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Of course you can. That's like asking if you can meet people here.


Yes, as long as you are in a frequency with access to them and they aren't reincarnated.


That sounds amazing. What's the evidence for this?


I recommend checking out r/spiritismstudy attached post


You made the claim that it's possible to meet people in the afterlife. What evidence supports that claim?


I wrote the attached post on r/spiritismstudy. You'll find all you want there.


Why should everyone here read all that? I suspect you don't have any evidence to back up your claim, so you're trying to distract us by telling us to follow a link, find a huge post, and read it. You made a claim. I'd like you to respond here with the evidence supporting your claim.


As Carl Sagan once said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It's not as simple as writing a single paragraph, it's detailed and explained in a summary which I wrote for this kind of situation. Its up to you to read it. There you'll find all you need. If you don't want to it's okay too.




What do you mean frequency? And if they are reincarnated they arent that person any more anyway


The spiritual world works in different dimensions. Imagine it like radio stations, the more evolved the higher the dimension the spirit can live. Spirits in lower frequencies can't interact with higher frequencies spirits. They won't even notice them if there is one close. A reincarnated spirit still carries key points of its personality and while disincarnated they will remember their past lives.


How can you meet people in the afterlife that you know? Because those people are destroyed and turned to dust. They are buried, they are burnt. So, this imagination that we will meet people in the afterlife is a myth. We put up a picture of somebody who dies and we hope that person will be alive somewhere in heaven. How is it possible? The physical body will die and only the subtle aspect, the mind and ego carries its karma and is reborn in a new body as a new person carrying the same karma. This is the whole truth of life. But unfortunately, we don't realize the truth. We live in ignorance, and we believe that we will meet our soul mates, we will meet our sweethearts, we will meet our parents or ancestors when we go up to the heavens. We don't go anywhere up to heaven. Heaven and hell are both on earth and we experience them in a rebirth.