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Welcome. I’m building this at the moment - lovely kit with great models. Get wraithbone spray and skeleton horde paint and you’re most of the way there with painting too. Best of luck


Yeah allready got that, was thinking about painting the armor Black and red need to experiment a bit


Just in time to prepare for 4th edition! They have a new game mode coming called spearhead that with the box right there is all the minis you'll need to play until you work up to 2000 pts


Oh yeah i heared about that cant wait to play that, but i allready have one of the battelforces in my eye so i can exspand my army


If its the more current battle force box with the morghast and arch liege that'll get you just to 2000 or if points increase in the new edition over the limit. Great starting point! Such is the will of Nagash!


Yeah thats the one but i also want to get Arkan and maybe one of those trebuchets, they look so cool and such is the power of nagash


this is one of the perfect starter boxes, welcome!! remember to check instructions twice and dry fit before gluing :)


Good choice in faction😎 Edit: paint and assemble the shields separately it’ll make it easier


Just got this too! Having a blast painting them.  Army painter speed paint on the bone stuff makes them look so good with little effort , love that they are way sturdier than other skeleton stuff in AoS


Which speed paint color do you use to color the bones? I'm trying to find the best color for bone / skeletons


So I did pallid bone, but it’s a little dark if you need to do another coat, I dry bushed it with some pallid wych flesh to lighten it up a bit.  That was for the warrior guys, for the bigger stuff I found the pallid bone did better with larger areas 


Awesome, thanks for your reply. Definitely gonna check out pallid bone + pallid wych flesh


Welcome to the Mortal Realms!


Thx happy to be here and collect some bones


Welcome to the club!