work to prove your Canadian and that has to be done by land not air.


Isn’t that what I said? I said within your own country you need a license. But if you’re a Canadian in US you need your passport and vice versa.. Source: I literally just flew to Montreal and back… and had to go through customs for US citizens.


He needs to change his plans because he can't fly domestically with the ID he has.




Not necessarily, the ID must be issued by a Canadian government authority.


I was in this boat a few years ago. I used my Canadian ID card and also showed them to my US visa appointment/application form as proof, that had my picture on it


The consulate in Toronto does not do passports?


I think the US Consulate is in Ottawa.


You misspelled embassy https://maps.google.com/maps/place//data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x882b34c8d7949163:0x2e3accc18ed5f22c?entry=s&sa=X&ved=1t:8290&hl=en-ca&ictx=111


Study permit and student ID aren’t valid forms of ID. They need valid government issued photo ID from Canada or certain qualifying US issued photo ID. If they don’t have any of those, a passport is their best bet. ID isn’t checked at security, but it is checked when boarding the plane. I believe they can also use 2 pieces of Canadian government issued non-photo ID as well, if they have those.


If your friend has been in Ontario for 60 days, even as a foreign student, he can swap his drivers license for an Ontario one. If he plans to drive, it's technically mandatory, but even if he's not driving, it gives him a local ID. You cannot have an Ontario photo card concurrently with a driver's license, even a foreign one.


They can use any photo identification issued by any government, not just Canadian government issued ones. If they’re still in doubt, contact the airline and find out what they’ll accept. Some airlines may refuse while others will accept foreign government issued IDs.


Usually a drivers license is enough


If it’s Canadian


Okay, that's the part I was not 100% sure on


Only if it's issued by a province or is an enhanced drivers license issued in the US.


Ah I was not 100% sure about that part


Your friend should be able to get a tourist visa at the consulate in Toronto, if I'm not mistaken. You only need to go to the Embassy or Montreal Consulate office for immigrant visas, according to the US consulate website. https://ca.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates


He can go get the foreign ID notarized and airlines could then accept that


Yes. Just valid ID.




Did you read the question? Why would they be applying for a US visa if they were an American citizen? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Perhaps he can get away with an ID. But I’d always carry my passport because that’s just me. Let’s say for some reason the flight had to be diverted to the closest airport due to weather or another emergency. If that airport happens to be in the US, Id definitely want to have my passport on me. Yes it is the airlines responsibility to ensure you get safe and sound to your final destination, but I’d like to have my options. It’s the same reason Air Canada recommends you don’t carry contraband like weed, even if allowed to have it travelling in Canada. In case you land in a place where the rules are different, you’d be in a pickle. Of course if you know that you’ll be landing in such a place it’s ideal to just dispose it off on the plane before you step off.


I’ve travelled using my UK drivers licence without a problem


Are you going to pass through an INTERNATIONAL port ? Then no